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<br /> �t tho uptian a�i I,on3er, it murtr�z insurYn�x cavcr��e tin the amaunt and [or the period that Lende; raquiroe)
<br />: prorlcied by�n irtsurcr appca�•al by I.en3cr a,��in bocomea avul�blo�nd is obuinod.Aarrow�r shall pay the premiums
<br /> teqult�i to munt�in m�rtFa�e insurance in eftect,ar tu pra�•ida� lusa �xserce, until the requirement for mort�� `
<br /> irsur�:ue enc's i►�scccxdar.c:e with any writtes►yrs�ement betwan Borroxor�nd l.ender or�pplicabta law. :
<br /> 9. Iospectioo.Lendu:.:iw��t�nay makc reasonablo ra�irie�upan and ias�actians oi the!'ropEC:y.Len&r s2u11 �-..
<br />. �ise Tiorrower notice�t the 3ime of or prior to an inspoction specifyin�rcaAOnable cauee far the inspcetiun. �;
<br /> 10.Condemuatian.Tfto pracoods uf any aNUd c�r cl�im fo�d�m�rea,diroct or consequential,in connection with _�
<br /> u►y ccsndamnatiaa ar othu tafcin�nF aqy psr�t nF the Fruperzy�ur for c,�u��eyuu;a in lieu ot roacDemnation.�a Ae:aby =
<br /> �i�nod arid shall be paid to Lender. =
<br /> In the evcr�t of�to41 takin�of tt�e Yropeety,the proceed9 sR�ll bc ippliod to tho sums sxutod by thir Security —�
<br /> Instrumrnt,whether or noc then due,with any excess paid to Barrower.In the event ot a p�rti�l ukin�ai the Froperty in °
<br /> whicA the fur muket value of the Plaperty immedi�tdy betara tttio takin�is eqw. to or�reaur than tha�mount o�tha
<br /> cume sxured by thie Security Iacuument immediately before the takin�,unlras Bannwer and I.ender atherwise agrx
<br /> in writin�,tha sums exw�ed by this Sa;urity Inetrument shall be reduood by the amount o!the proceocls multiplied by
<br /> the tolloMin�tracdon:(a1 the total a.rnount af the sums securod immediau:y betoro tha tYkin�,dividod by (b)th�tur —
<br /> muket value of th�Pro�erty immaiiataly betore the tatci�.Any b�lance sAall be pud to Borrower. In tAo event ot a
<br /> parti�l Wcin�of the P'roperty in which the fair muicet v�lue a the Property immodiatcly beforo tho takinE is less tAui
<br /> the unount of the sums securod immediately betoro the taYin�,unless Borcower and I.ender othuwise��roe in wr�tin� a
<br /> or unleas applicable law otha�wise providrs. the procoeds shall bo �ppliod w tho sums aocurod by thia Sacusity
<br /> Iastrument ahether ar not the sums ue tha�due.
<br /> Ii the Property is ab�ndonod by Borrower�or if,afw notioe by Lender to Borrower that the condemno�otfers to
<br /> malce an awud or settle a clsim tor dams�ea, Bornower fsila to r�spond tc�Lender within 30 days after the diu the
<br /> r.o��ie�vesi�Lenda ie�uthor;zed ta oollect and ipQly the procoeds,st ite opdon.dth�r W ratoration or repair ot tt►e _ -
<br /> Property or to the suma sxured by tAis Secwity Iastruma�t.ahetha�or not thrn due.
<br /> Unleae Leader and Borrowu otherwiso a�ebe in wridng.say appiication ot pwcoeds to principal shall not wctead or
<br /> po�stpone tha due dau of the moathly paymrnts reta�rod w in ptragraPhs 1 and 2 0� chan�e the amouat ot such
<br /> WYments.
