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<br /> S. Hi�rrd a� Prupariy [ncus�aes. Bor*awrr ehall kee{� ihe IlllPhl�'�l11CJ1�S [1DK' GXISIIIIY ��r t�rrcYfter e�a�t�i c�n tha
<br /> Yror,xsty insuraf astu��st la�s by firc.twwrJy i�xluckd within the tann 'extcn:tcd coverage" a�x1 rL�y cxher hazynl+. i��cluJi��
<br /> flaxis�x fluodin8, far which I.cndce rcyuires inwrance. 7'his inwr�uxe sl�sll be maintained in the a�nw►aty and for the periods
<br /> that l.er�Jer rcyuires. Thc insur.uxr carriee pmvkii��thc inwrukc st�all be cluuen by Born�w•er wbjv►K to Lcnder'��prava!
<br /> which sttal! nk bc unreasamabl?• withheW. IP�rmwer Pails to nwintaln rnverage dcs�ribckl ubave, l.ct�der may, at 1.erxk��s
<br /> uptiwi,obt:tin ccn•cr.�c to protect l.�ncler's rights in the Pruperty in Accoidance with par�gr�'1.
<br /> All inwrance policies and rcnewals sh�ll bc xaptahlc tu Lender A�xl slwll iixiude a uar►iard mortgagc c11us.. [.,cts�tr
<br /> sh�li havc thc riFAt ta hot�i the palicics and rznewals. IP[.cnder roquircs,Barrawer st�ll promptly give to L.ender all receipt�af
<br /> paid�remiums wxl rc�xwul iwtiies. in U�e ev�au ot'toss. [zorrower shali�ive prampt natice ro the i«iui:u�cai�i�,��d[.eaxkr.
<br /> Leawler n�y mal;e praof of loss if noe n�acie promptly by Borraw•er.
<br /> Unles.s L.cnJer and Borrow.r otherw�ise�rec in writing,i�uurr.nce pro��aeds sh:tll be applied ta restorat►on or repair of the
<br /> Property dunagod,if the restoruLion or repair is teo�tiatnieally fe�sible and Lender's sxurity is tu�t le.ccen;.l. If the restoration ar
<br /> repair is noi econaiucally E.,asible or Lender's security wauld bo le:�encd,the inwraace prc�coecls shal!be ap�lied to the swns
<br /> secured by this Security insl�umen:. whethe� or not then due, with zny excess paid to Borrower. If Bon•ower��ns the
<br /> Property, or dces not answ�er within 30 days a notice from Le�xier that the insurance carrier has offered to settle a cl�im,then
<br /> Le�der may ccllect the insurance praceeds. L.ender rt�y use the procoeds to repvr or restore the Propeny or ta pay sunu
<br /> socured by this Security Instrument, whether or not clun due.The 30-day period wil!begin when the notice is given.
<br /> Unitss I.ender �nd Eorrower otherwise agrce in writing. any application of proceeds to p�iro:i�vJ s1�a11 not extend or
<br /> postpooe the due dait of the nw►uhly paynx:nts referred to in par.�raphs 1 and 2 or chaoge the umc��r�t of the pavme�us. If
<br /> under par�raph 21 the Propeny is acquired by Lender, Borrower's right to any insurance policies�nd procceds resulting from
<br /> dan�ge to the Property prior to the stoquisition shall pass to Lender to d►e extent of the sums socured by this Securit} Y:�st�nent
<br /> inunaiiattly prior to thc acquisition.
<br /> 6.Occup�n�.�y.Prrservatloa,Matntawace aad Protectioa of the 1'rope�ty.Borwwer's L.oan Applicatiou�Ixaseiwlds.
