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<br /> • iT.�t'ir.:.'.r wT tu.P:u�ci�w�w ixuri3.G►1 i►dc�.�l iu iZ+un.wer. f�:�II�r xn}•�wr�t+i dK n�{�erty ur uny �ntcrest in it
<br /> , i.r•KiW ur tr.uuftirrcJ(ur iP a be��elii��!irurrc.i in ki�trntiNar i�u�ld ur tr,�mfin:d aixf Fi�urow�r!. ��K u iwtural���r..,n►wittx►ut
<br /> !ri�lrr'� �+ti��r written �rm.rrnt, lx�xlcr n�ay. ;u ih upti+m. fit�U1R' intnktiiat. payn�:nt in t'ull ui all �utii� �.tu�.�1 hy this
<br /> ticrurily li�.trunxnt. Huw«�cr. this uptiuu.fWll iwt br cKr�rik�l by t,cirkr if r�.ni.r i�pr��hibltu!h�• fwkrul law�,ti uf the date
<br /> ��f thir�ur+t� In+trun�nt.
<br /> If tAtxier cticr.i�s this uptiun. Isixkr.twll}icc&�m�u•rc ix�ti�r of:urrlcru�iun. Tloe iu�ii�ti�FuJ! uu.�iJc a pc�iix!af iuu
<br /> I�ss �han .itl da}��fmm thc datc thc ixulcc i� ckli�en�! ur nuilcJ w•ithin ahirh Il��rn►w.r m�nt pay al� .w�i� `c�urcd by thi.
<br /> �rc�urit?�Instrument. If Borrower fvts m p:p the�e�w�v Nriur tu llu:expi�ati�ui ut �Iur�xri.xl. Lc►�.1.r�iu} i�����:.�+j�y r����lir�
<br /> �uutt�d h} thic S�rutity InNru�►k��l�rillk�u�fur�lkr ixNir�ur�ki►�kl un&�rruw��_
<br /> 18. BurroKCr's ItI+;At tu Rciust�tr. If &uri�wcr nxtit. rrrtain r��nditiun.. &�ru�w•rr .hall ha�c dic ri�ht to lwvc
<br /> rnfi�nenxr�t ut'thi� Sc:urity inunt�ktu di:attuinucJ �t :u�y Unk prwr lu Uw c:u�(icr ut: �a1 S�f�ys (�x�uch WI►cr peric�ll a.�
<br /> applirahlc law nuy .perily fi�r reinst:�enxntl hefi,rc 4►!e ui� the Proprrq� punuant to :uiy �x»•cr uf �ale cont�ined in this
<br /> Securit}•Ictstnmknt:ur�hl rntry uF a,�u�lgnxnt cnFurrinF thi�Sccurity i��.�trunknt.Tlunc�undilio��.�•rre thal tiurrow•er.(al pays
<br /> Len�icr aU �u�i�:.uhirh Ihrn w�cwld hc due un�lcr this Sc�urity� li�rtn�nxnt a�xi thc Nutc a.; if no;uccicratian h:ui c�ccumd; lb)
<br /> rures am• �kP:wlt of an}• �uhe� e����enants ur a�reenuntc; �c) p:+ys all expenses incurral in enfarein� thi� Securits� Instrument,
<br /> iixludii�. but n�u linutal t�. rca.uuiahlo uuomeps' fec�: um1 (d)tai;es wch urtion u� IAnder n�ay re;�wt�ably reyuire iu a.�.tium
<br /> that the lien ui'ehic Security Inurun�ent,l.c�xter's righGe in the Property and Borrower'�oblig:ition to pay the�ums �:ecural by
<br /> thi� S�tiurity laurun�ent ahall coniinur unchanged. l►�nn rciauaten�ent by fiarmwer, this Secur�ty (nstrun�ent �uxi the
<br /> ot►ligutic�t►a�ecurai iierchy�1►ull remain fully�effectivc us if iw:uxler,uiw�I►ad axurral, How•etier, this right ta reinuate sltall
<br /> �wt appfy i�tltie ease of a�releration u�xkr p�rrFraph 17.
<br /> 19. Sale ot l�ote; Ch�u�e af I.oan Senker. 71�e N�uc oe a partial intcrest in thc Kate (together with �his Sc�:urity
<br /> Inatrumentl may be sold one or nu►r�e tinxs withcwt prior rxuiee tu F3e�r�ow•er.A wle uuy rcwlt in a change in the entity(known
<br /> �s the 'l.c�zn Senic4r")tl�at rnllects n�nthly p:►yments due under�he 1�iote a�xi this Security Instniment. Ttiem also n�ay be one
<br /> or n�re cl�anfies oF the Loan Servicer unmlate�l to a sale��f thr Notc. If therc is a change of the Loan Servicer. Borrow•er wi�l he
<br /> gicen written ncuiee of the chm�ge in accordance with paragraph 14 ahave.u►d applicable law,'f'he rtotice will state the��ame and
<br /> s�ddrecs ol'ihc new I.azn Scrvicer�uxl the addnss ta which rayment� cluwkl �nu�?. T�e n�+in�e wi!! a!se�otstain any �ther
<br /> infom�ation requited by aphli;able law.
