<br /> � - _ . . --� _-_---
<br /> �-� ..�.ui�t�l;
<br /> �,��
<br /> - - - -:.. - - _ •-� �
<br /> , �
<br /> � � Yh�unduup►�d Mnb►seknnwl�d��ch�c 1�!tA�docun�mt�o��x�cuud uo T�u��D+�d u�d�o�s ineeyaf��,nd�b�ih�pown ot u!�pro�i$ad �-
<br /> ioc in�h�'T�Su D��d,p�uv�dw wYuu+uWY dl(iwcat r�hu snp oelutaona co�hs 6oirav+w thw�mae���u��Iw�.rne o��d�Cu+lc u br�acn o�abG• �-
<br /> lpwp.'i1N un�w�M���h�nrt��u u►d a�N+ilut�Au eutulerao+�Aa�laaa r�ad�ad uc�at�d U coiuKeW v��L luc prws co�k�und�ru��d'� �
<br /> � ��ww ot��iol(ow�/7aae D+�. • . • �� �,'i��1�7Y�� �
<br /> V
<br /> �*� '
<br /> ` ���� � _����� �
<br /> • � � TFiIiST DEED �
<br /> ' THiS 1RUST OEED�wu9� cA4 5Lt1 d�y of FebruarY , 19�.Ov aad O�n:+u►�h.i Tnucat. �
<br /> -'� Te�ry L. 3��n:s and Marti��C. B�,�is, (;ur.=�x�ar��GT��— _ - � � �
<br /> A.r�tw"Eorruwar �
<br /> ; wAoN m�ililK addtes�1r_ �1 i[a- �nig St•,�,�„� ISiSIld1 �. 68803 � �
<br /> .�a ��,��tional Association Lincoln, i�ebraska, Uavid City i cc �h.�.� •�rtif�.•�i. �
<br /> ,�a� . p.,K�r. eu�:,c�ax�z��drtaiv-ttr�a�v;�aF�i.—w oFi�ma�ia�a3aciw u 17c�ic "M" sauu.e.o. �
<br /> Bua Y100�.I.lacdn.N�btstka 6iS01(h�c�u�'•l�nd�t"). F
<br /> ,,� _
<br /> bWIROW ER,in coaaidsapo�oi�h�iad�b�sdnw hae�rcacad and�M�auu hu�ia ecesud,ittevocaW��ranu and coavey�co Tauu�,iw cn+w =
<br /> Wi171'1'1i�POWHA OP SALE.�As foUawia�d�unb�d propsrcr locuad ia ch�Coune�of �il .Saa ui Nsbruius -
<br /> . � _
<br />� I,ot T1�ee (3) in Block Nineteen (19) in Ctsarles Wasmer's Addition to the City of -
<br /> •, Grand isiand, Hall C«mty, Nebraska. tt�coQCF�rs�MO;�EC�m►c� y
<br /> wwnNCa,TY%NG 02 PAiNT{l.{(� H-
<br /> � IN THIS OCCUI.ILNT�YttCN RCCEro[� �
<br /> TOGETHER w�d�all buildin�,Ei:nua and improvamenu�ow oe heca&es:accad�hueon and oll rishuoE•way,suem�na,cenn,iuue�,proda.
