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<br /> �_�'-�° If Lender requlred mortgage ineurance as a condiUOn of mak�ng the loan aecu�ed by ll�is Secunty Instrument,
<br /> °---• — � Botrower shall pey Ihe prem�ums requued to maintain the�naurance�n eflect untd such Ume as Ihe requuement for the
<br /> :��. ,; :S�t'.
<br /> � � , ., , .;���,,�, insurance terminales�n accordance w�lh 6orrower's and Lender's wntten agrQement or applicable law
<br /> ,,.,:,�...t,,.,�, 0. Irnptatlon. Lender or ita ape�t may make reasonnble entnes upon end inspections ol Ihe Property Lendar
<br /> � +� '_ . ° shall gwe Borrower notir.e at the Ume of or pnor to an inspecUOn specdying reasonable c�use for ihe mapecUOn
<br /> ` 4 � Y. Cond�mn�tlon. Theproceedsofanyawardorcla�mfordamages,CirectorcoocoquwnUal,inconnecUonw�th
<br /> ....F.�i�.��.y��,
<br /> � � . ,, any Condemnet�on or other tak�ng o18ny part ot the Properly.or lor conveyance in lieu of Condemnat�on,ere he►eby
<br /> � T��.;,'.�. , assigned and shall be paid lo Lende+ �- �_-�=�- °�-_-
<br /> �w�'�e��A;,•-,. . In the event of a total tak�ng ol the Property.the proceeda shall be applied to the sums secured by ih�s Secunty
<br /> . � - Instrument, whether or not then due.wUh any excess paid to Borrower.In the event ot a partial laking ol the Property,
<br /> fi•'••:'" unless Borrower and Lender otherwi seagree m wr�Ung,ihe sums secured by this Secunty Instrument sh�ll be reduced by _
<br />---�►�� � � �' the amount of Ihe proceeds multipl�ed by the following Iract�on (a)the total amounl ot the sums secured�mmediately
<br /> . �;��•�-�+�fr� �• belorethetaking.dmdedby(blthefaumarketvalueollhePropertyimmediatelybetorelhetAkmg Any6alanceshallbe �°,-`- '� ��
<br /> .. . . � h-.s..
<br />:�, paid to Borrowe► f, �____
<br />_ If the Properry is abandoned by Borrower,or�L atler nohce by Lender to Borrower ihat the condemnor olfers to - -
<br /> •� '1 " make An award or settle a cla�m fordamages.Borrower tads to respond to Lender wrthin 30 days alter the date the noUce�s
<br /> ° . � ,i gwen.Lender�s aulhonzed to collect and apply Ihe proceeds,al its option.eilher to restoration or repa�r ot Ihe Property or
<br /> • ••r'� to the sums secured by this Securdy Instrument.whether or not then due
<br /> � � � ;��' UnlessLender and Borrowerotherwise Agree in wnling.any applicAtion ol proceeds to pn nc�pal shall not extend or
<br /> "� , ^ pastponetnedue date of the monthly paymenis reterred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 or change theamount of such payments R ___
<br /> -.. � 10. Honow�r Not R�I�as�d; fabeuane� By L�nd�r Not a Walv�r. Extension of the time for payment or
<br /> •• � � ' modificaUOn ot emortization of the sums secured by this Security Instrument granted by Lender to any successor in
<br /> - interest of Borrower shall not operate lo release the IiabiHty ot the original 8orrower or Borrower'asuccessors In fnterest.
<br /> Lender shall not be required to commence proceedings against any auccessor in interest or refuse to extend time for �.�
<br />. � � � • payment o�olherwlae modlfy amortization of the sums secured by this Security Instrument by reason ot any demand
<br /> a�..,�,,r�-_
<br /> � mede by the original Borrower or Borrower's suc::essors in i nterest.Any forbearance by Lender in exercismg eny right or
<br /> � �� remedy shell not be a waiver ot or preclude the exercise of any right or remedy. ;
<br /> ��'�,�:",��,_�.,
<br /> 11. Suees�orsandAssiQnsBound;JolntandSeve�W Llabi111y;Co-aiyne►s. Thecovenantsandagreemenlsof this _
<br /> �"� .�. Secunty Inslrumenl shall bmd and henefrt the successorsandASSigns ot Lendei and Borrowrr. sub�ect to tho prowsions ���n�.�_
<br /> ` ''��- � Ot p�ragraph 17 Burrower's cuvenanls a�id a,yreements shall bc �omt �nd soveral Any Borrower who co-signs this __
<br /> �._:;=�--=�•- —
<br /> „ _ Secuntylnslrumentbuldoesnotexc!cutelheNole (alisco-signingthisSecuntylnstrumeMOnlytomortgage.grantand �c.�__
<br /> � canveythatBorrower'smterest�nlhePropertyunderthelermsotthisSecurdylnslrumenl.lbl�snotpersonallyobl�gated � yvr.:,.
<br /> to a the sums secured by this Secunty InstrumenL and 1 cl igrec�s th�t Lendor�ind;�ny other Borrower�nay agree to �., . ,•.
