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<br /> S. y�,; �„� ,,,,�;:� ���,. t3a�r.�u;r a!�!t k�� thc i:sr+mvrm�rtts �x�w eKi�tli� hrrc,�t zr rr�Wd on d�c c
<br /> F'roprrt}� in�urc�.l �ain�t i�.I+y iira, hxr�uJ.in:lwla!within tt�e te�n� 'ezteixle�! r�ntr�yt" wW �iy �Khcr ha,arJs, inclucti� ,
<br /> fl�x►J�ur iluuJin�,far w•hirh Lr.�Mkr�tyuirty ii�ur�uk..7'hi� in.wr�.�c�tull t+c��zsiiuniiu�! in the m�awn�s Wkl Pur tl►e{��H� -
<br /> th:u t.�ncler rcyuircs. 7'tk in�ur,uxti�.uricr�+n,��iJin�; t�c inwr:uk'��lul! I+t iM�kn hy �+rrowrr �ubj�rt tu l.cixkr's upp����•:J
<br /> whic!►�l�:JI iwu ►+c wirc+ixaubly withlkld. if&►ra►w.r f�il.t��nu�in��in�Yn�eru}r Jrxrib��! uhu�'r, l.ciwkr nwy, su LrtKtC�'x
<br /> opti�n.�.t�tyinrn�•erayc�i,pnKctii [.��iScr'.rithtr in tls.P�.y-�:rt} in�c�,rcl;ui_r ui�h p=t3gss��'►7.
<br /> IUi inwr��Foticies u�d m�rw�s �II F+r�tir�tahle t�► l.u�ler anl slull iiklu:t� :� st;uki:+tJ �iwrtraic c•la�. IrnJer
<br /> slw:l h��•e the righr h�hc�W�he{x�licki:u�l re�xw�ls. If lA.xler rtyuirc.�, Ik�r�-oxcr�fult�fun�f}•Fi��ti�t.�txler:dl rc:ripts uF
<br /> pal;i prtmiums and renewal iwtkes.I�the evciu uf lu.s.Burruu•cr sh�ll Qi��c�rompt twKire t��th�:i��.+ur+uk�carrict wx1 Lajckr.
<br /> [.err,�r n�y nui:e prac�f of lass iF ixw nude pr�w��uly by Barrow�er. —
<br /> lr�u l.cr.3;t:uid t3orcow•ar nthera�isc n�rcc in writing. insunuue pnxti�xlc�1w111+�:�splial to ru.tur�ticin cu repair uF tho _
<br /> {'�operty da�-.�ai,if the rc.uoratia�cx reE+alr i,��xax�nuc�lly f'cuihle;uxl Leixie��socurity is i�ut le�ce��1. If'the rostor,�don ar
<br /> rep�ir is not a��onucaUy fe:uible ar l.erukr's secu�ity woutd be I�csencei,the iruur�re procoais sl�all be app+licJ to tf�e wnu
<br /> securai h; !his Security Instnunetu. whethe�or nat thcn dur, with any cxces►paid to t3a�rawer. lt Borcaw•er ibYndwu the
<br /> Pn�eny,or doc�not answer within 30 days a iw�ice frau l.cnder that tTu inwr,ukr carrier t�c afferad tu setUc a claim,then
<br /> :.endrr n�y oot:ta the insur�c�et proceeds. Luxler n�y use the proc�eds to repair or reuorc tt�e Pn�perty or ta pay wms
<br /> stcurtci by ttti.;S�.wity liutvnx.nt.whett�er or nat then duo.The 30-day peria�d will bcgin w•heu thc nuticc is given.
<br /> U�iless l.er�dz: aad Borrower othcrwise arree in w�itir�g. any application of pccxeed.. to principal slwll ixu extend ar
<br /> p►x�t,pone the d::e ds:�of the nwathlY paYmetus rcfernd to in pa�grsphs 1 and 2 or change the�mount of tht paymcr!ts. lf
<br /> uc�r par�grsplz 21 the Propeny is�c�quic�od by I.ender.liorrow�er's right to any insur�uxx pc�7irits un�1 procads rewltinr from
<br /> danu�e to the Pra�ertY prior to the�cquisition sbaUµ-�ss to Lender to the extttu af tlse sums socunod by this Socurity Iiutiva�a�t
<br /> imm�diatdv crior w the aoouisitiaa.
