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<br /> -� by�wn�r's �nd oparata�of simUu proputlss snd as F3arwilcluy may nquirs for It$ protaction. Trustar wi�i camply -
<br /> with �uch athW nquinmsnt• as Ban�ficiuy msV irom tim� So tims requ�at to�the prat�ctlon by insurance of the
<br /> � ints�a�t of the r�ap�ctiv�putles. Atl insurss►ce pollGas maintnln�d pursuant to this�ead of Trust�hsll name Trustor
<br /> ; �rid Benefic;ory ar inrurad, u thelr respective irttnrest may appe�r�nd pr�vitio thai ttw:a ai�►a11 ba na caacallstion ar
<br />-' modification without flft� 115)dayc priiu writtan natltication to�'ruataa�nc!Beneficisry, IN th�ovo�t �ny po{icy =
<br /> � harsunda ts not rerww�on or betors fiftse�(15)daya prior to Its expiration d�te,Tru:tee or 8anaticlary mav ppocura __
<br /> ,� �uch insu:�cs tn sccorda.�ce �+rith tha R;ovi�lons of Puagr�ph 7. Trustor chsll daliwr t� Baneficlary tha ortptnal _
<br /> � polidas of insura�ce and rsnowala thereaf or coplas of such policies and renewsls thsraot. Fallure to furnish cuch �
<br /> ; Insunncs by Y�ustor. o�ranewals as raquired hwounder, �hall,at the option of 6aneflciary, conatitute e detauit. All _
<br /> r� unsanwd pren�iuma sre hnreby a�siyned to TructN as�dditional sacurity, a�d a Qde and convoysnce of the Property -
<br /> , by ths Trustee rhall operete to convey to tha pu�chaser the Trustor's i�terest in�d to ell poUcies of insurarice upo�
<br /> ��1 the Ttust Prope�ty.
<br /> °� 6, Tazq�►d ps��tm�nq. Trustar ahall pay all texas and specia!assezsme�ts Ievied ar assescsd a�ainst, ar
<br /> � dua upo�,the Prop�rty bafara delinquency and wlll dolivar to Banaticiary copies of receipts showing psymant of such
<br /> �� taxss and special assessmants.
<br /> 6. Addidonal LIMi. Trusto�shall make a!I payments of interast and p�incipal,and peyme�ts of sny other charges,
<br /> �� iees, �nd expenses cont�acted to be paid to ony existing lion ha�ders or prior beneflciaries under any prior Deed of
<br />� Trust, Mortgaye or other security agreement, befo�e the dete they ara deUnquent and to pey any othet claim which
<br /> 1 jeopudizes the security pranted he�eln.
<br /> 7. Protsctlon cf B�flciary's S�auity Shautd Trusto�fsil to make a�y payme�t. isil to da a�y act as herein
<br /> � provided ar if any action ar proceeding is commenced which meterialty affects Bensficlsry's Intsrest in the Prapeny.
<br /> includinq, but no timited to, eminent domaln. Insolvency, arrangements or proceedin�a invo;ving a baMcrupt o�
<br /> � decedent,tlw�Baneficl�uy or Truatea,but without obligation to do so,and without notice to or demand upan Truc�or,
<br /> � and without reteuin� Trustor from any obUpation hereunder, may meke or do tha same, and may pay, purchase,
<br /> contest or compromise andy encumbrance. charpe or lien, wh�ch in the Judpement of eithei eppears to affsct csid
<br /> praperty;in exerciciny any such powers,the Beneficiary or Truates may incur a liabllity and sxpend whateve�emounts, -
<br /> � incfudiny disbursements of reasonable attorney's feas, which in their ebsotute disc�etlon may be necescarV• �n the
<br /> -- evsnt that Trustor shall fa11 to procure insu�snce, fail to pay taxes and cpecial assersmeots or fall to make any
<br /> peyme�ta to existing or prior lien holders or beneficiaries,the Beneficiary may procure such insurance and make auch _
<br /> � paymenta. Ail sums i�cu�red or expended by BenefiGary or T�ustee in accordance with the provisions of the Deed of
<br /> Trust are seaured hereby and,without damand.shall be immadiately due and payabls by Trustar and shsil basr interost
<br /> � at the�ate provided for edvances under the Loan Agreement; provided,however,that at:he option of the Bereeficis►y .
<br /> — or Trustee,such sums mey be added to this princlpal balance�of any indobtedness secured hereby a�d shait I�a *.he
<br /> same i�terest es such indebtedness and shall be payabte ratably over the remdning term thereof.
