: +,�` ��� y���..,. �r.,.,.��jy '.vr . ��'�`�r�? A�..,�e� }k�t ^����"�� ��i�r+:TU}: � . . ,. --.�,.�__ —r ,�. . ,.��, .
<br /> . . . . �y}'?�� r �lViiYt�4�Z5ti�i �a , � ,y'" ���i _
<br /> 1-...., _ z _
<br /> ,�r r�<,a- � ,`.�;;:
<br /> ��._
<br /> *r�11�I14f11MIA'l�••• . _ _ _— _ __ -_ "-_ '_..•"�-.
<br /> � 92-- 1 n20�7� ��.— -
<br /> ta�. �� # � � . � ---.
<br /> :_,�, ..�_ � . i?. T�stcr of the Properly or a Beneiicial Interest in Bormwer. If ull ur suiy pun nf the Prapeny or uny interrxt in it _ __ v
<br /> '�.;• .� is sold or irarr•feRed lor if a benePiciul interext i�&+rmwer is snid or��unr,ferr�nl uoJ B�rrruwer iti nrn a nuwral perr:��n)wi�huot �
<br /> Lender'�+ pri�►r w�fuen ronu:nt. Lsndcr may, ut its np�ian, reyuirc immcdiutc puyment in f'ull of ull .um. +ccured by thix �N
<br /> ,� Security In+�trumcm. However,this aptiun shull nnl be excrcixd by l.ciule�if excrcise ir�pruhibitcJ by I��lerul luw u.��f thc dutc
<br /> � . ' ,,,'. oi'thir Sei.�uri�y Ins�rumtnt. �•' ___
<br /> If l.ender exercixec this option,lxi�ier tihall give BoR.�wer n�xicc of urcelerutian.Tlic n��ticc shull Provide u peri�xi��f nut _
<br /> � . . � � less thun 30 day.from�he dute the n�nicc i+dclivcred or muiled within whirh NuROwer mu+� pay ull �.wn�uwured by thi� ___---
<br /> '�� ' - Security Intitrumcnt. If'Borrower fuil�to puy these sum�pri��r�n thc�xpirution��f thir�xri�xl,l..�nder may invokc uny rem�lics __�
<br /> rmit�ed by ihiti Srcuriry instrumcm withow furthcr nutice ur demand on Fi��rrowcr. —�_-
<br /> �� '�' .r "r` • � 18. Barruwer'.r Ri�ht to Refnstnte. If &�rrowcr meets certain r�mditionti, &�rrowcr �hull huvc thc right 1�� huve �"``"`" -
<br /> enfurcement of this Securiq� Instrument dis;cantinueJ at any timc priur to the carlier oL• lul S Jayti �ur �uch i�thcr peri�►d u+ _
<br /> � � aPplicable luw may specify fi�r rein��utement) beti�rc .rule ut the ('ropeny punuant lu uny puwcr uf ,ale runtainul in this �-,�_ -- _ -
<br />_ " ' Securiry In�trumem: or Ib 1 entry of u judgmem cnfiircing thir�Security Instrumen�.Tl�nu�cunJiti�ma ure thut&�rrnwer:lu)pvy�
<br /> l.ender ull yums which�hen wnuld he Jue undcr�hi.Security Insuument anJ the Note u� il'no;�cclerution had�xcurred: Ib) ��St.;..;:��-��__
<br /> � � cures uny defuuh of uny ulher covenunth ��r ugreemenis: Ir1 pays all expen�s incurred in enfurcing thi� Securi�y Instrument, �-•�:--�----
<br /> �,. includiog.bui nrn limited to. re•ru►nuble uuorneyr' fees; and�d) 1•rkes�urh action ux I.�nder muy re�snnably reyu�rc to astiure �=•�-"r±Y�=_`
<br /> �• ::�•::.�y�.,,,__:-
<br /> �' thu�thc lien oi'this Security Inrtrum�nt. Lr.nJcr's right+ in the Property und Borr�►wcr'ti obligation tu pa�• the�ums ticrurcd hy ,� _�„-._�s�
<br /> �. this Se.:urity in�trument shuU continue unchnn ed. U m mimwcement h &�ROwer, �hiti Serunt Instn.�mem rnJ the � •�rt.`rw;-
<br /> B P� Y Y. . �,..
