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. .:;;.. <br /> u �� .�,r s.,�4� )'. .:+7:�.t • : •:'y)iYi�?i� i.`,�!p t i Xf """�"� - <br /> ��-a E F._��� i�, 'y AR�Y1�sTY;7� IA�l�q�}�,1��At��P�.7�nt�.��� �"-�... '� t — <br /> -Y�.�•+� ' .. ' jl�•;i'� � (• , _ - -_.. <br /> ... • • �� . _ __ . n_ <br /> . • . . <br /> . <br /> � � ,.� . . _-. <br /> � , � . . . '_ __'_..__ <br /> � �. �..._ . _._ _ —"_' n� ______' <br /> i �2� �� �:._- <br /> ' 1 �,1 O H <br /> E , ,.�,ti;iii; -�-- <br /> . , �i►.�%�= <br /> , ^� ' � 1. Payment of PrincipAl,lnterest and I.ate Charse. Burn�wc�rhull puy whcn Juc Il�r prinripal u1.und�n�rrctii�n�. ! <br /> c,~ •~��,;:.:R�••�;,- ihe debt cv�denced by the Natc and lutc churges due undcr�he Notc, ���°- <br /> •• 2. Monthly payments oP 7laxes.lnaurancc and Ulher CharKr.r. B�xrowcr shull inrludr in cu�h munthly puymcm, <br /> � . - • �� together with the principal and interest ns set Por1h in thc N���r and uny lutc chiirgc.. un intitullmrnt uf any lul tnxr� ond <br /> speciul assetismentx levied or lo be levied nguinrt Ihe Propeny,lbl Iruuhold paymcnt.ur�;n�u�xl rcm�un ihe Pru�xny.und <br /> ° n. ,. (c)prcmiums far insurunce reyuircd by Purngruph 4. _ <br /> � '' Ench monthly installment far items (n), (b1 und (c) �hall cyuul one•�w��llih uf thr unnuul um��un�h, ii� renznnuhly <br /> � . .� . � estimuted by Lendcr, plus un umount sufficien� a� muintuin un udditionul bulunrr ul' n�m m�rr ihun imc•��x�h �d �he <br /> _.. <br /> estimnted umount4. The full unnuul umount for euch item shull hr uccumulut�d hy Lcnder withiu u �kri�ul�n�in�; unr �-- --- -- <br /> . .. ---°�-----_ <br /> , • momh before an item would become delinqutnt. l.ender rhull hold the um��unts roUected�n�rus� to puy hem�1 u1,Ib1 unJ _ <br /> � ° (c)before they become delinquent. <br /> , • „ If at uny lime the tatul of the puymrmx held by Lcnder ti�r items lui,Ib! und Ic1,k��:ctlwr wiih �hr t�ulurc m�mlhly __ <br /> ° ., payments far such item+ puynble to Lendcr prior to the duc duteti of xuch itrm.. rxrcrdw by m��rc �hun nnc•.rixth �hc _ <br /> estimated amount of payments r.quired to puy tiuch items when due, und if puymcmti on thr Notc+im currcnt.Ihcn Lendcr <br /> �� shull either refund the excess aver one•�ixth of the eztimu�ed puymentti or crcdit the excc+�over unc•.ixth uf Ihe c+tinuued <br /> • puymentx w subsequent puymentw by Hurrower,u�the uption of d��rrower. If thr un:�l of�he puymemti medr My Horr��wrr �••- _ <br /> . ,,�.,�;,,�r� .• �..-_---- -�-�--_ <br /> , r���� for i�cm(u).Ib),or(c)is msufficient to pay thc item when due.thcn BoRiiwcr xhull ruy 1��l.cnder uny unHx�nt nccr+�ury a► <br /> :.;ij$�:A�r,. <br /> ° � , make up the def:ciency on or hefure the dute the item hecome.duc. _ <br /> � ° � �' � As uscd in thiz Security In+trument,"Secretary"mcuns�hr Sccrctury uf�un�l Urhan Dcvcl��pmcnl ur hi.