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<br /> - -- .�-�- -- -- --- - - - ---- – -- - --- =---
<br /> • � aRa QM d�lo suCh r►utic�►�matl�d,l3�rKUciary Js auMOriz�d co coll�Ct u�d aAply the procNds!n th�mar�indicatod Mrsin.�hi _
<br /> + procaads d any�war�i a cr.i+��u�y.ofi�r�c�aQ W�a�a.�'�co�ts an�wr�=ns�s.inc�ng rra+n�y has.K•.�;ch may ha�-a _ � �
<br /> I !' bMre�nCUn�d by BRn+fic:Jary in th@ CoNsc6or►dNrool.st fM soN d�scr�oon of B�nelictary,da rai�asod ta TnuACr,appiart to � _
<br /> � rsst�raa�C�n ot Tiuct PronArry.a�ppGad to ct►e paymant ot tM u�d�at�ss.tlnNSS B�rNl�ciary and Tiustar otMnvu�aQn�in _
<br /> � wrJfinQ,�ny�uCA ap�plic:�0�Or10i pIGLWds to/ISdiDtKlrlisS a.'1+11 nOt 1xt1nd Ol p0itp0lN CO dW d�N OlYny inst�Ntn1ntS C�Afd kx � -
<br /> �x�d+r Nw�Guuanry.
<br /> � t2 lF'LSla N�ot A��il. Ext�+uiort ol fhe Wns tor Wym�nt a mod�licaLOn N any onaortization ol tM Indpbtodnass prantYd Dy Banaficwy �1 _
<br /> � k�any wc..�z�v(n uuxaFr a•rru�sar sn:u nar oAwata to r�Mssa,!n arr;msneer.t!►��sbrdt��ot rrustod and rrusta's sucassa+s►n .� _
<br /> lntanst,f3�+�ficray sh�W nat bR nquirod ro conx►kr�e�pnx�adrrps�pa+nst urcl succ�sso+a n�uso ro sxfand nma br paymKU a
<br /> othww:cQ modity wr►ortization aJ tM lnd�Dt��+s�sr by►�as.xf ot any dlmsrxt tns�e 6y TrusUOr arxi i'rustor's succyssas�n nt+lnst. _
<br /> �a r-�,a�r.�►a+�,yot,. u�►�o�ir or e.�.hc�+ry,Tiustar w•AJ proviW a BsrwGCl+aY.wruun r��wry�s�o�w,ys a u�c+�o a�n nsca� � -
<br /> ye_•or rrt.s.ror,ene conscwrana awnc•sne.r a►�cf sr•r.m.�,e a.,m�s a rnuro►,,��,1�+owd..�a d.rw.w e.►�.rrl.►y:„cn � -
<br /> ou�r finanay;nkr►nation And rn sucn mwier w er+►�licu+v m+v r�sson+by nawsr►rom timm�ro drr». _
<br /> ta Fktsnc�sl Gouansnts fn tdcf,oa+co�ny otMr knanci,!cownants nf Trust�a nwtf��n any othar s flreoment insbW�wnt,a documo+►t. _
<br /> Trustar ShaN comply witA or b+in cOmpiCnCS w�th,tM bWwirp 6nanCitJ covenants:(TAi9 pirApreph shall nOt epply if cownants and
<br /> raquinm�nts are not s�t tath Mr�n.) _
<br /> 15 Scl�KluJe o1 Lpssss. Witlw►ten(10)days alter dan�nd,Trtuiw shall fumish to Be.�eficiary a schedule.certified to by Trustor,sQning =
<br /> ►wth atl feases o!tha Trost Property,a�ny po+bor►Mw.�sol,including in oach case.M►e nanse ol the tenants or xcupants.a descrrpAion
<br /> or the space xcupted by such ts+wnt a occupanL fhe rental payaWe lor S�Ch tpaCO.and such other information and documents with �
<br />- respo�cr ro sucn roasas and rwancres as eenef�may►oasor►sbJy nauOSL t:
<br /> 1� Cowr►ants d Tiustor wkh Respscf Eo Leases. W;tliout the prior wriMan consent o/Benefict�y.Tiusta shall not.directly w indirectly, -
<br /> with rospact to anyloa,sa of Space in the Tiust Propwty,a any portion tl�ereoJ,wAether SuCh Wasa is now or harQ.�t[e+in axist�nce: -
<br />- (a) Accept w psrmit anY P+rPaY�discount a advance paymwit o!ra►!haraundar in excess oi one montA. =
<br /> (D) C�ncwl w terminate the same,a accept any cancaNaAOn,t�mi+naLion a sunender thereol,or pemrt any event to ocCw which woWd =
<br /> a occw dwroundor to twrninate a cance/H►e same,oV�e�tAar�t�rmin�aon tor rwnpayment o!ront,
<br /> 7 (c) Mnend o►mod+'fy the sama so as io reduce the term Mareof,the renta!p�yabte therounder, or to change any�enewal prov;sions
<br /> � tNeran conGiirwd.
