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:� �''4,�,���l4i,;i.����`H�+�c� „01..���1 s'^�:,t:')4,�,�y ,��-:ck;it4.:%'�7•:nf '•N:::a( ', 't'y�,rw :i�r '"�.;,� . , .rrl.'� ( ' , ._.. <br /> � � ` ' ]�"'iR t�'� �: za � .. ,:,,.r� �a:�� ��Y� 11'lxF.,`•5`.�/ � ... •— � iJ•. �u �y�I��t �+1�_ <br /> 1� rtt:j "� N ��s � �Y +,.- .�, '�':.� ,�N` ,y�,...,, _.i�., ..:,.;::i'�';S: .v. Ir:�1�" � � —. <br /> ����! ; i& f ` �$. r J'i t. . [I'�• �ri� " t'M.' <br /> � �t• '!� �..� ��p��! <br /> .1��n.d . ,.�, , ,� -- -._ <br /> _'7' ril�z - <br /> � -�'t��q��{}�t,_:•.��+..,, , �i�+xi <br /> , ���... �, ¢ i l+�� � <br /> . � i U. .. _ --.� <br /> _ , .^',. . _: c'p1n;�fS1f�-��-.. <br /> :7�, . �tij�'� . <br /> i, — � .. __ .��.... "ks:,_ �'s�.•'a�i5�,,�'_`"--- <br /> �E.`:�a,r"�-;....�_— .. <br /> �w,.. __�._ <br /> � ._ , �.:> q?__ 10207 °"�"�i7 _ _ <br /> :-d-Yr__l___1�....`' � � !_�iriu�Wfr��- __��—— <br /> . � . ..i/,..�..-N.Y.' . �i..�'.�.9n...a..,..a�-.--__:T <br /> periads thnl l.ender reyuireti. Thc insumnce cuRier pravHiing Ihc inr.urunrr!�hull In chuun by Hurrowrr tiuhjcct In Lender's �d����.� <br /> „ ` apProvul which shall not be unreasonahly withheld. 11'NoRUwrr fuil,tu�nuinUdn cuv.�niµr de,rriFxd uMwe.f.rn�kr may,ut ��`�-- <br /> � '•`-`�"�'w"• ' Lender�a tion,obtufn covero e�o rotect Lender�ri his in Ihe 1'n�{x d m uccar�lunre wub »�r�i ru b 7. �_-- <br /> . -° °`' ;;'� AQ inSUrnnce policieti and renewalx xhul l he�►c��Iuble lu l.en�lcr und�hull includr u,1 adurd mnpguµe cluu�e. Lender • �__���{- <br /> IT y <br /> , .��Jrink's-==__--_• <br /> „ ' shall huve ihe right ro hold the policies and rencwul�. If Let�lrr reyuir�s, li���r��wcr+hull prumplly�tivr�a LinJrr nll rcceipts ;{`+��c:'�f+:;;„,___ <br /> . - ,�b �•• of aid remium�and rencwal notirer. In thc rven� uf lo��.Hurtowrr.hull givc pnnnp�nuticr to Ihc in�urunrc curricr und ,,�',�k:,'"�:�----. <br /> I.ender.PLender may mukc pra�f oi'la�+if nM mude pri�niptly by flnrr��w�r. r'�H��;;±��__ _, ____ <br /> �t, Unless[.ender und Burrower wherwi,e ogrec in writing, in.ruruixc rnKCrdr� tiludl I+e up��br�� �o r.+�uru�ion or repair af , :x �,_;_�—_ <br /> .4 '� • ' the Propeny domuged, if the restoru�ion ur rcpuir i. c�unnmically Icu.ihlr an�i I.rnder: �rcwny i. nat Irs+cnrd. If Ihe �±��� <br /> - - -. � - - - reswrutiun ur repair iti not ccanamicaQy feusiblc ur Lcnder; ticcuri�y wauld I+r Ie.,e•n�d, �hr in�urnncr pnkred� tihull F►e �•::'����;,L='�-'�. <br /> n lied to the xumti secured b �hi+Securit Intiwment, whr�her ur M�t ihrn�luc, wi�h un �zcrti.r uid �a som�wer. If.