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<br /> �u�aaa.y�+oonn.�+b^w+s�c«,d�+��u.�n�r an,.�wdr�a u,.Prop.�sy o�wn uwr.a.or lor conveyu�ce{n li�u d ax�d�nnat{on, c_
<br /> l.Ynd�r�t�W ba�ntltl+d at its optbn a oonM�er�ce,�DS��^�P�U�In itn own nar�u any actton or proo��dir�,uxf sAali auo �.
<br /> b�rntiii�Ei k��tinY o�maroMs�or sattiM�►1 In Con►wc�iwi w«+`�w:.i� ''ta�:is�or c�m�e.In Mw►wwk�nY paliai ot th�Properht� � —
<br /> 0o tif�n oe drma�,Lortdor s1�W hsva fh��Qibr+ k�IW coio and�Woiul�dis�xlRion.W��� Pi����� �
<br /> thatYtnxn W ooW�s xnd exparua�incu��bY It 4�c�xtrwCtWt�wish wch ProastH,uPon w►Y --
<br /> orde w LM�d�►may d�t�mtilr�,ur W appry W wd�Proc�,attar wat�d�ductia►�,W ttw rosiontbn oi tM Prop�rty uaon such con' �
<br /> ditb+�s as L�nder rrit►y d�W m�.A ny �p p�c aik�W Pracaada to k�drbi�dnuss�hall nol�xtar�d�P���th�dw dW�d any WY• w —
<br /> r��ur,,:x G°w t�C�,or Cwe anY dNault tMr�ur►tl�r ot hani:nd�r.My un�ppli�d lu�shall b�paW to Tn�1w. Q �
<br /> B.Pwtor�ae�bY��++d�'.�+P�ttw oa:urrsna oi an Evwu c,� O:t�,w:har�us�c�.a;i any act i�i�kan ur ta�1 prar.ao�np w1�
<br /> �ed which�iaity attacta Lar�arc tnv�vest In ttw WopwsY,L�+►d�r may in ps own dt�cr�tb�.bu1 withoW oWiy�BOn to do so, � �
<br /> Ynd wiihoW notic�to or d�i�and uPon Tructor and�.hau!n}WS�nO Tnwtot Irom a�ny obligatbn,do any act wit9ch 7'n:ator has aprs�d 1� �-
<br /> but E�fied W�a�n�:l r:�dci enY ott�aGt N d�+Q�n� P��tho�ecurit5►h�fad. Truttor chall. imrtwcfiahlY�+P� � -
<br /> damar�tt�arotor by londor,WY to letbor W oosta and�x{�ancae k�rrod and swn�exponded by Lenda�in coruwc:Wn wiieti tha w:�- �
<br /> clsa by l.andor d ttw fcxepou�p ri�t�t�,top��with intarect ttarao��t th�d�lautt rate provkied In the NoW,which sh�W b��csded to e.
<br /> tlw k�debtadrw�a coa+red herYby.Le1►do�c1�aU noi Inr�u itny uabil+tY bacauca of anythuW it rt►ay cb or�!Oo����� `
<br /> 9. Has�rriow Wbri�ls.TrusW�slwll kwP Ma PropertN in c�la�►o�wfth W appltcabta —
<br /> re{atlny W kWuitria�!hy�Mrw ot e�vitw�rt�nt�l PrWectb�(collectiwN�a�to Aeteir�as'Envirorunantal Lawa'1• � hN�in
<br /> the PropeAY tre�irom eU substanc�a dssntsd to be I�uatdoue or toxic�t that theV�no �Hau�irdous( I�Aatorlais at or utxler tlw —
<br /> es'liazardous IAatatf�tay.Tnutor herebY warrants and r°Pres°^ and and any sucws-
<br /> PropeAY.Trustoc hereby�prees W in�i�rt�NN r�nd hoid Asm�tsss 1.o�►de�r.it�din�.'�s.oflicere,ompfol►ees epe+��s.
<br /> ro+s to Lw�der's interost,trom and apakul anY and aU ctaimp�dartw0�.locces and Oab+litiaa a�isRW in oon+�oction with ttw pc�a+x�� —
<br /> use.disposal or transpoA of any Nazardoua Matedals on.w�de�.ttom or abaut thc►Property.THE FOflEGO1NO WARRANTIES AND
<br /> 10.AsslpnenN►b of R�nts.Trustor hereby assi0ns to lender.and yrantc Lende�a sea+r►tY interest in.oll presen�fuWra and
<br /> after adsiny rer►ts.tsuies and Proi'its ot the FropertY:Pro�►ided that Yrustor shall.uniil ttw occurtenco of an Evwu of Oefvdt.ha�aundsr.