<br /> � (d) Waive dn y def+ault tlwroundpr or DroaCh thewol,
<br />-� (e) Givo any consenL waiver or rtppmvs/tAereu�xfQr or take any other acBon in ca�necdon therewirh,or wiu�a lessee Ir'�erewxiai,w��:+7
<br /> � wouid Aaw the efh�ct of impWring the value cf�rs lessar's interest dMre+uxier w the properry subJect dwreto,ar o!impairiny the
<br /> = position ainterest of Bareflcir�ryff►wvin,cr
<br /> "� f') �.�+9n,P�9e,moRQugQ or ott�r�visa C'ispose ef,a e+tcumber ds intarast in any said lease w any ranis�lssLes.Profus issuin�
<br /> or arising d�enaxWer.
<br /> � n. �;ti.►a�a cr�muo+t� Time fs c�6'+e esse+►ce in al!01 Tiusta's obliyations and duties herQUncer and ro the axtent pemNtrod
<br /> � Dy law�Trusbr waiws aA presrxrt a��.:^e s�tutos of frmrtaoons with respect to any dobt damand or oA'tgafion secund hwaby anGi
<br /> any actJ�or►a proceeding tor Ure�upose o/ontarcing this D�d of Tiust a any rights a remedies contairwd heni+n.
<br />_� 78. Corpotitbn a Flortn�+sl�o E,cisOrr�ca. H Trusta is a capaab'or►,gersery pard�rslup,or I'unired para�ersl�lp.it wiA do�!i things
<br /> ' necessary ro preserva tts corporata or partnwsh+p existence.as the case may be.and a!!riQhts and p+ivif�yes under Ohe laws of the
<br />��,•�� state o11ts incaporabon a aganization.
<br /> ;; 1s� Forbearan�ae Dy B�nel'+riaiy Not s VYai►�e►. My lorbearance by Benvffciary in exercising any rigAt a r�nady here�r�r,a otho+wisQ
<br />°-:h aflordad bY aAP�bJe lew�s1►sll not be a waivw o!or preclude tho exxcise o!any sucl►dght a neme�y.Fhe p.rocura:+eru of
<br /> S insuranCe or tAe paympnf ot taxes or the discharQe olliens or cAarges by Ba►MGci�aiy shaN not be a waive�o!B�ary's riQht to
<br />_'� aCCele►ate ths matwit�+o1U►91nd�btadr�ass.
<br />- 2Lt Rerr�ediea CunwlitM. AU remedies providQd in Mxs Deed o/Trust ane disbnc4 and CumWadve to any other right a ne�+ady ur:d9r tl�,s
<br /> Deed d Tiust a allordad by/aw a oqu�i�y.and may ba euaicised ca►cw�entry�inde�ndently or wccessivey.
<br /> 2f. Si�c�saars and�lssians Ba�nd:.loir►t and Sawral Liabilitw.Caotions T1w cwww�ts and a9roMr�pqts M+M►►Cordalnsd shaA b3nd,and
<br /> ' the rrghts hereundei shaN tnure to,tl►a re.�+ecSw successors snd asslgns d B�rwficiary,Tnutea,and Trustor./W oownants and =
<br /> __ agroerrwnts of Trustor shad bo pnt and ssrwa/.TAe capti�or►s and he�dings of the parayraphs ol a►is Dead of Trust�ra Jor
<br /> convenience only and are not tr>be used to ir�terpret a dafine tlw provisions Aereof.
<br /> 22 fVptke�Excapt for arty nooca required ur�d�appJiccade/aw io be giv�en in enoihe►manner,(a)any nooce to Trustor prevJded tar in tlrs
<br /> Deed d Tivst stiall be giv�n by mtiling suGe notice by cerDiod mail,retum recerpi requesred addressed to Ynutar ati�s mailing
<br />— addrrss set forM above or at such other at�d�+ess as Trusior may des/qn8te by nobce to Beneficiary u provided here+n,and(b)any
<br /> __.. no0ca b B�na�iClary or Trustaa shall bo gnren by cerG'�i�d Rait fe2im Nee,pt requested�to Beneficiary's and Trusf�e's mafl'u+g
<br /> address stated heroln or to s�uch other addross as BenM'+c:ary a Tr.rs�e m�y desJgnate by noGCe to trtfsfor as pro�idod Iwr�in.My
<br /> notice provldad/or in thls[)ee�of Trusi sh�ll be deemed Ao rave bsen given to Tiusfa,B�r�Sciary or Trust�e whera qven in Lh�
<br /> ma►u�dosl�natid Aa►ein.