�.�•'�f'�'��*���'`:�:•� <br /> ':h:�7��:':c, : <br />,�� � Borcower abandans the Propeny, or dik�n/x unsw��within ill duy�u notice I'rnm L.ender�hul Ihr�inmuruncc currier hus ;:':;.�ti:.;i;;±�,�.-�-_—_ <br /> � offered to settle u claim,then Lendcr muy collcc��he in.uranrr pnkced�. l.cixlr�muy u.c�br pnkrcJ�lu rcpuir or restc�m >';'�'`�"'%`'�""`' - �., <br /> ... �o. -.;r.r. �•'' •�:,. _ <br /> ' -;,; • • . . the Property or to pay sums ucured by�hix S�;urily InWrunxnt,whr�her c�r niH ihcn due. TiW:31►•duy�xrf�xl will hegin when `�''�'`� "r ''"" <br /> .;.;ti:',;:r.' {•.v <br /> ,;;r:,,.: .� . . the notice is given. :'. . �. <br /> ,.�, _ ., ' .; '��`� .,,,... <br /> ..,,:.;;; ;.. !;,�,��,;.,,. , Unless Lender and Borrower ciiherwise agr�e in writin�e. Ully i1r�1I1CWI��O 111�(H/1l'l'CII�1��(11'llll'1(1UI tiI1QII pUl CXlCI1tI 0! • ��:: <br /> '���� `` ' .t ne�he due dule of the munthl i� mrn�s rcfcrr�d tn in ura ra h. I und? ur chun r thc umuum ul thc u mrnts. If '' `" �"k t`�`� `'� <br /> , t pu. po Y P Y P B t! R P Y ��;:.� �;+� , ..L... <br /> • � � '� � under pumgrs�ph 21 the Property is acquired hy Lender. Rorruwrr: nght��ti uny in+uruncr�xdicir.und pnxecd�resulting °r;, ,':„ y� <br /> � from dumu e ta the Pra » rior ta the uc uisitiun slwll a.s u�l.enJer In Ihe ez�ent ul'the�um�Kcured h Ihi+Securi� ��� <br /> � !��• . @ Pr Y P 4 P' Y Y ��;,aa�,;r�:�- <br /> Inxtrument immediately prior�o�he ucyui.itiun. �':.��''`�'���` <br /> • "„,��:._�...�,�.,,, <br /> b. Occupancy. Presewation, Maintenunce and Protectlon uf Ihe Praperty; Horvawer K L�wn AppUcotion; ' :,�;;,::y;�.,-- . - <br /> • Leaseholds. Barrower ghull occupy,ests�bli�h,und utic ihc I'm�xny u+SuRowcr'�principnl re.idcnrc within�ix�y duy�ufter • ,a.:�...!�;� .�;<:��. <br /> '� " Ihe execu�ion of this Securit Insirument und zhull cnminue tu�xcu the Piru rt u+HuROwer+ rinci ul rrsiiknce fi�r ut �`�``."�� <br /> .. Y PY 1�' Y r r �;d;;��;..,�: <br /> , _ Ieast one year nfter the da�e of cx�cupuncy, unle�� I.endrr o�henvi+r ugree, in writin�t, which c�x��em �hull not be +�r��__�-. <br /> •�:,'���:f`- • unrcswonubl withheld.or unless extenuutin cirrumti��ikc�rxisl which um tx unJ H�irmwcr'.c�►mrul. Boni�wcr�hull nol - �`^''�� '*•-• c�1:; <br /> .. y F Y o ::te.�;.,,. ' !.;, ,. <br /> ,.",::•r,�' .. dex�roy.dumuge or impair the Property,uU��w Ihe Property to Jc�erior, rumrnit wu+�c�m thr I'����xny. H��rruwcr shull +';.,�, , ,�s-. �' <br /> � ;;r' lx:in default if any fort'eitum uc�ion or pnxreding, whe�her civil nr criminul,is Fxgun�hu�in Lender:go�xl lui�h judgmrnt ..,;r:�..