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<br /> � � . � � A owrt�in p�rE oi th• NorthM��! Qu�rt�r t NM 1/Af oi Statinn Tw�nly-8l.x —
<br /> ' . 126f� Torn�hip El�v�n �11 f North, R�np� T�n tlo) M��t oi th• 6tb 1'.tl. , �or� '�`�,,�,,y�
<br />_�.� �. .. .,� �rn%��-• .. _ —
<br /> p�rtinul�rly d��oribed �r� Fro� ■ poin� rF���� th• Nortb Ripht-oi-M�y lin� .- � -t:�....,r�
<br /> � • � _; .�X�__
<br /> � � ' o! tb• Uoion P�alliio R�ilro�d Co., inl�r��ats !h• E��t �in• oi !h• _
<br /> '� ' ' � Northr��� Ou�rlwr tNM �1M) oi 9�ation Trenly ��x 1261� ToMn�hip E1RV�n !11) --___ __ �
<br /> °� �� Harlh� Rwnd� T�n I101� M�wt oi th� 6!h P.N. , IIM11 Counly. N�brs�k■ . ��
<br /> � run�inQ lh�no� 6oulhr�wl�rly •long •nd upan th• North RiQht-ot-M�y link ot �
<br /> " " th• Union P�nitio R�ilsosd Co., tor � diet�na� oi 900.00 F�et to thn •alusi �,�,.-�^��-,�
<br /> ,. ., �=�'' �. .
<br /> . ,. , , point ai b�pin�inp� run�ing tbena• North psrsllel !o th• E��t line o� th• `��
<br /> ��o�a
<br /> ,;;, , Horlhr��t Ov�rl�r <NM 1/�1 oi erld 9�otian Tr�nty-Bix 1�81, 22�.0 F��t� !�. -��.:.—_�_
<br /> ;:- �;,..,�'
<br /> ,.,. • � ' � runnin� th�nc�� Bovthr►st�rly parsil�l to the f�orth Ripht-ot-Msy lin• oi tl�• _ •:���;;;�a
<br /> � Union P�aitia N�ilrasd Co., ior s die�tenoe oi 450.U Fert� tunniog th�eo� r.��y�:_;,,��, .-
<br /> South p�r�ll�l to !h� Es�t line oi the Nortl�wen� Oue+rter lNil 1/�1 0� eeid �•�, � -
<br /> �'• �y� �±ua.�.._��
<br /> Seation Trwnty-Six 1261, 22g.0 F�st to s point on tl�e North Righ�-o�-Mey � .� -_--�,,.1
<br /> ' lin• ot th� Uni�n P�oi=ia Rei.Lraed Go. , running thenae Northeaaterly slong . �•�E':�
<br /> . •nd upon th• Norlb Ri�ht-oi-Mey ].ine oi the Union Pnoifia Rwilroad Co., tor :!��;u
<br /> • dist�noe oi 450.0 iweti to the aetual poin! ot beginning, exoeptinQ e �,-.F:,;;..`.
<br /> 4•:..:.:........�.,
<br /> oert�in trso! o� 1Mnd more portioulssly d�eor�b�d in Morr�nty Deud r�oardvd �,¢��
<br /> . •■ Dooun��nt Ho. 77-000473. ;��``�-:.'��`
<br /> ' AND •s..it:;'=:;:,:
<br /> ,...
<br /> ,,•.•
<br /> • " A lrsot oi lsnd oompri�ing e p�rt oi the Ilorll�weat Ouerter tNW 1/41 ot �' °�•• ��
<br /> �l••�ii t;���
<br /> � S�olion TMenly-Six !26). ToMnship ElevRn 1111 North, Renge Ten llOf Nest of ,1..:
<br /> �,.,.
<br /> --_ --- the 6Ei� P.ii. . 3n iieii CaunLy, ltcbresske end morw �+wrtioulsrly desnribed ss __.�,�,,__
<br /> tolloMet Fir�t. to eacertain thQ point of begi�ning. etart et s point o� . .-�i
<br /> �� ._ . ths Nnrtlierly right-of-rey line oi the Union Peaitia lte.11road Co�npany, aeid '� � o
<br /> " " . point bving One-Thou�send Tl�ree ilundred Fii ty �l. 350.0) �eet SouthweRterly '"'� "'�' �� ,
<br /> �
<br /> �� , ' � irom tl�e inter�eotion oi eeid rigl�l-oi-rey 1i.ov Mitl� tl�e eant lina o! e�id . . �
<br /> . Northweet Ouerter 1111�1 1/A>= thenoe northei•ly pwrallel to the a�et line of ; ••
<br /> Aaid Northreek. punrter lNW 1/4), a diAtonoa ni Ninptiy Nine end F'iity-F�ve ! � vl
<br /> . Ilu�dredth■ �99. 591 Pe�t to lI�Q Actuwl point ot beginingt tl�enoe aontinuing ��
<br /> ,� ,;�,;.:�• Northerly elong the lent de�aribed eouree a dietence of One-Ilundred � �^,� +�
<br /> . TNenty-Fivs and Forty-Fiva tlundredll�e <128. 45) �'eet� tlienee Soutl�reeterly. '
<br /> � '.� � ,perell�l to eeid ripht-oi�MRY linP e dintenne oi Sixty-Fc�ur end 6ighty-Rive � �,T�;_.
<br /> ' Ilundredthe �64. 851 Feet� thenae deflaocing lei! 90 dQgreet3 00• and running _
<br /> � Sou�heseterly a distenoe nf One-Ilundred Seven and Thirty TMO Ilundredths i -. ,
<br />� ' t1d7.321 Fe�t to tl�v Aatual F'oint of Beginning. ____
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