<br /> P Y _
<br /> � '� a.tvnd.mod�l'r• torhear or makc 1ny accom�nnrlahnnc wdh rrgard to Ihe torms of this S�cunty InsUwnent or tha Note -- -�-.
<br /> " wHhaul that Borrower s r_onsent �4��'' - _—
<br /> � 12, l.o�n ChA►ges. H the loansecured hy this Securdy Instrum�nt is suh�ecl to:�law wh�ch sets m:�x�mum loan �"`=---'�•��_�''�'
<br /> � charges. and thal law�s hnally mte�preted so IhAt the�ntorest or otne� IoAn chargeS c��llectod or to he collected in ��s'_
<br /> � connection wdh Ihe loan exceed ihe prc�millc�d hm�ts- thrn �a 1 any such Inan r.harqi�shall bc+reducE�d by the amouM � 1• — �:;,.
<br /> necessarytoreducethechargetotneperm�Itccll�m�Lanalt�l,inysuntSalr�aclyr.oll�ctedlromE3orrOWerWh�chCxceedEd — -- �
<br /> r:fl1�{:5c t"'
<br /> ,�' permitted limils wdl he refuncl�d to Borrowe� Lvnqei nny rh�intie�tn m:ik��th�s�rtund hy reduang Ihe prmcipa�owed ���,..� ,., .
<br /> � undertheNolearbymakmgad�rFCtpaymen11o8oirow�•i If,u�•Iundiedu�ospnncip�il.thrreducl�onwiltbedeAtPdasa �,,,,�,Y„�, �
<br /> ��.�:_ • -
<br /> . part�nl prepaymeM w�thout any pirpaymom�.haiq��und��i IhrNnlc� n"i=.. ,,�••
<br /> 13. LeytslatlonAllectinglender'SRIyMs. Ilrn.irlm�mtn���xpuaU��nnt.�pphcablel;lW5hd5lhArH��cfolr�nrinnnr� "` . __ -
<br /> —R��T'
<br /> 8ny prowsionof Ihe Nolror �hisS��r.urity Inst�um��nl um��ilu�ci•�hl�.�croirhnq lo ils torm5.Lrndor.at ds ophon.may -- �
<br /> �_',_��:
<br /> � requueimrnediatepaymenl�nluunfallsumssi�i.u�rdhylhisSrc.untylntiUurrn�nt.indrna�ynwukt�anyrem�d�c�sperm�tted ;;:.�:%;�:�=,
<br /> „• by pArAgr�ph 19 II L�nder t!%BIfI5P5 Illt''-+t�(lllOtl. Ll'lld�!f shall t�Me Ih�� stf•pti sp�•riliod m tho s��cond pArAgr�ph o� �r"�,.;�;.`
<br /> '< pArAgraph 17 • :i`:._.
<br /> 14. NOIIC@f. Any notir.�ta Bnirowi��{�rnv�d���t lu����Ihiti St�<.wdy Intil�unu�i�t tih.dl h�•qrvrn hy d��hvenng d or by =
<br /> , . ma�ling it byfirstcl�ss ma�1 Uf11t�SS .IppltCilhl��I(IW�Pl�lli��'i u5t•td�Illul�u�� nl��lllu�) �hi•nutu.i•shall he directod to the ��.. . °-
<br /> , Property Address or any olh��r adAr��ss Fiou�iwoi rtosiqnat��s iry nuhi:��tu L�•n�f�•i �1ny nut�c.��Ic>Londe�shall ht�qwen by : �.-
<br /> �!�a.
<br /> � tustc�assrnauloiender'saddr�stistai�d�n•���u��u.�nyuthr�.�Adi�•ssLon�li���lotiiqn,�A��tiync�t�c��lo8unow�r Anynotice ..'~ . - ---
<br /> • providedlormth�s5��CUntyl�isUum�•nt5h�llh��do��m�r�llnli:�vrhri�nqrv��ntufiunow�•�orLrndc�rwhrngwcn�sprovided ��ti; <'••.`� -
<br /> in th�s par�g�aph � . ��:'
<br /> i
<br /> 15. �30Y@fDl11g�BW:SBY@f8b1111y. Th�b tivC�uity Intitiuin�'nt tihdll hr qUW'����'d hy h•d�•�.1110W dnd IhC IdW O}Ihp I .�'w�p;i,
<br /> f .. �unsdiCbo�in wh�ch the Proprrty�5 locak�d In Ihr rvrrd that�iny�x�rvisum��i c I,ur,�•��I this S.�cuiily Instrum��nl or the � .��...
<br />, � .. Notecontliclswdnapplicablolaw suchi��ntliclshallnut.illri�tu�hrrpn�vitii�inSOtlh�s5rcu��tv����trumrntorlheNole .
<br /> ' Wh�ChC:Ifl6Cgrv��elt�C�wi�hu��Uh��[onlhct�n�)piov�S�un TuUvsi�ndthc��,���v�su�ns��Ith�sS��cuntylnstrumentandlhe j, .
