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201003218 <br />E~-I1BIT "A" <br />LEGAL DESCRIPTION <br />Part of the Southeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter (SEl/4 SEI/4) of <br />Section 'I~venty (20), Township Eleven (11.) North, Mange Nine {9) West of <br />tlae 6th P.M., in HaII County, Nebraska, more particularly described as <br />follows: ~eginniug at the point on the Southez-13r lice of Ael Monte Avenue in <br />the City of Grated Island, Nebraska, which point is 490 feet southwesterly <br />from Eot 1, Block 5, Bel-Aar Addition to the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, <br />running thence Southeasterly aloaag and apau a line parallel with and 490 <br />feet sa~xthwesterly from the southwesterly lot Iine of said dot x, Slack 5, $el- <br />Air Addition for a distance of 126 feet; thence running southwesterly along <br />and ~npnn a line parallel with and 126 feet southeasterly from the santherIy <br />Iiuoe of bel IVTonte Avenue fora distance of 70 feet thence running <br />northwesterly aIang and upon a line parallel with and s60 feet southwesterly <br />~-om said Ent 1, Block 5, BeX-Air Addition, fox a dista~aee of 12S feet to the <br />southerly line of Del Monte Avenue; thence running northeasterly along and <br />upon the southerly line al' Del Monte Avenue for a distance of y0 feet to tb,e <br />point of beginning <br />