�Zi.'��' ���:: :�.thfQi.i
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<br /> ' ''__. ''_.._. �::-�a�warar�c�:
<br />.�� _ - _ - -_ ..�.s�rwi�wsx- �__.-_-_
<br /> g6- lU�6i�.8
<br /> 'iY��rKcP. wII'H ell th�im€x�vWn�aus���ts�a�ncf s�ckl�i�t�'t,�cw s�y�tsc�co��y t�h�u S'ecurlt�y Ynst�u�in�rtit. �_
<br /> Cuctures aow or h�attrt a pat of the prc�paty. �
<br /> A!1 ot'ctW forc�oirsa is refrnrd a;n this Socurity lnsuuir.orn as the"Propetty" _
<br /> BORROWER COVENANTS fhu Sarrower is I�wfully setrod ot tbe�e herrDy convtycd�uD has the right to�nnl�nd
<br /> convey tbe P�np�rtY and �twt the F'ropatY is ucu:acuuiber�xl,eaccept for ascumbrsnces of r�f.Barow�cr wamntt�sd wW
<br /> �.�,,t�.�g�xaity th.e title to tt,r Pro�rtY t,�inct�l c4ims aad dea�ands.sub�oct tA wy mcumbnnct�s�f rocord. _
<br /> TH15 SECURITY WS'iRUMFNT c�ombL�es uniform cavenan�v for �tio+ul usc aad noa-uaitbtw covettants with limitod
<br /> varta:ia�Dy jw3s3ictton ta a�r.st:tute a uniform�ocu�ity insuumcszt cav�ing rea!property _
<br /> UNIPORM COV�NANtS.Sarrowcr u�d l.etxter covenant and�4gree as foibws:
<br /> 1.Paymest Ot Pri�cipd aad Iateriiti PKpaYmeaY itR�i.�e C�+ti ses. BostOa•tt s.".:11 pcomPtlY F'uY whdl cluC Ibe
<br /> psincipel of�od interast on tAe debt evideneed by tde Ak�te�s�►Y P�Yment and We char�es duo un3a tha Nato.
<br /> 2.F�for Tsucd sbd Inwn�n�e. Subject w spQlicabk L►w or co a wriura wtiver by LencSv. Boiraw� rtiall pay w
<br /> l.tnder on Ihe day n�oothlY P�Y�are due wsdzr tbe 1Vota.uatil tbe Note is pald in fuU�a sum('FwWs"a for.(a) ytarly tsuces
<br /> and arsessm�ats whicb may att�in P�iori►Y ova ihis Secutiry Iauru�rai�a lirn oa the Prope�ty:(b)Yearly kasetwld paymeats
<br /> or grouod rettts on tbe Prop�erty.if aay:(c)Yeady t�atd or property itssurance Pre�aiums:(d)}�esrly Elood inwiracwc premiums,i�
<br /> �=Y:(�)Y��Y��AY���Praniums,ii sny� swd(�anY sums P�Y�ble by Borrower eo l.endex.in a�oordanoe with tho
<br /> pcorsbns oi pata�tap� 8. ia liw of the pnYment of axxt�a insur�ance Pruniums.Zbese itaas ate catbd "Bsciuw Iwnv."
<br /> I.end�er caay.ac aay fuhe.colloct aad t�o3d F1u�d3 ia�n aa�wuns aot to eacc�l tbo muimum aa�ouat a kr�d�er far a foderally reL�t�od
<br /> mor�88Be{oan enay roquira for Bott�owa's esa'ow accaust undcr t!�ftdsral Rql Fstate Sutlemeui Pcoocdures Act of 19T4 as
<br /> amaided from du�e tr�time.l2 U.S.C.Soca�2601 es seq. ("RESPA').uairs9�1�w tbit app�ita to ttje Funds seis�ies�r
<br /> amouoi. If so.i.as�.i��may.at auy time.a-�act aad hoid Fiusds in a�a amount not to excood dse ZGSSe1 amouat I.wdet m�y
<br /> estim�te tLe�t�ount of Fuads daae on the 6asis ot c�rrent d�aod rta�oaabk esauWes of expusdituc�es of fw`�u+e 89a'aw Items or
<br /> othe�wlse it��coortianx with app3icable law.
