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<br /> .oiYMili��� ��4.__ _ '. . �..c— -'- '_
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<br /> � �.'',: „ �� • ACKNOWL�i���AN�NT �� D�:ED OF YRUBT ���., � ri��`===�-_
<br /> , ,. .. ,. � �u2iY,� --
<br /> � � . �� 1��r; .; :� Trwtor und�nq�nds Ih�t th�dooum�nt th�l Truuor Is aboul to�x�out�I�o DNd ol Trud end nat a mortpape��d that Iho pow�r
<br /> " �• :�'� ol wb provld�d for In th�ONd o1 Tru�t provlds��ubsuntl�lly diH�nnt riqhb and obllg�tlom lo Trurtor thAn�moRp�ps In Ih�w�nt �,,x
<br /> ' • :, - ol�Mhult or brpch ol obllptllon und�r the DMd of Trufl,Includlnp,but nol llmllsd to,th�L�nd�r's rlpht lo hav�th�Proporry wld � ^�'�,,,,,,,
<br /> ' . '• by th�Tru�tM without�ny�udlclN procwdlnp.Trwlor repn�enl��nd w�rranq thY!thl��aknowlodpemYnl w�����auNd by ��, `
<br /> � � Trwtor bNon ih��M�ouqon ol lhe Deed ol Tru�� � ��
<br /> ' �, �• '� - �� .AYM. 1.� - �r.'°_--
<br /> „ . - ' ( old 6. Roaonko r�►tor Naob�nd � � �`
<br /> , .� . .� � .
<br /> - �„ . .
<br />� � � .� di th A. Rosankott�tor N te __ - --
<br /> . �. .. .� . F=:�:-
<br /> :a�=
<br /> ....� e����:�;.n=
<br /> i"`:;�:`';'; , . N.v.v: �.;,�:r:__
<br /> TH18 DEED OF TwUST,ia made as ol the 13th �y o� iNareh ,�g92 by and amonp ��•��•�*�=�•°'
<br /> • ��
<br /> . the Truetor, �'oid F. Rosenkotter and Judith A. Roaenkotter. Husband and WiEe , "`°"
<br /> 68801 � ---
<br /> 3115 Goidertrad Drive. GrAnd Island. NE �.��,,(r�r^c-���
<br /> whoae malliny�dd�ass is (herein"Truotor;'whether one o�more►, ti; _,;;; —�
<br /> 'f' .�.__ _.
<br /> " L+iva D�i�tp j�pA�(_ A Nohrnaka Cornoration
<br /> the TrusWa. ----- - - __ _-____—-- � Y�`��--
<br /> '' P.O. Box 1507, Grend Ialaad, NE 68802
<br /> whqse mailinp addreas Is (herei�"Truslee"►.end ' �''• � i'
<br /> }••�.:.i`.:::• i � �
<br /> ,K' ;�,�`,.�y,..
<br /> the 8oneflclary, Five Pointa Hank. A nebraska Coraoretio� , ;�.�'t",r�Yt <�=
<br /> P.O. Hox 1507 �rand Island NE 68802 ���``'q � �..
<br /> ,. whoie malliny address is � � (►�erein"Lender"). '��''t.;i;l;, "�� 4�,
<br /> i ' ir, ' ��w�'E
<br /> � FOR VALUABLE CON3IDERATION,Includinp Lender's extenaion ot credit idenLlied herein to Hasold F. Rosenkotter and �., . ,',;., �1 �;:..�-
<br /> •�..-
<br /> . �yTudith A Roeor�'kott@�� HugbantL,&,]eLif�(hereln"Borrower",whether one or more)and the Uust herein cieated, ' 'r ' ' � �`
<br /> �.;. . the receipt of which is hareby BCknowledged,Trustor hereby IrrevoCably granl5,tran�i�r9, conveys 8nd asaigns to Tivalee,IN � ,,' '��
<br /> � � TR�15T,WITH P01NE�1 OF�ALE,tor the benetlt and security of Lender.under and sub�ect to the terms and candil�ont h�reinafler set �i,.,�1�,�i ,��z
<br /> lorth,lhe real properly.deectibed as lollows: ^��'� � � ,
<br /> ��,,., f.� ` '��_
<br /> _ —; - =,`� - -c;��{r'fi� _
<br /> See Attaohed Exhibit "A° .;•�•;� ,
<br /> „ � .�.�:
<br /> r . , ! ; , s :.( `s:
<br /> �. �
<br /> Together wlth all bulldlnps,fmprovements.fixlures, streets,alleys,pessegaways,easem�nts,r�ghts,privfleges and eppurte- �i}�,����•��� ��{•' .-
<br /> nancea loceted ihereon or�n anywlse pertaining thereto,and Ihe renis,isaues and profits,reversfons and remNfnders thereoi,and �( ••
<br /> euch peraonal prope►ty thet ie atteched to the�mprovemenls so as to const�tute a fixture,�ncludfng,but not limited to,heatlnp and {!� ' • • ;� _.
<br /> coollnp equlpment;and topether wlth ihe homestead or mental lnlereats,d any,which fnlerests are hereby releesed and walved:all
<br /> ol whfch,Includln�replecementa and addit�ons Ihereto.�s hereby declerad to be a part ol the real estete aecured by the Ilen ol thls � '
<br /> . DQed of Trust and all ol the foreqoiny be�np relerred lo herem as ihe"Property"- •
<br /> This Deed of Trust ahall eecure(al ihe payment of the pnncipal sum and interest evidencFSd by a promistory note or tredlt , , � _
<br /> opreament dated Marah 13. 1992 ____ _rt_..,hev�ng e mawny dale ot _september 10, 2007 , ; � • •
<br /> ,;�i•:..
