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<br /> 17.Trwi+fer of the li��rt�•ur�&+szt�clal Intcrest in liurrow�cr.lf all or any p.+rt al thc Pru�x r�� .�r am iiucrr.i in it
<br /> ic wld nr transtirn^�4�or if s�t+zikiicial i►ucr�.t in&rrruuer i...�t3�u tian:f:rrc3 ati,!&�rnrarr i.rn�t a n:stuTal �c•r,rn�wittxwt _
<br /> l.erxirr'. prior written c��nknt, I.c�x3cr nu�, at it: ��ptiun. r�.;uin: imu�ciliatc Mynknt in full uf ali �un�� +�tiurcd t+� thi�
<br /> Se�u�ity 6i�trunkc�t. Houc�cr.Ihis uptiu�i`h:►ll�wt t�e exerci�l by L.rixler if ex�ri ik i�pa�hibi►.d h�� I�tikral laa lr ut�Itic J31c _
<br /> ��f th��Sccurity instrumcnt.
<br /> 11'l.crxlcr ctierci�rs thi.uation.l.c�ulcr �h:ill�i�•c Ei�uruw�cr n��tir�uf�ccicratinn. Ttx iwticc.h�ll pnn idc a�k i i��l uf�wx
<br /> ic�..tlun 3l)day�� Cr+�m the date the m�ticr i+dcli�crrd ��r nuile�J within w�hi�h &�rn�wcr nw�1 pa�• all wn�� xyur�J hy thi�
<br /> Srcurit��[n��runxnt. IP F3urruw�cr fails t��pa}' thc�c sum�priur tc�ttu crpirati�m of this pericxf, Lcixl�r nuy iu�o1.�any r�nk^:li�.r _
<br /> pczcnitted b}�thi�Securit}•Gi�trunknt u ithuut further notice or demanci rni Ruen�wee. -
<br /> l8. Burrowc�'s itt�ht tu RcluLtylc. lf Bun•uwer nkct� �enain c�,ixli�i��n�. W+rruwar .hall ha�c thc right tu ha�e
<br /> enfurcement af thi� Security Inuturncnt diuontinued at any time pcior to the earlicr ��f: lal S days tur .u�h uther peri�xl a�
<br /> applicahle law• n�ay +pctiil'y liu reimt�tcn�entl before xale of the Propcny pur.u:tnt t�� any Fxiw�er uf .alc cc�atain:�l in thi�
<br /> Securiry h�.�trunxnt: or(h)entry•uf a judgment eafur�ing thi�5ecuriry Instrununt. Thc��e conciitinns arc dwt&�rr.�wrr.(ul pa)'s
<br /> l.ender aU sun�..whi�h then a•ould be due utxier this Security Inurument and lhe Naie u. if nu:uceleratiun Iwal o.curr�d; (b/
<br /> cutt>any default of any cuhcr cavenants or agrcements; (cl p•rys all expenses incurced in enforcing this Security Ii�.�trument,
<br /> iruluding, lwt ncu liniited to, reaccm�ble attam�:ys' fees; and(d)takes sueh aetii�n as l.encier may rea.u►nahly r��quire to actiure
<br /> that the lien of thi, Cecurity Instnimcnt, Lender'� rights in the Nropert}� and Borraw•er's c�bligation to pay thc wn�.�ktiun�d b}�
<br /> this 5ecuriry Instrument shall continue unchanged. Upon rein.�tatement by Botmu•er, thi� Security Instrunxnt ;frx1 thc
<br /> ohligations secured hemby�haU remain fully effective as if no ac�eteration had occurrad. Now�ever,this right to reinslate shal{
<br /> iwt apply in the c:�se of acceleration under paragraph 17.
<br /> 19. Sale oi'Nate; Ctwage ot'Loxn Servicer. The Note or a panial intereu in thc Note (together with this Sccuriry
<br /> Instrumenll may be sold one ar more times withcwt prior notice to Bonow�er. A sale ma}• re.sult in a change in the entity(known
<br /> a.e tt�e "Lo:►n Servicer'1 that collects momhly paynunts due und::the Note and this Secu�ity[nstrument. There also may t�e one
<br /> or more et�.znges of the Loan Se�vicer unmlatec!to a sate of the I�ote. If there is a change of the Loan Servicer,Borrow•er will be
<br /> given written notice of the change in accordance a•ith paragraph 14 abovc and�ticable law.The notice w•iil state the nan�e and
<br /> address oi the new Lwn Servicer aixl the addres.c to which payments should t�e cnade. The notice w�ill afso contain any other
<br /> iuforir�ation requimd b� applicable law.
