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<br /> - (OYI\ (Il�y��QU�f��0�V�w/OW�f�s �fOW +.'"—�-=ws?.
<br /> funds In�n Yno�int nol to ucceod Ih�m�xMwm�mount�Mnd�►lor�t��y►ni�t�d moltq�p�
<br /> ce d �"��.,���.+�.
<br /> �- --- �xuunt und�r the f�d«�RMI Esub SMtMr�nt Proc�duns Aet ot tY74�s�m�nd�d kom IMrw ln tYne. 12 U.3.C. 2EOt et saq. ('RESPA'). —
<br /> w�MSS�nothr I�w th�l�p�Ws to Ih�Funds sds�Masu m�ou�t. 0 w,L�d�r m�y,al�ny tt�,eo�t a�d hold Fund�In an Weaunl : • .=
<br /> �" �ot to�cw�d lh�I�a1r�mount. l�ndM m�y�stYirt�IM Nna�nt ol lunds dw an tM Wtls ol wrtwN dd��nd rN�a�aWirta ol �,,....:,_,,,��
<br /> , C� �ndkw�s ol luwn E�It�ms a oth�rwlN In�ovord�na wilh�ppRo�bM Uw. �.��""°._...
<br /> • Q TM Funds sh1i1 b�hMd In�rl InsWuUon whoN d�posih�n Inwnd by�f�d�rsl�q�ncy.Inskum�nWNy�a�nllly(kwludkW Und�r,p j" Ti -`=°��p=--=
<br /> � � � Lmd�r It such an Inat{tulloo)a in�^y F�el Ha►�Lan Bmk UndK shN�ppty lh�Funds to p�y Ih�E�aow Ibms. L�nd�r tn�Y not , . ."'�i� �
<br /> � eJur Bortow�►for hWdnp�nd�pplyhp lh�Funds.�nnu�ly�nvy8n0 t���+�' �^t, or v�rlfyln9 th�Esuaw It�na�unUss LandK e -
<br /> �..
<br /> � � � �. '��.�
<br /> prys 8orrowx interest on the Fund��nd�ppAcabb I�w prmN�L�nder to mWc�ach�chWq�. Howeva,L�nder m�y rpuln 8ortow�►to �
<br /> . I WY a one-tNn� clwp�lar an Ind�pwid�nt�MI h1�t�ux npoNnq Wrok.a uad by l�nd�In connectlon wlth tMa w�n, u►dws appAcab�e �
<br /> � Yw provides othawis�. Unku �n�qrMn►�t Is m�d�a�pPW'�abw I�w ►e4�aes Int�nst to W paW, lmder shall not b�rpuk�d�Ws . � �
<br />,. � Bor►owK �ny fnt�rast a Mminps on th�Fwida. Bortowrr�nd L�nd�r tn�y�pn�In w�ftkip, howwK. Ih�t Intereat shW b� pNd •-
<br /> Funds. Lender shaA qN� to 8onowu.w�hout ehw9e. �n �nnwl �c�u�tln0 of the Funds, showin�cradils�nd debils to th�Fund��nd �
<br /> . •-the puqwse la whlch Meh d�bll to Ih�Funds was maeN. Th�Funds u�pt�d0ed�s �dditlon�l soeurity fa aN wms s�oured by Ihia t.
<br /> 1
<br /> S�wrily Inshum�nt. �
<br /> Ii Ihe funds hdd Ey Lw�der�xcMd th�amouMs parNtbd to b� hetd by �PPGc�bte I�w� Lender �har�ecount to 8orrower fa tha
<br /> . acets Funrk in �ceotd��a wflh th� nquMwmMS of �ppi�'.abM I�w. N iM amount of th� funds heid by lend�r �t my tMn� i� not =
<br /> wlqdent to pay tl»E�aow It«ns wh�n du�. La�d�r m�y w nodfY Baramw in"rtitf^p. �^d. In weh as�Bortow�r shal p�y to Undor .
<br /> . Ihe anwunt necasarY to nlua up th� dNidw�aY. Bortoww sfWM nl�t� uP ih�dNIdN1cY In no Inori Ih�n twNv�monlMy p�ymenis��t � ... ,
<br /> Under's sak�saMion. : .