<br /> , uticom�.�snewsnu.huclitamenu,pnnle�w�pparunca,coY�M�.and muuai.oil,�as�s�nd waca ri;ha�hcreunto belanpa�.uud oe enjoycd vnch sad -
<br />- land ac aa1 p+r��+sr�of,+ll of Wltich,ineludin�replsamcau and addidons�asto�haSl D�desmed to be aad temaia s pue oE dte propetry cowrsd by -
<br />; f WL Tcuu Dad:wd�ll of du f«esou��o�aksr wuh said propercy ar�haua ufssnd w a�chs••Ro�.�c,r". -
<br />' �# 1'O SECLJAE co Lender che eeoavmenc oi indebudnsst evideneed by Basowe�'s�ou daced Febnu�ry 5, ,19� -
<br /> � .i [osechsr rnJ►wy aad a11���ewal�,aioditicaaoa�.aad e:cenaou�thaeoi snd wowwnon or exebaas�����tor.—T ew reTstt�io aT[�i"Now„jw -
<br /> { ., -
<br /> cM pcineiQ�l ww o[S_�,.�.� .�o4ul�u wieLa ia�asu ac�a cace providsd�utsu4 wiih a fwl =
<br />,- 1 -
<br />�� maaricy,lf not aonsr pud,oi Feba uarv 5�, .i9 99 and u sseuricy toe any fucun advanea that mar b�mads _
<br /> by Lendsr co Barowu frow woi co cans an�a xcuncy�or cnc Qaymenc o�u�y u3 a-II-ochsr tndebadnctf o�dts Bu[orrsr�o ch�Lenda waish m�r
<br /> attu,all of s�id wms not to�:csed in�he a�rt�ac�a wm aqu�l ro mas ams��otisittal QrtacaQ�l amouas of�he ahore taiud.Iccn. -
<br />'Y � BORAOWfl[t cow�an[s�hac lasowes u lawtu�y se}sad oi tha Ptopesry hss�by co�ve�ed and hs�chs ti�ht w�rsnt utd con�eY��Pcopacy.c.hac
<br />`° f
<br /> �; �he Propary i�uacacumbersd by aa►y moRp�e,muc de�d,eonaau to pureiwe.or o�hsrwiu,e:uP<i� liens and encunbrsnces
<br /> _, � _ of such �r�.«o� oA
<br />°� which the unpaid 6�tlance on thi�dau duea ao�e:ce�d S Boerower eo���ana ta eomply wi�h s�the
<br /> cec.�and provwon,oi ser p�oe m�c;cas•,etute dssd or conuacc co purcnas�.upon�—He c�ope:s�a� :"�3 o ma'L•e all pa��nenu ckaeoa beioce eh beeoas
<br /> o�n
<br /> � ' delinquenc. If no nams oc vnoun�u ins�erced ia�!►u pua;raph,[hen Boaowa eovenanu cha� thue ue no pnor lieas o1 any l•ind upon tht roper�Y•
<br /> � Bo:sowu dutbst cuvsesaau to vr�raat aad deiead che ack co d►a Propecq a;tintie ail claim�aad demaads.
<br /> Botsower�►d Lenda fuethce eovenanc and aQr�a aa follow�:
<br /> � 1. Bacrowsc sl�all ptompdy pay waen dw che pttneipa!and intttett on the iadtbcedn�u evidenced by che Noce.
<br /> .- �_,.as.i_,»•-�--j-r. • �t"a�1a'tat slw�ao�no ac api�uc cha Proptccy. -
<br />,.'� os�r Pue cheteo�.snd all wca,kviu and au�wasau uvisd upoe►cbia Tcuss Desd or�he debe waicla ic ucure�,
<br /> }. Borcower�hal1 L•esp ih�imptovemenu and buildln;�. if arty,upon ihe Propenp irwr�d,with a company a comoania ap o�ed bY�he
<br /> Lsader.foe ui amounc noc less�hin rhe uneaid 6alanc�ou d,�indebudnw sccursd br chu Tcuae Ossd wiiL a suod�rd mucsa`e elaus�v�n�lou paxabis
<br /> w�hs Lendee.Boccowec s1u11 daliva r�ld p6liey oe polieiei co�he I.snder.