<br /> „ ohligution�tiecurecl hereby+hull �+emuin fully el't'ertive as ii na accelrcution had occurred. Howrvcr, thi. nght tu rein+tute shrll ' '"°'''`"'"`:
<br /> • not upply in tho casc��f urccicrAtiun undcr parasraph 17. --���-`
<br /> ' 19, Sale ot Note; Chanse oP Luan Servicer. Thr N��c ��r � pani:►I inlerr,t in the Note Itagcthcr with thi.r Security �`-�=`4�
<br /> Instrumcnt)muy lx�si�ld ime��r morc time.wi�huut prior notice tu&�r�ow•er. A sal�may result in a chungc in�hc ernity(knawn '�1'��=—
<br /> � ••���� ' ' as�hu"I..aAn Scrvicer"1 tha�rullccts monthly paymentx due under�he Nnte anJ thiti Security In�trument. There ului muy he ane ^��; -;�
<br /> � � or ma�chunges nf the Luan Sen�icer unreluted to a wle of thc Nute. If there is a changc of the[.uun Servicer. Burr��wer w•ill be � �`�'�-"
<br /> ,, -:
<br /> ' .' • givco writ�en nuticr nf the change in ura�rduncc wi�h paru$ruph 14 utxive und upplieuMc law.The nuticc will �tatc the numc utKi � �='
<br /> n�l.lress of '�e new i �r,u� Servic,r unJ ihe �ddresa to which paytnents should be muda. The notice will ului cantain uny other _�___�__ �
<br /> infornwtion rc uircd b u licublc law. '�+���
<br /> 9 Y pp �'y:`�'n`-
<br /> , • 20. Hazerdous Substance!i. Bormwer xhull not cause nr }xrmit thr presenrc, usc. di,pusal. alnru�c. or releasc uf uny ;_,�.� ��•
<br /> HuaarJ��u+ Subslonres nn or in tlk Prapeny. &�rrower shall nrn d��, nur uUow unyonr elsr �o dn. unything uffectinF the _ ...._
<br /> Property thut is in violutiun uf any Environmenlul l.:�u. Thr prrceding twu+enlence.�hall nrn apply��► the presence. uu. ur ,;��Y:7;;-�
<br /> ,tnr.�ge on the Propeny af.mall quuntities uf H:u.�rdous Subs�ances �hut are g�nerully recoEnizeJ to t+c uppmpriate to nornial ; ,,;��.�,:_
<br /> residentiul utie+und t��mainterwnre�►f the Propeny. .'+�"'�
<br /> ,.r• ��cr
<br /> &irr��wcr shull promptly give Lcndrr w�ittcn nnticr nf uny invcstigati�m, cluim. Jemand, lawsuit or��ther urtion h�• uny ��.j�,:�,::'�--�z��
<br /> governmcntul ar re�ulntur��ugency ur privute party involving th� Propeny und any Ha�aniuus Substance or 6nvironmcntal l.uw '� '�''��. .
<br /> � Y > ���vcrnmenlal or rc� y ,�.,:�•,
<br /> af which&�rruwcr hati•rclual I�nuwlcd�c. If Bi�rrou•cr lcarn�.��r iti noli�ed b un • Eulutc�ry aullx�rit . thal ` .�"�:',L� '
<br /> . uny t+om��vul��r cHher rem��Jiutiun�►f uny Hu�ardou.Subtit•rncc uffecting thc Propeny�.rxcessury,&�rrnwcr shull prampdy tuke ",;.:��:�-,;:, •� -� �
<br /> ull neceswry remeJiul ucti�ms in ucco�Junce with Enviremmentul Low. �"''~:".�``=�
<br /> � •j�'��r�fc�,
<br /> A. u,eJ in this aru�ru i 20. "Hu��rduu,Substanrc." urc 1ho.c suh,luncc+Jcfincd a.t��xir ar h:uurdous tiub.tuncc� hy . �--
<br /> - -- Envirenmental l.aW �nd lhr�l��llnwine �ubc�unres: cusoline, kero�ene, other Oummuble ur toxir pctrulcum pnxluct,, iaxic _ _''t'?�
<br /> pesticid��und herbicidcs, vulutilr+olvems, muterisd.cimluining a�hr+to.ur IimnuldchyJe, unJ ruJiouctive mulerial�.A�u.eJ in � - -'—��.
