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<br /> � � thereol,the rentel payable therounder, or to chanpe any renewel proviaiona lherein cantalned;(d)welve��y dNault �u_�
<br /> Ihereundar o�breeah thsreot(e)�Iw�ny conaent,wsiver or appro�al thereundsr o�Inka er�y othar action in connection e,.__
<br /> ��.°--
<br /> therewith.or with a lesses thereund�r,whlch would have the eBect ot ImpNrfn�the value of letson interat thereunder or „�._..- �
<br /> • • the property aub�ect theroto,or ol impalri�p the potition or Intere�l ol lhe Trustes or Benellciary;or(t)eell,�ssi�n,plad�a, � _
<br /> " mortyape or othervris�dispos�01,or encumb�►itafnteresl i�pny eaid leawor any�ents,isau��o►prollts iwuaM�or risin0 y,.....L. ,,,�
<br /> thereunder. �`.'``�=�:�����-
<br /> , �_.__
<br /> DUTIES OF THE TRUSTEE:Truetor agreea that(a)the dutfes and obligatione of Trustee shall be determined�wlely by � �==�r�=;°:
<br /> � � the expreas provialons o1 thls Deed of Truat and the Trustee shall not be Uable excepf for the perto►mance of such dutiaa �.;�;-.-s
<br /> and oblipetlons as are apeclfically set fohh herefn,and no implied covenanta or obli etions shall b�imposad upon the � �:• .. ...,:,,�y;;�'
<br /> � T►ustea;(b�no proot this Deod of Truel shall�equfre Trusteo to expend or risk Its own tunda,o�otherwiee incur 11�anciel n �-::`,
<br /> obligaNan in the peAormance of any of its duNes hereunder,o►in the exercise ot any of Ita rf�hts or poweis,it It ahall have � •` �'�°
<br /> . ��, _
<br />� � g�ounds for believinp that the repayment o1 auoh funds or adequate indemnfly against such►fak or liabilly Is not reasonably � . _
<br /> assured to i�(c)Trustee may consult with counsel of its own chooain�and tha advice of auch counsel ahall be full and ,
<br /> j complete authorizetion a�d protection in the respect of any action teken or auflered by it hereunder In pood lefth and in
<br /> I �eliance thereon;(d)Trustee shall not be Ilable for any action taken by it In good faflh and reasonably beliaved by It to be ,
<br /> � authoriied or wtthin the d�cretfon or righta of powe►s confe�red upon it by thie Deed of Trust. i
<br /> i
<br /> � � TRUSTEE'S FEES:Trustor expressly covenants and egrees to pay and diacharge ell cost,fees and expensea of this
<br /> '; Deed of Trust,including In the event of sale by the Trustee of such propeAy,the Trustee's costs,expens�send fees,whlah .
<br /> fees shall nnt exceed$500.00 plus�f,of 1%of the amount secured hereby and remaininp unpaid. �
<br /> ,�,: SU83TITUTION OF TRUSTEE:Thet 8eneficfary mey,irom timeto time,by instrument in wrNing,aubstitute a succesaor or • •
<br /> successors to any Truetee named he�eln o� acting hereunder, which instrument, executed and acknowled9ed bY ,
<br /> Benefiofary and recorded in the oNice of the reglater of deeds ot the couny or countfea where such p�operly is silualed,
<br /> ' shall be conclusive proof of proper substitution of such Trustee or Trusteeawho ahall without co�veyencefrom the Truatee � � �,.
<br /> � �� predecessor,succeed to all its title,estate�ights,power and duties. ��' _
<br /> tie'x•._
<br /> �' NO WAIVER BY BENEFICIARY: No waiver by Truatee or Beneficiary of eny right under thfs Deed ot Trust ahall be .