<br /> 2U• NazArdou.s SubstAaees. Borro��er stwll not cause or permit the pre�ence, use, dis�osal, uorage, or release of;ury
<br /> Huardcws Subua�ucs nn or in tlk Pmpeny. Bormucr ahall not do, nor allow anyone cicE to do, ;►nything affocting the
<br /> Fropeny th�t is in�•iolutioo of an}• Environmental Law. The preceding two sentcnces shall►tiot apply to the ptesence, use, or
<br /> storage on the Property of sn�afl quantities of Hazardous Substanc�es tltiat are generally recagnized to be:apPropriate to nomsal
<br /> residenii�l uses and to mainte��nce of tlx Pn�,eny.
<br /> Borruwer sf�all prompily give Lender written notice of any investigation, claim, demand. lawsuit or other action by aay
<br /> governn�ental or regulatory agency or private pany involving the Prvpeny and any tiazardous Substance or Envimnmental taw�
<br /> of whirh Borrower has actual knowlodge. If Borrower Iearns,ar is notified by any govemmenta! or regulatory authoaty, that
<br /> any remaval or other renx�diuion of any Hazardous Substance affecting the'roperty is necessary,Borrower slwll prompily ta{ce
<br /> sdl necessary remedial actions in accardance with Environmental Law.
<br /> As u,�:ed in this paragraph 20. "H:aardous Substances" a� tboce substanecs definad as toxic or hazardcws sub�by
<br /> Envimnmental Iaw and the following aubstanccs: gasoline, kcroscoe, c�thcr flammable or toxic petmleum products, toxic
<br /> pesticides and herbieides.volatit�salvents. materials containing asbestos or fom�aldehyde,and rsdioacti�•e materials. As used in
<br /> this paragraph 20, 'Environmental Law' means federal laws and laws of the,jurisdicdon whcre she Property is located that
<br /> relate to health,safety or en�•ironmental protection.
<br /> NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrow•er and Lender further covenant and sgree as Eollows:
<br /> 21.Aocekration;Rauedies.I.entkr shal!�ive notice to Borro�•er prior to ox�cderatbn folbwing Borro�w's be+eacb
<br /> 8:a�:- av:c�oQ ar i't[F P�� to a0o21etatiw�under —
<br /> 7 agrmtR7�i in iiIIS jKV '" li6T1Ui11Ci{t IDUt ifOf ��� 17-��
<br /> �pplkable t�w provides othawise).Tbe notke shal�specuy: (a)ene aera�uc; (6) tbe acc�on roquirea co cure the aerault;
<br /> , (c�a date,not lesc than 30 dyys from the date the notice is given to Borrow•er,by whicfi tf�e default must be cured;aiW
<br /> (dD tlwi faiiure to cure tt�e de�aWt on or betore the date specifud in tbe notice rzw�• nsult in aoceleration of tbe samc
<br /> secured 6y thts Security Ipstnuneot and sale of the Property. 'I'he notice sl�11 furtber ini;irm Borrower of We r�Lt to
<br /> reiastate after aaYlesation and the rlgdt to briag a murt action to assert the non�eaas�ce of s� default or any otber
<br /> defease of BorroNer to aooda'ation aud safe. Ii the default is rat cured on or befor+e tbe date specif�ed to tl�e tsotke,
<br /> I.ender, at its optloo, waY require tiamediate p�ymmt in fui�of all sums secured by tbLs Security I�ument witmout
<br /> fw�ther dnnand Aod u�y inroice the powrr of s�fe and auy otber remedies pnmiued by applicable Is�w. I.eader sl�ll be
<br /> eatitled to cd1M Wl expenses incumd ia pursutng the remedies provided in this P�ra�raPb 21.induitiqE,but uot limited
<br /> ta,��sa-�i�ie aatoneys'E�siati�rosts of title evide�ooe.
<br /> I!the power ot sak�S invoked, Trustee slwlL cecord a ootice of detault in eac6 county io wLic6 any part ot tLe
<br /> Ptope�ty is tocated and sbalt mail mpks of such notic�e in the rns�anec prescribed by applicsble law to Bonnwer and to
<br /> t6e other pessoas prYSCribed by appllca6k law.After tbe time rc�quired by applicabk law,Tn�stce shall give puWic ootk�e
<br /> o!sale W tbe p�rsoac and in the mAUner prescribed by�pplicable law.TnLtce,witbout demand on Bonnwtr, shall sd1
<br /> ��P�Y�P��s�tlon to the hi�hect bidder at tt�e time and place aad uader tbe terms deaigc�ie�io the uotice of
<br /> sWe ia one or more puY�and in any onkr Tnrstee deternunes. '��usite way postpone sale ot all or any parcel oP the
<br /> t'rnperty bv public aanonocement at We time aacf piace of any pcevioucly scheduled s�le.Lender or its des�,oee m�l'
<br /> pnr+�e c6e Piropercy at any sale.
<br /> Fosm 3oz8 9190
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