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�I r. , ..t��n.} :��vy.l,'i��:�.,�'ra M_ S�.{�,lp.�»i ���1'.��'�`_st� :nSyS(t .}.�r�� '-�4ir. ,ry� . �..-,... TM'i�,wi _ .,.�a-..�� _.. <br /> ��' ��� ° n � .i�vki. .�.�?+w�� <br /> + <br /> ,__,���„ . . . a-• . . • - -. <br /> .�+�*ry�yrw��`"w:.,t�. �, . .._... ._ <br /> RRR•' <br /> � ........,..�� . .� n. . . , . . <br /> I ' v, ..0=•� <br /> _,.. <br /> - - - - - -..ta_ _ . _. ---- ._.._ - --— <br /> . _. " �e.�._..— <br /> ��.� <br /> � : . :-- .,;__� - . � 92- 102089 �_- <br /> N •- <br /> . I...� �,� ... TOCI�THER WITH all thc impravcmcnt�n��:y or henuflcr cawtrd nn Ihc propeny.und•rll ruumcntti.uppuncnunccs. ---- .- <br /> I F � " � L and fixlureK nuw or h�rcaper u pan of thc prupcny. AU��placcments and aJdi�ion,+hull ul�o Ix covcred by�hiz Secu�iry <br /> :n��'t�} •� In�trument. AO��f Ihe forcgaing i�rcl'rRrd to in ihiK Security Insirument a�thc"Pn►p►ny." �. ..�..._ <br /> BORRUWER COVENANTti ihut BuRUwcr i+iuwfully�citicd of thc c+�alc hcrrhy c��►vcycd onJ ha��hc rigM tu ga+nt <br /> ��',�o . --, und convey the Ptapeny und Ihu��he Prupeny i�unencumbeirJ,exrept for rncumbrunee,nf record. Hixrowcr wurrant.r und _ <br /> � will�tefend gencrully the tide�o�hr.R��peny ugoimt ull cluim�and demund..subjrrl lu uny encumhruncc+uf recorJ. <br /> r '� THIS SECURITY INSTRUM�NT comt+inc+ uniti►rn� r�wcnunis for nuticmul uyc anJ nun-unil'orm cuvcnamx with ---- <br /> ' � limited vuria�Mn�by juri,dktiun lu con.tiwtr a unili�rm+ecurity imtrumen�covrring real pnrprny. <br /> � � UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrowcr und Lrndcr cavcnam anJ ugrec u�fuHuw,: �_- -�"�-�=��- <br /> ' . �, pAymenl ut Princfpal And Imere�ct: Prepayment and LAte Chs�rges. Harruwcr+hall promptly puy when duc thr <br />,-�, principal of suid intcrc��on Ihc dcht cvidcnrrd by the Notc unJ uny prepayment und lu�e chsugcs duc und�r�hc Note. _-- <br />+ • • i Funds for 7hxes And Insurance. Subject to upplicablc low or lu u written wuiver by l.cuder,BoROwer shall pay to _ <br /> � . ' Lender on 1hc day munthly puymcnu urc due undcr ihc Notc,until the Note i.paiJ in full, a�um("Fund.r"1 fur:la)yeurly __ <br /> •� tuxe+und uxsestirnen�y which may ouuin priority over�hi,Security In,vument u+u lien on ihe I'raperty:lbl yeurly leusehold <br /> . • . • payments or graund rcnt�on Ilx I'�openy, if any; lc) yearly h�urd or propeny in�umnce premium�: ldl yesuly flood <br /> insua►nce premiumti, if Any: Icl ye►uly mangugc in�urnnce prcmiums,if uny; wxl lfl any sums payuble by Burrawer to �� <br /> `•� Lender,in uccordancr with[he pravisians of parugruph R,in lieu of the payment of monguge in,urunce premiums. 7'hese <br /> item+are called "EKrnw Itcmti" I.endcr may.A1 uny time,collect and hald Funds in An nmount nat to exceed the muaimum <br /> ". ° amaunl a Iender far u fcdcrally mluted moAguge loan may reyuim for Borrower's e�crow uccount under the federnl Reul <br /> Es�atc Seltlement Pnxcdurcs Act of 1y74 u�amcndcd from timc ta time.l2 U.S.C.�2601 et s�y.l"RESPA"1,unlc+s ana�her <br /> ^ luw thut applies to the Funda se�s u leszer umaum. It'so,Lender may.�t uny time.collcct and hold Funds in un umourn no1 to - •t'•s�__ <br /> • cxceed the Ic�ser umount. Lendcr may cslimute the amount of Fundx due on thc basis oi'current duta suid ren.wnablc ���A <br /> � � � es�imates af ezpenditures af future E+cruw Items ur oihenvi+e in Accordance with applicnble luw. s�---s--�.._ _ _ <br /> , � Thc Funds shull be hcld in An institution whosc deposits Are insured by u federul ugency, instrumentulity,ur entity � � .�t%:'�:e.,� <br /> J._,,,:. <br /> (including Lender,if l.cnder i.tiurh an im�i�ution)or in any Fedrrul Home Loan Bank. Lender shall upply Ihe Funds to pay . •,��� - - <br /> the Escrow liems. Lender mu not chur e Bc►rmwer fcx holdin and a 1 in the Funds, annuull anal cin the escrow •• �,^4�• � <br /> Y F 8 PP Y R Y Y F �: : �,. <br /> ' accoum.or venfying �he E,crow I�ems, unle+s Lender pays Borrower intercst un �he Fund�und upplicuble luw permitti ��i5�;=�•- <br /> � Lender to make �uch u chur�c. Hawever, LenJer mny reyuire Borrawer to p•ry u one-time churge for an independent rrol <br /> esWte tax reporting urvice used by l.rnJer in conneclion with thi�luun,unle+s upplicuble law proviJes atherwis�. Unless un �•'.