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<br /> czccut�J tor t6�pur�rasr�f creating,securing ur guaran�yinR thc S�curcJ 1)ebt.A gaxf Caith h�lief by I.�nd�r th.►t
<br /> LenJer at any lime is insecurr with rr�x:et ta uny person or eotity c►bligatrd on thr Securccl Dcbt or that lhL pew}x:ct `
<br /> ui any�:+yn�ent or the�•aluc��f the Pru�x;rty is i��y�aind shaU alw co�stitutc an e��ent of defauit. �
<br /> 1S. �iEbt��lFS ON DEFAUL'I'.!n sc►me imtanr�s,fedcral and strtc law wiU reyuire l.cncler tu provide Grantur wi�h =
<br /> nWice of the right ta cure or other n��tices and :nay esta5iish time scheJule�for forccic�curo actiane..Subjcct tu these �
<br /> limitations,if any,Lendrr may arcclerate:the�:cured Oc6i and fureeluse this Security lnstrumcnt iu a mannet ��
<br /> pruvideJ by taw if Grantc►r is in default. �
<br /> ��
<br /> At th�uplion of Lendcr,all or any pa�i e�f the agtecei fccs and charges, accrued interest and principal sha11 beeome �
<br /> imrncdiately due and payable,aftcr giving�otice �F rec�uired by law, upun the c�ccurrencc of a �efault ar anytime 6
<br /> thereafter.in additi�ui,i.endcr shaU be entitled to all the rcmedicti provided by law,the terms of the Secured Debt. _-
<br /> this Secwity la�trument and�ny rel:�ted�iocuments,including without limitation,the power to sell the Property. _
<br /> If there is a default.Trustee shall,in addition to any othcr p:rmittcd remedy,ut the request of the I.ender,advertise -.-
<br /> and scll the Property as a whole ur in separate parccls at public auction to the highest bidder for caeh and tnnvey ___
<br /> absolute title free aRd ctear of all right, title and mterest of Grantor at sucG time and place us Trustee designates.
<br /> Trustee shali give�otice of sale including the time,temu aad place:of sale and a d�:sctiption of the properiy to 6e sold
<br /> as required by the appticaWe law in effect at the time of the proposed sale.
<br /> Upan sale of the property and to the extent not prohibited by law,Trustee shall niake and deli��er a deed to the Property
<br /> sold whicn conveys absolute title to the purchacer,and after Crst paying all fees,charges,:.�wsts,shaQ pay to Lender all _
<br /> moneys advanced for repaic�,taxes,insurance.liens,assessments and pncv ancumbrances and interest thereon,and the _
<br /> principal and interest on the Secured Debt,�ying the surplus, if any,tc*t�rantor.Lender may purchase 1he Prop�rty.
<br /> 'Il�e recitals in any deed of canveyance shaU t�;prima facie ev�dence of tlu£,acts�et(�rth therein.
<br /> All remedies are distinct.cumulative and nc�t exclusive,and the Lender is entitled to all remedies provided at!aw or
<br /> equity,whether or nw exprea;ly�:�orch.�:,ar,c�plaarx by Len�!er of a�y swn in DaVraent or partial pay�nent on the
<br /> Secured Debt after the balance is due or is ac��lerated or after foreelasuit prooeedings are filed shall not canstitute a
<br /> waiver of Lender's right to require compfete rure of any existing defau:t.By not exetcising any re�uedy on Grantor's
<br /> default,Lender dces not waive Lender's right to later consider the event a default if it continues or l�appens again.
<br /> prohibited by law,Grantor agrees to pay all oi l.ender's expenses if Grantof breaches any covenant in this Secwity
<br /> Insuument.Grantor will also pay on demand any amount incurred by Lender for insuring,inspecting,preserving or
<br /> othcrwise protecting the Property and L.ender's security intcrest.Thesc expenses will bear�nte�t from the date of
<br /> the payment until paid in full at the highest interest rate in etfect as provided in the terms c�the Secured Debt.
<br /> Grantor agrees to ipay ail costs and expenses incurred by Lender in cotPecting,enforcitsg or prote:�ing Lender's rights
<br /> and remedies under this Security Instrument.'Il�is amount may include,but is n�t limited to,attomeys' fees,court
<br /> o�sts,and oiher legal expenses.'il�is Security Iastnunent shall remain in effect until released.Grantor agrees to pay
<br /> for any recardation costs of such release.