<br /> 'itie Flu�ds shall be hdd itt aa iastiuuiop w6o9e deposits acro iasuced by a fakral�a�►.ia�u�xat�tY.or eatity(iacludin8
<br /> L�eader,if I.ea�a'iu sucb an it�stimtioa)ar in wy Fodaal I�Iome Lo�a Bao1c.Irender sh�ll spp1Y tbe Fund.s to p�y d�o Fiacrow
<br /> IItaas.I�ender may uot clu+rgc Botrower fa�uldinB aad aPP�Y�B the Fimds,acutwUy analyting the esa�ow Aocoun�a'verifY�B
<br /> the F.sc�ow It�uas,unkss l�eoder pays Fiarowa intarst on tl�Fuads aod agplicabk law pe�mits Le.�der W m�lce such a cl�arga
<br /> However.I.axser may require Borrowtr w pay a one-time ct�rge for an iode�a�eat rtal estau tax rq�ortin�savice wrod by
<br /> l�atidtr io oomxc�oo with ttis ioaa.unkss applicable taw provides othetwi9c.Unkss an�oaneut is niade or applicaWe law
<br /> roquires itua�esi w be puid.I�xla st�ll nce�e ra�ui�ed�pay Borcower aay iatarst a earaiag9 on tbe F�ads.Barower a�sid
<br /> I.arkr may�gne in wiidng.however,th�t iau�rrst st�all ba paid oa tbe F�uds.L�ender shall�ve w Barowv,a�ithow charg0.�
<br /> aaawil aoawatia8 of the fiu�ds.showiag cxedits aod debiis W the Funds and the ptupose for wbich qr,l�debit W fho Fttadc was
<br />_ matie.'ibe Fuods are pbdgod as pdditior�l secwitY for all um�s securod by tt►is S��itY law.Leader sl�il acoouat c�Somowcr for
<br />_ If tbe Iim�'s heL by L�nder a�aod tLe amouats Pamiaod to be held bY ap�lic�bie
<br />_ tLe ea�cess�lua�c4s ia xca'dance with the rtq�of applic�abk law.If tise a�nouat of tl�e Fhads l�e3d by I�dei s►t�ay t�+e is.
<br /> not seincieot w p�y 4�e Fsc:ow It�as��c c.,�,!.ender n►�y ia+Txxify S�nrowa ia writiag.aad,ln such case Barowa sh�II pa?
<br />_ eo I.�ender the aajounc nxessarY w malce►zP tbe de8cieacY. Bonuwa s�ll make up the drlr,ia�cY in no taore than twrh�
<br /> �Y PaY�•�L�dec's sok discretioa.
<br /> e a._.�:_e......�...T... .......� T w.v4e�Asll mVnntiy refiuW t0 BoQOw�Ct iDY F'tlDdS
<br />°- jJpOp�}�'1w T]if IU�t O[SII St�is sRV¢vu u�/ uus.awu..y ...o.."L...�.—. �s��� i�iZ iw'�jiiis�0i1 Ot SiZ:.Of ttlL
<br />� heid by l�et�ler.If,uoder Far�aP�21,l�dx shall acqun+e or se11 dx Ftoperey.
<br /> groQaty,sha�F a�iy�y Fuads held by 3�drr�t tt�tiure oi acqui�tio4 or sale as a credit aaa�t the suias securod by this
<br /> ��or Payama. vdess applicab�e law proviaes otLawis�e.au payrs�ats rocdvad uy Leada ua�r p�ag�aPhs
<br /> 1 aad 2 sh�il De apQlied:frst.to anY P�Y��8es due under the Note:sxeo3.L�a�oouots paY�ble und�e�apb 2;
<br /> thi�d.a iat�du�:fou�th,w priocip�l due;aad 1ast.w anY late c.�arBrs due under the Nate.
<br /> 4.Char�rt;L3e�s, Barower sball p�sll nxes.as�rssmaus. cLarBes.fiaes aad unpositpa3 amnbutsbk to tbe Pcnpe�tb
<br />� whicb msy auaia priauy over tbis sewrinr Insuvmeat.ana jes�sebola parna�ar s►�a�d ra�s,s�y.Barowa slsau pay�
<br /> obi;g,�r;oo:in ma m�u,a pc�ov;aed ia pan�apb 2.or if�we paia ia a�ac mmner,socmwer s6a11 p►y asem on dme a�tly eo the
<br /> p� owod parmea� Bo�rowrr shau pomptly r�unish a r.eaaa au nodoes oP amouncs to be paid uada tnis p�agr�.If
<br /> Barmwer maims tlxse p�ymrats directlY,&xcuwer s1�a11 prompdY fumish to Ir,ada ncei�ts�vidmci�6 tbe PaY��
<br /> - Barower stiall pcoraptlY dischar8e�ayr 4a whicb�priority ovc this Sa�uitY Insu�mmt v�kkss Barow�er. (a)�ees�a
<br /> ����� w L.ender,(b)�oatests in gaod faiiL tbe�;�
<br /> of dse obligatioa aecured by the li�in a manaa acceptabb
<br /> by� or defwds agaiast mfotxmait of the liea in, 1eg�7 Procoodin&S whicb in tbe L�eadet's opinioo operate�o P�'e��
<br /> eafaraneat of tbe 1ien:ar(c)se�ars fmm tltiee Mldcr of the liea an�greemeat satisfactorY to I.eada subocdiauiAB the liea to
<br /> d�is security 1�uamt�'t,eaau detumuxs tt�t aay p�tt of rhe Propacy is subjecc to a lia,whicu may�ia prioritS►over tns
<br /> Suavity Iasl�mau.I�der may give Barower a notice ida�tifYia�the lia�.Ho�rower shall satisfy tbe lim or t�ice oae or mce�.
<br /> of tlx actioas sat fa�th above witbin 10 dsys of the giving of notice. Fore 3o2a�
<br /> �.sRpiq���x�.m v.a.s o�s '"�w':
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