� •�. — <br /> ' rould result in Forfeiwre of the Piraperty or nthcrwi.e mutcriully impuir�hc li�n creu�rJ By ihi. S�ruri�y Imtrumcnt or ;..�,;,:. - <br /> • Lender's xecurity interest. Borrower muy cure tiuch u del'uult unJ reim�ute,u.pmv idrd in purugruph 18,by cuu�ing thr urtiim '' ''`-°— <br /> �• ' or praceeJing�a be dismi�:�ed wiih a ruling thut, in l.ender�g�xxl fuith dclerminuti�x�,�rfriiurr ol'Ihr Rorrowrr� �'� ,u��,��� <br /> � interest in the Property or ather mulerial imp;iirn�nt of the li�n rrcutral by �hi�Srcurily In+trunKni or l.rndcr� �rcuri�y � �:�.,; �:_ <br /> •• interext. BoROwer�hall alw be in defuult if Bixrawcr, during tlu loan uppliruti��n pnkr.., g+rvr ma�criully i'ul+c or `•�:;�,��a . <br /> "" in�ccuru�c infortnu�ion ar titutcmcnts to Lendcr lor fai lcd tn provi�L.cnJ�r wilh uny mulcriul inii�muuiunl in r�mrnc�ian wilh � ;.�• s. ' <br /> the loun evidenced by Ihe Note, including, but nut limited to,�pre�emu�iim� cuncrmin� HuRnwrr+ �Krupuncy uf thr • � '�" ' ` <br /> � � . Prapeny us u principul rccidence. IP�hi,Securi�y Inxerument ix i�n u Ica+rhnld.Burtower.huU r�miply wi�h ull ih�pravi�ium ��'1�` �`��� <br /> � '� oF the leu+e. If Burtower ucquires fec litle lo Ihe Pmpchy.�he Iruschold unJ tlk 1'ec iillc.hull n��l nmrgc unlc.ti Lciutcr agree. • y Y�.A�" ' ���' <br /> -- - to tlx�merrer in writine. �' .,�� <br /> � 7. ProtectMn oP l.ender's Ri�hts in Ihe property. II'Burrowrr i'uil. u��xrli►rn� �hr rovrnum+ :mJ ugrecmrm� � � �"�!�� <br /> contuined in this Securiry Inztrumem, or therc i. u Iegal prcxeeJing�hat may ,igni[irundy uf(�ct LenJrr+ righ�+ in Ihr � ' ��� <br /> „ Property l.uch us a prcxeeding in bUnkrup�cy,���nu�t.(ur rundemnutH�n or ii�rlciture ur t�►rnti�rec Inw�ur re�tulu�iia�.i,then ��` , <br /> •• .. ' ' Lender muy do und puy for whutever is necc+xury tn protect �hr vulue��f the I'rup�rty und l.en�kr: ritiht+in thr Pro�ny. . • � � <br /> ' Lrnder's uc�ions mny include pUying hy a lien which hux prinri�y ovcr�hi.S�rurity In.trumenl,ap�xurin�t . <br /> in coun,puying reusonuble uuomey,'fres und erncrin�on�hc Propchy to muk� repuir�. Aldxiugh LrnJcr muy tnke aclion ,�.;y;;. LL : <br /> under thi,purugruph 7,Lender cl�,�x�huve�o do tio. � <br /> Any amountti di.hursed by Len�kr under�hi. �urugruph 7+hull I►ecome addiiionul Jebt ��f Burn►wrr+erurcd hy Ihi. •ti�, � ��� <br /> Srcurity In+trumcnl. Unk s.B��rrnwcr unJ Lrndcr i�grce t��uthcr t¢mis uf paymcnt.