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<br /> 1'CKiETNkFt W[TH ail the in�pcovemeaw�ww or heretfier erxted on the prapttty,and�ll w�s-em ntiQ ucti:w.:ux!
<br /> tixturrs now or hereafier r� p:u: u: L�. �iap:.rty. A1! seplscarxnts �xl a�ditions sh.ii �f� bs cw�•e��l by chts Socurity
<br /> Lnucununt. All of the forrgaii�g ic nrferrat tn in this Sa�urity Instntntent u the'f'mperty.`
<br /> gO1tRUWER C�OV6NANTS thut&�ri�+►ee is I�ufully scisecl af the estnte htrtby com•eycc!:ux1 tus thc risht w Lc�u wk1
<br /> convey the Propci�y �uxl that tlie E'm{xny is unencumbertci. except fo�encumbrsn�� of rabrd. Borrower warn�uy +�nct wit!
<br /> defeiw!gen�rally the titic to the Property a,�ainst all claims anc!derrwnds.subject to��y e�xumbraax�es of r000ni.
<br /> 1 ylS SECURi i Y iNSTRUI41E1VT a��nbirk::u1'sforr.z covensntY far nati�itu�l u�e�xl cWn••w�ifum�cove+�nis with Ilnutcti
<br /> v�riztions by jurisdictlan io wnsdtute a unifc,rni serurity i�sstnuiknt co��erinr rest propeny.
<br /> l3NIFORM COVFNANTC.Borrow�er a�xi Lc�xkr covenuu aurd agree aa follous:
<br /> 1. Paya�ent of'Priact�! wsd Interest: [h�el�Yme�t �a�! Late Charpes. l3orrow•er s�wll proniptlY PaY wt,a� Ju� the
<br /> princi�l of and inu►t:st on the debt evidenced by the Note ond anY PcepaYnxnt w�d late charg..s due uiuirx u'�e hote.
<br /> 2. Ftiuuts far Tw:rs aa+i Iacurssxe. Sub}ect to applicable Ixw oe to a watcen waiver by l.et►dee. B�uroa•er shall pay to
<br /> Lutider on the cLay monlhly paymenes arc due under the Nac:,wui!the Note is paid in full,a wm("Fs:nds")for: (a)ye:uly taxes
<br /> �nd asse,zvmants which m►y attain priarity over this Security Inu:umenS us a lien on the Property: lb)Ye�r�Y�r�cehold p�ymcnts
<br /> or ground renu on the Propeny.if wny:(c)Yearly tw�rd or W'oPeriY iiuurance premiwns:td/yearly flood insuranx premiva�s,
<br /> iF�ny: (e)yearly mortga�e insurance preaniums, if any: ancl(fl any wnu P�y�ble by Borrower to t.ea�der, in A000rdanee with
<br /> tbe provisians of paraRcu�h 8,in liw of the paytnen:of monsage insur.uict premiums. These iten�s art c.�llai"Escrow Items."
<br /> Le�er m�y, at any wno, rnllect �nd hold Fur�fs in an amount iuK to exeeed che maxirtu'm amount a lender for a feJerally
<br /> raisua� mongage loan may req�ire for Borrower's escrow xcount wxier the federal Resl Estata Sutlemau Pro�odures AM°f
<br /> 19'f4 as amended from time to timt. 12 U.S.C. Soctioo 2601 et seq. ('RFSPA'),udess anothei!aw that applies to the Funds
<br /> sets a lesser amounc. If so. Lec�der may, at any tune.wltecc zud iwld Funis in an a�itiount not co excad the lesser arnount.
<br /> i,ende�may estimue tl�e aa�ount of Funds due on the basis of current data a�c1 reasocwble estiu�aces of expeaditures of future
<br /> Escmw Ituns or othec�tiise ia aocordai�a with applicablo law.
<br /> 'R�e Funds st�a11 6e held in an iactiwtion whose deposits sve iawred Dy � federal agency. instrumeraality. or entity
<br /> (,cwlu3;r.g:.r.ss.:cr.':f L-�1sr is su�h�irs�i����x+l ar in any Foderal Hoa�e Lo�n Baolc. I.e�sder shall apply the Funds to pay the
<br /> Escrow Ituns.L.ender may not charge Borrower for holding and appiYinB the Funds,uu�ually a�wlyting the escrow accou�c,or
<br /> vuifying the Escrow It�s.unless Lencler p�ys Borrowu icuuest on the Funds sud applicable law permits Lender to m�ke such
<br /> a ch�rge.However.Lc�cGer may roquire t3orco�'er ta pay a one-time chuge for an indeptndent real euate tax reporting sen�ioe
<br /> used by I.endez in cow�:tion with th3s loan, unless applicable law provides otherwise. Un3ess an st8reemenc is roade oc
<br /> applicable law roquires intaest to be p�id. Lec�de�'shyll not be re4uirod to Pay B°rr°wu any interest or eamings on the Funds.