<br /> ::. In chs evene of a lon.Boerowa�hall gvs pcompe nodee co th�inura�cs eueia snd�lu Leads�and nle a pcooi oi lou,tE�he baro.wc s noc
<br /> ochetwise in deiault.th�Eottowec w�r�Ixe�o appl��hs inwarnc�pr«s�ds ro oepiir oe«plaee ehs daa�a�d Prowny.d�eonaaiea!!r fwibl�,�nd rha
<br /> � t�eurier oi chis Ycuu Ds�d wouid noc b�im�pa�red.If�h�Soe�row��c u in de4nl�os�keu aoc co rspns or npiaa ch��nard Pcoperry oe cspait o�
<br />:�� cey:uemsnc would ooc M aono�iallY ieuiWe oe che s�euric�oi rhu Tnuc Deed vould Ee imps�eed�hsa ch�iawraau proeesda�hall ba aqpWd to die
<br /> lase Aatuiins paymaia dn�ow ths Non.if�ht insurana procsedi au in s:uss of che oowl amouec due on said Noc�,t1e sxcsr shsll be paid to tk�
<br /> � Baeowsr,lawt�uu pcoeteda Ept septit u ttplatawsee iitall M plaeed in eseiow with the Lepd�t and dTsburfed by Lsnd�e 3ucinq ot upon toatpl�aow of
<br /> � sceh ceQair or ctplaeemtnc.IE tAt L�ndq uquirp dds to che Ptopan bY aertisins ics pows�oi ule. Eoceelosura os o�herwife.ia ssnuiecion oE ths
<br /> indsbudn�w sscursd hashy.in rrhol�or lw psre.chea ai1 riqht.dsl�sud v►cswe oi�4e Boaowa u�sad w wei►iatusaesu pouey oc Qaieia ihall pau w
<br /> �� th�Lsadat.
<br /> � �, Foe�f:e purpose oE pro�idins a Cund Eor rhe paymmc oi nxes,tpeci�l as+esmeau and insur�nce prsmiumi.Boetover shsll dspo�it widt
<br /> Leadar.on�ife dtcea chae payrwtact ut dw on che Nou.an amowtc�qu�l to rhe taxa,ssxunean astd inwranee ptemium�aese dus(�11 a by .
<br /> che Lender.lca�anouna�lrssd*3spoticed chereEoe)divided by�he number oi papmsnu oa�he Noce chac w�ll becane due pnoc co[!uz daq.wiM wth
<br />:_�� rrz�s,uusuasna and inwcanci p:tmiums will beeome due�nd payabla Said fundt wi116e hdd by the Lenda ia a aon•inurnt hstrin�ts��aw a�e�o�nc
<br />. for ch�purpox�sec focih ibow.If dte smouna oi cheu dsposiu ue twc sueTicisac to pav�a�ch,auss�esMU aad ios�uin�e,p�r+di1��#tv,}�ows
<br />:�� due.thew Barow�r�hsll upoa nquau,Par Lender ohe amounc aec�uur co rn�lce up tlts dsF'icisner- ' ' .•.: 4'.�•'k V:� rs
<br /> ..",
<br /> 5. Unlcts applitable law provida osher�we,aU p:ymenu aeeived 1r Lender unda the:voce and pus¢apiw FartR'�heeeoi shail be spplied
<br /> by Lendu fusc L� payment of unwnu payable �o Lendec bv Bocrower und�r pua�aph i he:eoi,chen co incetut payable on chs Noa.ehen�o�hs
<br /> . � pcwcipal of�!►e Koa.aad chen to iatasu and pcinciQai oa u►y Eur�her adranea o:other mdsbteooeas setut�d her�br.
<br /> 6. Boaorne shall kasp th�Propury in;ood up�ir aad�uai1 noc coenmic w�oe pennit impunneat or deuriorsaon oi c!u 4ropury.
<br /> � 7. If Boerow�e Eail�eo:a) m�ie«ain�oc par�he premium�fo�slu csquirsd inwrana of�he Pmpsmr,or 6)paY axa b�fo��dalinau�ae.or e)p�Y
<br /> any amount due aad�e a ea e a Quts d�ed 6�fore delin uene,u d)mainnin cha ProQe�q in Sood npair,or s)perfua any oi cfie eownana or
<br /> a�eeeneau oE tAis Tcusc W�d.th�sndse msY u ia oprion pay sueh inurance pcuaiurnt,nze�,mocc��or ausc dssdpsymma,or malc�npain y►d
<br /> dubur:e iuch�uss aad pin weh:caon a�ie 8cewu neeessaty�o procat ics inceeeu wishoue wLrins oc actetcitt�iq ri ht�o deelue u defanle and ucel-
<br /> �C: «au the d�b[waued heeebY beuuu of anv sucfi fiilure nF ch�at�ero�.!,r.r sas�ssnu u disburced`vy dK Lsncta�conf�cuce addinonat aQ�D�ed-
<br /> � nus ai Baecowtt seeuced b�ch'v Ycuu Deed ard shall beu inceeesc irom ehe d+ce ot d'ubutsemsnt ac che nu payahl�under ch�Noa.Vo�hia<<onnined
<br />. in thiu P�+F+Ph shall riquue Lceder to maks any such d'ubuneaean or n1c�on}•aenon whawev�r.