<br /> . , . . ,
<br /> In the orfglnal prinCipa!amount ol S 25�_OOQ�QO----._----- .�nd any and all modd�catlons,extenaiona and►enewals '° "r�
<br /> thereof or thereto end any and all future edvances and readvances to Borrower (or any oi them d moro then one)hereunder ' • �:'""_�.
<br /> purauant to one or more promissory noles or Cred�t agreementa(here�n called"Note"I.Ib1 the payment of other sums advancad by �
<br /> Lender to protect the securfty o1 the Note;(C)the pertormance of nll covenants and agreements of Trustor set tonh herein;and(d1811
<br /> present end luture indebtedness end obhgations of Borrower�or any of ihem d more ihan ene)to Lander whether direct,mdirBC� ,��-a"�`�'
<br /> ebsolute or contfngent and whether arlsing by note,guaranty.overdraft or olnerwise The Note,th�s Deed ot Trust end any and all
<br /> other dOCUents ihatsecure the Note vr otherwise execuled in connecl�o n Iherewilh,mtludmg wdhout I�m�tat�on guaranteea,Secunry �+ "'`'
<br /> j apreements and asslgnments o1 leases and renis,shall be relerred to here�n as Ihe�'Loan Instruments'�. � -��� �
<br /> Truator covenants and agrees with Lender as fotlows: '
<br /> 1. Paym�nt o1lnd�btWn�p.All mdebtedness secured hereby sha11 be pa�d when due
<br /> ; 2. TNI�. Truator iS the owner ol ihe Property,has the nght and 3uthordy to convey the Property, and warrents that 1he li@n
<br /> i Creeted hereby is e firS�and prior lien on ihe Property,except for hens ancf encumbrances set forth by Trustor in wntmg and
<br /> delivered to Lender before execution ol th�s Deetl of Trust.and Ihe execuUOn and delwery of th�s Deed ot Trust does.�ot violate any
<br /> contract or other obligation to wh�ch Trustor is sub�ect
<br /> 3. Tax�s,A�s�mtnb.To pay belore delinquency au taxes,spec�ai assessments ana:,' other chargc�s agamat the Property
<br /> • now or hereaRer levled.
<br /> 4. Inturane�.To keep the Property�nsured agamst damage by lue.hatards�nciuded w�tn�n the term"extended coverage".and ,
<br /> such Other harards as lender may reqwre.in amounts and with compan�es acceptable to Lender,naming Lender as an additional
<br /> nAmed fnsured,w�th lose payable to the Londer In case of loss under s�ch po��c�es,the lender�s Author�ied to ad�ust,collect and
<br /> � compromise,ell Claims ihereunder and shall heve Ihe opt�on pf appty�ng��!o�i a�t of the�nsuranca proce �(q lo any mdebted�egs
<br /> seCUred hereby and In such order as Lender may determ�ne.1���to the T�ustor�o be used tor the repa�r or restoration ot the Prope►ry
<br /> • or(ifi►for any other purpose or ob�ect sal�slactory to Lender wnhout attecang Ine hen ol tn�s Deed of Trust for tr�elutl amount secured
<br /> hereby before such payment ever took place Any app��c:auon o�proceetls N mdebtedness shall not exlend o�postpone the due
<br /> dete of any paymenis under ihe Note,or cure any detauit thereuncfer or n�reunder-
<br /> 5. H�erow.UpOn wntten demand by Lender.Trustor snaii pay to Lende� i��such manner as Lander may designate.sutl�c�ent
<br /> surns to eneble Lender to pay as they become due one or mpre o�the�ouow�ng ����il taxes..�ssessments and olher tharges agamst
<br /> - ihe Property.(�q the premwms on tne prope�ry�nsu�anCe reqwrea nereunaer ar.o 1��0 tne prem�ums on any mOrtgage msuranCo
<br /> requlred by Lender.
<br /> 6. Malnhnanc�, R�pafn and Compllanco wlth Law�. T�„stor snan keep�ne P�uperty m yood cond�t�on and repa�r,sha�1
<br /> promptly repelr, or replaCe any �mprovement wh�ch m�y be damaged or destroyetl, shali not comm�t Or perm�t any waste or
<br /> detetforation ol the Properry:shall not remove.demoash or substanuai�v aite� any o�the�mprovements un the P�ope►ty.shell not
<br /> , commlt,suMer or permit any act to be done in or upon the Property�n v�oiat�on of any iaw.or��nance.or reguiation,anU shall pay and
<br /> � promptly d+scharge at Trustor's cost and expense an��ens.encumbrances and cnarges iewed.�mposed or assessetl aya�nsl Ihe
<br /> I Property or any part ihereof-
<br /> 7. �mM�n)Domaln.Lender�s hereby assigned an cumpensat�on,awards.damages and other payments or rei�et�neremafter
<br /> � "Proceeds")in connect�on w�th condemnauon or other takmg o�the Prope�ty or part thereo}.ur for conveyance�n i�eu ot condemna-
<br /> ti0n Lender shall be entdled at rts opUan to commenCe.appear�n and p�osecute�n�ts own name anv.acuon or proceedmgs.and
<br /> Iahall also be entitled to make any comprom�se or get0ement in conneCt�on w�in guch takmg or damage In the evenl any poh�on of
<br /> � N�C�l61�Marp�Kwwr�ip�wl�N�v�ON
<br /> � O f!N Nncn�i lM+ot CoT�wc�t�uu��e 5�.�ryf bwna��on l,.�can hW.n.�
<br /> . f -
<br /> � _- - - -
<br />