<br /> Borrowcr and Lender m�y agree in wciting.however.that iautcst shall be paid on the Fwtids. L.ender sha11�ive to Borrowu.
<br /> withaut charge, aa annual accounting of the Funds, showing crodiu and debits to the Fwkls atd the Rurpose for which acb
<br /> debit to the Funds was tnade.Tde Funds art pledged as additional security for all suaLS secuted by this Security Inurument.
<br /> If tbe Fnnds held by Lender eacad th�amounts permitted to be held by a�plicabte law,l.eixler shall acoount to Borrowu
<br /> for the ex�s Funds in xcotdance with tfic require�unuits of appli�ble law. if the�mouni of the Funds held by L�e�der ac�ny
<br /> time i�r��wfficiau to pay tl-,e Escrow Itenu when due.Lender may so notify Borrowu in wridng,and.in such case Bor�+ower
<br /> st�all pay to Lender ehe auwunt neocssuY to nake up the dcficiency. Botrower shall mtice up the deficiency in no moro tl�o
<br /> twelve monthlY PaY���at l,a�des's sole discretion. � refund to Somnwu any
<br /> Upon pyyment in tLll of all sums scxured by this Sera:rity Instrument. I.e�xler shall P mp�1Y
<br /> . .--Fersxls tseld by Leodei.if,under oarigraph Zt.LEntser snaii acqniis or seil ii�c r.�+y�,.y,�•3•,•.i�•�r�.�=�•:�-===-••�•'—'•—'t"-
<br /> of the Froperty,sha11 apply any Funds held by Leader at the time of acquisition or sale at a crodit a�unst the sums secural by
<br /> tbis 5ecurity Iastiucnd�t•
<br /> 3.A�p�oa�f p�ymwts,Udess applicable law provides otherwise.�11 payments rooeived hy L.ender unda'parsgrapt�s
<br /> 1 aod 2 s1wU be applied: fisst, to anY P�Y�chuges due under tbe Note: s000ad.to�nounts payable under par�rsph 2:
<br /> third,tv x�rest due;fourth.to principal due;and izct.to wy late c1�arBa due under the Note.
<br /> 4.C�es;I.ieas.Sorrawer shall pay �Il taxes.����,,,a «,charg�,fines utid imposi6o�ss uuibutable W thc Propetiy
<br /> which may attain pcicxity over tlus Seruriry Inurumrnt. aad lc�thoW paYmeasts or Sround*�ats• if any. Borrower shall WY
<br /> thae obligations ia tBe manner provided in par�+graph 2,or if ooc paid in that manoer.Borrowu sl�ll pay them on time dirxtly
<br /> to tbe petaoa owed paymeat.�rrowt;r s�U prossspily furnish t�E.er�.ltr a!!notioeF of amounts to be p�tid undet tius ptt�r�ph•
<br /> If Borte�er tnakes tlxse pa�ymenu direxily,Borrower shall pro�tiY fumish to:.ender teoeipts evidencing the paymentc•
<br /> Borrower sball ProtnpclY dischac'6��Y lien which has priority over this Socuriry Insttumeat w�less Borrowet: (�)agcas ia
<br /> • writing to the paymeat of the obligation secured by tbe litn in�manner aoaptable to Leader: (b)concests in good faith the tiea
<br /> by. or defeads against eaforoem�nt of the liea in. tegal procealings which in the I.ender's op'mion opaate to Pre�eat tbe
<br /> enforocment af tbe liea;or(c?socures from the takkr of the lien an agi�eemeat satisfxtory to Lendu subordicutiag the liw W ,
<br /> � chis Security Iastrumait. If Lad�r detasnines dutt any put of the P►nperty is subject W a liea wirich uuy attain Priority ovet
<br /> this Savriry Instnunent, L.ender may give Borrowu a notice identifying the lieit.Borrower shall satisfy the lien or take one or
<br /> mo�+e o�c3ye sctio�set fartb above within 10 days of the giving of�wtice.
<br /> ' ' Form 3o2s 8I90
<br /> r.o.a�e,�
<br /> ' • � ,r.i?.;�c
<br />