<br /> � �
<br />� Note nrP deClart�d to bc�sevt�r.thl�� �
<br /> . " 16. 8orrower'sCopy. Runuw��� tih.dl hr��it•rn�nu•�nnf��ini��il�uF�y nl Ihr Nnt�•.uu1 ul fhis Socur�tv Inst�um��nt
<br /> 17. TransteroflheProperlyora9eneliclallnterestinBorrower. i�.i�i���.�nti p.ni��inu•N�up��ty�,r.�ny�nt��r��stu�
<br /> d is sold or Uansfeued lor d:1 hrnnc�i�l into���sl iri pur����yri�ti.�d�1��r h,�n•.I�•n�vl.ind Rrn�„ti�.��iti�u��.�i�.�Ttu;ll p��rsonl •
<br /> withoutLc�ndc�'Sp��orwntlrnronse�nlL��ndr�m,ty ��t�t�,����h��n r�•yuni�irnm�vl�.������dW»rnT���tullu1.111tium55i�CW��dny
<br /> . , th�sSt�cur�tylnstrwnont H���vrv�•� lhiticiphttnsh.11lnulhri•x�•uitir�lt�yl��n�tr�it�•■�v�itii��c���utvhitrrlhyMclP�lll:tW:tsol
<br /> Ihe dato ot thi5 Srcu�ily Inst�w»����t
<br /> IILc�nder�xi�i��sostfutiupb��nLt•nd���t.hdllqw��fltu���tiV�'rnnlu�•��}J���•I���.Ili���� fll�+����tu�•tih,lllprt)vid�'d(�P�n)4
<br /> nl not less than 30d�lyS I�Utn th��ddl�•Ih��nulii�•iti�1oli�rrrq iv nt.lih•�1 t:itltin ti•:hn h Hunn\Y�'���h�tit P:ly.11l ti�ulttitircu��'d(ry
<br /> 1h�5 SPCUr�ly Ir151rU�ltt�nt II Btt�roW��i Luls tu�,��v th�•.��•.��niti�����n t�,t��r ry,u.tl��,n„t Rn,p�•nncl L�•ndrr m:rv invnh��1ny
<br /> v. remedirs pi•rmrtt��d hy Ihis�i��� �u�ty In�triun�vd���Ih��ul li��th�v n,�hi r�ir �Irn�.ln�1 un flti���n'.i•r
<br /> 18. Borrowar'a qighf to Feinstale. n t'��,����•.V�•� �"••rl�� �'��,hn��in�lit�����•. 1��ni��titi�v•.li.11l h.le�'Ihr nqhf lU It.lvr
<br /> Onbrc�m�ntufthisS�•CUnlylntitnirnrnt�tiu�.)nUnii.��1.�I.u��bnt���uinihiU�r�•.ulirr��l �.11'�d.�V�l�n�u�hutnr�(��•n�tdd>
<br /> i1pPIICObIt'Ii1W Ill.ly 5�1PCIly��)r IPl�thldlt'r�u�tll)I��•ft�IP•,.Ilp�.t U���I�r���i���1��{`����u,l��t t��.11ty(+t)tiv�•1��I 1.d1�•��)nld����•d�rt IhiS
<br /> _ r. .[�..
<br /> -- --"--- SecurHylnstrurnrnt orinl�nuyni.ip��i�in�r��i�•��L�,.�..��������:t..,,�,ir7.,.7.,,;;:.�::: ..:..•.. ,..:-�;..:•.�:.: , t1'.:,.....r:�:::.• .:.
<br /> pOySLCndCr�111 5umswhu'hthon�vc�ul�f h�•�1u�•um1��i thi�ti.��u��tvintitiuin�+nt.u��llhrN��t��li,id n��.�rr�•I�•i.rt��mctCr.urre•d
<br /> (b) Cu�OS :l�y APf;1Ul1��f.Iny uth��i tu�•�•n�lniti�n .�q��•rrorr�t, 1� i���ry•J11��.{irn�.r.�ni u�rrd �n�•�t1�u�niq thiti 5i•cunlY
<br /> � In5trumrnt inClud��tq bUlno�linnft`dt�� u'.15c�ndhlr.11f,rne�yti 1�a�5 .Indldit.l���ti�uifi,i�tiun.lbl�•nd�•rm.lV��`•Iti����.lhly
<br /> �Bqu�rc to ASSUrt+th:it thF lit�n ot thiti 5rc untY Inslriunrnt l�'Itd!•�ti t iqht�in�h�•Nri+porty.tiut H��nnWr�•.�ihliqd�iUn ti�p:ly
<br /> IhP.sumSSecur�dhyth�sSi�curitylnst�umimtsh.�ll,nntm�u�unch.�nqr�1 Upunr���nstatrmrnlhyR��nn�v��� Ih��,tir�ur�lv
<br /> InStrUlttt'lll�Inri Ihi�iihl�q;du�ns hrr����•�i hrirhV tih.111���m.Ui�l��lly��•tt�•�h�r.iti i1 n��.li��•h•�.Ih.�ri h.1�1�����urr�1 H���Y�•����
<br /> �his nghl to rpinstatc shall not epply in Iho i asc cif:�cc�ri��r.11�un un�or p:�r,����;q�hti t.i ur t;
<br /> �
<br /> � . .. , . .
<br /> -- ..
<br /> - f
<br /> ' � - -
<br />