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<br /> by ownar's snd op�retorz of tlmll�pro�partlw snd u Bs+�atici�ry moy requira tor itc protsctlon. Tru�tar wlll coniply
<br /> with ouGh ottur raquiramon!= ae 6ena41cl�ry may from tim� to tirr� nquast fur th� protsctlon Gy insursnc� of tha
<br /> intue�t of ths�upscttv�partl�a, Atl inauronc�policla�mtlnt�lned punuant to thia Dead of Truat shall nun�Truitor
<br /> �nd Boneflclary as insure�, a thelr r�spact(v�int�rrst rr�ay a�w an+i Pravida thsi tlztre sholl ba no toncull*tlor�ar
<br /> modificativn wtE�o+�t fift�s► tt 5!daYa prtor written notlfiaatian to Tru�c�and �a�ficiuy. IN tle�event any pallcy
<br /> hadw�dar is not ru�awed on or batore iltte�n 116)days prior to its expir�tlon date, Truct�a or Banallcluy may procure
<br /> cuah lnsuran_a in accordanc� with th� provisiona ot Parapr�ph 7. Trustar �hal1 ds!!wr to 6aneficlary th� ori�in�l
<br /> poticlw of ir�s:u�ncs s�►d renswala►ttisreot or coPias af such policks and r�enrwe�l�tharwt. F�ilun to iurnlsh�oueh
<br /> inauraruce b��Yrustor, or rev�ewauls as rr��ultpd hereundor,sha11, at tho option of Benaficl�ry, co�►sticut� a detault. All
<br /> u�esrnsd pr�rns are haraby ossipnad to Trustee ss additlonal securlty,and a sala and convayar�ce of th�Property
<br /> by the Truat�ae shsil o�a:ata to convay to the purct�aser tha Trustor's interast in and to all policlsc of in�ursncs upon
<br /> the T�ust Pro�ty.
<br /> 5. Taxse�nd Ass�ssm�nb• Trustor chatl pay a11 taxas and specia! esaessme�ts (evisd or assesaed aq�ln�t, or
<br />° due upon,tAa P�rapsrtY befw�deli�quency s�d wiil dallver to BeneilclarY caP�ea of�eceipts ahowln�payment of auch
<br />. taxes and spacial essassmar�ts.
<br />' 6. Additional Liau. Trustor shaU mski�11 paymnnt�of interest end prinalpel,and payments of any o:F�r char�ss,
<br /> fees, and expanses contra�ted to be paid to any oxistinp lian holders or prlor beneficiarie9 und�c any ptio�Os�d of
<br /> Trust,Mort�age or othe�sscurity aflrsement, befora the date theV are delinque�t and to pay any othar ct�im which
<br /> leoRardizes ths secu�ity grenta�herein.
<br /> 7, �rot�ction of B�ticlary'� S�cur1lY• Shouid Trustor f�i! to make any payment, fall to da any sct as heran
<br /> provid�d or if any action w proceedinq is comn�snced which materially aHects Beneficiary's Intsrest in ths Proparty.
<br /> including, but no Gmited to, eminent domsin. Insolvency, arrengements or proceedin�s involvir►p a bankruat or
<br /> decedant,tFwn BenafiGary or Trustee, but without obtigation to da s�,and without notice to or dernand upon Srusta,
<br /> snd withaut �ejeasing Trustor from any oWipetlon hereundea, mey make or do the same. and may pay, purchase,
<br /> conteat or ca+rtuxcm+se andy encumbrance, charge or lien, v�filch in the jud�ement of eiYhs: appsus to �Noct said
<br /> property;in exarcisirx,�mnY such powas,the Benaficlary a Trustea muy incur a Uabitity and expend whataver amounts.
<br /> inck,dir�y disbwsemants of rsasonaWe attorney's fees, which in thelr absolute discretlon may ba noc�stary. In the
<br /> everrt thsi Trustor sh�:i fail to procura i�su�anco, fail to pay taxes and spsciat assessments or fdl to make sny
<br /> payments ta sxisting or prior lien hok3e�s or beneficiaries,the Beneflclary maY Pt�e�ch insurance and make such
<br /> payments. A�i sums i�curred or e�aerxied by Beneficlary or Trustee in accordance�ith the provislons of the Deed af
<br /> T�ust ue se�c:rac9 her�b�a►�d,without demand,shall be immediately due anat psyal�ie Y��Trustor and shall baar iritvrest
<br /> a:the rate�ovidad fcr advances under the Lor.�Qgraems�t; provided,however, that at ihe optiort of the Beneficiary '
<br /> or TruJir,s�ch suma may be�dded to this principal balance o'f eny indebtedness secured hareby and shall bear the
<br />- aame irit�res3�s such Indebtedness and shall be payable ratably over the remaini�g term thareof.
