<br /> YY� "_ -�„ , _ ' '
<br /> ._ �a._:_ =,-�.-�+�
<br /> � ._ , J..��_..-.. l__�._�. - " ""__._ ..�.�. _.-' ...:_.-.��s- _.
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<br /> G.ASSIGNMENT OF LEASFS. Upo�imckx'a cequest.Borruwrt shsU+�ssiin ta Lendrr All ks►ses of Ihe -
<br /> property and all socurity deQosits m�de in conaociion w'sth k�e9 of tho Prop�+tY.Upoa the assi,�nn�t,La�der -
<br /> sball t�vt the riyh!tu nwdify,exttnd oc tuminate�he exiuing tcaszs aud W exxutc new{ea9ts,i��Le.-uk:'s s�..`'.
<br /> dis�rttloe.A�uaod ia ti►lt�,wts�:�(3,tn;.w�ard "k:se" sh�ll a�"subizas�" if the SectuitY tnsuu�t is on a -
<br /> ieasetwkl. �
<br /> N. ASSIfs'NIi�i1�:1vi ru'r RFsAi'�S, AP��17'blF.NIT OF RECEIVER9 LENDER I1V PO.SSESSIO.�1.
<br /> Borrowes absoluit3Y and uncoodido+ullY assi�n¢aud varufers to l�ender ail the reau and revwtus('Ru�is")of the _
<br /> prop�ty�regardkss of to wMro tha Rants of tt�e PropatY are PHY�Borrower sutho�riz:s l�r o�I�du�9 _.
<br /> agaua to colkct tho Renw, and�Braes t�e,ach trasnt of the PraPe�tY �PaY�Rants to l,endcr or'l�der's
<br /> a�cats.Howova.Barortiw shall roceivo tbe Rents until(i)1.e�sder�to the teaant(s)that tte R���
<br /> pus�rapl�21 of the Security lnuruma�t aad(u)i.u�der hrs g� t and ooc an
<br /> paid to l.�ackr or I.es�der's ageat. Thic a�iguma�t of Reats coasiits�trs ao �bsoWte assignmtn
<br /> asv�nment for additioml cecuritY oo1Y•
<br /> If Irader gives uotice of breach to Borramr.(i)al!Rr�ts r�ceavod by Bamwer shaUIas�men�t;('u)L�ad�'s shall
<br /> prustee for ttse ba�eFit of Leada oaly.to ba apglicd w the sumv sxural by ttse Securicl+
<br /> be wtitled W colloct and reoeivo alf of tbe R�ts of the ProputY� (ui)Ba'�wer�groes thai each t�sant of the
<br /> PcnpeslY s1s�ll P�Y all Ra�ta due aad uapaid w L.ea3ei ar Leadei's ageats upon l.eada's writtea deiswnd ta the
<br /> sa�st; (iv)wiless aP4licabb 19w provides otha�vise.all Reau co]kcLOd by Leada a L.ender's agents sTuill bo
<br /> applioa firsc to the oost9 of�aYing oonaol of saa�1as the Ptope�y��1°8���cs,incLufiag,uut not
<br /> 13caicod W.at�omeYs� foe�.raoe��eT's fots,Pcemiums oa ttceivtr's bon[1.9,repair and •"';"wu"''r�s,iasutanCe
<br /> �iums,t�ces, nssess�nwts aad oWet ch�rges aa the PrapatY. and thu�W the sums 9ocurod b3 tLe Secu+7iy
<br /> Ia4truman�(v)Latider,I,�ckr's agaus a any judiciallY a�pointed receiver shall be liabje�o account fws aily tlwse
<br /> Raus�cu�aily rLceived�aod(vi)Leadc�sAall be eu���fcnm tbe Pro�y wi�1l�wui� any�w Wa
<br /> uwn�ge ttse pt�oQaty aod coilect the Reats aod prof'us
<br /> �+4�Y of tt�PropatY as securicy.
<br /> If tbe ReaRs of tbe PmpaiY m not suflFi�cia►t tfl cover tlse eost�af t�lcing conuol of and aaan�in� �se
<br /> property aod�f wlloctia8 tLe Rzats any funds expaxbd bY L�det fo�such p�uposes sh�,l becomo ia$ebiodoess of
<br /> Bamwer so L,entler socuted by tlye Security Ia�ast P��w Uaifa�m Cova�ot 7.
<br /> Barowet reQreseats aad wacraots ttwt Borrowet has uat exxW+ed smY Priw'a�i�ea�o�'tise Raus aad tias
<br /> noc ma a+iu ooc pafo�m ony xt cd�c woula pe�ae Lwdu from a�erc�sieg itv ri�h�s e�d�P�
<br /> I,anda�,a I.eneirr'a�gaus a a judici�lty a�ppoiated receiver.shs�ll aot be re4uimed 1u rat�a�a.salce cuntrol
<br /> of a ooaiat�ia t�e�ropatY befoce�x aRer YiviaB aotice of defwlt to Bacower.How�ver.I�o�er.or I.ender s
<br /> aQeats a a�uy�px�iu�l,ck:vw.es.-y da�.:t�p�^�r s!�€M�.0 s+cr� ��y�!x�iis�im of Reots
<br /> shail not ciue a�ve any def�sit ar iavaidat�e aoy odier right ae remedY of Lajde:.'lUis a�ignmmt of Ra�ta of
<br /> � .��a1 d.�«.......eenw1111r t�Setlll'itY III9�[{1�1t��iD�1.
<br /> _' ''"" .__ "�����R1LY111��wsw�w�r�«r..�.r.�--- . .__ .
<br /> L CR06S-DEFAIILT PROVISION. Barrower'� defstitt as� w�des an�,• n�e a �gsament ln
<br /> whi�cb I.ea�irr has an iotu�eat sh�ll be a breach under tLe SecuritY Insuumeat aad It,aBes tasy i��ice�ny of the
<br /> ranedies Pe�mitsed bY tbe Secu�'�'Insavroau �,���in this 1-4 Family
<br /> � BY SIGNING BBIf�W.Harowa aaepfs and a�+oes to the telms and pro .
<br /> Ridcs. �
<br /> (Seap
<br /> D1Qu7&ZS 8 A2IDSRSON -Bor�a'�'e* N7iRY ADSDS�tSQN $aeo�rer
<br /> - ��� (S1�1)
<br /> -Becra�rer -Barrowsz
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