<br /> 11. Horrower Not iteleased; Forbesranoe By I.ender Not a Waiver. F.xtension o�th�time for payment or
<br /> modiCc�tion oi amoctiudon of tho suma securod by thia Secw7ity Instrument grantod by Lender to any suoceaeor in
<br /> interest of Borrower stWl aot operate to relase the liability oi the ori�iaa] Borrawer or Borrowet's cuocesaora in
<br /> iater�et.I.ender sh�ll not be roquired to oommence pr000adinEs a�sinst any sucase�r in interest or retuse to nzta�d
<br /> time for�eyment or otherwise modify amortiution of the suma secwrod by this Security Instrumeat by reason of aay
<br /> demusd made by the ori�inal Bortower or Borrower's successocs in interest.Any forbair�nce by I�et�dex ia curcisin�
<br /> aqy riQht or remedp sl�sll aot be a waiver ot or prxlud�the�erciae of sny right or remedy.
<br /> 12 Sucaswrs sad Assi=na Bound;Joiat sad Several Liability;Co-si=aer�The oovenants aad agramatts
<br /> ot this Security Iastrument shall bind and benefit tUe suocess�rs aad assipLS of I.ender u�d Borrower,subject to the
<br /> p�+ovisiona of para�raph 17.Borrower's caveaaate aad a�reeaimts sball be joiat uul several.Any Borrow�r wbo w�i�ns
<br /> this Securitp Ynstrumeat but does aot�ucute the Not� (i?is co-sign'sag this Securitp Instr�meat only to moct�e.
<br /> s i'' �f_"_�_J� • � iL..�..�« .i� f.� �wn�.ww S �1.... Q�w. �•r w� ww /1►� a �f
<br /> � �[`iiU iltts trisuvci auaa tiWauww a ivai.av't iia a�v�w�� wwwn taw t'.. ...n. vi:.� 1:...i... '...5'Li i�i =•• - - ..
<br /> pereo:stlly obli�atod to pay the su�s exured by this Sxusity Iastrurnent;aad f c}aszees tbat I.essder aad aay otis�x
<br /> Horroaer may aEree to ertead,modify�to;b�ar or milce my accammodatioas with ne�rd to the terms ot thia Socwity
<br /> Iaswment or the Nou without that Borrower's co�ent.
<br /> 13.Loaa Chsr=es.If t,�e loan sxwal bg this Secwity Insirumrnt ia subject to a law whic�sete muimwn lan
<br /> char�es,aad that law is finally interpreted so tlsat thc interest or other loan char� collocted or to be collected in
<br /> coflaectioa with the loui excood the permittai limits.thea (�) aay such loan charQe stsall be reduoed by the unouut
<br /> neoeasarq to reduoe the cbarge to the permittod jimit; aad (b) aaq sums �lready oollected from Borro�ver which
<br /> ezcadod permitted limits will be reinnded to Borrower. I.ender may choose to m�lce this refund by reducia� the
<br /> principil owed vader sSu Note or bj makinE a direct psyment to Bomower.It a r�tuad red�a principal.the reductioa
<br /> will be trrated as a pac�l prepayment without any prepayr,i�nt char�e uuder the Note. -
<br /> 14.Notices.Any notix to Bonowcr procided for in t�?s Sxurity Instrument shall be�iven bq ckliverin�it or by
<br /> r.iailing i�by�rst class mul ualess appiicable law roquins�x of another method.'The notice shall be direct�ed to the
<br /> Propetty Addrws or auy ottler address Borroaer designaus by notice to I.cr�der.My iaoticc to I.ender shall be�vea by
<br /> firat cLes mail to I.ender's address stated herein or any otha addr�ss Lend�r desi�CSates by noticx to Bornower. Any
<br /> notice provided for in thia Security InstrameaA s3�a11 be doemed to have beea pvea to Borrowa�l�eader when�iven
<br /> as provided in this para�raph.
<br /> L S.�overnint I.aw;Severability.This Socurity Instrumeat shall be�overned by feder�l laM and the law of the
<br /> jtxrisdiction in which the Pcoperty;a located.In the eveut tFrat any provision or alause o�thia Securitq Inswmeat or the
<br /> Note couflicts with applicahle law.such conflEct shall not a.;fsct ather ptovisions of ihis&xurity Ic�ttumeat o:t!�Note
<br /> which cu�be�vea eftect without the conflicti.c�provisioa.To this er�the provisions of this Security Iastrument�ad
<br /> the Alou are dacIira�to be severabla
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