<br /> ^�-Yf2v:,Sh.'.�c�rt%Y.�at'� '.. _ _ �fstrF�q��
<br /> �'J.4R . . . ` � . . ..� �.ir'i'—�—__ �`.
<br /> - 't- ' . ��:rt __ ' _' _ '_ ' "____ _ ___ __'___
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<br /> ., r.... .......... . i"'�'_..._-- __ _ =-_.-_ ---'---_'--'_--
<br /> .._. • w 9R�7Pw..� - _ ' -_ ._ _ _—_ ■■ _-'_ -,
<br /> � ��� �
<br /> �«�a.�b aa.c:a,...ew�cy a�n.r�oa;cc�m.�.�«�.a.0�o�w+,w-,a,w�a��::+„�+►�.a Yn,r�.«�r,.�+�:�nd{d1 W r-.
<br /> prw«►�and awr.Ina.badnu..nd ob�+a+��Borrow.r(or a�y a M,an+a nwr.a�an or++)a LMa+r w►�a�a alnce.�nanct =
<br /> •bwtuM a conN+pa�►t and whNh�r ari�UrO�Y naM 0�++�+n�Y•owrdr�lt or oktwrwlN.TM hoa,lhla W�d of Tnut u�d usy rnd�II
<br /> oC�doc�es tha!wcun tM NoN a aa►a�wlsa�xscu�d In coru+�ction ttwrswitl�.inc�udin�wWhout Nmltaria�pu�nr�MM sicuriQl
<br /> .aroen,:�,��►xi au��+►m ut Ms�a-.na r.nss.�,u ea r�!�r+!�a A.�.u+..aia"Loan u,�vum.nb". ��
<br /> TcuG:at cowr�snls ub astw�wNh lorrdar sa btawa _
<br /> 1. P�ny�t oi fAd�dif�M.All IrnibMdr►M��aound hWby thW b�pald whar dw. _
<br /> 2. TMIa Trwtor is ths ownar dt tM PrePwtY.na�th�rl�ht�nd wthoriry ta convay th�Pra�srty.snd warranb tf��t tl►�Il�n �-
<br /> d�ilwrsd W�L�dW Wfot�a�cution of tl�ls[3Nd of�� and tlu�ixocutlon and d�Ilv�ry�of t�tU�ONd of T uW do�s�not v��iolaa any �
<br /> �pn��ct or p�r obtipatlon to wA�h Truator I�wDJ�ct
<br /> 3. TauWS.A�7o WY b��d�^4++�Y�11 tax�.�p�clal a�urwnts and all othar char�w�paln�t tlu Prop�rql
<br /> now or hKwt�r iwi�d•
<br /> 4. ���,Tp kwp tha Proprrty Inaurad aqalnst dam�Q�by 8n.huards IncludW wtthln tM twm�'exbnd�d cow►a0�..,and
<br /> such ofh�r haz�rda ss Lsnd�r may rpuu�.In�mountt and wtth compsnlq acc�P4bt�to��nd�r.naming lencf�r w an add%tbnal
<br /> nam�d Inwrod�with low PsY+�ts to ttw Lenda.ln cafs ol low und�r wch pat►cf«,ttw LMda is�uthori��d Lo adlwR colNct aW
<br /> com�xoml�s�ati ciaims tt�wwndsr and Mstl haw tM apuuon ct�PPhi����w�►e au�.�+w�anc.�rocwu�lq m ony iRa.b�►.se
<br /> �u����jy a���h p�d�q L�n�r msy ci�t�rmin�,lll)t�tha Trwtor to D!us�d tor ths npalr or rator�tlon.of 1fw Prop�rry
<br /> a(i!q ta��ny othsr pu�Pas or oblect satlataC�t'to I.�nd�r witlwut�fMct►n0 t1+�lt�+�of thla D.l�f of Trwt for rM td!amount Mcwrd
<br /> l��by Wlon woh PiYn'�r►t��P��'MY���W p�oCMda to tndobt�dMls stfall not axtald o1 po�tpo��IM dW
<br /> dute ot anY WYments und�r tha Not��o�curs any d�tault th�rw�d�r or hKwr�d�r.
<br /> 5. Eserpw.lJpon wrltf�n d�mand by Lsndsr.Trustor shatl psy W I.M'►d�t,In wch man�er as Lanctai may d�nata.wfHclMt
<br /> tlw Propsrtl►�(U1�Dampum �W'opsrh►inw�a�pur t�r�uWndK.��and A�t�Pr�mium��o"any�"'or��"wru�c�
<br /> rpulnd by L�nder.
