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<br /> COVENAFITC —-
<br /> t. P�ym++►ta. &x�ow�r �4rNa to m��� �I �vm�nts on tM ucur�d ct�bt wMn ck��. Unt�o� 8urrow�r �nd l�►�dsr a{1rw olhww{aa, My _
<br /> paympntp l�nd�r r�C�n��from Ho+row�r w n+ Bwrow�r"�IWMI�t wdl ba aaF��ed hnt to �ny amount� 8o�rnwer owe� on tM a�currd daDt `
<br /> �xckitiw of eet�ro�t o+pr�ncipal,�rcond ta inur�ft.nK1 Uwn to{uinc�p�l.It partis!pr�paYment of tM��cuwd d�bt accwe tar any nason.��w�u �
<br /> not r�duG�W�r6us�any ttlwdulatl P�Y�Mnt unW tlf�s�C�xid d�6t 1t pald In IuU. --
<br /> a'
<br /> 2.Clainw Agsk�t Titl� EtwtowN w111 pay�u t�ru.�a����m��t�,�nd otM+charpu �ttnbut�bt�to th� op�rty wMn du�o�d will d�frnd titto t
<br /> to th�Mo�+tY■g�in�t�oy ci�7m�whlch wou�d imp�k tM 1{�n o}th7�EHQ of tru�t.L��d�r m�y nquir��orrow�r to sulpn mY rl{�ht�.claimi oi c
<br /> d�iawa whlch Borroww rtuY h�w�p�e pirtl��who wvprY�T o+�tx�ta kry�rav�or malnts+n th�RropertY• �
<br /> 9. {n�ur�cp,Borrowar wiU koa�tM pto�NtY ��x��'� t�ma tte4p2aWo to Lendar at Barow�r'��xpOntP�� for lindir'a W�f+t.All �
<br /> iruuranc�poUclY��h�ll kKkxN 1�tts+xtud mortpap�Ctau��f�(ava ot l��dsr.L�rufar wl:l bs n�mW�s b��p�1rN o�u tM in�ur�d ai any tuch �
<br /> w�toit�ia�'•�CUradAd�bt,�L��riCu��+�mo�tG+�""'"��h�owu.��u to mitntaf�ri s�uch�Mk�su��i+u�fa aa lo�ai L�ndsr aquii��
<br /> �_
<br /> 4.�YopWiy.Bor�owar w:ll ks�p tA�propMtY i�►Good�and'tbn ub mak�aU r�paus nasonably n�ckaarY. �
<br /> 6.Exp�+►H�.Bo+row�r�9rNO to pay sU l�nd�r's�xp�ru�s.I(1CIUdi11p t�ifOMWA�tlMtWyY'1N�, it 8arowor breaks any cov�n�ntc in thit da�d �
<br /> of trust a�n snY�fi�t����bY tAi�d�ad ol truat.&xrowM w�l p�y tMt�amounu to L�ndu a ptovld�d in Covenu�t 9 of cNs dtid of
<br /> uusc. __
<br /> i.Prioe S�ewiry fnt�+uts.Urtilasi BarGVwr f��t obt�ini L�nQ�r't writtan eoru�n4.Borrow�r will nol m�k�or p+rmit�ny chanpea to any pria _
<br /> s�cwiry intWO�t�. Borrowa► wi11 pwfam aU of Baroww's oblipationa und�r �u►y pNa mc+tp�p�, deM of uwt or othar cacuntY W������
<br /> inckidinp Bocrow�r'�cov�na+u�to rtuk�payrt�nt�wMn dw. �
<br /> 7.As�ipn+n�u of Rantt and Prolks.Bor�owK auiync to L�nd�r tlw n�ts snd profito 01 tF►�p►operty. Uni�s�Borrowu a�d Lond�r haw a4rwd =
<br /> otMrw�s� i�writw+p. Bo+rovwr may coll�ct a�d nt�tn tM r�nt��c bnp aa Ba�owu la not In d�f�utt. If Uorrower d�taulto, l�nde. L�nd�r's �_
<br /> �pant,or a caut sp�wi�t�d r�uiwr may tak� poussabn�nnd mtnaps th�praperty�nd coilect tM nnta.Any ronta Lengdesr colNcta ihall 6� �
<br /> •ppti�d first to th� costs otT�nafltnp tM;��t of�ntc�will t►wn�WptY to p�aymttanto on•tM uc�iuod dibt ai prov'�d�d tn Covinantdlany othe� _
<br /> �asarY r�lat�d�xp�ns�c. �main+rp
<br /> 8.L�u�hotd+'Condorta�iumr Wann�d UNt Wv��ta.Bor�ow�r agreec to comply with tM P�a��sions of any leasa if thla dead o}truat i�on
<br /> a batahokf, If:h�a d�d af trwt ic on a unit in a condominium or a plannad un?t dev�lopment, Borrower will pnrtorm sU ot 8orrower's dutiei —
<br /> u�r tM covwunt�.by-taws.a�sputatiorw af th�co�dort►k�ium o►p�+m�d un+i d�valoprt�nt.