��n c�r -- <br /> � • � designce. ln any year in which the Lender must pay u mongagr insurunce premium tu the Secrc�ury.euch monlhly puyment -- <br /> hhall ulsn include either: lil un inxtaUmem of thc unnuul mangage insuruncc premium �a lx paid hy l.ender tu �hr <br /> " Sccrelnry, or(ii) u monthly churgc ins�ead of u mu►t�uge insurnnre premium i!�h�s Sccu�ity In+trument ix hcld by �he ,—.— <br /> Secrctury. Euch monthly instullment of the mon�a�e insurunce premium shull Ix in un umount sufticient to uccumulntc the -- <br /> ,;r:;;,;,„ , full unnual mongage insuruncc premium with Lender one mnmh prior to Ihe datr �he I'ull unnuul mortknga in�.urimre �� _T _ <br /> � .::,:• premium iti due to�he Serretury:��r il'Ihiti Security Imtrumen� iti hcld hy the Srrrctury,cuch mcxithly churge�hull Ix in un � '�_ <br /> . amount equul to onc-twclfth of onc-hulf pc:rcent of�hc outstunding principul hulunce duc on tix N��tc, � <br /> If Borrower tenden to Lender the full puyment of ull ,um.secureJ hy �hi.Srcurily Imirumrnl. Rcxruwer;acruunt �� •r;`,,�- <br /> � �� . shull be crediicd with the bulancc rrmaining ior ull intilulhnrnlx for item, ful. Ibl and Ic) und uny mortguge insurunce '�.:.-,^__.--:, <br /> << premium intitallment thut Lender hati not hecome ohliFuted to puy lo ihc Secretury,und Lendcr shull promptly ret'und un� �_:_:_ <br /> excess funds lo Borrower. Immcdiutcly prior la n foreclosurc�ule ul'thc f'roperty or it+ucyuisiticm hy l.ender. Harrnw¢r. � 1,�2,�� <br /> . account shall he crediled wi�h any hAlunce remuining fur all intitaUmen�ti for i�ems lul.(bl und Irl. ��•�"'"'""` <br /> �T..•; <br /> � 3. Applkation oP PaymenfR. All puyr►xnts undcr Pnn�gruph+ I und 3�hidl tx sipplied hy Lcn�kr:�+fol I��w,: � ��� <br /> �IRST to the mortguge imurunce prcmiwn lo he puid hy LrnJrr lo thc Sccrctury ur la thc munlhly churgr by Ihc .;:'� <br /> � . Secretury ins�evd of Ihe m�nlhly mortguge inxurance premium: <br /> , � -SECOND,to uny taxc�,tipc:ciul usxc,xments,Iruschald paymcnt,or ground rent.,unJ�wwl unJ��ther huiurd �.."�, � <br /> ��,.�....,.�. <br /> insumnce premiums,s�s rcyuired: rri�- <br /> -__;—_-_- TflIRD,to interest due under the Notr: ���`�''`�'��'- <br /> . � FOURTH•to umonir.ution af thc principul of thc Note: '''' i �^4��.� <br /> Q�+j,lo late churgex due unJer the N�nc. <br /> 4. Fire,Flood a�d Uther Haxard InSUrancr. Borrowcr tihnll in.urc ull improvcmcnt�un�he I'ru�xrty,whclhcr nuw �, `. •``.., ,l��, <br /> in existence or,ubxe uenUy erccled,uEuinsl uny haii�rdti,cu.ual�ie�,and contin�encir+,includin�Grc. G�r which LenJer �' <br /> 4 �' �' � � �:i�- <br /> � reyuires intiuronce, This insuruncc.hull be muintuineJ in ihr amaunts und tirr Ihe periods that Lrn�kr myuire�. Nurn�wu . - • <br /> . shull ulro in+ure ull impravemcrnti on�hc Pro�xrty.whcthrr naw in cxi.icncc ur suh,�yucntly enctcd,u�umxt lo�,hy fl�xKl� } �,.