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<br /> ��:_,-_,_;��;.���i�� ot s�k,And the sak.IrcludlnQ Ihe ppymenl at Ihe'IY�ustee e fi�.w pctually Mcurred�nat lo exceed _�.--- -
<br /> __-_ -� �h�pri�cip�l amount of Ihe nWe ol the Ume of Ibe dcel�r�lfon ot detpult.And�ewsonyble attorneys'tees s�s permilted
<br /> "�`�s,��`''�.'` ' a ilaw:(bl tn all waw Recured by tbis 3ecurity In�lrnmenli+u�d Icl aay excesR 10 the petxon ur peraoaR k�Wlly eatilled
<br /> �.-�■�: --
<br /> �~�����"�''� 22. Reconveyance. Upan payment af all sum� secured by this Security Inrtmment. l.cndcr slwll rc�ucst 71v�tee to
<br /> `-����``�';• ' '., ' teconvey the Property and sh�ll sumender thic Security InstNment und all noteti evidrncing debt ucur�d by thiz Security �__- _ _
<br /> ' •�' 4':�`�'�'��' . Instrument lo TFustee. 'IUustee wholl reconvcy the Propeny without wurrunty and withuut clwrge to Ihe pc�on ur pcnona
<br /> ..� '�'~'`'�,,,�`����`•� le vlly emilled lo it. Such �►n or r,�ns shull s�ny recordation coyts. —
<br /> -=,.�;�,., ,.. - � Pe ttc•' PaY r_---- - _
<br /> ",� ;.�,,,,.. -•';•r.,r r ?.3. SuDsdtute 7Fustce. Lender,at ith aption,muy from time ta time mmuve 7tustee und�ppoint u yuccessor trustee to
<br /> _- q .,., : 3 nny 'Ihrstec oppointed hereunder by an insm�ment rewrded in the counly in which thi. SfCU�lly Jf1�lIU111C11I 1� �CCU(dC(�. __
<br /> ri 'b W i�h o u t c a n v e y u n c e o f't he Pra p en y. Ihc succesuir trustee shall succeed�o all Ihe�ide,power und duliex conferted upe�n
<br /> "'� ,;� ''•� 'I►v�tee herdin and byupplicuble luw. __
<br />�; �-;:...�..' A 24. [tequest tor Notices. 6urrowcr reyucsts thut copies of thc notires af dci'uul�und wlc t�e�ent w Borrowcr's Addrex+ _- _--
<br /> ' which is the Pr�perty Address. �+"'_==-
<br />� � .: � � . _ 1.5. Riders to tdis Secu�ity Inslrumeol. if une ar more riders urc exccuted by eo�rower und recordcd togcthcr with �_ �
<br />� ` . �his Secu�ity Instn�ment, the rovennn�x und ugreements af each+uch rider shull lx:incorporrted inw and,hall umend und =_ti.r
<br /> . .�•. , supplement the cavenunts and ugreements of this Secu�ity Inawment us if the�ideqsl w�re a part uf'tbis Security In�uument.
<br /> • ' `: .. . ' . (Check appNcable box(es>J =
<br /> ;•
<br /> 1 . •K � _._._�__
<br /> �� � '` c,- �Adjustable Rute Rider �Condominium Rider �1-4 Family Rider �-
<br />}: .. �_._-
<br /> "-'"�;-�,--
<br />. - -- -.� .- �Grnduateci P�yment Rider �Planned Unit Qevelopment Rider �Biweekly Pnyment Rider �• �`°'°---- -
<br /> �' '����._--:
<br /> n ' � Ballaon Rider �Rnte Improvemen[Rider �SeconQ r�ume Ride� "'`''�°-'.-.-.--�^:
<br /> . �:.�.� o ��
<br /> �.
<br /> �Othcrlsl Ispecify) ,i'i��°`-
<br /> �;�:-.
<br /> � ��n • . es to the terms und covenants conttfined in this Securit Insuument � ' � -%' �"
<br /> G BY SIGNING BELOW.Bartower accep�c und ugre Y �
<br /> end in any rider(s)executed by Barrower und recorded with it, _
<br /> ' ,,. � _ �"�' -
<br /> Witnesses: . � �
<br /> .. . . . • lSeall
<br /> � Will3,em R. Cempbel •e«mwer - _-
<br /> �� '� 508 34 49 7 ����
<br /> � - Soc'ul Securiry Number 6 �',:_�_
<br /> ' ��, .. ' ., ��L �1Seull - ---
<br /> Judith S. Cempbell �s°""'"`'` � ��`�`'�=:;:
<br /> . . Socinl Security Number 6t17 a,a ��gg �• :.r_„-
<br /> , : Y STATE OF NEBRASKA. H e 11 County ss• �="`�-�"=�
<br /> ' �=;*ar�:�
<br /> Qn this lOth day ot' March, 1992 ,before mc.lhe undersigned,u Nutary Public �����;���-
<br /> dul commissioned and uuliiicd I'or suid cuunt ,personull camc Williem R. Cem bell end ud� h S. �z -
<br /> Y 9 Y Y P � �'�`.
<br /> . - � Cempbell� each in his and her own right, and as spouse o��ome o n r `���:. _
<br /> �,� � ���n� _�:r-,�•::
<br /> ' ��,.:�:.;��.- • ' identical persons(s) whose numelx)ure ,ubscritxd to ihr 1'ixegoing insirument wNi ucl:nowledged the execution �hereof to � ,..,�;�,:.���_�_-r;
<br /> . ,t;:. . be the 1P voluntary uct und decd. ,°,.'�`<•�:a�.. ;
<br /> ' W+messmyhandundnc�turiulseuliu Grend IB18n�� Nebraska -� insuidcounty.the , • -_ . -
<br /> � dnte uforesaid. ' � '
<br /> � f
<br /> ' My Commisxion exp .: 6�l MOT�Rr•St��c;,. �. %��'��� z ��'_�,�Z/�� - -:-`-�
<br /> _ .--�� � JOl1NNE G.HUU. Nolary Wblk .«",-` --,
<br /> f/-a?.� J� ' M10o+�n.E�P•114o QJBST�QRRECONVEYANCEi ::mv�-�:r_�t.- -
<br /> ' ' , TO TRUSTEE: ,..r '....:�s_-:�`'.: .
<br /> ' The undersigned i�Ihe holdcr oi�tlx notc or nutes sccurcd by thi,Dced uf'Itu+t. 5aid nute ur notcs,to�elher with all � •
<br /> � other indebtedness�cured by this Deed of'Ihist,hov�bern paid in fuil. Yuu are hrrcb�•JirccteJ w canrel,aid note ur notes
<br /> . • � nnd this Dccd of'fi�us4 which arc Jelivcrcd hrrcby,unJ tu rcronvcy,withi�ut�vaRantr.all thr r�wtc nuw hrld hy yuu undrr
<br /> ' this Deed ot 7tust to the person or persans legully entitkd lhcreto. i�
<br /> , j
<br /> � Date:
<br /> Fwm 302tl 9�90 i�wcr A�p A ry��cs� k
<br /> ' I . .
<br /> '�e' - � . . ... •
<br /> ----- ,.
<br />,
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