<br /> nave tha ripht to couea ana retatn sucn rens.issws and protits as u►ey bec«na due ana payable.Upon c►,e o���by p
<br /> e�A�.��may.e+ttwr in pe�on or ny a+Deru,w�n or witl,out b�►ng any ac�on or w�ocaedirw.
<br /> COUA ifld WIZ110Ut t9Q8t'd W th9 Od6QUiCy Of itS S6CUftlY�ellt9f 11pOf1 011d tiki p06G�S�Ot1 O1 th0!'1bp9RY�Of 8�1y pa�i[me�ew�ut ii3 L'"w«
<br /> naJne or in u,e r►art►e a tl,e Tncsue.ano do any acts whbn it deen►s necessary►or de�rebie to Prese�ve tns vaG,e.marfcetabit+ry
<br /> rontabi{iry W the ProQo�1Y,or ony paA tlwroaf or interest Userein,or to increase ttw income tiwrefrom or{xotec4 tl►s securitY heroof and.
<br /> wiS►a w�ho�a rakinp Poss�slo�a!he Propeih►,s„e tor or oa,e�wiss cotte�x the re�ts,issues and profds tl,eroa,inctuairw�Past
<br /> due or�d ury�a�cl.bN notify�g te��to make paYrt�ents to Lende�.l.ende�rt►�y W�P�Y tents,issws and ProTds,fess costs and o�►s-
<br /> es w operation a„d oo+kctlon k�cludirg a+tornev's tees,to any�ndebtedness sec�red nereby.au in such orae�as t.enaer may aelef
<br /> mine.l'he entwwti9 uPon and takln�P��O^�the P�opeRy.the colloctloo of such rents,isSties and prot'�ts.and ihe aPP�
<br /> thereof as atore�aid sltiaY not cure or waive any detautt or rwtice d datwlt hsrowider or invalidate olythe P�q�tY���on.
<br /> deraua«purs�,am co such not'sce ot detault ana. notw��thstanaing u�e c«,tu►uance in possessioo ��any w tha
<br /> ��app�at�,a roMS,;ssuas or profics,Tn�e ana Lender stwu ce er►tiUea to exe�ise e,reryl�ht provi�ed
<br /> laan Instnu��e�ts or by law upon oxuRe�ce of any Event of OetauU,irxludW►9 without{imitation the�ight to exe�ise the powsr W saie.
<br /> FuAher.Ler�der s�and remodies Wder this paraqrapl►shall be curtwlative wiM+,end in no way a limilatl�on on,Lenders�and
<br /> rome�lie�undet anY s��iynrt�►t olleasas atrd rents recocded as�ainst Ute PropeAy.Letxle�.Trustea and tlta teoeiver st►atl be tiabie to
<br /> a�ooaw►t u+Af►for thuse rents a�ctually received.
<br /> 11.Ewnb of D�fw1f-Tt�e tollowi�iy sttaU ca►stiktLa an Ewnt of Detautt under tttis Deed of Trusx
<br /> (i�Failure to PaY a"N���°f����r I�s�etest ot any ot�er sum secuced henebY wl�en due�
<br /> - (b)A braaich of or detautt urWer anY Gm�+ition •�_.�_.... «.�..n........�r��. w,w r,f t�w Lnan i�tr�.or anY
<br /> ��11Rn�pt Y1it tMY�Mwr�v�.��...r+-�—y --.
<br /> oa�er IiM or ancwnbranos upon the PropaRY:
<br /> (c)A writ ot e;cecxitbn or attadunent or any slmilar Process shall be ente�ed apainst Trustor wtdd�shaY beoort�e a lie�on
<br /> the Fr�opeRY or�n1►P��^thereot w i�terest therein: or tuture tederel.state or other statuie.