+ � <br /> ro the extent requircd hy the Srcretury. All inwrancr shall tx rumcd with rumpunieti uppr��ved hy Lendrr. Thr inwrune�• ! ,:i;'r,� . <br /> policieti und uny renewuls .rhull be held hy Lendrr unJ .hall include luxr puyuble claurc, in tuvi►r ot, :mJ in u ti►m� � Y��" <br /> urceptahlc to.Lc�xlcr. � ' T- <br /> In �he event oi'loti�. Borrc►wcr shull Eive LenJrr immcdiu�c naiire by maiL Lcndcr muy muke pn��l'�►i' la�� if nin � <br /> mude promplly hy Borcower. Euch intiuruncr cumpuny a�ncerncJ i+hrrrby uuthorii�J.►nd direrled tu make puymen�ti�r � <br /> such loxs dirccdy io Lcndcr.intilcuJ of tu 8i,rruwcr und to LcnJrr juimly. All or uny parl i►f Ihc in.uruncc prikcrd.mi�y hr � ° =�. -� <br /> , •� _ <br /> � upplied by Lender,ut i�x option,cithrr Ia1 ro thr mductiun of�hc indcblcJnc+.under�hc Nutr anJ lhi.Securay In+trumcnt. , ,',,,;: <br /> first to uny delinyuent umount. applicd in �hc urder in F'ura�.ruph �.und�hrn to prrpuymenl ��I'prirn:ipaL ur Ih1 tu ihr { , , <br /> restorution ur repuir of Ihc dumugcd pm�xrly. Any applic�ni�m ul ihr pnkeed+tu ihr prinrip:►I.hall not rxi�nJ ar�►.t�,ne , <br /> the due dutc of the mumhly paymcnts w•h�rh ure rricrrrd w in Para�raph 2.or rhan�r Ihe anu�unl u(�urh��aymenh. Any � <br /> cxce�s imuruncc pr�kccd�uvcr un :mmunt rcyuircd to pa� all outxtundinE indchtrdnr��undcr�h�Ni►!c and Ihi.Srcunly -� � <br /> ° Inxwment shall he paid to the rrniry Ic�ally entiUed�hcrrtu, <br /> In ihe evcnl oi'fareclosure ut'thi�Srrurity In��rumcnt ur othrr iran�frr ol titlr tu thc Nruprrl�•thul rxiin�ui+hr��hc � •�:•�y�• <br /> � indcbtcdncs�.ull right.tillc and inlrrc+t uf Fiurrowrr in:mJ w in,ur:uuc pi�liric,in forcr,hal l pa..�u d�r purcha,cr. . . <br /> ' S. Uccupancy, Preservation. �luintenanre und PrutecUun nP the Propert}•: K��rruwer'� Loun Applfrulion: � . <br /> . l.e�sehnlds. Burtowcr shull�xrupy,c+�ablish, anJ u�� �hr I'ru�xrty�.i+ H�,rra��cr+ princir:►I rr.idcnrc within ,ir��• Jay. , <br /> ufter the execution uf thi.Security In,�runnni unJ +hull runtinur ti� �xru��•thc I'mprny a, Barc����cr:�xincipul m�i�knrr <br /> • for at Icn+t one year aticr the Ju�r of�xcup:uk)•.unlc..thc 5rrretary drtenn�nc.thi>rcyuirc�nrnl will rauu w�Juc hard,hip <br /> ' for Bormwcr. cx wiless cxtcnuuting circumstanrr, r�ist w�hich arr hry�md Born,w•rr� runirul. B��nuv��cr .hall nutily <br /> t . . LenJerx of any cxtrnuulin�rircum+tancr�. Nurrawer ,hall n��t ennunil w�ute�,r���..1;unapc ur .uh.tanliully�h:m�e <br /> i <br /> • thc Property or ullow Ihc Property tu Jrtrriurutr,rcas�mahlr wrar;mil t�ar cxrcp�rd. l.rndcr ma�• in�prc��he I'm�xn)•if thc <br /> Property i�vurunt ur:ih;mduncd��r tlx luun i, in drfault. I.rndcr m:n�tahr rr:i.unahlr to pruirc�anal prr,crv� ,urh <br /> vacam ur ahanJ��ncd ('roprrty. Burru��•�r.hall ahu hr io dct:udi