�hcsc amuunt�.hull lkur intrrr.i 1'rum�hc .�e -�,._ <br /> " dute oi'di+hurkment ut ihe Note nuc und xhall Ix payablr,with intemsi,urxm naire f'rom l.endcr lo Born�wcr myuctiting -��=-' <br /> puyment. �� '�� <br /> � 8. Mortgu�e Insurance, lf'LcnJrr rcyuircd nH�ngagc in.urancc as ci ci�nJili�m of mukin�Ihc loan.erurcJ hy thi� :-�:'�_ <br /> ,� Srcuriry Instrumr.nt. BaROwcr +hull puy Ih�prcmiunu rcyuircd io mairnain the nwrt�:u�:r insururKC in cffcrl. II'. ti�r Lny � :�!c�^^�;_ <br /> reuson. Ihe m�xtgage imu�ncc r�wcrugc reyuind hy Lrixlrr lap,e,��r rr�ur� to Ix in et'1'cr�. Hurri�wrr �hull puy thc � „�" <br /> prcmium, reyuircd lo ab[uin covrra�r wb,tanli•rlly cyuiv+drnt lo thc rnun�a�r in,urancc prcviou�ly in rl'1'�rt, at n cu.t � <br /> tiub�tuntially cyuivulent lo the cint to Rotrower uf thr mon�age in.urance prcvi� in rt'frcl.trom un:dtrmutc murl�aEr , <br /> imurcr upproved by Lendcr. If�ub.iuntiully equiv�d�m munguge in,urunrc rov�raEr i�not availublc. Bi►rrowrr.hull puy lu �:.�.°"�" <br /> „ �w� y y � � r �r� r . •.��. . <br /> Lender euch month a xum c .�1�o une-twrlf�h of Uic carl m�in u r in,ur:mcc remium Ixin iid b H��rrowrr when �he � ' ��,.°� <br /> in,uronrr c�wcrake I��psed orrr:nrd In hr in e(fccl. Lrndcr will:Krrpt.u�c anJ rrtain the,c p•rym�m.a.u I��.,re.erv�in licu y����y:�v <br /> of mor��ugr imurance. l.u+�rr�rrvr puym�m. nu�y nn longrr Ix rcyuir�d. a�the optinn of Lrnder. if monga�;c inwr.mee � �'-"'. <br /> covcrage lin �he amount c�nd for�hc�xri�xl th:u Lendcr rryuirc�)pruv�lc�l hy;m iu,urcr aippwvrd hy l.rnder u�uin Fxamic. � <br /> • uvuiluble unJ i+ohluineJ. B�m��wcr sh�dl p:�y Ih. �x�rnium.requircd In maintain nwnga�te in�ur.mrc in cllrrt.ur tu pru�i�ic u <br /> • loss rexrrve.until dx rcyuirem�nt t'�x miingu�r insuruncr uccortl:ukr�vith any��ri��en ugnrment t+rlw�ren HurruN�r <br /> . unJ Lrndrr or upplir.�hlc law. <br /> �; 9. InspecNnn. Lcnder�x it�+igcnt ma�•mah� rcn,on,ihlr cntric� u�,n:uxi in,rxrhun,ul'�hr F'ru�xny. Lcndrr�I��dl <br /> givc Burrnwcr nuticc a�thr tim�nf or pri„r ta an in�prrli�m.�xril�ing rc:uunahlc rau.r tii�•Ihr in,�xriiun. <br /> 10. Condemnwtion. Thr prorcrJti i,f an}�a«arJ ur rlaim Ihr�laor.��e..dirrci�n r„n.cyurnUUl.�n rumkrt��ai��ul► um ' <br /> timElr l:mul� -P'unnlc\1ua��Fmddk�1uc l'\IF�/K�11\sl'Rl�1h:\I I�u���,n,t'�n,•u.�ni. 4 W1 �p,�i,�+,�����aie��� <br /> I� I.1►P�H�I.IIII-..i W11N IM � <br /> f���M�4i�"dll liY�15.111�'1.1'11 F 1\��11�7'�t I I 11 ' <br /> � <br /> � . . _ . .__ ._. � <br />