<br /> Borrower shali occupy,estabtish,u►d use the Property as Borrowei s principal residonce within sixty days after the execution of
<br /> this Security Lutrument and shai!cantinue to ocr.upy the Propeny as Borrower's principal nsidence for at least one year after
<br /> the datc of occupa►icy.unlas l.ender otherwise agrees in writing. which consent sh�l r.ot be urireaconably withheld.or unlcss
<br /> extenuating circumstarxes exist which are beyond Boirower's control. Barrower shall not destroy, danwge or impair the
<br /> Property, allow the Property to ckteriorate,or com:nit waste on the Property. Borrower slwli be in default if any forfeiture
<br /> action w proceading, whether civil ot criminal.is begun th3t in Lender's good faith judgment could result ifi fodeiture of the
<br /> PropertY or otlxrwise materially impsir the lien created by this Security Inctnunent or l.ender's security interest. Bcumwer may
<br /> cure such a default and reinstate,u provided in paragraph 18,by causing the action or proceoding to be dismissod W ith a roiing
<br /> that, in Lerxier's��od faith deurtnination, precludcs forFeiwre of che &xrower's interest in the Property or otlut rtwterial
<br /> impairmeiu of the ti�n created by this Securit� Inswment er Lencleds s�wriry interest. Borrower st�ll also lx in default if
<br /> Barrowa.during tiaE.lwn application proctss, gave materially false or iax.x�rate infor�ts�tion or statanenu to I,�ndtr(ar failod �
<br /> io�sat�i�Lt^.�r wf24�r�y!r+u�al inf�►mwi�,n)in axuvrti�x►with the lc�n evidenoed by the Note.iacludia¢.but ac�t limitod
<br /> to�r�se.-itatioc�s coaceming Borrower's oceupancy of the Property ac a principal re.ciciessce.Ii'this Soenriry Irutrument is an a
<br /> icasehold. &xrow�er slull comply with al{ the provisions of the Lpse. If Borrowea :�:quires fce titk to the Propecty. the
<br /> � -"iR$W�Q'�[�t{IIC tCC l!{�C 311i1j l�It�p�G YIUG,.i LcawJ2i f�tCLi t{�4N 1�RIbi.�iu wi�iu�. � '�"'--�
<br /> 7.Prota�tioa ot I,emder'c RF�lus in the Propaty.If Aorrowu fails ta pert'orm tb�e covenants a�i agraments contait�od in
<br /> this�urity Instrumeni, or there is y legal procealing that may significani(y affed Lezsder's righss in the Prepeity (such as a
<br /> proceeding in banlcruptcy, probste, for condentnation or forfeiture or to er�force laws or regnlations), then Lender may do and
<br /> paiy for whatever is necessuy to protect the value of the Property ujd L�eader's rightc in the Property. i.endor's actioac may
<br /> include paying any wms setured by a lien which has prioriry ovu thcs Seturity Incu�uneru, appearing in oourt, paying
<br /> reaconable attoraeys'fees and enuring on tho Property to m�lce repairs.A:;hough Lcnder a�y take aetion under this Pars�graph
<br /> 7,i.ender does not have to do so.
<br /> ' Any a�xwwxs disbussod F>}La�der under this para�rsy� 7 shafl bocome addit6oa�1 dd�t of Borrower securod by this
<br /> Seaurity I�ntm� Unl�ss Borrower and Ixnder agree tc��er temtis of payment,these anaunts shall bear interest from the
<br /> c3aLe of disburuax�u tlx Notc rate wd shall be payable, with interest, upon notice from I�eoder co Ba'rower•T'equesiin�
<br /> pa}-�cnt.
<br /> $.Mort�age Iat�u�ance.If Lender roquirod mortgage inwrana as a conditian of making the Ic�an securod by this Security
<br /> Insuusnent. Borrowu sfu�ll pay the prcmiums roquired to anintvn the mortgage insur.uwe in effax. If, for any reason. the
<br /> mQrtg�e inwr�oo�cover�ge reqiured by Lender lapses or cezces to 6e in effect,Borrower s}�all pay the premiums required to
<br /> .� obt�in covcrage subsiantizlly equivalent w the moctgage inuuance previawsly in effeet. at a cost substantially equivalent to che
<br /> cost to Borrowa o€the mortgage insurana pnviously in effect. from zn altemate mongage insurer appmvod by L,ender. If
<br /> � wbstantially equivalent mortgage insurance cover�ge is noi sltilable. Borrowu shall pag to Ler�der cach month a sum egual w
<br /> - one-e�relfth of the yearly mortgage inturanoe premium beic�paid by Borrower when t[�iasurance oovenge lapsed or ceasod to
<br /> � be ia effact.I�adu will�capt. use and retain these paymer,ts as a loss reserve in liea of mortgage insuraisce. Loss xeserve
<br /> C iocm 30?9 9l90
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