<br /> b.Occup�ocy,Preservatioo.biatateaaoce s�od Protectlon o!tbe PropertY: lion+owea�`s i.00a AppiicAtiou:i.acreouo�oi. °
<br /> Borrower shall occupy.esublish. and ass tbe Proper�ty ac Bormw•er's prinripa�f rcsidence within sixty days;ftea'the exocution uf
<br /> this Socwity itistnunent and shall conrinue to occuPY the Pa�RY ac Borrower's principa!raidtnce for at kast one year afkr
<br /> the date of oc:ulwicy.unlrss Lender otherwise agrees i�writing. which cwLSent shall ixx be ututason�bly witl�held.ot unlas
<br /> eztenuatiag circtuastanc�s exist which ue beyond Borrower's control. Borrower shsll not destroy. dama8e or impsir the
<br /> property, aliow the Property to deteriorrte, or cocrunit ws�ste on the Property. Borrow•tr shaU bo in default if any forfeiWrc
<br /> arteon or procoeding. whether civil ar criminal, is be�un that in Lender's good faith judgment oould rault in forfciture of tha
<br /> Ptc,,perty or aherwise roaterially impair thc lien creatod by this Security Iaurunxnt or Lender's sxurity inter�.ct.Borrawer may
<br /> cure wch a def.ault�nd reiactat�. as pn►vidad in puagra�h 18.by causing the xtion or procadit;g W be dismissod witL a tuliag
<br /> that, in Lu�dac's:good faith deteaninstion. prtcludes forfeiture of the Borr+ower's intterst in the Proputy or ottxr �ia1
<br /> impairsnesu oP t�e litn trtated by this Secvrity Inwumes�or Lendcr's socuriry inte�eat. Ikirrower sh�ll also be in default if
<br /> &�urowu,d�uing the lo�u�plic�tion process,ga��e cuu:lially f�ise or inaocurste infonnation or siuemaits to Lender(or failed
<br /> to provide La�der witli aap mueri�l informacion)in oonnoction with the iuu� avi�ieaxxd by tiu l�ote, including,but nc�i limittd
<br /> to,npr�tatio�concr.rning Borrower's occupancy af the Property as a principal rcsidCnce.If this Secusiry Instrument is on a
<br /> kas+dfold. Born�wer shall oomply with all the provisioas of the lesse. If Eotmwer xquires fa tide w tLe Property, tbo
<br />' kasetioid u�d tbe fee titk sts�ll noi mer�e unlas Lender agras to the mergx in writiqg.
<br /> .. —�.�ori.wde�'s Riaitc L tLe Pboperty.If Borrowtr r�tis w�farm[�e wveauus�sa sgroa�s wa�d iu �-- � ___
<br /> thts Savrity insuuma�t, or there is a kgal proceoding ttuit may significsntly affaa l.eidu's rights in tbe Property(wch as a
<br /> prnooeding in b�.-x�uptcy.p+d�ate.for oondenu�cion oa�f�cfeiture or to enforoe laws or reguluions). tt�ea I.etder may do aad
<br /> pay for whste��:z is nactssary to ptotaY the value of tha Propecty a� Lender's rights in the Prnperty. L.ender's xtiotu may
<br /> include piying aay sum, socurod by a lien which hu priority orer tbis Security Instrument. appearing in court, pay~:ng
<br /> rc�sonabk suomeys' fas�a,i entering on the P�npeit3+w im�fce repaits. Although[�ender may t�ke aetion vnder this pan�ap�b
<br /> '�,I.eader drxs not dave ta ct�r so.
<br /> Any amounts disb�usa�by I.es�der under this paragraph 7 sha11 bcoome �i.;na1 debt of Borrowrr sa,vrod by tlsis
<br /> SeCUTiry I�itument. �Jnless Basrower�,ud Lencier�grCe to WI�ei'terr►v of paymeut.dkse a:.s,:::::a s1�lt 6.:r interest�om ttx �
<br /> date of disWuscaieat at the Note rate aud.•�s:all be payable. with iatrrest. upon ootice fcnm Le�7er to Bosrowu reyuestin�
<br /> P�Y�.
<br /> 8.Mu�t�e In�uraaee.If I.eader roquired mort�,c�u insuruwe as a conditiQU c�Fm�king the loan sa.w�f.by t6is Sewrity
<br /> tk�ua�wt. B�rmwer shall pay the prcmiums required co n�intain tl� m�rtg�ge ir�wran�e in effoci. If, f�un} rrswn. th�
<br /> matg�ge�^-•,,.,,c�oversge requiral by Leader I��ses or ce,�ces w be in effect. &xrowa s1w11 pay tlu prcmiva�s cequic+e�to,
<br /> o6aia oovenge substantially oquivatent W the mortgage inwr�noe pre�riously in effoct, at a oo�t wl�ially equiv�leat to t�Boc:
<br /> cou to Horrower of the mortgage insunnae previousiy in efifect. from pa al�wortgage insurer apQroved by l.ender. If
<br /> � scibstwtially oquiv�lent moetgage inwr�me coverage is not availaWe,Borrowa sF�ii p�y co[,ender each month a uun oqual to
<br /> ooe-twdfth of the Y�Y��8�8e iiuuranoe premium being paid by Borrower whai the inwru�eover�ge Gapsec�or aased to
<br /> be ia effxt.Leader will accept. �ue and Rtaia thae payments as a loss reserve in liw of mort�age insurar�a. Loss raene
<br /> fo�3028 9190
<br /> ►p�3 e16
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