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<br /> j° � ' , . Th�nm1�stW eone�rn�G wAn tlw adovo dacnbed crop�armMlnp or w bo qrown iq. �,�`�_
<br /> '�.,.�?R�i�:�it.•--
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<br /> � (c�ACCOUNTS: :�c'�.•r•r.xti:;�.:�
<br /> � • � ❑AIIAceour119ownedbyDebtaAlihadalehereotandallAccourNaatanyQmehereeRerACqutredby0ahla.topetherwithellbookiandroeord� �����"��'����'-•
<br /> relaWp to aald AoeauntY. �� „...:• v•.::h;� _
<br /> ',,,�.i_.�.:n-.u�,1r,;�.
<br /> ❑Those Accounts d OeWa enemaraled inthe schedule atlached hereto,and such Accaunls ol Debtor et may be enumerWad In sW�wque�t �ry=^.'
<br /> tchalulet provfded by DeWor W 8ecuretl Pa�1fi.tapelher wmt all books and recorda rela6ng w eald Accounta. �,r,,..,: .��:� •-------�:
<br /> (d)d�N���INTAN(31BLE3: `'��"Lr.,,s,�, ���
<br /> �S�`, .,.,'`�'d�.�s�r�
<br /> 4
<br /> � o�W 9enerai imengiaes of oebar,whether now owned a herealter acqulred,mciudmp,bul not Nmlled lo,eppncenons ra pa�ams,oopyr�pha. ___- __�
<br /> vademerks.trade nemea.traqe aecreto.+�nd � s,.ur, - _
<br /> Toge1F►eiwfthallsubstAutlonsandreplacemenlsbranyollheloregoingpropeAyandlnlheceseotalltenplbteCoNeterW,tagetherwlthp eNacceseorie9� i..,,�,,,,,
<br /> ettachments,parfs,equIpmenl.accessbnsandrepehsnowahereafleraltechedora�GxedWOrusedinconnectlonwfthenysuchgoals,�lileNlNestockln �'.'�'�' �`,•�
<br /> gealedon and produela(n the case of farm producis,and(llp ell werehouee recelpts.WIIS h cadlnp end odNr dooumenqof tqle�lOw w Iwriatla�COM�►h1p �-:- -�
<br /> such poods.end praceedc d any and all d Ihe IoregWnQ PropoAll• ��,i;;,�ir;�,�---
<br /> 3. Representatlons,Warrantfes and Ag�eements.Debtor reptesema.warcants and egreea thet ��"��f�:r•• ��-�+����
<br /> . . (a�Debtorls08fndlvldual.OpeMershlp.�lacorporallonend�if0ebbrlsanlndivfdool,thaWbbr'4realdYrlcilsatlheaddreisdD�dafhOwn ;:;�;;"�',;,,� :
<br /> et the beylnning of thls AgreemenL . ' '���-
<br /> (b)The Calateral wiU be used prlmenly tor O parsonel,famNy or household pur{as�4:Cl ferminp operedona;kl buswiess purposea• ,.',.;,t1 f.s�+'°�_�
<br /> �c)Oebtor'a krvenWry end Equ�pmenl.u taken ea Col�etere�above,are loca t e d a t , , i��_;,:-_
<br /> of If kM WanN,at dw addrac�o11he DeWor shown al�e begwu�ing o1 the ApreemeM. �� ����:,•�,i�
<br /> � •� (d)Oebtor's chlel place of business is located a1 and Oeblor'S Chlef execulive ofFice . , .
<br /> ,��'� ••� � ` Is loceted at or.H prevlous Mro spaces ere IeA ,.
<br /> � ��� � • � 61enk. el tlw addresa o1 Debtor s h own At t h e b e p inn l np o f t h i s A p r e e m e r q. D e b t o r'c r e c o r d a c o n c e m i n p f l a a x o un t�ond conbacl r l p h 1 8 a►e
<br /> �
<br /> , . ' keq at � :
<br /> � _ DI
<br /> . '• -- 1 . . .._ _
<br /> � �
<br /> � + .,Ir
<br /> or,il lefl Wank,at Ihe address ol Debtor shown at the beglnning o11�is Agreement.
