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i� ' Y�� t�:i:WIN1�M'..�� � ..1t � ,�R: C .i�s>:.j,;:f(ji M'��:U4x.,' .; ; ::. • s:� -� �:; �,>ry6kNw��wr.. <br /> � 'ra'� a�t.i►!a !S. .� .1L:��� . . ."_ <br /> }�� -��i0!'AR�+MrS� Vta!! . -- _ <br /> 1.- •}�t.-._ :,,., — <br /> . � .,�:..r.Y�.i[;� .�. � , ..__ <br /> �G . <br /> ... �. <br /> i n207� �-�T_ <br /> � . . . :._ 9�- �;:- <br /> ` , d��'�� ~ S. Haiatd or PropeKy lacue�nce. Borrowcr Fhull keep the impmvemema now eais�ing or hercafter erected an the — _ <br /> � � -� t Praperty in�ureJ ngoin.rt I��sv by Pire, huiArd�inrluJeJ within�hc �crm "cxtcn�l�nl cuvcru�te" and any u�hcr huiurdx, irK:luding �.�.,�;.—..— <br /> ' tlaulti or Ilaxling,for which l.cnder rryuirew inw►uncc. Thiti in�urunrc+hull Ix muintuinrJ in the unx�unt�unJ li�r dic perf��lx �''`-=''�`�``"'.�.. <br /> Il�"_���.�- <br /> ` � '���• thui l..emier requires. 'i'he inwrunre currler �rnviJing the in�uruncc+hull I+e chuxn hy Horrawcr .uhject tu l.enJer'+ upprovul �_x_._�___ <br /> � �,. which �hull not t�e unreliumahly wi�hhrld. If[iurrowcr I'uil, to niaimuin r��vcrogc dc�rrilxJ uixwc. l.cndcr muy, u� tAi�lcr's __ __— <br /> �( .. : ,„�=�x"` ' npdnn.oMain coverage to pmtcct l.eiuler'� right�in the Proprny in urrorJanrc wilh puragruph 7. �--- <br /> All insurancc��licic.und rencwul,�hull hc ucccptablr tn IsnJcr unJ +hull includc u �tund�rJ nH�rt�ugr rluuu. lxndcr �.r��".�:--__ <br /> ` � ' xhall havr thc righ�lo huW the�licics und renewul�. tf L.cndcr rcyuirc�. �rruwcr�hull promptly g��:ta lAndcr ull rrccipt�of ��.�'� <br /> - paiJ prcmium,and renewal ncticeti. In the cvent��f Ir... Hnrr�+wrr,1��::1 give pr��mpi notice 1��Ihe in�urunce c�rricr and l.ctuler. �`°�,____ <br /> • �_ Lendc:r muy nwke proof oP low if nut maJe pn�m�tly hy &+rruwer. -_ - <br /> '� • Unlesti Lendcr und Bc�ROwcr�nhcrwi��ngrce in writing, inyurunre pnx:ceJs�hull he upplicJ t�� retiioru�iun or repuir�►1'the ---�----__._—_ <br /> �. Pra�x:Ay damAged,if the restoration nr repuiris ecunomicully i'eusible and l,ender's u�rurily i�n�H Ie�+¢ned. If the rer�u�utiun ur �"L�_,�:�t�.:��= <br /> •• _t' repair In nat ec�oamicully feuyible��r l.cndcr's ,erurit� w�iuld be len�ened, the inzurunce pr�xeeJs shnll ix:applicd���the,umr =�, __ <br /> . �' , ' secured by thix Securily Instrument. wheiher ur nui d�cn duc, with uny exce.� puid tu &�rcnwcr. If&irrnwer ubandonr the � •�:-�.�•��. <br /> � Propany. or da:s iat �nhwer wilhin?0 day�+i nolicu from I.�nJcr�hat the inwruncc curcier has offer�d tu,etUe u clrim, then <br /> , ' � ' i.emier may callen Ihe insuranc� proccalti. l.�ndcr may use thr prixeeJ� �n repuir or rest��re the Property �►r to pay +um� �•'.