<br /> ,.,'��`;,`•'���•,� � Upon p�yment In 1u11 01 al! ams aocuured by ihia Saaniry Inshument, lender sMU promPW relund to BarowK any Funds hNd by
<br /> ��•,:i.°;. Lender. Rlor to the aequialtlon a sale oi Ihe PropeAy. ehul �+-..`ci-
<br /> „ . Lender. il,under pawyraph 21, Lender ah�N acquire or eeN Ihe Property. . : . -
<br /> , � . ' I �pPty�ny Funds hetd by Lender al Ihe 1Nne o1 acquis"A"ion or aale�s��t�SaYist tha auma aecured by Ihls Security InatNment. : j
<br /> ' 3.Applieatioo of P�yment�. 11nlena applicsble I�w provides othe�wise, dl peyments received by Lender under parayraphs � .,'
<br /> � u�d 2 shaY be applied: fkal, to any prepayment charges due under the Note: secand, to amounts peyeble under pe►ayraph 2: tAird to � ,:.�.{�:�-
<br /> �'� ';` � inierest d+:e:fouAh.to pdndpal due:and laat.to my►ate eharyes due under the Note. �-1•
<br /> i4. Ch�►�es; U�RS. Bortower ehaA pay all taxea. assessmeMs, chuyea,Nnes and Ynpusltions attribuubb to the RoyMY wi+iet+ �'
<br /> � moy atlatn pdority overthis 3ecurqy InaYUment.�nd laasehold paymeMa or yround renta.N any. Bortower shall pey these obliqatbns u+ ,��,�
<br /> . ihe monner provided In pamyreph 2. or tl not psid in ih�t m�nner. Borrower ehoW pay them on ikne dkectly to the peraon owed p�yment. .�:,;,:,� '.�� �iir•.-=`
<br /> ! Borrower ah�Q prompUy fumiah to Lender aY noilces of amouMs to be p�ld under Ihfs par�yraph. 11 8arower m�kes ihsse payments ,'"1i._ y,'",1j`;,�"r
<br /> i drediy. Bortower shatl promptly lumlah to Lendw recelpts evidendnq Ihe payments. i � •'
<br /> Borrower ahNl promptly dlacharye any Yen whfeh has prlodty ove►ihia Security Inatrument unlesa Bortower. (a)agrees In wrNlny to thQ
<br /> __ - ; WY�t at tha eC��n aecured by the Ik+► tn a maans aeeeptabla to Lender,(b) conteals In good Iaith lhe Yen by,a defends apeinst ,,.��•.
<br /> ' enforcement of the lien in, legel proceedlnya whkh In Ihe Lender'a opinlon operate to prevenl the enlorcern�n�ol 1he Ilen� or(c) aecures ; r�•,� R
<br /> � kom Ihe holder of 1he Nen an agreement aetlshdory to Lande►nubordlnatln9 the Ibn to thls 3ewrfty Inatrumerr�. H Lender determinaa that s . .'�;�i
<br /> � my p�A ol the Propety Is aub�ect to � Ilen whlch msy atlaln pdalty over this Security Instrumant, Lender may glve Borrower a notice '' �
<br /> Idenliyk�y the Ilen. Bor►ower ah�N nattsy the Nen or t�k@ one ar more ol tha aetlons set torth �bove wRhtn 10 daya ot the piv6p o1 : .}
<br /> notke.
<br /> ' S. H�ard o�Proporty In�uranco. Bortower shall keep the Improremenla now exlating a hereafler erected on Ihe Propeny � .
<br /> Inaured ag�Yiet losa by Are, hazards Included wilhin the term 'extended covereye' and any olher hezarda, Includin9 flooda or Ibodlnq,for }
<br /> whlch Lender reqWree inaurance. Thts inaurance shaA be maintained In lhe amounts end for Ihe perlods thal Lender requlrea, The
<br /> �,,� -� � • ', Inaurance artier provlding lhe Insurance ahall be chosen by Borrower subJect to Lendar'e approval whlch sholl not be unreasonably
<br /> • wlthheid. M Borrower lafls lo mafntoln coverage deaulbed above, Lender may. et Lender'a optlon, obtaln coveraye to p►otecl Lender's
<br /> `�, �,� dqhla In tlw Property In accordance wlth paragnph 7, „
<br /> � M insuranee poides end renewals slwM be acceptable to Lender and shall Include a stendard mortgege clauae. Lender aheA have
<br /> ' the rqht to hold the pollcles and renewals. It Lender requkea, Borrower shall promplly glve to Lender all recelpts of pald premluma and
<br /> renewal nd�es. In Ihe event ot loss. Bortower shall qlve prompt notice to the Insuronce cartler and Lendet. lender may make Prool ol
<br /> I bss p not made promplly by Borrowe►.