<br /> � 8. Lead�t auy malu oe�sir w M mad�nawr�bla aaeies npow and insp�eaoa of cht Ptop�ny.
<br /> `'� 9. 'liu prousd�oi awr�w�rL oc ci�w Eo�dama=a.cirees or eons�querwl.in connseaon vnci�aar condsmnseioa oc ocner nicias uf p`��Proa-
<br />' r � ucr,or parc d+aeof,or for conwyanes in Ii�;t oE condemnadoa,ate hccsby uaipud and shall b�pud w Lsadsr�o ch�ucsat oi tlu fuU amouas of the
<br />;;,-'e , r�a�aiaia�unpid i_debtedness ucuted by�Lit Tcu.ce Dud.
<br />' .� : If�Proper�y u ibasdoMd br Bocrower,ar if,afeer nonee by Lsrtda�o Boero�ra�hac che eondunnor offen co n�alce an awacd u secde a cl+vn
<br /> � Coe dama�a,Botrow�r fa� ec rapond�o Lenda�vithin �J dars afut th�dau uu6 nodu u ma+led.Leadss u au�hotized to tallsec aad applY the
<br /> pcocssda to tha tumi sseutsd bY c'ai�Tivst Deed.
<br /> , Cood�mwaon Qrauds or aMad��hall b�ereditsd co the lau muucu�{insnWnsnu of[h�indebced�xL seeund aad a!n!1 aoc szuad oe pacpone
<br /> ch�dw due of ch+:-••,0---'•tafirt�d w iA paea�apha 1 and 4 h�r�of u eh���aiaou�e oi weh iasnJlmeesrs,
<br /> 10. If ch�Lend�s iwq a puaal teleau oi thi�Teuu Ased.tha pcoaed�reaitsd thetcioe ihall b�uediud w dN lau maouein�:°•"'�'�"'y oi
<br /> �M indsbudnw ise�rrsd kusb�. •
<br /> 11. If L�nda siJ�a vdunnrii�a in�alunranlr b�coma a pury eo any wie oc Is�sl p�oaed3a�relacin�eo the Pcop�rcr,Nou oc chL Tnuc
<br /> Dsrd,then Boerowa�wi11 reimburse rhe Lewdu foe all caa and.to th�e:tent p�cmuud by law.tsawnab{�attoca�r feuineuered by ths Lsnda ntadn;
<br /> �o web suic or lesal prouediop aud asid wm��hall eauacuce addidoaa!iadebssdw�s�ausd br thi�Tauc Deed aad btas muta�u�rau payil►le
<br /> uader tt�NoiR un:il paid.
<br /> 12. A�sddiriona!securi� Basowu doa h�reby assi¢�,a�a+uicr and wc onr to Leadse.a exw of dsfwlc in che perfoc�asee oE aay of ths cenws
<br /> a condidons of chu'fcust D��d,che Nou,or che utn+�of aay indab:�dnes�xeured h�cesy,sll of�hs teau,«ve�aes aad any iKOens oE awy qpe.r4ae-
<br /> swwr co bs daired frow du Pcopacp.includine lsad coaaacc qymencs.Lender.in person.by a�mc or by«ceme.�rislwus ce�ua sn du sd+a�ey
<br /> (Rer.�labl _ � -- .
<br />. , . • 60-109880 �
<br /> `
<br />