<br /> 2p. HazArdous Substauces. Bor!�ower shall aot cause or permit thc presence, use. ��posal. �toragc, or release of�ny
<br /> i:a�.-��a:s S`abs:a:.::� a� a: in :':� ��c:y. B��::�er sh�!! s�! de, r.c�r �low An;c�nc elcr rn d�: anvthing aff'eetine the
<br /> Prapeny that is in�io°azian of uny Envitonmenta! law. The pRti�c:ding two sentences shall not apply ta the presence, use, or
<br /> storage on the Pn�:tr of small quantities of Nazardous Substances th:+t are generally recognized to be appropriate to nom�al
<br /> residential uses aad t.�maintenuice of the Property.
<br /> Bora����.tr sra;1 promptly give Lender written notice of an� investigation,ctaim, demand,lawsuit or other action by an>'
<br /> govemmr.�4aS or regulatory agency or private party involving tI�Property and any Hazardous Substance or Environmental Lau•
<br /> of which Sorrower has actual knowledge. if BoROw•er learn.e.tiv-is notified by any govemmental or regulatory authority, that
<br /> any removal or wher remediation of any Hazardous Substar►ce affecti�g the Property is necessary.Borrower shall promptly take
<br /> all necess�ry remedial�tions in accordance with Em ironmental Law.
<br /> As usud in this�+:iragraph 20, "Hazardous Substaixes" are those suhstances defined as toxic or h.�ardous substanoes by
<br /> Environmental Lav� and the following cubstanees: ga�oline. kerosene, other flamm�bk or toxic p.�oleum products, toxic
<br /> pesticides�nwi lxrbicides,volatile cvl�ents, materials containing asbestos or fom�aldehyde,aa3 radioact�ve matcrials. As used in
<br /> this par,�r� 2U. "Environmen.a! Law' rr�eans federal laws:.sx3 laws of the jurisdiction where the Property is located that
<br /> relate to txa?th.safet�or environmenta!protection.
<br /> NON-UNIFOR'.16 COVENANTS. Burrower and Lender further covenant and agree as follows:
<br /> 21.Aaderatioa;Ranedies. l.ender slwli give notice to Borrower prlor to aadeeation fdbwi�Sorrower's bre�ch
<br /> of an3� �vveaaat or agr�t in this Security Incin�ment (6ut not prior to aooe�ti�n iwder p�'agrapb IT uniess
<br /> ���1![i1W pl'+OV�lS�lTWLSC7. '111!T10ZiCC Sf{all SpECUy: la�iAC tiCiitttii; tul iue�i-ii'w�icyuiGFv"a'v iwa:is�a w�a.�'�.�:i .-.
<br /> (c)A date.not less t6an 30 dAys from the date the aotice lc given to Borrmwer,by whicb tMe defYnit must be c�nd;and
<br /> (d) that faiture ts cure the default on or before the date speciP�ed in the notice may result in 9caeieration of tltie suats
<br /> secared by thir Security Instrument and ssdle of the Property. The notice st�all further inforn�13otm�er of tbe r3ght to
<br /> relauate aRer aoeeleration and t1�e rtght to bring a court �ction W s�ssert tbe aon-existeuce o�'�default or any �ther
<br /> defense o[Borrower to acoderatioo and sale. Ii the defs►ult is not cured on or before the date specified in the notice,
<br /> I.ender, ai its option, may requirt immediate p�ymeat in full of s01 sums secured by tbtc Security Iactivmeat�itlwut
<br /> fwther detrwnd and may tnvoice the power ot sale and 9uiy otber remedies perroitted by applicable law. Ixnder shall Ue
<br /> entitled w colkct sll expa�ses inCUrrcd tn purswing tLe remedi�c provided in this pxr�rs�sh 21,incl�,but aut Umited
<br /> to,reaSOaaWe attoroeys'fees and costs of title evWeoce.
<br /> U tLe power of sale is iuvoked, Tnutee s1w11 record a uotice of default in escb couoty ia wGkb xny part ot che
<br /> ....---�_.:_.___._� __3..a.�u���......t.e ..e«..�i....wiK:w tlw�w�www�r swv�crrilw)bv A�u�liraMk:law to Bd'1oWe!9�d to
<br />. a�V�►��> ��u�r�w.u. �..� ... __�"' ' � .
<br /> t6e ot��r persons prescribed by appiicaWe law.After the time required by applicabte law,7'rustee slwll give pubtic ootice
<br /> ot sak to tde persons and in the manner prescrlbed by appix�ble law. Trustrx,witl�out demand oa Borrower,si�ll sdl
<br />� the Proper4y at public auction to the highest 6i�lder at the time s�nd P1ace aad unda'the ter�ns destgnated in the oottce of
<br /> sak io ooe or more paroels and in any order Trustee determiaes. ry'�vstee maY postpoae sale oi pll or s�ny paccel oi the
<br /> �P�'�Y bY P�ic announcement ai the tiuie and place of any prevaucly scheduled s�le. I,e��e or its desi,�nee may
<br /> punel�se t6�PropertY at any sale. .
<br /> Form 3028 9I90
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