<br /> thir purugruph ?0, "Envir��nmentul Luw" mcun. 1'ederal luws unJ luw� ��f the,juriulirtiun �vhcre the Pr�ny is Icxuted thai � . � ,�t ,;.,�;
<br /> , �, rclutu ta hcuhh..ulcty nr arvirunmrn�ul pru�crtinn. r. . �. •"?�
<br /> NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS.Bittrowcr unJ I.�nJ�r furtlxr covcnunt anJ u�rcc a� I��Uuw+: `�'"1'��� '."'��`�
<br /> � � 2t.Acceleretion;Itemedi��.Lender yhull Rive notke In B�rrower prfor tu acceleration PollowinR I��rroKer's hnach �'�'� i� ;``�
<br /> of any ravenxnt or uprccment in thiti ti�rurit�� Intitrument (But not prtor to ucccleration under puraQraph N unless � ��M� "•,�� '
<br /> ' �' upplicable luw provideti othera•itie). The iwtice xhull tip�Yii'�•: lul thr defoull;(b► the acdon reyuired to cure the dePuult; ' �
<br /> (r)a dale. not les.c tlwn i0 da�y f'rom thr dute the notice iti�iven to 13or�owrr. by x•hich tl�e def;►ult mu�t i►e cured;und F. , �� �
<br /> ' ld)that failure to curc thc defuuU on or Ixfore thc datc sp�tlfied in thc nntice muy rc�ult in acccicrali��n oP thc sums - ,",--
<br /> �ecured b��this tiecu�ity Instrument uud tiule of the Pru{xrt�.The nodce.hull i'urther infi�nn Burrm�er oP thc riuht to f.:•.
<br /> ' � reinxtatr uiler acrelerution und the rlkhl to brinu u courl aclfon lo u4ticrt Ihe nnn-eaislence of u dePuuU or uny other
<br /> defen�r ol' Horro��er to uccclerutinn nnd�ale. If the default Is not cured �x� or bePore the date specif�ed in the nuticr. �
<br /> Lcndcr.ut its uption, mu�� �cqulrc innnediutc pu�ment in full of oll �mns xtiun�d bv lhis ti��curltv Instrument ���ithout I
<br /> further demand und mu��im•oke the po�scr ni'�ulc und uu} ulhcr rcmedi�h periniu��l b� upplicahle lu��•. Lendcr,hull Ix
<br /> • •, ' enllded to collect uU expensiw incurred in punuin�the renKKli��provide�l in thi,peruurnph 21. includb�;, hut not limited ._-_
<br /> • to,reasonable uttorne�•s'iee+und co+l.oP tille c�•idence. `.�',�-'�l'-`
<br /> . If the p�n�rr ��f sulc is invnked, 'I'ru+t�r shull nrord a uotice oP�Iefault in euch count�• in �vhich un�• part of thc : t;;'.''�'�"�
<br /> Properi�•is I��:utcd und xhuil muil copi��of'such nodce in the munner pr�ycrilxd h�• upplicuble lua•t�► Borro�cer und to ="'`�'��
<br /> 'T:-�--�---
<br /> the�Nher personr pr��ribed B}�upplicuble la��.Af'ter the timc required b� upplicuMe lu���. Truxt��e+hall�ive public notice �� �r`~±�--
<br /> ni'+ulr tn thc penum und in thc munncr pr�hcribcd b} upplicuMc lu��.'I'ru,tcc, �cithout d�ms�nd nn Rorru�rcr, shall ticll
<br /> . t6c Propert��ut public uucUau t��the hikh�yt bidder at th�time und plucc und w��er thc terms d�wi�;nah�d in the nntice of ;
<br /> xule B� one or more purcrl+ iwd i��um� ordcr'fru,l�w determBu�.'I'ruxt�r mu� po,t�me .ule oP ull or am purccl nP tlx
<br /> ' piropert�• b� pul►lic unnounrement ut the time und plucc ui' uu� pre�iou.h uheduled.:►Ic. I.ender or its d�wi�rnti ma}• ' ' , .
<br /> purchase tNe Property at an�•tiulr. �
<br /> • Form 3028 9180
<br /> YwM��.���1. ..
<br /> ,.
<br /> I
<br /> 1
<br /> + �
<br /> i
<br />