<br /> 4. Additlonal Representatlons, 1Narrantles and Agreemente. Debta rep►ecents,warrarns end agrees thot
<br /> �a�Debtahes�wwillhaventthepme0ebtoracqulresrlghlslnCollateralhereaReransfng�absolutetitletoeachnemolCollateralheeandclearof ',:::
<br /> ellsecurNy nterests,Ifensandencumbrances,excepttheSecurAy IntereaLandw�IldelendtheCollateralagelnstallclafmsordemendsotallpersonsother
<br /> than Secured Party.Oabtor wltl not sell or aherwlse dlspose of ihe Collateral or any interest therefn without the prlor writlen consem of Sacured PaAy. ,�
<br /> excep1 tha�undl the occurrence of an Evem o1 Default end Ihe revocetfan by Secured Party of Debtor's�Ight w do so.Oeblor may sell any Inventory • .
<br /> ' constltutlng Collateral to buyers in Ihe ordnary courae o1 business and use and consuma any larm products constftuing Conatera�M Deblor�s ferml�9 '
<br /> � operations.Thereferenceto"proceeds"herelnshaAnolbedeemedtoconstftuteanauthonzaUontosellordlsposeofCollateral.lfDebtorlaecaporadon,
<br /> thls Agreement has been dul and vaNdIy authorized by all necessory corporate actlon,and,H Debwr�s o partr�ers�uP,lhe PeMer�s)executlnp thb
<br /> " AqreertwM hes(heve)YuRwri�r W act for(he peAnershlp.
<br /> (b)Debtor wfll not permR any tflnplble Cotleteral to be loceted ar reloceted a any stete(and,if county filing is requlred.In any county�In wMch e
<br /> • IlnencingstetementcoverfngsuchCollaterellsrequfredtobe,buthasnotmfactbeen,6ledinordertopeAeCltheSeeuntylnterest.Deblorwillmekei ulry
<br /> 1 , che�nge�ilsnaneormegewrthany�oth ren�dty otherw�ecfianyeoarmodilyitsstrucurei�o�orya Izat�wrpi�wrt�houtpnor�wrrtoen�ticetoSecued atYead _
<br /> consem therelo N otherwise requ�red.
<br /> �c)EeCh ACCOUnt or rlght to paymenl and each mstrumenl,doCUmen4 chaftel peper and other agreement cor�tltutinp or evwencing Colleteral Is
<br /> �or wfll be when arisfng or isaued)the vaNd,genulne andIepelly enlorceabte obhgetan,sub�cl to nodefence.sehofl ar courner-Clakn(other then those
<br /> a►ISng Inlheordlnery course of businesslofiheAccquntDebtororotherobllgornamed thereln or in Oebtor's recada perlaimngthe►etoas beM�g ob��Bated
<br /> topeysuchobllgeHon DebtorwillnedheregreetoanY materfalmodNicelionoremendmenlnoragreebanycancellat�onofanyauchACCOUntorod�gatlon .
<br /> wilhout Secured Party's prior wrilten conceM,and wYl not subordlnate eny such AccouMor nght to peyment to clauns of other credl��s of auch AecouM '� �
<br /> pgbtor or other obMgor.
<br /> (tl)Debta will:
<br /> • c�nyes atthe sole tllecretbn ot he Secur1ed Party.n relahonship to luntls advenceC as may be apecdied by atlechment en0 exhlbil hareto,sub�ect W
<br /> �+ pq Cdlect its AccouMS only In the wdlnary course ot busmess;
<br /> � (iu) If thla Agreement covera all of Debtor's ACCOUnts,himlah Secured Pa�y at Ihe Mme ot each borrow�ng.and any such�ntervals as Secured Pady
<br /> � may prescnbe,wdh e 8onower's CeAHicete(m such lorm as Secured Peny may irom time to Ume specdy)showmg 1he egyregate face amount of WI ot im
<br /> � Accounts.the names end addresses ot ail Account Debrors.and the aqmg ol eech Account
<br /> �e)Debtor wdl:
<br /> (i) Meinteinlnvenlo�vvaluedetthebwerolcostormarketinsuchquant�tiesandmrelauonshiptotundsadvancedasmaybespecfiedbyettechmerN
<br /> and eKhlbit hereto,sub�ect to Changes at thg sole d�scretan ot the Socurod Party
<br /> � (f1) Sell ds Inventory only m Ihe ordnary course o1 bus�ness. ,
<br /> (�f�) Fumish Secured Parly at the Ume o(eech borrowing.and et such�Mervals as Secured Party may prescnbe.wdh a Borrower s Cehilicete(�n a�uch
<br /> (ortn as secured patty may fram time to hme specilry)showing Ihe aggregate cost�ci wholesale merket value of its Inventory
<br /> (�Unless Secured Perry notit��:�BWOr in wrdng thal d warves eny one oi mae of the�ollowing reawremeds,OeWor wdl
<br /> (�) Upo�requestolSecuredPerty.ghie$ecuredParryassignmeMS,�nformacceplabletoSeturedParty.olSpac�kcACCat�IS�rgroupso�Ar,COUnte.