<br /> eHective unless in writinp.Weiver by Trustee or Beneticfary of any right granted to Truatee or Beneflciary underthis Deed of : , •, ''
<br /> �'���� , Trust or ot any provision oi this Deed of Truat as to any transaction or occurrenues shall not be deamed a waiver as to eny � ,�__
<br /> � future transaction or oocurences.By accepting payment of any sum secured he►eby etter its due date.or by making any `
<br /> payment or performing any act on behalf of Trustor that Trustor was obligeted hereunder,but tafled to make or pe�form or
<br /> ` ' by edding any payment ao made by Trustee or 8eneffciary to the indebtedness secured hereby,Benetfciary does not waive
<br /> its right to require prompt peyment when due ot all other sums so secured or to require prompt pe�formance of all other acta �
<br /> -� requirsd haroundor,or to dec}are tseres�nder,or t0 dec�Are a detauU for feilure ao to pay. _
<br /> �:
<br /> �•.��� WAIVEROFSTATUTEOFLIMITATIONS:TImeisoftheeasenceinallTrustor'soblfgatfonahereunder;andtothaexleM • °
<br /> } permitted by law.Trustor weivea all present or future statutes ot limltations with respect to eny deb�derne�d or obligation . °
<br /> �, secured hereby in any actbn or proceeding lor the purpose of enforciny this Trust or any�fght or remedies hereunde�. � �
<br /> IN3PECTION AND BUSINESS RECORDS:Benetlaiary at any time during the contfnuatfon of Ihis T�uat may enter end � � ,:
<br /> � inspect such property at any reasonable time.Trustor agrees that,when requested by Beneffclery.Trusto�will promptly
<br /> deliver to 8eneficiary such cehiffed tinanclal sta�ements and profit and loas statements of such typesandet such intervale
<br /> as may be required by Beneflclary which wlll be in form and content prepared accordi�g to the uaual and ecceptable
<br /> accounting principlea and prectices,whfch statementa shall cover the tinanafal operations releting to Trustor or such
<br /> properry and Trusto�further agrees when requested by Benefiaiary to promptly deliver in writlny such lurther additionel
<br /> ,
<br /> informetfon ss raquired by Be�eficiary �elating to any such ffnenaial statemente.
<br /> REMEDIES:No remedy herein provided shall be exclusfve of any other remedy herein or now or hereafter exfsting by
<br /> law,but shall be cumulative.Every power or remedy hereby given to Trustee or to Benef lalary or to which eNher oi them may
<br /> be otherwise entitled,may be exercised irom time to time and as otten as may be deemed expedfent by them,and either of
<br /> them may pursue inconsistent remedles.If Beneffcfary holds any additional security for any obligation secured hereby,it
<br /> may enforce the sale lhereof et its optlon,efther before,contemporaneously with,or after the sale is made hereunder end
<br /> I on any default of Truator, 8eneticiary may, at its option, oHset egafnat any indebtedness secured he�eby, and the
<br /> M Benef�lary fs hereby authorized and empowered at its option,without eny oblfgatfon so to do,and without atfecting the
<br /> � obligatfons hereof,to apply toward the peyment of any indebtedness of the Trustor to the Beneficlary,any and all aums ot
<br /> � 1 � money of Truator which may have fn its possessfon or under fts control,including without limitfng the generality of the
<br /> A � foregofng any savings account,deposit,investment certlfiaete,escrow or trust funds.
<br /> i
<br /> i LAW APPLICABLE:That ihis Oeed of Trust shall be construed according to the laws of the state of Nebraska ,
<br /> � ILLEGALITY:In the event that any provision or clause of thls Deed ot Trust contlicts with epplicable law,such contllcf
<br /> shallnotaHeclotherprovisionsofthisDeedofTrustwhfchcanbeg�veneBectwlthouttheconflicNngprovision,andtothis .
<br /> ' end the provisions of this Deed of Trust are declared to be severable.
<br /> GENERAL PROVI510NS:(a)This Deed of Trust applies to,mures to the benefit of,and binds all pa�ties herelo,their heirs,
<br /> legatees,devisees,administrators,executors,successors and assigns.(b)the term"Beneficiary"shall mean the owner
<br /> and holder(including a pledgee)of any note secured hereby,whether or not named as Beneficiary herein.(c)Wherever
<br /> ' the context so requlres,the masculine gender includes the teminine and neuter,the singular number includes the plural,
<br /> and vice ve�sa. (d)Captiona and paragraph headings used herein are for convenfence only, are not a part of this
<br /> �. w,,.oe..�a.,� o.,.�a►, u r,�r np��apr��n r..nnatr��ina it.It morethan one uerson is named herein as Trustor,each obligation of
<br /> � a.............._..__..9....-�-- ----
<br /> Trustor shall be the jolnt and several obligation of each such person.The rights or remedies granted hereuntler,or oy iaw,
<br /> „ shall not be exclusfve,but shell be concurrent and cumulatrve.
<br /> � TRUSTEE ACCEPTS this Trust when this Deed,duly executed and acknowledged,is made a public record as provided
<br /> by law.Trustee is not obligated to notify any party hereto of pending sale under any other Deed of Trust or any action or
<br /> proceeding in which Trustor,Beneliciary or Trustee shall be a party, unless brought by Trustee.
<br /> Mading address lor notices to Trustor:
<br /> �
<br /> � �
<br /> i� _
<br />