<br /> � � Unless Lender and Borrower olheiwise ayree �n wrlling. Insuranee proceeds sh�ll be appNed to restoratlon or repak o1 the Property
<br /> damayed, M the reslorotlon or repalr la economicaly teaslbte and Lender's secu�ity 1s no1 leasened. 11 Ihe restorotlon or repolr Is not
<br /> ' economiuly leaslble or Lender's aecurlty would be Isaaened, Ihe Insurance proceeds ahall De applled to the auma secured by thls
<br /> � Secudty Imtrument, whether or not then due, wllh eny exceaa peld to Bortower. N Borrower abandona the Properly, or doea not�nswer
<br /> � �� wfthln 30 days a noNce kom Lender that the Insurance cartier has oNwed to setlle a clolm. then Lender rrwy collect the Inaurance .
<br /> proceeds. Le�der m�y usQ the proceeds to repair or restore the PropeAy or to pay aums seuxed by thla Seeu�lty Inatrumant,whQiher or ��
<br /> ; �`, � not then due. The 30�day period wNl begin when the notice Is glven.
<br /> ' Unless Lender end Borrower olheiwise egree In wrlllnq, any appllcatlon ot proceeds to princlpal shel�not extend or postpone Ihe due
<br /> � date ol the monthly paymenta referred to In poragraphs 1 and 2 or change 1he amount o1 the payments. 11 under paragraph 21 the
<br /> property Is acqulred by lender, Borrower's dghl to any Insurance pollcles and proeeeds resufling trom damego to Ihe Property prlot to the
<br /> ocquisNion shell pass to Lender lo the extent ol the sums secured by ihls Secudty Instrument Immediately prlor to the acqulsllbn.
<br /> 6. Occupancy, Presorvation, Mai�tenance and Protection of the Property; 8orrower's Loa�
<br /> Appqeallon; Loaeeholds.Borrower sha11 occuDY. Qg�ebYsh, and use the Praperty as Bonower's pnnclpal resfdence wHhin si�Ay days
<br /> aNer the uxecutlon of Ihis Securily InslrurneM and shall contfnue lo occupy Ihe Property as Borrower's pnncipal residence la ot least ona
<br /> ' year aNer the date ol occupency. unless Lender otherwise egrees 1n w�lfng. whkh consent shall not be unreasonebly withheld, or unlesa
<br /> extenuating clrcumstences exlst whlch ere beyond Bortower's contral. Bortower shaq nat destroy,damege or Impelr the Property.aYow tha
<br /> Property to deteriorote. or commit waste on the Property. Borrower shall be in delault i1 eny forlefture actlon or proceeding,whether clvU or
<br /> criminal, h begun Ihol In lender s gaod laith �udgment could resull In lo�lellure ot the Propeity or olherwlse materielly Nnpalr the Ifen
<br /> .�w � .�..r...l�....I �YI,Il�OIP aa nrovlded h nerYG►YUh
<br /> creoted by thls 5ecuriry Inslrument or lenaers secumy imaesi. ou���wa ��br���e�:...,.....-.--..-.._ ._...-•---• .. , • - -
<br /> 18,by eausing the ectlon or proceedmg to be dismfssed with a ru�ing that. In Lender'a good lallh delerminatfon,prectudes lorlelture ot the
<br /> Bortower's interest In thQ Property or otHer material Impakment ol the Ilen created by this Securlty Inslrument or Lender's secudty Interest.
<br /> Bottower shall also be in default if Borrower. during the loan appllcatbn process. gave materially lalse or Inaccurale Infartnatlon or
<br /> atetemenls to l.ender (or lalled to provlde Lendcr with any material fnlormatbn) In connectfon wllh the loan evldenced by Ihe Note.
<br /> Includmg.but not Mnited to. represenletions concemfng Bottower's occupency ot the Property as a principal residence. II thls Secunry
<br /> Inslrurnenl is on a leesehold. Borrower shall comply with aA the provfslons of the lease. �� 6orrower acquires teo tille to Ihe Property, the
<br /> leasehold a�d Ihe fce Ulle shaa nol mcrge unless Ihe Lender agrces to Ihe merger �n wnling.
<br /> n.ro.•a�,�5 Fo�,�]Pdd 9,X]
<br /> K�nT9 i Ma,•�o„
<br /> � l�e���,
<br /> i
<br /> - �t
<br /> �J . . ._. _ . _. .— .. _
<br />