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'a-,~~ <br />20i40~os~ <br />F.XH181T `~`. <br />LEGAL i7ESCRlPT1t7N C3F THE S::GPPt1~G CETVTER <br />A trat~ of iand comprising a part of Let Two (2) end ali of Lots Three {3), Five (5), Six <br />(g), Sevin {7), Eight (B) and Nine {9), Black Nine (9), Continents( Gardens, and <br />Addition tca the City of Grand" island, Nebraska.,. mare ,particu,(ariy described as <br />fr>;liows: <br />Beginning at the southwest corner of said Lot Two (~), also being the intersection of <br />the north line of College Street with the east line a# Webb Road; thence northerly <br />along the west Line of said Lot Two (2), an an Assumed Bearing of Due North, a <br />distance of Eleven (11."(7) feat, to the AGTUAL place of beginning, thence ccantnuing, <br />northerly slang the west line of said Lots Two (2), Three (3) and Five (~') an an <br />A~surned Five {5); thence S 89 8' ~1"E slang the North line of said Lot Five {5), a <br />d'istanca of One Hundred Fifty Five and Dour Tenths (fi55.4) teat to the northeasT <br />coder of said Lot Five {5); theme S d0 ~' 0~'" E atortg the east line of said Lot Five <br />(~); a disTan~ of one Hundred Farts and Thirty 5i~c Hundreds .(140:35) feet to the <br />southeast corner of 'saki Lot Five (5); thence B9 ~" 11''E slang the south line of Lot <br />Fqur (4) Block Nine {9~, a distance of One Hundred Thirteen and Ninety Six <br />Hundredths (113.0 feet to the southeast corner of said Lat Four (~t); thanes N 00 <br />(~' "a2"W along the east line of said "Lot Four:{4), a distance of Two Hundred Ten <br />(~1q.0) feet to the rti~rtheast corner of said L:vt Fbur (4); thanes 89 54' 11'"W slang <br />Cie ndrth,lin~: of said Lot Faun (4); a distance af'One Hundred Twenty Nine and <br />Thirty~~ne Hundredths (129;31) feet to the northwest carner.vf said Lot Four (~); <br />thence N ~~ OQ" 02"1ld along the west line cif said Lat Six {fi), a distance of Two <br />Hundred Twenty and Sixty Five Hundredths {22t7.,65) feet tt~ the northwest comer of <br />said`Ldt Six (6), this being a pbirit of curvature; thence southeasterfiy along the <br />northeasterly line of said Lo# Six ,(b), and an the arc of a curve whose radius is 565.p' <br />the tang chord of whir~h baste S 851 Q" 15"E) a long chord distance of Two <br />Hundred Twenty and Four 1=lundredths (~20.~4) feet tv the nartheasterly~ comer of <br />said' Let Six (8); th~n+ce rcntinuirtg-southeasterly atr,ng the n~artheasterty line of said <br />Lot Seven (7) and on the arc of a curve whose radius 'is 565:(7' (the .long chard of <br />which bears 5 51 26' 3~"'E.), a long chord distance of One Hundred Eight and <br />Twenty Eight Hundredths (1r~8.28) feet; thence continuing southeasterly along the <br />northeasterly fine of said Let Seven (7), and an the era of a curve whose radius is <br />2~8f.0' (The icing chord of which burs S 42 21' Sa'"E} a IQng chord distance of Thirty <br />Five and Seventy Three Hundredths (3.73) feet to 'the northeast comer of said Let <br />.Seven (7'); thence continuing southeasterly alvrtg the. northeasterly line of said Lot <br />Eight (8), and an the arc of a curve whose radius is 8t~:t7" {the long chord of which <br />bears S 24 d8'3~"E), a Icing chord distance of One Hundred Tarty Four and Forty <br />Seven Hundredths (144.4"7) feet to the southeast ccymer of said Lat. Eight {8); thence <br />+continuing southeasterly along the northeasterty line of said Lcit Nine (9) and on the <br />are of a curve whose radius is 28fi;0' the long chiord of which bears S 07 46' 23''E}, <br />a long chord distance cif Ninet~eer~ and Twelve 'Hundredths (19.1 ~) feet; thence <br />.. <br />