<br /> 8. Assiq�xrnnt of R�nts. Beneficiary shall have the rigfit,power and euthority du�ing the conti�uance of this Oeed
<br /> of Trust to c:ollect the rents,issues�nd prufits of the Property and of a�y persona!property located thereor►with or
<br /> r��iwut taking possessics�of the Property affected hereby.and Trustot hereby e�bsoiuteill and uRCOndiiiw�aiiY sssi���
<br /> ail such renu,issues and profita to Beneficlary. Benaficl,uy,howover,heraby cons�nu to the Trustor's colJsction and
<br /> rstantlon of such rsnt�,iuuas and Fxofit9 as they aGCrue and becomo psyable so lonp as Trustor is not,at such 8me,
<br />- in default with respect to paym¢nt of any indsbtedness secured hereby o� in ttw pWformanco of any aprasment
<br /> hsrQUnder. Upon any such deiu�.Beneficiary may at any time,eithar in person, by sgsnt o� by a nxxEvar to be
<br /> appoinied by a court,K ithout notics and without regard to the adsquacy of any secu►ity for the indebtedness hereby
<br /> cscund: (a) entw upon and tak� possession cf ihe Property or any part thereof end i� its own nsme sue for or
<br /> otherwis�collect such rents, issues snd profits, inctuding thoss past due and unpaid,en�pplY the ssme, Iass costs
<br />- end sxpans+es of operatian and collection,including�easonab:e atsomey fees,upon any in�ebtedr�ess$ecurac�Nereby
<br /> aod in such waler as �Benaficiary may detWmine: lb) perfurm such ects of repsi�or protxtton as may be nec�sary or
<br /> proper to canserve the vslus of the Propeny:(c)leare the same or any part hereof for wch re�tsl wm and upon such
<br /> condltions as its judgrtunt may dictate. Unless T�ustor and Beneficiary apree otherwise in writing,any appUcatlon of
<br /> ranta,issues or profits to any indebtedness secured hereby shaJl no4 extend w postpone the due date of ths instaUment
<br /> paymsnts as provlded in the Loan Agreement, and the apptication thereof es aforesald shaU not waive or cure any
<br /> default or notice of dofsult hereurrc4e� w invalldate any sct done pursuent to such cwtice. Trusta etso sssigns to
<br /> „ 8eneficiary, as further s�ecurity for t4�e performar�ce of the obligations secured hanby,ail p�epaki r+nts and aiF monles
<br /> which msy have been ot may heresftar be de�oaited with said Trustor by any lessee of the Prmpa►ty,to secure the
<br /> � payment at any rent,anti upon default in the performsnce of any of tha provisions hereof,Trustor aQrees to deliver
<br /> ! such rw�Ls end deposits to the Benaficisry. Delivery of written notice of Beneficlary's sxerciae of the rlghts prant�d
<br /> ! �erain t� any tensnt occupyinQ sdd premises shall be sufficieni to requlre sald tenant to pay sald ratt W the
<br /> _ B�#'+cisry uriil futthec nottca.
<br /> � 9, Co�d�mnstlon. If title to any part of the Property shall be taken in condemnation proceedings, by ►ight of
<br /> emi�ent domain or siml�ar actio�,o�st�aU�sold under thteat of condemnation, a0 awards, dernages and proceeds
<br /> � are heraL,�essi�ned an�shafi��a3d ta 8anaFcisry who sha!!epply such eward,demapes and procesds te the sums
<br /> � secured by the Deed of Trust,rv�t�the excess, if any, paid to the�i rustor.
<br /> 1 10. Futur�Advanc�s. The�oan Agreemont provides for advences from time to time to Trustor by Bet�eficiary
<br /> � as prov'ided therein. In addition, upo�request at Trustor,Bsneficlery, at Beneficiary's option,prior to reconvsyance
<br /> of the Property to the Trustor, may make additiona! future advances to the Trustor. Such future advances, with
<br /> interest thereon,shall be secured by this Deed of Trust when evidenced by promissory notes stating thet said notes
<br /> are secured hereby; provided that at no time shell the cecured princip�! and future advances, not including sums
<br /> advanced to protect the security. exceed one hundred percent (10096) of the oriflinaf principal amounts secured
<br /> heraby. �, +
<br /> 11. R�rwdi�s Cwrw�lativ�. All remedies provided in this Deed of Trust are distinct and cujntil�v���ny othe�
<br /> right or remedy under this Deed of Trust o� efforded by Iaw or equity, and may be exercised concurrently,
<br /> indapendently ar successivety.
<br /> 12, pcc�Mration; R�rtwdi�s;Sal�. A default shall exist in the event of:
<br /> (A) Any fraud or misrepresentation by the Trustor in connection with the line of credit which this Deed of T�ust
<br /> secutes: .
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