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<br /> � ,��,._�....�.�,,,," Unfform Cavmant 1 S oi the Sxudty Imlrumenl is unendod to�cad a�foliowr. �-�-
<br /> �F.���;`..�,�
<br /> � a j ..-y'•;,,,* ts. Uidfo�w��ecNlty f�trnre�t=Cu�K�I.��vs 8h�nblMly.Thb form of Sccu�lty Instrumenl combfnn unifotm wvetwnt�tor n�tion�l u�e �
<br /> � �"' `' '�q ond non•unlform covenanu with Iimitod vuf�dons by jurhdiction to canstUute a uniform ucuri�y instrumtnt coverit�rcsl property.Thk
<br /> �Q v���i��'..� ..
<br /> ' ,�y . Socurfty In�erument shall be Qoverned by Federal law�nd ihr I�w of the jud�dictfon in which tha Property i�loated. In the event tlut any _
<br /> ' ,�. '�•`-rr�il�' provision or clause of this Secu�ity Imtrument or lfie Noternnflicts with appUcabk law.�ucb conflict�hall not�ffat other p�ovl�ions of thb _
<br /> f` ��'�'.�.�..� - Security Inrtrument or the Note which an 6c�iven effec!withaut the conflkdn�proviilon.�nd to thle eral the provisiona of thb Saurily
<br /> ,�-��+?•��,> �� ' Inrtrornent and the Note wre decbuad to be�evarable. —�--
<br /> - .+�t-,��� _
<br />�::��_fa'+,.�.�:.�''�,�;.. '' _
<br /> . �� Uniiarm Covmant 17 of thc Securily Instrument b amended to read�iollows: ��
<br /> w, , --
<br />��;,; • ' ' 17.Tewfee oi IMe Property or�&aetkbl l�tenst 4 Borrowa.If all or aay pan of the Property or pn interat therein i�cold or trawferted �
<br /> • (o� iP a benefici�t interest in BaROwer i:sold or[ransFcrred aad 8arrawer is not e naturwl penon)withow L.ender's priar written consent, !__
<br />��f� � .. � . s � � Lender may.at Lenda'n optian.declare all the swns�ocured by this SecuritY Instrument to be immediately due and pAy�bk.Howeva. thls
<br /> ,.;,'`�, .:�,• • ��, option shall not be exercised by Lender if exercise is na authoriud by Fede�al law.Lender may waive the exerciso of thft opdon iP:(a)Rortowa
<br />�� `� ' F , causes to be subadtted to l.ender iniormatian requirod by I.ender to evaluate the intended tra�uPeree as if a new lan wae bdng mt►de to tde
<br /> ; .:'•: . . �''
<br /> ,�f� . tronafetee;pnd(6)Lender reuonabiy determines that Lender's aecurity wfll oot be impwircd by the loan araumptlon�nd that the risic of the —
<br /> 7 '' . , breach of any corenont or aQrament f n�his Security lastrument is acceptable ro Leader. -
<br />��A .
<br />�; =: • _ � To the ex[mt permitted by applicable law.Lcnder may charge a re�opable fee as a conditfon ta Lender'�eonumt to lhe lo�n wwaptian•
<br /> r"� . ' ' ' t.ender may also require the transferee to kap all the promises and agraments mtde in the Note and in this Savrily Instrumrnl. �-
<br /> •�.,
<br />�, - " "If Lendet exerc(sa:uch option to accelerate,Lrnder:hall mail8orrower notice of accelttallon in accordance wlth p�ua�raph!4 herwf.
<br /> • .;.. .
<br /> � Such notice shall provide a period oi not las than 30 days from the�late the natice Is mailed wi�hfn which Borrower may pay lhe sums dalarad
<br /> � due.If Borcowa fails to pay such sums pnor to the expiration of such periad,I.ender rtwy.wfthout iurther notioe or danAnd on Bortawa� ° --
<br />� '�'�� � ' invoke any remedies permitted by this Secu�ity Instrument."
<br /> . � "Notwithstandfng a sale or t�nsPa.Boaower wifl continue to be obU�ated uader the Note w�d this Secutity Imtrumeat ualas Lendar ius =
<br /> , . releasN Bonower io writin�." _ _ ..
<br />�'. F. IAAN CHANGFS
<br />� + ; �. ; Ii the loan secured by the Security Instrument is aubjat to a law which sels meximum loan chiuQes.nnd that Inw ia tinally iMerpreted w --
<br /> ;;.',: that the interest or c►thcr loan charges collected or to Ix collected in connection with the losn eaceed permitted limiu,then:(1)any such lan
<br /> " • : chorge ahall be reduced by the emount necessary ta reduce the charge[o the permiued iimit;and i2)any sums riidwly toilecied fram botras+er
<br /> • which eaceeded permitted Umits will be refunded to Borrower.Lender may choase�o make this refund by reducing the pdncipal owed under the
<br /> " Note or by mrkinQ a direct payment to Borrower.lf A refund reduces principal.tix reductlon will be treaud w p partisl prepAymenl uader 1he �:
<br /> �:._
<br /> ., Note. �,.,-�
<br /> .�--
<br /> � - � IN WITNFl+S WHEREOF.Borrowerlu�exce�ledl6ls Ad,Jwls�bleRwkRider. __-
<br /> . ., ^ �::
<br /> �:_� C;
<br /> � f
<br /> '� � C �/�` (�) ,
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<br /> .' BORRO R RICH G. IMAYS !_�,
<br /> .• .. ... � �y �'`=--
<br /> �_ L�+ / 4�/ (Seal) ai;:
<br /> �� aoRRO�R (�ETTY L. mAYS ��-'
<br /> ' ,'t; (Seaq ----
<br />_ t •„�.,�s
<br /> BORROWER �'
<br /> (SIaN ORIC)INAL ONLY) �:,�:
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