<br /> 17. ENVIRONMEM'AL I.AWS AND HA'LARDOUS SUBSTANCIES.As ased in this section.(1)Enviranmental Law
<br /> means�without limitaticx�,the Comprehensive Environmenta!Respoase.ComPensation ana Liabaiity Aa(CERCLA,
<br /> 42 U.S.C.9601 et seq.).and all other federal,statc and local laws,regulations. ordinances,court orden,attomey
<br /> generai opinions or interpreiive iCiirrs w��K����fs t�e Ya�l:s�.:,:.lt�, s:fai;,;��"°s:.!nyimnmrnf �r a ita��Td011t _ ___ _
<br /> substance:and (2)Hazardous Substance means any taxic,radioactive or hazardous mateeial. waste,pollutant or
<br /> co�taminant which has characteristics w6ich render the substance dangerous or potentially dangerow to the public
<br /> health.safety.welfare or environment.The term inciudes,wiYhout limntation,any substances defined as"hazardons
<br /> material�""to�dc substanoes.""haxardous wasie"or"haTardou�substan�"under any Eaviroamental Law.
<br /> Graator represeais,warranu uul agrees that
<br /> A. Except as previously disclosed aad acicnowledged in writing to Lender,no Hazardous Substance is or will be
<br /> located,stored or released on or in the Property.This restriction does not apply ta small quantities of
<br /> I-I�zardous Subst�nces tbat are gener.�tiy reoognized to be ap�coQciate for the normal iue and mainteaanoe of
<br /> - N"'p�rw�v
<br /> B. F�cept as previously disclosed and acknowledged in writing to Lender.Grantor and every cenant have beea.are.
<br /> and shall remain ia fuli oompliance with any applicable Env�roaaiental Law.
<br /> C. Grantor shall immediately notify Lender if a release or threatened release of a Hazazdous Subsiance accuis on,
<br />- under or about the Property or thcrc is a violation of any Envic�oemental Law oonceming the Property.In such
<br /> an event.Grantor shall take all neeessary remedial action in acoordance with any Environcnenta]Law.
<br /> D. Grantor shall immediately notify Lendee in writing as soon as Grantor has reason to believe there is any
<br /> pending or threatened investigarion,claim.or txooeeding relating to the release or ttue�teaed releace of any
<br /> Hazardous Substance or the violation of any Environmental Law.
<br /> 18. CONDEMNA170N.Grantor will give Ixnci�r prompt notiee of acc}-pending or threatened.actian,by private or
<br /> public entities to purchase or take any or aii of the Property throug�rnndemnation.eminent domain,or any other
<br /> means. Grantor authorizes Lender to mten+ene in Grantor's name in any of the above desc[ibed actions or claims.
<br /> Granior assigns to Lender the proceeds of any award or ctaim for damages connected with a condemnation or other
<br /> takiag of all or any part of the Property Such proceeds shall be considered paymenu and will be applied as provided in
<br /> this Security Instrument.This assignment of proceeds is subject to the terms of any prior mortgage,de;d of trust,
<br /> . security agreement or other lien document. _
<br /> - t9 �'NS"tficA'ri�E.Grantor shali keep P�o�F:y i�su:cd :.gainst lac.,s�, �re,floo�,thefi and other ha�?rdc and risks _
<br /> reasonably associated with the Property due to its type and location.This�nsurance shall be maintained in the amounts
<br /> and for the periods that Lender requires.The insurance carrier providing the insurance shall be chosen by Grantor
<br /> - subject to Lender's approval,which shall not be unreasonably withheld. If Grantor fails to maintain the coverage
<br /> described above,Lender may,at Lender's option,obtain covenge to protect Y.ender's rigl�u in the Property according
<br /> to the terms of this Security Insirument.
<br /> A11 ins�rance policies and renewais shall be acceptable to Lender and shall include a standard"mortgage clause"and.
<br /> ➢ where applicabk."loss payee clause."Grantor shall immediately notify Lender of cancellation or termination of the
<br /> ; insurance.Lendcr shall have thc right to hol�thc poliries and renewats.If Lender requires,Grantor shall immediately
<br /> give to i.endet all receipts of paid premiums and renewal notices.Upon loss.Grantor shall give immediate nolice to
<br />'' the insurance carricr and Lender.Lender may makc proof of Ioss if not made immediately by Grantor.
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