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<br />` ' It Lerx1a�ex�r�lse9 this opticx�,L.endar shal!Qhre Borrotivsr nattca of�cceleratloc�.The notice s1ia11 prc�vkiW a�►kKt _.
<br /> � of not{ess than 30 clays ir�m tha dato tho noi�o I�dollvered or mnHed withln wh�h Borrowar must pay alt sums�ured
<br /> { by thls Security In�trument.If Borrower laAs to pay these sums�br to tha exal`atlon ot thls parlad,Lander rt�y Invoke
<br /> aity remed{es perm�ted by this Security Instrument wkhout funher notica or demand on Borrowar.
<br /> 1 td.Barrow�r's Rbht to R�inst�t�. It Horrowar maets certain condRbns.Borrowor shall hava the right to have
<br /> eMorcoment of tius Ser.urity insiiu7�a�t dlsco�stlnuad ai any ttma p.�iar tn the eari}er of:(a)5 days(or such other petlod
<br /> j as appl{cabla I�w ma,y specffy fcx relnstatement)botore sale ot tha Proparty pursua�nt to any power of sale ccx►tained!n
<br /> thls Securdy Instrumar►t;or(b)antry oi a Judgrttent enforctnp thls Securdy In9trument.Thase ct►nddbns are tltiat
<br /> _ # Ba�rowc�: (a)pays Lender all sums whlch then would be due under this S6curity Instr�ment and tha Note as if no
<br /> accetsratbn had accurred;(b)eures any de�au�i a any otltiar cover�ants or agreements;(c)pa,�s at!expenses Incwred
<br /> ' (n�nfcucl�y this Sacu�ity Instrument,Inciuding,but not Ilmfted t�,reasonable attorneys'tees;and(d)Wke9 such actlor�
<br /> � as Lender may reascxtiabiy requlre to assure that the Iten ot this Securfty Insirumen.,Londor's rights in the Praperty and
<br /> Borrower's obllpatbn to pay the sums secured by this Security lnstrument shall contlnue unchanged.Upon
<br /> �otnsiaYement by Borrower,this Security Inst�ument and the obllgaUuns secured hereby shall remain tully e(fective as it
<br /> no accdaration had occurred•Howovor,this rlpht to relnsiate sha(1 not a,pply(�the case of acceleratlon under
<br /> p2itagraph 17.
<br /> t�.Sala of Note;Chanpo of Loan Ssrvicer. The Note or a part�al interest f�the No*.e(tagether wfth this Securfty
<br /> Instrument)may be sdd one or more times without pHor notic�to Bonower.A s3te may result U a change in the entity
<br /> (known as the'Loan Servlcer)that cdlects month�y paymenis due under the Note and this Security Instnune+tit.There
<br /> also rr�ay be one or more chanyes of the Loan Servicer unreiated to a sale of the Note.If there is a changa of the Loan
<br />� SeNicet,Honower wAl be 91v9n written notl�e of the change fn accordanca wtth ragraph 14 above and applirable law.
<br /> � The not�e wAI state the name and address of the new Lonn Servlcer and tha a ress ta which payments shoui�be
<br /> � made. The notke wUl also contain any other infoRnatbn required by applicable law.
<br /> 2p.Haurdow Substancas. Borrow�x shall not cause or permit the presence,use,disposal,storage,or reiease of
<br /> � any Hazardous Substnnces on or in the Propeny.Bonower shall noi do,nor aUow anyone else to do,anything sffecting
<br />�f the Property that ts tn vloiation of any Enviranmental Law.The preceding two sentences shall not apply to the presence,
<br /> use,or siorage on the Praperry of small quantitles of Hazardous Substances that ara pe�e�ally recognized to be
<br /> = apRrupr'ate ta normal resldentia!uses and to maintenance of the Praperty.
<br /> — Borrower shaU promptty give l.ender written not�e of any t�vest�tlon,claim,demand,lawsuit or other accucnn by
<br /> = any govemmantal or regulatary agency or private party InvoNing the rcrperty and any Hazardcws Subsiance ar
<br />`� � Environmental Law of whlch BoROwer has actual knowledge.If BoROwer teams,or Is nAtifled by any yovemmenia!or
<br /> _ regulatory authority,that a�y removal or other remediatlan o#any Haza►doUS Subsiance affecting the Prapeity is
<br />_� necessary,Bcrrower shali promptly take all necessary remedial actions in accordacice wfth Environmenial Law.