<br /> � ���� p���d CaapWanc�wNh I.�w�.Trustor shuU ke�p the Praporty in yood conditlon and nlpalr,ahall
<br /> P��mpqy ropsir.or nptacs any tmpravsment whlch may be damayW o�datroyed: sha►U not co+nmii w p�fi�li w�y wa:�a or
<br /> �yp�d t�prapwty.�.*,�II noi rwtwve,d�molish or substantkliy altsr a�y of tt�Im(uovwrrsnta on the P�oP�M��
<br /> comml�wfbr or p�rmlt any aat iu ba dona�+a upon the Propsrty In vlolation ot autiY law.adinince.or requtaUon;and stwll pay aod
<br /> Pr�Y d���t Tru�OOO'y v�!and�n�ns�all Ile+►�.enCwnbrancas and clwrpes Isvl�d.impot�d a as�Nd apainst ttw
<br /> prop�rry or enY P���
<br /> 7. EwN�G�ssN.L�c►�a►b hersby aul�rwd p{!companutio�,award�,damaOw and oMer paym�nb or rNl�f(horNnalMr
<br /> "ProcMd9'� in cc►nnectl�on v�ie� cond�rtu�atlon a othw 4akln� of tM Propwty or puc tMrwf,or tor conwy�nc� ln liw of
<br /> ca�l�rnoati�on.��►d�r afu�tl b� �ntiNNsd at its opUoo to commence.�ppaar i� and proaocute Ia its own nanw sny actlon a
<br /> pc�cMdirpa,and al�ail ait4 be�ntltl�d W mak�any oort�promiss or s�tU�rt�i in conn�ctlon wlth wch taklnp or dartwqe.In fha
<br /> ev�nt any po�oon o!th�Prop�xty is so tak�r►or dama��d.Lu�dsr Mail have the optlon.in its sote and absolut�dlscrstion.to WPiY
<br /> aU siich Proceeafs,afo�►dOducN+�fl th�r�fro�s a{!cosb a^d°xP�^�a inceu�d by It in con�sctlon with such Proc�sds.upon any .
<br /> ind�btedn�s socund h�nby and in such ocdsr a�I.�ndu may d�termirt�,or w appiy atl euch Proceedt,a(t�►wch dsductlo+tiR to
<br /> n�ot�a p a�a+���,eud�w a y�y��w�tn.�Noyto.�w c�arry ydela�i�'Ath�irwn���hsreu�.��PP��
<br /> funds shalt b�P�to Trusto►.
<br /> 8. p�rW�a�pr��Mr.ilpo��Ae pccurrsnca of ao Evant of O�Sault he►eundsr,or it�ny act b taks�►or 1�ga!prooMdtr�
<br /> ���w��rw�iaiiy�fects l,�c�der's tnLsrost In ths Property,Lsrtida msy in Its own dtscrN3on.but without obUpatlo+f 1u d� „� -__ -
<br /> ..._.._� ..T.w..�...�;y»��e rwi...u�n�ruatcc.iw�►anVabiipNio+�.do any act wNtef+Ttiitorl�ai'�
<br /> oo.srlQ wivatiE�wiibo w,r:,.«.,�.�.:tr-, hat�ot Tfus10�lhalt,ImRf�Y --
<br /> ap�s�d but taua to do�raay also so s�y a•ax�r aci tt aos.-ss ssecs�aiy to prwsct tl►��curity l.wxf�r tn conrwctlo�wNh
<br /> u���q��Dy��cWer,paY W Ler,de�al!coats snd expsnse�incurnd and wms�xpe�nded bY
<br /> ���b��r ess aec��d�hsraby�.�I►der st�a�t irwt ri�ncur aey Itabiury�b�cw�e o�y��q+itmay�dO��tb
<br /> ���� th�P�operty in complfpnc�with atl appUcable{aws.adinsnc�s and reyul�tions
<br /> 9. Ha�'..�w MaMriM�.Tnutor thaif k�eP
<br /> rela6i�to inEusWal hyyleM or Onvironme.�Rat protectlon lcoilec8vely�eferred to hW�in sf"Et�vlrontnenW Laws"►.Truslor shali
<br /> kesp the PropeRy hes hom aN subsTSnce�dMmwi to b�hazardow u toxlc under any Envi�onm�ntal l.�ws(colNcn+rstY rsNrnd 10
<br /> ��U»Frop�rb•TruNor h�r'�bY�iGnea to irxien►nify and ho{d fhatmless LsrxMr�,fts�dir�eCton. aoffle��Y�����
<br /> any suarx�,.ror�to LeMe�'a Intereet,hom a�d agalnst any and all claim�,dartwWs.to�a��nd liabltiti�s�rWaD ln conn�ctfoti with
<br /> th�preNnco,use.d(aposal or VansDcrt otany Hazardou�Msieriais an.undsr��om or sbout ths P�op�ty THE F�AEGaS+�iG
<br /> 10. AMip�eM al Rrlr.Trwtor hereby asstyns to La:�d�r ths r�nb,lssues ancf D�b of SM PropKiy:proyidsd tlut Trustiot
<br /> sf�aii.undl ttw occurrenc�aE ac�Ewnt ot Defautt hsreundar.havs ths�ht to coil�ct s�d retsitn such rsr�b.iswae end profib as they
<br /> p�,,�d��p�yabN.Ijpon y�occarnnce of nn Event ot DetaWS,Lender may.�ither in paewn or by aqen�with or witl�o�st
<br /> brk�pinq any acslon or prousdinD.a by a r�ceirer aPPoinfsd by a ca+ut and wlthoui repard to ths acNQuacy W as secui►t�r.fe4er
<br /> upon and tala Pot�s�lon ot ttw Property.cr any paR tt�ereof.in ils owr+n�m�w in the mrtMW 1MTrusf�.and do any acb whicl1 ft
<br /> dNrt�s n�c�sta�Y or dairabM to pre�v�ttw vaiw.ma�icsfabilily or ren�abiliry of ths Propsry,or�ny part thKeot o�in�at tMrein.
