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<br /> 90—iU29s's3 �
<br /> (� !!Tcustor b nof�u+IndividuW.ttw 1�uar►c�.iaa.tran=!�r,ts�lQnmMl cdnwyanc,�a�ncumbri11C1 Of mOrR ttµn�total �
<br />` � , af_�._p�rc�nt of(it�corporaqon)its iawd�nd outsUnrlinp atock or(►f�pahn�nhip)a tWil 01_ puwn!of �
<br /> ppnnetohip Iniarstts durinp tM p�+'iod 1t�1�Ow�i ot Trutt r�nsal���liw►an tiw Proy�wty. G
<br /> � 12. R�d+w:Acc�iaratlon Upon OMrutl.t�i tM�vant of�ay Ew�nt o�Mfavlt L�rt�er m�y.wunout not�c��xc�p:n��quirod by -`
<br />� � taw,d�ctan all Ind�bt�druas�scund Mr�by to b�dw snd paysbi��nd tM sam�sh�i�ttwrwpon b�com�dw and P�Y�� F
<br /> wttl►out any pr�nNn�nt,d�nuind,prola!or notice QI�ny kind.T�►�ralt�L�r rru�y:
<br /> (�) C:,�enct that Yiutaw o,�orCi�a tha POLY�R OF SAl E �raAt�d h�rsin.�nd T�uata sl�all ttwreaftW csu�TrusEOr'� �'
<br />: Inteeae ln the ProMnY to b�soid A�d tha Praca�d�to M dlaUlDutW.�u In th�m�nru►Pao�k9�c�In th�Nab►uka 7rwt Dt�do L
<br /> - Ac.� `
<br /> (b) Exerclsa any and slt rl�hts provid�d tor in any of th�Loan Inttrum�nq a by I�aw upon xcurra�c�ot any Ewnt cl E,
<br /> O�Eauit and �
<br /> ' (c) Cornmsna,an actlan to foncios�thl�Dwd ot Trust u a mortWp�.�oDa�t���iver,oi sp�cu�catty antorco any of t�+ �4
<br /> cov�nanto haraot. �
<br /> No ntnedy hetain cont�ad upon a raasnred to Trustw or Lender is intsndad to be excl��iv�01 any othar nmsdy Mreli�.In th�
<br /> hersu nnder,Irn ths Loan i it�u rmutb o now or�ht wtta�o ati�0 at law or nuequity or by stap,�itt�y�ex�ci�d co�ncu��a�tiY.
<br /> ut �._
<br /> indape�d.r,tty w succes�w�y. E,:
<br /> 19.Tn►stw.7M Tru�may rsNfln�t any drtw wittwut cause.�nd Lo�dsr n�y a1�ny tim�and wittwut r,a:,so appotnt a �,
<br /> succes�pr a subWtut�TrustN.Yrusts��hail not be Uable to enY party.Inciudin9 without IlmitaUon Lend�r.Borrawer,Trustor or any �.__,
<br /> purchas��ot ttw P�operty,lor any los�or damape unlesa due to racktets or wititul mitconduc�ond shtl(not b�rpui�sd to bke any __
<br /> acUon In co�n�ctlan witA the s�torcoment ol thls Dead of Trust untass�IndemniHed, in wriUny,fer dl cosq,ccmpansatlo+�or
<br /> exp�nsss which may b��+soctatsd therewith.in addiUon,Trustee may ascome a Wrchal�r at ony sale of the Propsrty Qud►c1a10� �
<br /> °` under the power,of sato pranted h�rain);postpone the sale o1 atl or any portlon o1 tha Property,w Provided Dy law:or sell ths _
<br /> � propary s��whoN,o►In saparate parcels w lota at Trustee's discretlon. __
<br /> 14. F��nd ExP�uw-U the evsnt Trustee selle the Property by exarcise of power of sate,Trwtee shall ba w►titled to apply �
<br />�, �ny sa{a proceeds flrst to paymsnt ol all coata end ezpenses of exercialnp power o1 aala.incl udinp ail Trustee's tees,and Lender'� _
<br /> r'_-_ �nd Zrusteeb�tto►ney's fMS.actuaNy incurred W exteM pe�mitted by apppcADle Isw•In the event Borrower or Trusta exercis4s any _
<br /> i� Nyht provided by law to cur�an�vent ui Da�autt Leads:�ha!!bs=.^.t►►!"_d to�eaov�r irom Trwtor atl costs and vxpensa aGCw�a��tyy
<br />�� i�cuned as a nsu110!Trusto�'a del�uiL includln�without Umitation ail Truateo's apd attan�y's tees,to tM axtent per -
<br />:,-� •�a��W. _
<br /> � 1b, Fulu�Adysnc«.Upon request o1 Borrower,Lende�may,et ite opUon,make WdiNorwl and tutura advancaa and re-
<br /> advancas to Borrowsr.Such advancos and readvancaa,with intsrast theraan,shatl be secwsd by this Deod ot Trust At no tlme shall
<br /> - the principal amoum of the Indebtadness securad hy this Daed ot Truet,noY Mclucilnp sumf Ydvancsd to protect th�s�cu�Ity ot this _
<br /> 's'i p�d of Trust excsed the crlflinal pdncipal amou�t atatad hereln,or S , wf�ctwYW ia 9reaSe�. _
<br />`;� 16. �A�'x ProrAfot��.