•-��-�^•- ~, <br /> ' . Fecured by this Security latitrument.whelhc�nr not then due.The 3U-duy pe�i��l will txgin when the noticr i,given. <br /> ' � Unless L.cnJer and &�rrower�nhanvise ugrec in writing, uny applicution nf pnxecds to principal +hall not extend or �` <br /> �:�:.:., <br /> f. � � , postpone thc due dute of the monthly puynunts refeRed io in p•rragruphs 1 and ? or rhangc the am�wnt nf the paymemx. If ��� <br /> ° � under pacagraph 21 the Propeny is sKyuirecl hy Lcixler, Bonrwer'g right to any in�urunce pc►licie.r-anci prcxeeJs resulting fram �:..�--- <br /> � � d�mage to the Property prinr to thc ucquisitiun tihall pusr;to Ixnder to the extent nf the tiums secured by thi+Security Insttument =-� <br /> _ . immecliately pnor tn the ucquisition. �• - -g'— <br /> ° 6.(kcupancy,PrrservAdon. Meintens�nce and Protection oP the Pn►perty;Borrower's I.oan Application; I.easeholds. �'' <br /> B�xrower shal l ixcupy,etituhlish.and use the Property us&ircower'.r principul re+ide►xe within sixty days ufter the execution of �_:��-- <br /> . ' this Security Instrument und+hull cantinue to��rcupy�he Property ax &►rrower',principul residence for at Ieuxt one ye�r uRer �=-°' _ <br /> the date of accupuncy. unleti�Lcnder o�herwi,e �grees in writin�, which cnn+ent shall rxu be unreuconal►ly withheld,or unless ��.-�_, <br /> �xtenuating circumztance� exist which arc bcyonJ f���rowcr'� comrol. Burrowcr tihall not destru�, dumage ur impair the �_ <br /> Prapeny. ullow thc Pmperty tu ci�mmit waste�m thc Prap�:ny. &rrmwer shall lx in default if uny forl'eiture ��;;;_ <br /> � u�don or pmrccding, w•hcther rivil ar crimin�l, is be�un�hat in Lender'z gcHni f'aith judgment couW result in forteiwre c�f the �',�'-=_. - <br /> • Propeny ar nthenvise materiully impuir ihe lien crwieJ by�hi+Sccurity Imtrument��r L.encler's security in[erest. Borrower may � <br /> • ' • rurc tiuch u deiuul�and reim�utr.u�providcd in paraEruph 18,by cuusing ihc ucti�m�►r pnkceding to be ditimissc�i with u ruling °______ <br /> that, in L.ender'ti g�xxl luith Jeterminatiun, precludes ti�rfciwre of thc &irrower's interetit in the Properly or nther materfal �u___ <br /> --- _•_ - impairment oi the lien creutcKl i�y tbi. S�curity Incirumcni ar L.cnder'� �ecurity ioicrr:l. &sRO�ti•er :;hall afw be in clefau!! if �.,s-- <br /> &xr�wer.during the I��an upplicution prcxc��,�avr matcriAlly 1'Al�e u�iiwccumtc inli�rnwti�m or s�atementti to C.ender(or failed �'-` _ <br /> . t��provide l.enJer with any mutcrial infamis�ti��nl in cannection with the loan eviJenced hy [he Nate, including.but no�limited �`!