��i:��-,�. <br /> u r��ment is mAde or applics�ble law requireti intere+�tn hc ps�iJ,Lcnder xhull not bc rcquircd to puy Borrower any intere+t or �iT�-�� " = <br /> r s �'+�� <br /> .. camings an Ihc Funds. B�xruwer unJ l.ender may ugrcc in wri�in�t,howevcr,lhat intcrest shall b�puid on thr Fund.. Lender <br /> „ � shall give to Borrower,wilhcwi rhargc,un unnual urruuming�►i'thc Funds,xhuwing credil+ and dehits to the Funds�nJ the �,,:ur.��fze��n��*__ <br /> purpose for whirh euch debit to the Funds wus mude. The Fund+sue plcdged ux additionul se�:uriry for ull sums securcd b '�"�•�`�``� <br /> Y �s�—_: <br /> Ihi�Security Instrumem. �'i�m�--o---= <br /> If the FLnds held by Lender eKCCed the umountti permilted to be hcld by upplicable luw. Lender :hull uccount tu _:.�;�� <br /> • -- Barrower for�he exce+s Fund�in u�curJuu�c wiih ihe requircmcnts csf applicrble lsti:�. !�the amount��f t!x F�nd� lu�ld My _ _�r'��' <br /> l.ender at uny time is nut suf6cicm to puy the Excrow Items when due,Lender muy+o notit�y Borrower in writing,und,in � .�� �� <br /> such cu�e Borrower +hull pay to Lender �he umount necetiwry to muke up the deticicncy. BoROwcr shall muke up 1he h�;�t t•s:','• <br /> deficiency in no more�han twelve monthly payments.t Lendo�'s soly di�cr�tion. �F •" :�'' ' <br /> � Upon paymenl in full of all sums+ecurrd by tl�i� Securiry Instrument,Lcnder shull prompdy rcfund to Bortower;u�y ` ~:`jp0'""� <br /> Funds held by Lender. If,undcr parugruph 21.Lend�•r,liull acquire or urll�hc Propeny.Lender,prior to the aryuisition or • <br /> ' sale of the Pmperty, shall apply uny Funds held by L�ndrr at the tirne of ucquisition or sulc nz a crcJit ugain,t�hc sums � ,� � <br /> � sccured by this Security Inxtrument. ' <br /> , 3. Applicatlon of Paymenl.4. Unle+> upplicublr luw pruvide� othcrwisc, ull puyments rcreived by L�nder unJcr <br /> ptUUgraphs 1 and 2.h�ll Ix s�pplicd:fint,to uny prrpuyment churge.due under thr Notr;,econd,to umounts payable under ._::.. <br /> parugruph 2:� inlrrest Juc:tiiurth,w pnncipul due;and la�t,to any lute churges due under thr No�e. •���`"''�`''" �"�'_ <br /> 4. Chwr�es: Lien�. Borrower shall p�y ull taxe.. as,c.sment�.charge,. fineti smJ im{w.i�iun, uttribuwble to the '. ._ _ - <br /> Property which muy uuain priarity over thi,Securi�y Imirument,und Ica.rholJ paynxms or grounJ rent.,if any. Rorrower �� �.�jy;2- <br /> shall puy these al►ligulion+in ihc mannrr proviikd in paragr•rph 2.,or if not paid in that manner.Borrower+h•rll pay them on i ��'-_�,�_- <br /> �• lime directly lo thc per.on uwcJ paymcnt. Bornrwcr.hall promptly I'urnish li�l.cndcr nll nutires�if am� tk paiJ under „:— <br /> ' this purugruph. If Bormwcr mukc�thesc puyments Jirectly.Borrowcr�hall prumptly furni+h to Lendcr reccipts eviJencing � � ';a�.�-:�� <br /> the puyment,. t _ -- <br /> Burrower,hall promptly diachurgr any lirn which hus priority uver ihis Srcurity In.trumcnt unles,BoRnwer:lul agrees f <br /> in writing ta Ihe payment of thc obliga�iun�ccured by�hr licn in a m�nner urcepluhl�to Lcnder.(bl contc.ts in��wd faith Ihe _� <br /> . , licn by,or dcfends uguinst cn(orcemem of�hc licn in,Icgal pnxerJing+which in the LrnJcr ti opinion operutr to pRVCnt thr '�"''"'� <br /> enforcemcnt of the lien;ix(c)secure+from thc holJer�d�Ihr lien an a�rcemenl ,uti.GKa�q to LenJer,utx�rdinatinF the licn _ <br /> to thi�Securi�y In��rument. U'LrnJer Jetcm�ine,th•ri zmy pan uf the ProFxny i�suhj�ct t�� a lirn which muy attuin prioriry <br /> ' over this Security Instrumcnt,Lcndrr nwy Eive Borrowcr a noticc iJcnlifying the lirn. Borrowcr�hall suti+fy the lien or take . �„ <br /> one or morc of thr actiom ut fonh atwvr within I(1 Juys uf the giving uf nutirc. ' � <br /> 5. Hazard or Property Insurance. Bortowcr�hall kccp thr improvemcros noa� �xistin�:on c�rcattcr ercrted cHt thc <br /> �� Propeny insurcd aEuin+t lm.hy firr.h•rcarJs inrlu��d wilhin�he Ienn°�xtrn�kd rovcrage"and any�Hlxr hutardx,including � <br /> � floodx nr flandin�t, for which l.ender rcyuiR+imurunrr. Thi. in+uruike .Iwll t►e maimain.d in the ami►unls und for Ihe <br /> t. <br /> FiKm J112N YnJU ����er:n/n pnvr.� <br /> � <br /> � . <br /> . �1 - - <br />