<br />- �a� gpRCw�Nol R�Nae�el.Extensior�ot the tlme tor payment or modlBcaUon ot amortizatioo 01 ths sums sacured by thts
<br />� Dped of Trusi pnr►ted bY�e�de►to any succ4sso�in interest oi Borrower shall not ope+ate to retease,in any manner,the Ilability -
<br /> �,� p1 tho oriyinal sorrower and 8otrower's succassoro in inte�es�Lender shail no!be�equired to commeace procsediny9 aqai�at
<br /> such succes�wr or rstuse to extend Wrw tw paymw�t or ottwrwise modity smo�aHor�W tlw sums ascured bY this Oe�d oi Trutt
<br />":�;.� by reasan o!any demanas made by the oriflinat Borrower and Borcower�wccassaro in ineerotl.
<br /> (b� �,�ntfK's ppww�.Without aftacNny the tiability ot any othor peraon Ilable for ths pa�!Rwnt ot any oWISaUon hwdr
<br />:�� ma�tionsd,and without aft�cUr�y the Uen or charye of thi�Deed o1 Trust upon any portbn ot tha Rrepertfr nat than or fhK�tok�Ce
<br /> roieased as secu�iry tor the tutl amount ot all unpaid oblipaUons.La�der rtwy.irom tirneto Ume and without ncC�x(i)rsieate aey
<br /> �j psrun sp Ikbla,ri)axfend the rr►�tu�ity or alter any o1 the te►ms o1 any suCh obUy�Uon�,(iii)Orant other loduty�ec�aea.Ov)retsa�
<br /> or nconvey.or causs to bs r�l�ased or reconveyed at a�y Ume at Lenckr's opUon my pucal.po�tlon a a�oY��o��
<br /> _- _„��q.�,.iwtw��w any oth�r or add�ti�onal securitY tor anY obtipaUon lwrsin ment�a�ad,or E��malca can�ow
<br /> � �rarwamsrit=wtth deblota in relaUon therato. 9�'Y� �Y
<br />—� (c) Forb�xa�a by L�nd�►Nol�W�iw►•Any torbearance by Lender in exerclsin ht or r heraund�r,or
<br /> oMerwise aftorded by appllcabte law.sha��not be a waiver of w preclude the exercise cf any such r1Q0t cr remedy.The
<br /> � prxurane�t ot insurence or the payment o1 taxes or other Ilens a charges by Lender shaU r.oi be a waiver a�C�nder's ripht to
<br />,� ����the matu�ity pt ths indeptednesa secured by this Deed of Trust
<br /> — ��gy��oes and ANI�n�Boundi Jolnt and S�vKal L{sWlity�Capfioe�.The covenaMS u►d apreemenb herein con-
<br /> ----- tained shal!bind,and the ri�hm hersunde►shall inure to,the resp�cUve successan��d,ass[�ns cf Le�de�and Trwtor.A31
<br /> -- coVenants and a�rssrt�nb of Trustor shall be joint and several.The captlons end hwdin9s at'Me pora�reAhs o1 thi�Os�3 01
<br />-- Trwt ue for coovenNncs only end are not to ba used to interpret or defi�e the provisions herwf.
<br /> � (e) ppwq�NodC�s,Ths paRies hereby�equeat that a copy ot any noUce of defauit hsreunder and�cc�Y of any n�tice
<br /> - - a!rafe hereunder be malted to each party Lo tlxo Daed of Truat at tha addrese set torth above In the rtwnrw�prercribad by
<br /> —' appllcable{aw.Except ta any other no�icY required under WP�kable itw to bo piven in anott�er manner�Any noUc�providsd
<br /> - tor in this DMd of Truat�hatl be yiven by maltiny ouch notice by certlfled mail addreaed to tAe ofher partlss,et ths addrese set
<br />=�. taih abovo.My nodce provided for in this Deed of Trust ahall ba etfecUve upon mailinp(n tna ma�nar deslpnsbd herein.li
<br /> --- Trustor is rtwre than one person.notice sent to the addrea�set tath above ahatl bo nodce to aA such Persor►s.
