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,.,~-. <br />EXHIBIT A <br />20100338"~ <br />'I~c° ~'orthet~st ()unrtc- of nc~ r:arth~•zxst Quarter of the ptnrtheast ---- <br />~~.~:~trter dtiE~rh1F'y~iF'~) ~n*~ %•ho 'iorY!: :it:.f uC t~~r 5outhe:asr. Cluartc~r <br />aC the. Northeast Qua.rtrr of the Northeast Quarter (N~SE~NE~NE~) <br />of Section Two ("). Tarmship Ten (10) NorCt1, Ranp;c Ten ('i0), <br />1.1e~St of the 6t.h P.M. , Finn County, Nebra,xkn, E-~tCEPTZitiG a trnct <br />of 1..~.tncl eanprising narC of tl,e nl~ave and mare pnrticulnrly des- <br />r_ritacd ns f~~1lcti:s: Commencing nt n point Faur Hundred Scvrntyy <br />One .,z,ti Sixty--'three ~lundxcdths t471.63j feet hest n£ the Narth- <br />tust carnet of said l;~NE4.NE~ an the North line at~ said E~NE~NE~• <br />tf~ence cant[nuinl; westerl.~ :long the nar_h line of s.~eid E~I~E~NE~ <br />a distance of One }Hundred l;ifihty-Nine (189) feet to the Northwest <br />corner of s~-~id E~NE~;IE~; thence southerly along the nest line of <br />said F~:NEkNF~ a distance of Twa Hundred Thirty-T"'nree (233) feet; <br />thence easterly an,'.aarallel to the north. line of said E'~hE'~P~E~ <br />dist•~,nce a£ bne Hundred i~f;f,ty-;line (169) feet; thence northerly <br />.end parallel to the .west lime o£ said E~NE~NE~ a distance of Two <br />Hundred Thi.xty--three (233) £eet to the point o£ beginning mnd <br />cant~tinirg, 1.011 Gores crane car less of khich 0.141 acres more or <br />less is presently occupied by the County Raad Right-of-Way, <br />EXC~:i'TING 1`L'RTlif~k another traot of land located in the f i--s[ above <br />described premises r.~ore particularly described as failows: <br />Carmnen~_in~ at tie northeast earner of the NEB of amid Section 2 <br />thence Sau4h 89 4?'3p" West z~leng the. north line of the Northeast: <br />tlunc•Cw.r oc safci Sect.iot, 2, n distance of 471.b3 fee`; thence r .. <br />smith a distance aE 23'?.85 Pert (233.0© record dista~ice} to Cie <br />:scCu;~l pc~i.rtt of beginnin~G, thence; south a distance <br />of ?3U. 5(3 feet ; thence south 89 ~-2' 3Q".:west ,~a disCunce o: 189.00 <br />£eet to a point. on the west ling ca£''the E~NE'~NF}t;of said Sectfan <br />2; thence north alang,tha~vest line~az,the E~tiElSNE~ of said Sec~ion <br />2, n distance a£ 230.50'£eet; therce~-n'arth 8"347.'30" east a dtstnnce <br />o.f 189 feet to the point of beRiimin~ n.nd containing 1.00 acre more <br />or less <br />