�" <br /> ' to,repre+emution�concerning Borrower's��ccupuncy of thc 1'ru�xny u�a principvl rc.idence. If this Security Inti�rument i,on a - <br /> �:_-. <br /> Icatirhold. &�rrower ,hull comply with ull �hc pr�►virions uf thc Ieu,c. It' Bormwcr ucquirez fee tide to �he Prnperty, the - _ <br /> Icusehold and thc tir tidc shall nut merge unlc,ti I.ctxler agrces U►thc mcrg�r in writing. �r� =�,Lr_ <br /> � ' 7.Protectfun of Lcnder'.r•Ri�hts in t he Propert�•. 11'Borcuwcr 1' perliim�thc cu�•enants und ngrecmcnt�cantained in t' ���t <br /> �_- <br /> thiti Security Instrument. �ir thcrr i.u Icgul pn�rceJinE tha� may �iEniiicuntly afi'cv:t LcnJrr'�rights in thc Property�.uch a�a -°�- -- — <br /> • prn�ccding in bankruptc)�. prohatr, lirr cunJcmnution ar li�rfciiurc�►r�u.nti�rcc law�or rcgul�ti�myl, Ihen LcnJcr nwy du und ��' �'•'- <br /> pay litt whatever i,n�re+�ury t��pratcrl Ihe vuluc ul Ihc Pro�rly and LenJcr'.right. in thc Prupeny. L.cnJer'� uction+ muy .,. .. _ =.�-- <br /> includc paying uny �um. .ecurcJ hy :� li�n a•hicli hu. priurity u�•cr �hi� Sccurity Instrunxnl. ap{KUring in coun, puying • �==- <br /> ss•.�;cmahle auomey.,' f'cc.und entcring ��n thc Pru�xrty tu muke repuir.. Althaugh l.endcr n�y take ac�ion undcr thi�pnragroph . -�' <br /> . � 7.lxndcr dnc+na1 huve tu Ju tio. �: �•,l•�• <br /> rr� <br /> Any amounts dishur�cd by I.cndcr umlcr thi+ puragraph 7 .hull lx�rumc adJi�ionul JeM of Aurrc�wcr rccurcJ hy this ':� -;�:,;;a„ <br /> � S��urity In+irum�nt. Unlc,.Bi�rrowcr aixl Lcndcr ugrcr w othcr trrnn ul�ayment. ihr+r amounts .hall bcur intcre,t t'n�m thc • ==°.g� <br /> dute of Jishunement �t Ihr N��te rate and �hull lx payuble, with interc+t. up�►n notirc 1'r�im Lcndcr to Horrower rcyuc�tin�t � = ',��,: <br /> � ' paymem. �. . . <br /> � R.Ntort�(a�e In.r•uruncc. If L�nJrr rcyuir�d mnrt�,agc in,uranrc:i.a ri►�xlitiun ul makin�thr I��un+c�urcJ hy lhi+ Sccurity �. � ��y-. <br /> ' Inxtrument. Borrowrr .hull pay thc premium� r�yuircJ tu muintain Ihe m��nuucc in.ur:mrr in rlfr�t. II'. li►r any reuwn. the "'�` <br /> mortgagc inxur�ncc ruvcrugc rcyuircJ h�•l_cnJcr lapu, ��r r�a.�.tu hr in rtler�. Nurn►urr,hall p:►�• Ihc�rcmiwn,rcyuireJ tii � � <br /> . iibtuin cavcruge �uh�tantiully cyuivulcnt d► thc m�ingagr insuranrr pre�•i��u+ly in rllcr�. at a ru,t ,uh��amiall}•cyui�•rlen�t��Ih� <br /> 1 <br /> ro.l lo Borrc�wcr uf thc nwngugc in+uranre prev� in rl'tcrt. Irvnn an :dirrn;ur mungagr in.urcr appr��v�J hy L�ndrr. It' � <br /> �uhstantiully cyu�vul�nt mong.�gc irouraike w��cragr i, rn�l a�•ailahlc. f3urn��<<r .hall pay lu LrnJrr rach�nonth u ,um cyual ti� <br /> �,nc-twelfth i�l'thc yeurly m��rtgagr in�uranre prrmium hring paid hy Hurru�a�rr��hcn Ihr imuranrc r�n•cra�e i,r cca�cJ ti� <br /> he in el'1'cr�. Lcndcr will acrcpt, use anJ rct:�in thc.r pat•memti a. a I�,.� rc�crcr in lieu uf m��nEa�r in�urancr. Lu,. rr,rn�� <br /> Fo�m 3028 9/90 <br /> � , ��•�..�,. � <br /> i <br /> ' � ' _ — - _ � _ _ <br />