<br /> and of mon�es due and to become due untler spec�hc contracts:
<br /> � (h) Upon request o1 Secured Parry,lurnish to Secured Perry a copy,wdh suCh dupliCate copies as Secured Paity may re�uest.ot Ihe�nvolce
<br /> epplicable to each Account speciliCa�ly assigned to Setured PaAy Or ansmg oul o�a co�lmct nght.beanng a stelemenl lhal suCh Accuunt or Controct nght
<br /> � hes been e9s�gned to Secured F'aAy.and such add�tianel slatements as Secured Party may�eqwro.
<br /> (w� InformSeturedPe immetliatelyollhere�eCtiOnotgoods.de�ayindelrveryorpertormanca.otCleimsmade.�►egardtoanyAccountorconlraCt
<br /> .�_
<br /> � rgni sput:n"wuiiy a's5yi�ou w uoL'utou':'o�:j.
<br /> (rv► Meke no chenge in any specilwally ass�gned Atcounl or any Account anang out ol a cantrnct nght ass�gnedto Secured Perty.antl no matenal
<br /> � clwnge m the terms ot any such contracr.
<br /> � (v� Furn�sh to Secured PaAy ail mlormaUOn rccewed by Deblor aHeclmg the tmanc�a�stantlmg o1 any Account Deblor or dher obhgor whose Atcount
<br /> , a Contrect nght has been specd�caNy ass�gnad to Secur�d Party.
<br /> (�n� ReCewe as Ihe sols praperty ot SeCUred Party ond hold es trustee for SeCUred Pa�ty a��momes.checks.notes.dralts.and other properry Ihe�e�n
<br /> } � celled��ItemsolPayment'�repreSenbnglheproceetlsolanyACCOUntorCOntraclrightinwhiChSecu�edPaAyhesaSecuntyk�tereslwhichcomeintothe
<br /> � � posseas�on ot Debtor.and depos�l all such Items o1 Payments�mmediately�n the exact brm rece�ved m a spec�a�account ol Debto�wdh Secured Pe�ly
<br /> enUtled'Cash Collateral Accau�l'as relerred to heremalter.�I any is required,or d there�s no Cash Collateral Accounl.w�ll pay all such ttems ot PaymeM
<br /> � dueCttyto SeCWed Party.
<br /> (vn) Pay SecuredParlylheamounlbanedagamslanyAccounto�conlractnghlspecficallyassgnedtoSecu�edPartywnerethegcadsarRretumed
<br /> by ACCOUnI Debtors or where the tontteCt is cancelled or termma�ed.
<br /> 1 (wn) Immed�etely noUly Securod Party ol any o�ds Accounls ans�ngout ol cont�a�IS wdh Ihe Un�ted States or any deparlmenl aqency or�nslrumental�ly
<br /> Ihereol.and OxeCUle any mStrumonts or lake any steps requued by Socwed Party in orclpr that all mon�es due and to betorne duN undpr.�ny such COntraCta
<br /> sha11 be assgnetl to SeCUred Pnrty u�d noUCe thereol grven to Ihe governmenl under tn�Federal Assignmenl ol t;ta�ms Acl.
<br /> '� .
<br /> ��
<br />