<br /> _� As used tn this paragraph 20,'Hazardous Substances'are those substances cfe�'�+ed as toxlc or hazardous
<br /> � substances by Envfronmental Law ancl the iotlowing substances:gasaline,kerosene,other flammable or toxic
<br />•� petrdeum products,toxic pest�kles and herbicldes,volatUe soNents,materials contatning asbes:os or fortnaidehyde.
<br />�� and radbactive materials.As used in this paragraph 20,'Emfronmer�al Law"means federal laws and la�vs of the
<br /> — _ ��}t�tton whera t�P�oQe�ty is located that relate to haalth,safety er environmental protection.
<br />� f�1aN-UNIFORM COVEfVANTS.BoROwer and Lender further covenant and agree as fdlows:
<br /> i� 21,pccN�ration;pam�dios.Lsnder shsp�ivs notice to Bo�owro+�prior to accsi�ratian tolbwirq�orrowsr's
<br /> � 6n�of�nv cown�M or a�tMrt�M t�this Securitl►Instrument(but not pr{or to accalsration under paray►sph
<br /> � !�unlraa epp!lcable{sw provW�s oth�rwisa}.Th�nottc�stwu sp�c�ry:(aj tne aeiauii;�Qa ms acaon�aq�ir.d iv
<br />`� ca�ns th�detauit;(c)a date�not lass than 30 d�ys irom th�dat�the notic�b ptwn to Bor�owar.by which th�
<br />.� datauit must bs cuned;and(d)that hiturs to cun the detauR on or betore the dsta sp�cifled in the notk�n►�y
<br /> ; �3u�t tn acceieratlon of the sams securad by this Sec�l�n�rument�nd t�is of the Prope�ty.The notk�shali
<br />— t�rtha�iMprtn Borrowsr of thr riyM to roinat�t�dt�r accetention�nd the NyM to brinQ a cour!�ction to asswt
<br />= th�non-existenc�af�dWaui!or any other defenss of Bomow�r to acceteratlon snd safe.t�ths dsfauR b not
<br />' curod on or b�fw�e th�date sp�cittad in ttw notice�Lnndar at fts option maY roquiro imme�f�s4s paymeM in tull of
<br /> -- al!wms sacurod by thls S�curity Instrum�M without tuRher d�mand arxf may Invoko the power ot ssN and any
<br /> – oti�a remedNs permitt�d by applicable law.Lender shali be entitlsd to colNc!dl expens�s Incurrod tn pwsutn�
<br />— tiw r�emedies provided in thjs paraQnph 21,InctudirxsD but not limited to�rsfsonable attomeys'ises ancE oosts of
<br /> tRi�evid�nc�.
<br /> _ It th�power ot sats b invoked,Tr�stss shap ncond a notice of d�huR in each county in which any p�rt of
<br /> ° th�Propaty is toat�d and shall mstt c�les of wch noeico tn tM manner prescribod by appUcsbN faw to
<br /> � Borrow�r�nd to the otfw pa4sons prascribai by appUcabte taw. ARK th�time roqulrod by appOcabl�law,
<br /> ,�,� Tru�We shaU ytw public rat��of sat�to the persons snd ln the m�nnar pr�scribod by apppcabl�law. Tn�stes,
<br />,.� wittwut d�mand on Borrow�er,shall sstl the Prope�ty�t puWic auction to ttu htgh�st bidder at th�tlme and pl�cs
<br /> � and w�d�r thr t�rms dasiynated In the n�tice of sal�tn on�or more psrceb artd In any or�[�Tnutes de�termina�.
<br /> TnistN msu�saN of aU or any parcel of tha Property i�1f RubUc annauncemsnt at th�tinwi and plaw of
<br /> �i �Y Pn� eduled saN. L.and�r or itsdalgn�e may p�sa the Proparty at any ale.
<br />:� Upon ncNpt ot payrr�M of th�prics btd,Trwi6a shall dNiver to the purchasar Tn�stee's deed conwytn�
<br /> ths pro�ty, Th�recEtats in the TrwtM's deed shall ise prima facle evidence of ths truth of the statements m�d�
<br /> �i th�nln. Trustee shall sppty th�procseds o1 ths sate in the tofi�owing order:(a)to all costs and expenses o1
<br /> _,��
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