il'R„rru��rr. durin� ihc luan :���i�.:�u����i,«n.,., gavr <br /> ma�erially ful,� nr ina�ccurair int�urnuuion or tiiatrmrm. a� Lrn�lrr 1ur f:iileJ ��� pn,��dc Lrnder with ;�n�• <br /> ' infiim�utiunl in cumirrticm wilh Ihc luan rvidrncrd hy Ih� N�,�e.inrludin�. hui nut limi�cil t�,.r�pre.rnlali�ai. «HircrninE <br /> � Borrowcr��xcup�ncy ol'lhr Pru�xh�a,a princip;il rr,idrncc. If dii�Sr�urn) In,trinnrnl i.nn u Ir:urhalJ. Nurr��wrr.hall � <br /> ramply�vith�hc prav�stuin��f Ihr Ir:ur. It Hurruwrr acyuirr. I�r tnlr t�,th.• I'i„p.•r�y.thc��ld:mJ 1'�r IiUr.hall n��� <br /> Fx:merged wde,.Lrndcr u��rrc�In thr mrrgrr m��ritin�. <br /> 6. CharKes lo Horrv�wer und Prv�teclfon uP Lender's Rl�;htx in the I'rnpert}�. 13urnn�•cr.h:dl��a�:�11 go�•cmnmmal <br /> �ir mwiicipul charEc,,tinr+and impu.iliun,Ih:U an n��t inrluilcd in I'araLr.iph _'. Ri�rr�nrrr•hall p;i�• the,r ob1�E:�uun��,n <br /> timc dimrlly ai Ihr cnlity whirh i, uwrd Ihr p:n•mcnt. It I:�ilur. a, p:�� �cindd ad�rruh• ullrrt Lrndrr'. mtrre.l in thr <br /> ! Nroperty.up�m LcnJcri rcyuc,t NurruNrr hholl�,ramptl�•tiirni.h t��I.cndrr rr.•ri�a�r�id��nrm}:Ihcx paymrnt.. <br /> It'gurn�wrr I'uil�tu mnkr thr,r p:��•mcnt, ur dir �,a�mrnt,rryuir.•J h� I".ira�.raph �. nr I:�ilti��, �xrinmi am uihrr <br /> r��vcnunls unJ ugmcmrmti runtained in thi.ti��ruri�� In.�n�mrni.ur thrrr ��;i Ir�al pr��.�rdin�.tha�ma� .i�rnlirunll�� :dfr.•t <br /> � ....�...: ...�.�. .,�ti., a�.....,N.. �.�„•h n. n nrn�•rrdim� in h:�nlrunlr�.1nr Cu�1dCltlilaUull u� ta�ufurci la�« uf f�•}'Ul:tliuil�l. <br /> thcn LcnJrr muy du�mJ p.ry ivhatr�•cr i.nrrc..ary�a prutrr� th�ralur i,l Uir I'r��prm :md LrnJrr:ri�hl. in Ihr Pru�xm. <br /> including puymenl af�axr�.h:v;ird in.urancc:md uth�r�ii��nrd in I':uugr;iph_'. <br /> Any amuuni.Ji,hur.rd hy Lrnder unJrr du. 1':�ragraph .hall hrcrniic�in:iJJiliun:d J�•la„f Hun•�,��ri cmd Ix�r:urr�l <br /> by�his Srcunty Ins�rumrnt. 1'hr,c aiui�unt�.hadl tk�:ir micrc.i hn�n�hc d:Ur�H di��nt.;tt thc Nutr ralr.and :u thr <br /> I option�i(Lcndrr.�hall Ix�immcdi:ucl�dur and pa�aM�. <br /> ! 7. Cundemnution. 7'hr pruc�cJ�ul any;i��:�rd�+r claim far d:+m:��!r,,�lirrcl i,r cun•i runnrruun a�th:im <br /> ' condemnutinn ar uthrr tukinR uf:m�•pan of thr I'r�►�xn}.ur f�,r roirvc�;inrc in��larr�,f randrmnaunn.arc hcrrl,�•;i..i�nrJ <br /> and,hall tx paid tu Lcndcr��►�hc c.rtcnl uf the lull amuunt u(Ihc indcMrJnc..�h:d rrmain.unp:ud un.lrr thc N��Ir unJ thi. <br /> • ticcurity In.trument. Lendcr,hall appl�•�urh prixreJ.ln Ihr rrducuun ul Ih�•mdrhtrJnr.,under�hc riutr aiHl il►n tirruru� <br /> Inslruntent. tir.t lu any Jclinyucnt amuunh :�pplird m ihr ��rd.r pnniJcd in I'�ira�:r:iph �. end ih�n a, pre��:i>mrnt �,t <br /> prinripul. Any applicrliun �►t thc pnxecd� lu Ihe pnnciral +hall nul ��lend ur ��u+lpunr Ihr dur dale ul Ihe m�mlhl� <br /> ��yier.'���J����cr.i � <br /> E � <br />