<br /> — Yt C•!�dn9 l�w,Sw�rabi4fy. TAis Deed ol Tnut sl�sN De qovarn�d DY the laws ol tl►e S'ao�o!Nebrasica.!n the ever.t ar►v P+o���
<br /> c/ausa o1 tlds Daad of Tnat oa►flicts witFr�pJicable law,such contlict shalJ not aflect otha►Wovisiau of thls Dead d Trust which can `
<br /> be gtwn elJ�ct wuhout tl►e confL'cbng prc►isior.s ar►d to this ond the provisions o/thls D�d ol Tiust are declar�ed to bo sovarabk.
<br /> 2�. Ewnts o/D�faWt Each o}tlfe loJlowing oa�rrences shal!oo�nsbLde an eveaf of dafault horoundQr,(hereinafter ca!!ed an
<br /> ..Event of OofaulY):
<br /> (a) Bamwershap fail ro Pay anY instaumer�a interest a principa!under any ol the 1o�ns.i¢G�ws a aedit,w other�inancial
<br /> aCCOmmodations made Cy BanobCi�ty b Barowvr,
<br /> — (b) Bo✓rowersl�aJl fai!to obse�ve or per!orm ar.y of the tarms a provisior�s of any document secuRng such/oans.leKers ot credit,or
<br />__ otl�erfrnaneia!aa�rrunodabons made by Benif,ciary to Borrower,
<br />= fc1 Tiustar s1wH!ai!tn pay wtwn dw any Indqbtedrwss secwad hwQby,
<br />� (d) My warranty ol title mzd�!�/Tnutor hereTn sha1/be anbue.
<br /> � (e) Tiusta sh�f/fal to obsarv�or psrfarm any of the covenants,ayraenwnts.or oondibor�s in drs Deed o1 Tiust,
<br /> — (4�Y�senfation a wyr-�nty m�de by Trustor an any�ial statements ar repo►ts submitted to Ber�enciary by a on behalt ot
<br /> _ Trus�or sh�U pro�w f�Ls�or mataiaUy�ding.
<br />_— (� A fiuioe,receiv�r a liqaldator o/the Trusf Property a o/Trustar shaY be appainted,a any of the creditas of 7�usbr s1►all f+le a
<br />::� • peti0on in bankruptcy a{/sinst Tnuta.a for the raagan(z�0on of Trustw pursuant to the FederaJ Bankruptcy Code.a any similo
<br />`� law,wheY�er/�aler�l or state,and if such order or pe6tian shaN not bo discharyed w disrnissed within tlwty(30)days after the date
<br />,.� on which such ader a petition was f,led. --
<br />_-� (h} irosfor si�i file a petitor►pu�suant tv the federa/8ankruptcy Code or arry similar law,rederal a starte,a il Tiusfo�shtJ!be =
<br />= adjudgad a bankrupt,a Da declared insolvent,a sh�11 mako an assi�nment k�r the benefit of credirors,or sh�J1 admit in wri0ng its -
<br /> �ab+�Y�WY i�debts as tlwy bacane due.a shaU consent to the appdntrr►�M of a racQiwr d aA or any pan oi N►�Trost ProipeRy.
<br /> (i) Final judgment Jar the payment d ma�ey shal!be�andaad against Tmstor and Tiustor shal!nof discharge d►e same.a cause if to
<br />-� be dJSCharged,wiMir►thiRy(301 days aner the endy ohe+eof,a shau not appeal tberefrom or hom the ader,decree or procQSS _
<br /> - upon wl�lch or pwsuanJ to which said judyment was prented,based,a eniered,and secure a stay of execuGor►pending =
<br /> such stppeaJ,
<br /> ('� Tnrsta siNtl seY a ca►vey the Tiust Properry,a arty part theroof,cr any intartst therein.or shall be divesfed ot its 6tle.a any intorast =
<br />. thwan,in eny manrwr a way,wtwtlu�voluntaidy a irn�oluntarily. witlaut the wi�tten consent oi Beoeticiary beiny firsi had --
<br /> and obtairwd. _
<br /> (k) Any of rhe Evants o1 Oefauft described in causes(9)through(i)hereol shal/Aappen to Barcwe�w -
<br /> (q H Tiustor is a corporaticn w partnersliip and more thar►6Ay percent(5p9`)01 the shares or beneficlal interests in such caporadon a =
<br /> parb�ershiP.as the case may be.shaJl be trartsle+red or conveyed,whether voluntari/y or irn�olunta�ily.witliout ttw wi�n cansent of `-
<br /> ee�er,c;a+v aer�s r�sr nad and o�r�,ed. =
<br /> 25� Accolwation o!DeD� Faecbsu�e.Upon fhe occurrence d any Event W Default or any 6me tl►ereaRer,Beneficiary may,at its option, -
<br /> ] declare a!l tAe lndebtedness seCwed hereby immediately due and payable and the same shall bear interest at the highest interest�afe -
<br /> '.7 pamtiaod Dyl�w,and irrespectiveW whether Benefliciary sxercises said option,it may,ai its opt;on and in its so/e d�scretion,witrwut !
<br /> I �
<br /> � _
<br /> � =
<br />