<br /> (dI There shall be fied by or ayainst Tnistor or�we��tactioo�r w there st�aU be ap�pointed anY truslae.reoeiver or
<br /> law or repulatbn retating to banwuPtcY.insolye�w�l
<br /> liqukiator of Trusior a 6osrowar or d a!1 or any part of the Property�or the renta.issues a P�����or Trustior or Borr�
<br />— sn�+��y���vr�er�t tar tt�e benefit a cr�eddors:
<br /> (e)Tl1�s sais,�r.lease.assi�xnent.caweY�or twUwr ancixnbr�ot a!I or any part of or any interost in the
<br /> propwty.eiUtier vokx�taritf► or irnoMintarilyr.witl�ot�d the exPress writte�consent of Lerxier,{xoviclad that Trustor ahall be pemtit-
<br /> te�i f�o � ' d iaa�ot the Properh►thnt c�s no��onta�n an optian to p�u�sa and the tstm af which does not excesd one
<br /> �/�p�ndorur�ent a n�e Properryr a cr enc��ar�c�a more tha�,(�a
<br />— (g�t�Tn�stor is not an individua�.the issuarx'.e�sale.transfer,assi�unent,oor�veYar��
<br /> oorpor�on)a to�l a pe�cent w its issued ana o�r�d�g s�k.or(a a o�����r�-
<br />= �a �r�n�u,ter�s,a��a u�mea�►�+a�y)a w�a_ - ��e
<br />= ny interests or voti�g riqhts d�►i�9 the Period tlws Qeed of Tnist remans a Nea ort the properh►-
<br />— 12.R�di�s:AcaMratbn lJpon DMaW�In 1he erre�k ot eny Ev�ent d Default l.ender may,rwittwut rwtice oxcePt as►eQuired
<br /> by{aw,declane all Y�deUtedness secured hereby Lo be due and PaYable and the same shall lhereuPon beca�a dus and PaYaDte y"�h'
<br />- out anll P�'��dernarxl.Protest or notice of a�Y kind.Tttiere�iter Lender may:
<br />- (a)Dert��d that Tn�stee exercise tha POWER OF SALE S���ied hetein,and Tnistee inst+a7tlte Nebraika Ttust Desdc P� -
<br /> � e,��,�P,�,.�cy�o na soid andaw�►oc�as m os a�sa�ueed,��►�s ma�x�sr a�aea
<br /> (b)E�corclse any and all rqhfs Prarlded tor in any of Ute Loan lastrwrwtns or by Iaw upon oa�u�ot any Eveni of
<br /> — �� t a receivat.or sDeaGcaBY enforce anY d the
<br />— . (c)Coaxnence an action W faecbse this Deed ot Trust as a rtwR�o.aPP�
<br /> — carena��ts hete0f.
<br /> - No rEme�ly I�+ein oo�d�red upon or roserved to Trustee or Lender is i�tw�dod w ba exckicive ot any ather rortwdY twre�^�i�the[_oan
<br /> _- Insu„��a-»�a c-�L::p:avid..�or penn�!ea.tHn ead�st�fi be Gmuiative.stw�be in adc�t;on to every otl�sr rea�eay given Ne++e�►+�der.
<br /> � �n the t�oan u�sturtients or rww or hereatoer e�nD at law or in equiry a by stawte.ano may ce exe�isea conaure�uhr.Y�•�
<br /> � °f�1w.The Tnxtee may res�n at any Urt�e witl�out cause,a,b�►ae�m�►y ae a�y t;me ana wa�w�a ca�e a�o�rx a suo-
<br /> cessor or substihAe Ttustee.Tnrstee shall not be liabie to any paRy.inckwin9 MnthoW IurtidaUon Ler�der,Borrowa�.Trustor or an�►Pur-
<br /> chaser of ine Propertyr,tor any ioss or dama�e uNess due to reaaess or w;urul misconauct.and shau not ba required b take an�r�on
<br /> in oo�tion with the eMotcoment of Ws Deed d Tn�st ur�ler.s indertxwfied.in writi�►9.for aN costs.compensa«����.of
<br /> may be sssaaatad tl�ew9fh. 1�additio+�.Trustee may bec��a P���vided b1l�W'� ��tY�a wfwie.ot�n
<br /> saie q�u►tod henoin):PostPone the G31e d all ot any►Po+�
<br /> ° seperate pancets or lots at Tn�.siee's discretion.
<br />-�. 14.Fi�s�nd Fxp�nsM.In the event Ttustee sells tlte PropedY bY exerose°f Power ot sale.Tnistee sha11 be entitled to apPN
<br /> any sa�proceeds fust to payment of au costs and expenses of exorcisin9 Power d sate.ir+dudm9 all Trustoe's fees.arb lsnders and
<br /> Tn,s�ee�s auorneYs sees. acwauy wxx,Rea so�Pem�ced�y a�ucae+e�aw.!n the ovent Borrower or Tnutor exercises an5►ripttit
<br /> ' pro�vicied by{aw W cure an Event of Detauft.Lender shaU be enhtlod to reoover from Tn�stor all costs and expenses xfuallY��u�aurod�s
<br /> a�ecuri of Tnistor's de(autt,inc4,din9 wilhout Gmitation all Tntstoe's and attorr�ey's fees.to tha exterA pemutted bY aP(��
<br /> e uri 15.Futura Adranc�s. Upon reQuest ot Borrower.Lender rr�y,at its cPtion,rnaks additional and fudue�dvances�nd read-
<br /> � y�r�cus to Bortower.Such advances and readvancas.with intarest triereon.stwll be secured by this Daed of Tn�st.At rw ti.�!e shaY the
<br /> �
<br /> --•.�--.._.�, r- —--r
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