<br /> 9.Autho�ity ot L�to P�1ann ta torroww.It BorrowH f�ila to putorm�ny of 3a�owu's dutMs w►d�r this dNd ot tru�t. L�nd�r m�Y
<br /> pwtorm ths dutNS w caua th�m to b�p��tum�d.Lend�r may stpn Borrowu's nartw or Day��Y���t��MNSSSry tor p�riorm�nc�. II�ny
<br /> s artiry inLWKt in thai�oputY�jhis ma�y'udicl�ixia con�{:t1rq tho�ruVU Uon�r.UndW maY do whit�vK la n�auary to prot�ct L�ndw'� -
<br /> L�ndu'i fiikr�to pKfwm will not prsekad�Undu ftom�xKeisinp any of in othw�iphts und�r tFw law a tl�ta dud o1 Vust.
<br />. �r�d wi�bsar tsue tYhom th�td�ti of tM P�Yrt�nt until�psidtin tuU at�th�i�t�r�ittlati�n�ff��or�f th�ucund d�brtwunto wJl W dw o�d�rt►�td
<br /> i
<br />� 10. D�fautt�nd Aee�l�+�tbn. �t BorrowW taita to make any D�Yme^t when due e+ b+eaks sny cov�nants unc{�r this desd o!trust o+u�y
<br />= eplipafion sscur�d by thic d��d af trust a any prlor mortqay�a dNd of trust, Lsnd�r may acalsrat�th�matwity of th� s�cund d�bt and
<br /> d�nw�d inyn�diat�p�Yrt»nt and maY��k�th�poww of sal�and any otMr�u�di�s P�►mitt�d bV�PP�icaW�law.
<br /> 11. Rp�uat tur tioda of D�fault.It is Iwnby n�uesied that copi�a of th�notic�of dafauli and sala ba ssnt to nach person who is a party
<br /> _ Mnto.at!M aOdr�of sach cuch Dwcon.as set fo►t�MrNn.
<br /> � 12.Pow�r of 5W. If the L�ndK i�vok�e tho pawu of saN,t!w Trusts�sAall f'ast r�ewd io ths offic�of th�npistu of d�sdt of�ach county
<br /> ht►erMn tRs ttust propsrtY w��Wrt or pxcel tM�eof is sitwtad�notics of datault containir�the informatbn requ'Ked by I�w.Th�TructN
<br /> sha11�lso m�il copisa af tM n�Yr..ti ot detautt to th� Borrowst,to oach p�rson who is a pxty h�r�to, and to otM►p�rsons u pnscribb by
<br /> a,ty�3w:�b{� law. Not Nsc than a+� month ak�r ttw Trusts�rocords tM notk� of d�tautt,or two month�if ths trust propWtY n not in�nY _
<br /> .ncorporat�d eity a viAayo and i�uud i�tatmit�op��atwne cxrkd on by tM uustor,ttw Truate�shs11 piw puWic notic�o}saN to th�pareor►�
<br /> a�d in tl»manr�pnccr�Md 6V apppliaDts law.Trustee,without dsmand on Borrovwr.shsll s�ll tha property�t puWic auction to the hlphest
<br /> bidder.If rsQuinrl by tM Fum Horn�sUad i7ot�ctlori Act,Trustw chall otfN 4M proporty In two apar�t�ssies as required by�ppUcable law.
<br /> Trust»may pos.tpon�sab of all w a�y pucal of ths property by public snnounGm�nt at th�tims snd p1tc�ot any pnviousN sch�dul�d s�N.
<br /> - LN10M Or its tis.�liiwi i�ii�Vw�.•�•'�"F'��i���rZi�sl�, -
<br /> lyon rsc�ipt of payrt�nt of tM prlce bid.Truste�shall d�liver to tAe purchscer Trustss's dad conveyinp ths proparty.Th�recitists contatrMd in
<br /> Trustee's daed shal)be prima tacie�vidiance of th�truth of tlw ttat�montc contained tharak�.Tructeo shall appty tha p►ocMds of the saN In tM
<br /> toilowin4 ordor. (al to a11 �xp�ns�c of tM c�, i�cludiny. but not Gmited to, nasonabl� TructN's fess, nasonabM attun�y;s f� and
<br /> rw►stat�m�nt iMS:(W to all eume sacuud by this dud of uust snd(e1 th�bala�►c�.if any.to tM p�►�o�►s�WaAy�ntitMd w r�iw rt.
<br /> 13.Fohdowr�.At I.��d�r'�oprion.this dezd of uust may be torocbsed in tM ma+u�provid�by aAAiicabb law fw toreciowr�o}mcxtp�pst
<br /> on nsl DropKtY•
<br /> �4,In�p�eHon,���dw may Mta th�property to inspsct it if Lander yives Borrower notic�b�forehand.The notice must aat�tM r�asa�al�N
<br /> cws�tor L�tb�r'o i+uP�ction.
<br /> 15,Cq�d�nrMtlon,Barow�►acciync to Lender the�x��da o}a�y awxd or ctaim fw dsmag��s conMCtec!with s co�d�mnatlon or othw tikinp
<br /> of a!10►�e►y part of tl�prop�rtY•Such proee�w' bs applied ac provW�d in Cownant 1.Thls au��+�t i�wbj�et to tM tems of any prior
<br /> s�otritv aptw�t►t.