<br />—� (� I�p�ctfon-Lender may make or ceuse to be mads reasanaDle o i�i�c��easa�►ble cause theretar r��Ls�dW's
<br /> �i that Londer shall 91ve Trustor notice prlor to any suCh inspectlon spac ty nD
<br />.-- i�►O�rost in t�s PropeRy.
<br /> �� (��R�cony�ya�,Upon paymant of 411 sums aecured by ttfla Ds�d o1 Trust,Lende�s�s��equestTrustee to reconvQy tl�e
<br /> �� PropeAy and�hall wrrsrWer thls Dsed of Trust and all notes evi denciny indebUd�eu s�cur�d bY U►u De�d of Trust to Trus�ee.
<br />�� Tnutes�hall reconvsy tho Property without wananty and without charqs W the person or persons teaally entiWd thereto.
<br /> � Trustor shall pay ail costs ol recordatton,it any.
<br /> a (h) P�aonM Prop�rty:S�eerih�q��nM^L Ae addlUonal security for tl�a paYment of the Note.Trt►ator heaby pranb
<br /> .�� �ender under the N�braika Uniform Commsrcial Code a sacurity intsrest In all fixtureti eQuiprt�enL snd other penonal p►cPa'h►
<br /> wad in connacUon with the real estate or improvaments Ioceted thereon,and not utherwiae declared or deem�d to be a paA of
<br /> '�.� tlw rsal�staat�secured hsnby.This instrument shail be construed as a Security Ayreement undar said Cod�,and ths Lende�
<br />� shatt!►aw all th�riQhb and remedias of a�ecured party under sald Code in addiGOn to the rishb a�d rartNdies cteated undw
<br /> �..,`� i,�y„tprded the Ler:eler pu►susntto this Oeed o1 Trust provided that Lender's riphb and remedies under Slfis paraQraph shail
<br /> -,.i�:� b�cwncGalive wis�i.and in�w way a limilation on.Lender's r�phla and remodtes under any other�ecurity egreernent aipnad bY
<br /> f�L� Borrawer or Trustor.
<br /> �,� = (i��i�a�d Encu�bqnc�s.Trustor hereby warrents end tepre�ents that thero is no defautt undar the p►ovlsions af any
<br />:� moRpspe,ds�d of truat leaae or purchsse conVact describiny all or a�y part of the Prope�ty.or other contract.inatrum�t or
<br /> ayresment constitutlny a Uan or encumbrance ayainst all or any part of the Property(col{ectively."Llena'7,sxisUnfl as ot the
<br /> :'� date of this Deed o}Trua�anA that any and atl existin�Llens remain unmodifled except as dtsclosed to Lender in Trusto�'s
<br /> written disclosure of tlens and encumbrancss provided tor herein.Trustor=hall timeiy pertorm��ar�tender copies
<br /> -. t. covenanb.rapreaentatbna and warrelntie�under any and all axkUn9 and future Lie+u,shatl promp y
<br /> ' t ot ail notices o1 detauit sent in connection with any and atl existinp or i��ture Ll�rts,and ahidl not without Lendet's prlor wriUen
<br /> '�"�` consent in any manna madity the Provislons o1 or aibw any future advances under any exiatinp or future Llena.
<br /> (j) AppMe�bn W Paym�nts.UnleYS otherwisa required by law.sums paid to Lendc+r herounder.includiny witl�out pmitatlon
<br /> payments of principal and inta�eat,inwrance proceeds,condemnaSon proceed�ond rents end profiW,shatl be applied by
<br /> : Lsnder to the amounts due and owiny from TrusWr and Bonowor in such order as Lender in its aolc discreUon deesns des�rabte.
<br /> �• (k) gwKabWty.If any provislon o}this Daod o1 Trust conitiCt�with appNcabl� asw or is declared invatid or otherwlse
<br /> unenforce�W�.suoh con!lJct or invaltd(ty ahail not attuct the otlwr proviaon�of thb Deed ot Trust or the Note which can be
<br /> yiven eftect witlwut tl�e conAictirW Provlsion.and to this end tiw Provi�ions ot this Oeed ot Trust end the Note are declarsd W be
<br /> wvaabie.
<br /> . � ': t
<br />