<br /> 8. Apignm�nt oi R�nts. Baneficisry shall ttiave the right,power and suthority during the contioua�ce of this Deed
<br /> � ef Trust ta cdlect the rsnu,lssues and pro�its of the Property and of any personal property located thereon vNith or
<br /> - without taktr►y possassian of the Property affected hereby,end Trustor heteby absolutaly and unconditlonalty essipns _
<br /> � dl such rents,issues and profits to 6a�eficiary. 8eneficiary, however,hereby consents to the Yrustw's coUection snd
<br /> retention of such rents,issues and profits as theY acc�ue and become payabie so lony as Trusto�is not,at such time,
<br /> in defwit with reapect to payme�t of any i�debtedness secured hsreby o� in the performance of eny agreement
<br /> hereundsr. Upon eny such default, Beneficiary� may at any tlme, either in person, by egent or by a receivw to ba
<br /> - sppointed by a court,withaut na::se and witfwyt regard to the edequacy of any security for the indebtedness hueby
<br /> secu�ed: (a1 ente� upon and take possessian cf the Property or any pa►t tiwreof arui in rts own name sete for or
<br /> otharwise collect cuch rents,issuos and profits,including those paat due and unpaid, a�apply the same, tess costs
<br /> — and expsnses of operation and collection,including reasonable attorney fees,upon any indebtednsss secured her6by
<br /> and in such order ss ESeneficiary may datermine:Ib)perform such acts of repair or protection as may bs necessary o�
<br /> � proper to Consarve ths vsfue of the Propeny:(c)lease the same or eny part hereof for such renta!term and�pon such
<br /> � condiUor�s as its judgment may dictaYe. Unless Trustor and Beneficisry agree othe�wise in writing,any appticatio�+of
<br /> - rents,issues or profits to any indebtedness secu�ed hereby shall not extend or post�one the due data of the installment
<br /> � psymants as provided in the Loan Agreement, and the apptication thereof es sforesaid shal!not waive or cu�e any
<br /> � de'�ault or notice of default hereunder or invalidate any act done pu�suant to sc�ch notice. Trustor also assigns to
<br /> � Benaficiary,as further security for the parformance of the obUgations secu�ed here6y,all prepaid re�ts u�d all monies
<br /> '. rnrhich may have besn or may heraafter be deposited with said Trustor by any tessee of the Property,to sac,ure the
<br /> paymeni of any rant, and upon default in the performanca of any of the provisians hareof, Trustor agrees to deliver
<br /> ' such rents and deposits to the Beneficiary. Delivery of written notice of Beneficiary's exerclse of the rights grantad
<br /> � herdn to any tenant occupyin9 said premises shall be sufficient to require said tenant to pay aeid sent to the
<br /> Baneficiffiy until funher notice.
<br /> 9, Co�d�nnstlon. If title to any part of the Prope�ty shall be taken in condemnatlon proceedings, by �i�ht of
<br /> — eminent domain or slmilar action, or shall ba sold under threat of condemnation, all awards,damages and proceods
<br />_- are herab�assigned ar�d sfiafl tse paid to Beneiiclary who shafl appfy such award,damagas and proceeds to the sums
<br /> z � secured by tha Deed of Trust, with the excess,if any, pald to the T�ustor.
<br /> �p, Futura Advancp. The Loan Ayreement provides for advances from time to ume to Trustor by Baneficiary
<br />_y� as provided the�ein. In additton,upon requsst of Trustor,Baneficiary, at Beneficiary's option,prior to reconveyance
<br /> of the Property to the Trustor, may make additional future advances to the T�ustor. Such future advarrces, with
<br /> .:� interest thereon, shall be secured by this Deed of Trust when evidenced by p►omissory notes statln�ihat said notes
<br /> are secured he�eby; provided that at no time shall the secured principa! and future advances, not including sums
<br /> .� advanced to protect the security, exceod one hundred parcent (10096) of the original principal amounts secured
<br /> •`� hereby.
<br /> 11, Rwn�di�s Cumulsdvo. All remedies provided in this Deed of Trust are distinct end cumuM�ive��any other
<br /> right or ramedy under this Deed of Trust or afforded by law or equity, and rttay be exercised concurrently,
<br /> independently or successively.
<br /> �2, q�c�l�ratlocr R�nudiq; Sato. A deiault shall exist in the evant of:
<br /> (A) Any 4raud or m�srepresentation by the Trustor in connection with the line of credit which thts Deed of Trust
<br /> secures;
<br /> , � ' . 9l94 408-2
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