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<br /> � y'i1r �VI��� Y..
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<br /> � the paymeni of TNStea's taes incumed,which 7nistae's teas shaQ not tn _
<br /> �+ tha aqqrc�gate Qxc.�ed the sum of Five Hundrod end nol1QOths Dollars
<br /> � (S5Q0,00) plus 1t2 of 1%of the amount secured i�ereby an� remalnln� -
<br /> unpaid (mmedlataly prio�to the sa1a, and than to ths items set forth {n '"
<br /> _ � subparaaraph(c)cf this paraQraph FiFTH in the order therein statad. =
<br /> r , c. After paying the items specified in subparapraph (b) ot this -
<br /> � paragraph FIFTH,if the s�la is by Tnastee,or the proper court and other _
<br /> ' costs of foreclosur� and sale if sale is pursuant to judiclal foreclasure.
<br /> � the proceeds ot sale shall ba appiled in the order stated below to the
<br /> payment of:
<br /> �� 1) Cost of ar�y ev'�dence o�ti�e pcnccu'ed in cor�r�ec�lon wittZ
<br /> such sa�e and of any revenue cequit�ect tQ be paid;
<br /> � 2) au sums u�en secured hereby: -
<br /> �.� �
<br /> • 3� r�v G.'�a,�b:�::��a�.ri..�.;-►�s: d��s, 's'�'�4�,cx a�e�r
<br /> �y� �S �'1�11t[ctr�'�:
<br /> �,
<br />'� 4) The rem�ia;�e;. if �ct�, tr. :,'� p�.'�r�r �r ���ts fe�.:J;'�,y
<br /> _ entitled thereto.
<br />�� . Each of the parties to this Deed of Tnast hereby requests that a copy of any no�ce of default
<br /> — and a copy of any notice of sale provided for herelnabave be mailed to each such party at his
<br /> �� post offlce address set to�th herein. Upon the occumence of any default hereunder.
<br /> — Beneflciary shall have the option to forecfose thls Deed of Trust in the manner provided by law
<br /> —.� for the forociosure of mortpspes on resl propaty or exercise its ri�hts Per the Powe� of sale
<br /> harain.
<br /> 8. Trustoc sp�ciflc�lly aqrou that (a) Tnutor. at lts expenae, wiU executs
<br /> — and deliver to BensHasry� promP�►Y �P� �uest,.such aswrity instruments as may be
<br /> _ _. .-�-�-- --••--�-- -_.. _.
<br /> � nr�sU+ed by 8eneficlary, in a tarm and wbst�nr.o san.siaciory io oa�erw+e�y� �:�,�..w�� a�r ••• �--- - _
<br /> — tha PropaRy canveyed by this Oeed of Trust which secutity in:tn,me�ts shall be addrtbnsl
<br /> security for Tnistor's faitfiful perfonnance of au of the terms cove�ants and conditiarts of thts
<br /> - Dsed of Tnut, the Note and indebtedness secured hereby, and any other security instruments ,
<br /> sxecuted in connec�ton with the indebtedness secured by this Oeed of Tn�st; and ail such
<br /> - inst�urr�ents shall be filed and recotded at Tn�stor's exper�se�(b) BeneflaarY maY�from�me to
<br /> time. by written ir�nuner�t executed and acknoNAedped by Be�eficiary� mailed to Trustor and
<br /> recorded in the county ar counties in which the Property is tocated and by otherwise compiyin�
<br /> � � with the provisions at the appticabte iaws of the State of Nebraska, suDstltute a successcr ot
<br /> - wccessors to ti�e Trustee named herein or au;Uns hereunder; (c) aithough the Tn�stee. or his
<br /> - sucoessor or successors. n'�aY be an agent of,or attomey for, or ot�erwise conneded with the
<br />�.� Bena�idary, such�act shaU not be constn�ed to disqualify him to act as such Tiustee�nar shaU
<br />-__= such fact prevent the Tn�stee o�Beneficiary from biddinp at a sale and buY�O�Y P��� �
<br />�:� the property at any sale hereunder; (d) that if it should be necessary or a�pnopriate for t�he
<br /> _ protec�tan of the sewrity hereby conveyed ar enfor+cement of the dsbt herebY secured•for the
<br /> �� Tn,stee or the Beneficiary to ins4jttuute or become a party to any pr+ocseding or suit in a cowt oi
<br /> _'''� bankruptcy or probate or other court of qenerel or Ilmited jurisdictior�. ali expenses and costs
<br /> `? Initials: ��
<br />___: 9 �� � �',
<br /> =� C� �
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