<br /> 76.Wa1u�r.BV�xerdainp a�1p romedY svai�sbl�to Lends�.Lat�der do�s nct yive up any�iyhts to tater us�any other nmedy.By not�xarcicin0
<br />= sny nm�cy upon Borrawu's d+faw't,I.�ndw dus not waive sny ripht to latv cons�da ttM�wnt a L�fwlt if it happ�ru sy�ln-
<br /> ��. ,lo�►t �nd g�wrv {,{�biflty; Co.siyrnn; Suoe�ssan an3 Assipna Bound. A8 duti�s u�dsr this de�d of Vuct ats joint and awrsl• AnY
<br /> BorrowK who caslpns this desd of trust but does not co-tpn tM w►d��rlyinp debt iruuum�ntls) daec so only to pnr�t and cwwey thst
<br /> Borrow�r's inter�ct in tM propKty to th�TnutN undsr tM tsrms of thtt dtsC of trvit.tn addition,such a BorrowW aflrNC that th�Lsi�d�r and
<br /> iny ott►K Bc�ower w�dar thia daW of trust r+ay entsnd,modifv or mak�any otMr chu��s in ths tkrtu of thia d�sd ot uust or ths s�cund
<br />— d�bt writhout Lha�t Borrow�r's cawn:and vri�clwul nitssinp that�wrovwc 6om tM twms cf tNs dNd of tnxt.
<br /> T'h�dutiss md b�n�fits of�+ia dssd o!t�u+�st^.�q bind�nd O�s.�frt ttw wcc�ssorc and+csiCn�of Lud�r and Borrowa. _
<br /> 18.Nolie�.UnNst otl►srwiss rpuirsd t1r law.ar�y noCia to Borrower shall bs yiven by deliwri�y k or bY�!�inp it by certHied mail sddr�et�d to
<br /> Borrower st tM prooKty addnsr a any a�.h�r ad��ss thst Borrow�r hai O�wn to L�r�.BorrowK wiiT p�w any ratice to Lend�r by e�rtifi�d
<br /> msil to L�nd�►'s sddnss on p�ps 1 of this da�d of trust,a to my oth�r addrus which LenGr haa des+�:�ated.Any othsr notka to Ler�r sh�ll
<br />= p�s�nt to UnJ�'s addrsss aa sut�d on pa�s 1 ot Ws dMd of uust.
<br />= Any notic�sMtt b�d»m�d to haw b�qiwn to 8onovwr w�M�du wMr►piwn in ti»m�uat�d abow.
<br />� ' 19.Tnnat�r of t!N Prop�tY a�6�1�dr IMw�st i^tl+�Bur°w�r.If all or any pxt of tM prop�r�y or+ny intKest in it ls told or Va�ct�rnd
<br />— without LsndK'� prlor writt�n Cau�nt. I.�ndw may d�mand imrtwdiat�payment of tfx s�axM d�bt. Undsr msy atco demsnd iewn�diat�
<br />� paymant ff the Bonowa�s not s nanxal Pe►son and a bWwficial int�rut in ttw Borrow�r is sold o� transfuad. Hovwva+. L�nder ��+Y �ot
<br />— d,;snsnd Rnrm.ent in the abow aiwt�o�c if ic is prohibiud by f�dwsl law Ys ct tt�daio of ths daad of wsc.
<br /> — 20.fi�conwy�nc�.Wh�n tM obtipaCwn ssaarfd by this dssd of tnut►�as bM�pa7d,a++d L�nd�r hu no furtlwr o6liyation to m�ke advanc�c
<br /> — undK th�iruvumants or nemMts sec�csd by tMs dsed of trust,ths Trust�e shau,upon writt�n rsquest by tM Le�d�r,reconvsy thr trust
<br /> - prop�rty.TM L�ndw shsll�vw to ths BorrowK,w to Borrow�r's wcceuor in i�twsst,tM uuct dMd Md tM rwt�a otfw avider�ce of th�
<br /> oWipation so satisfwd.Bo�roww shaU paY any ncordaiio�costs.
<br /> ;: 21. Sueeaaor Tnut». lsnd�r, at Le�der's opfion, maY r�movs T�uctee s�d appoint a sucassor tniste� by first, mai{inp s copy of tM
<br /> subctitution of vuct�e as�equired by applicabte I�w,and tMn,Dy filing the subst�tutan of uustee for ncad ir►the oft'�cs of tha r�Qistsr of d�edc
<br /> of uch r.ounty in whieh tiw Vust propsrty,or some Pxt thKeof,�s situat�d.Ths succsscor truste�,withoui conv�ys�ce of tt�propsnY,shall
<br /> wcc��d to sll th�pow�r,duties,authority arxl titls of the Trustee named in the Eaed of trust s�d of sny succescor trustM.
<br /> fpy�2W21
<br /> I �MMIFM StlSTEYa.WC,ST.CIOUD.Wl Si901 It-i0439�•23�11 FO�IY OC/LTQME��19A1
<br /> �
<br />