<br /> tnC��as�the inCOm�tMr�an or proo�ct the socurity t�ersot and.with or without takin�postet�lo+�of the Pruperty.aw tor or
<br /> ott�wi�coll�d the r�stf.ics��'and Profits tl�sr�,,ir►cludi�y thosR P�due and unPald•�nd a�pp1Y ths l�m0.kas co�ts snd
<br /> axp�ns�s o}op�ratfon u�d coiiection�rtc.iudir��tEorneys N�s.uPon anY.indebtedn�ss wcursd Mnby.�11 in sucA ord�r as Ler�
<br /> may dM�rtaiM.Th��rinp uPon and C�+�P��of ths P�opwty,the coU�ctbn of such renb..iswM and profits and th�
<br /> ������y�,��pt cu��a waiv�any c1�(auft or nodce ot dMauli hereu�or invstidat�any act done Ire
<br /> response to such d�tauk or putswnt to such noUce of d�Eault itnd,nWwifh�t�dif�D t�e�►����P��b^°f tl+�p�°P��Y�
<br /> ���yp�,r�p��nd�ppliCat3on W rents,issu�s or profib,and Trustso and Lender thail be er►titled to exerciae every�M
<br />_ ��y�d���y o}���trumpnq or by law up�n occurrence of any Event o9 DefaWt,inGudiny without IlmttaUon tlw�bt
<br /> - �������.�•. ���,LatidK's righb and remadks�ndet thk P�afiraph si�il be cumulativa with.nnd in no wey s
<br /> Iirnitatlon on�Lw�dK'a dphts and rMnedia und�r�ny astlynm�nt oP k,siiss and ra►ts rewrdod aaatnst tlw ProperiY•tw�.Si"ui�wi�
<br /> and ffN nCNwr shW b�11abi�to aCCaunt only for thote nnts acdu�ity ncalved
<br /> 1 t.Ew�is W DNMiN.Ths tofbwiny ahai!constitut�an Ewnt ot Datautt undw tfU�Oeed of Tnut
<br /> W F�iNue b P�Y+�Y i���^o^t°����°�inlerest of any other wm s�cured henby wt�dw:
<br /> oth�i I�Iw►ot�inc mb�upon the Pr�pertyr. contsined ln tl�Not0.tAls Q�sd ot Trust any o1 fhs Loan instr4mentt,o►any
<br />-- (c) A writ of ez�cudon or attachmN+t or any simitu procsss shai�be e�E�od apai�ut Trwtor which shaU b�corn�a Il�n o�
<br /> tM PropertY or anY Portlon therwf or intsreat ttwr�in; °'� z •• �
<br /> (�Th�rs shall be filed by or apainst Trwtw a Botrow�r an actlon und�r�ny pr�nt a futurs fe�ot�bther
<br /> seceivK or Ilqu�idato�r o�t Trwtor�a Borr�owe ra of a�il a�ny paK of tlwrPr�op�rty.�th��nb.iwiss or profib therwf�ayrT�
<br /> � or Borrower sAW maic��ny Wna�v et�^�t for the benefit of crsditon;
<br /> (y Ths ssl�,tr+�st�r.las�.assf��m�nt conveyanc�or tuAfie��ncumbance of all or any put of or any inbhst in t!�
<br /> P�pporty.eitl�voluntatily or involuntuily,witl9out th� exprsts writt�n consenl of l.ondet: prov�ded that Trustor s1�aI1 b�
<br />= pKmiqad t�sx�cufs s I�aee ot th�Propsrty thst doa no�contain�n opUo^to Pwcha�nnd�°�m ot which does not exca�d
<br /> '� �O�qbandoruiwnt o1 tha PropartY or
<br />�
<br /> i
<br /> � ' '
<br /> �q
<br /> 3 _
<br />