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201003337 <br />Exhibit "A " <br />Part of Lot TWehty Two (2~ of pear Subdlvialoh of Lots Stx (8), Seven (n and Etgtrc (8) of OameH's <br />Subdivision of part of the East Half (Etf3) of Section Nirw (9), Township Eleven (f1) North, Range Nine (9) <br />West of the 6th P.M., Hall County, Nebraska more particularly described as iolloWS: Beginning m a point on <br />the Southwest homer of aald Lot Twenty Twb (2'lk thence running Nwtharly abng and upon the Westerly <br />boundary Una of said Lot Twenty TWO (22); a distance of Pne Hundred Foxy 71NO and Siz Tenths Feat <br />(142.6; thence running easterly along and upon the Southerly boundary Iine of 411th Street a distance of <br />Shdy six Feet (667 to the paeteriy boirndsry line of Bald Lot Twenty Two (2~, thence southerly along and <br />upon the Easterly boundary Iine of Lot Twenty Two (2'~, a diatance of lkla Hundred Forly Twe and Four <br />Tenths Feet (1424; tfience running westerly along and upon the Southerly twundary Iine of Lot Twarrty Two <br />(22), a distance of Sixty Sbr Feet (66y to the actual point of beginning EXCENTING from said tract the <br />squHrerlyTwerrty Five (S 2a'7 Feet thereof <br />