i���� •°�� '`'Sa � 3f��++'�.�:�j,��+•��'i�. -'�� ��� t ,. i``p ..�4, �.r '- • ''i•����,r�1%.(;1;;v.'^�;`':,
<br /> ?`;.'� +' � •t'' _ i'1'.
<br /> �;' _ � - "�'' ,�yr4p�MaA1,r ' . .tt:':�- , . .. ..... -�tJ�nt7�CWMd�
<br /> �' r.`..
<br /> t.�W. .
<br /> +►r»+A'dt( . .?rr-i`..'' . __--- __ .
<br /> ` _
<br /> '�¢> _._ -_._-�`-'�__.—.�
<br /> ._...... ..r....�.�...__ - _ � --- --- -. _ ._. �a's='a.-,.:_.�
<br /> _ „ �OIfOWN 11'I�y Olif�iYCh •�IIN �Ild fr11NW� Y PfOVI�� �Q�1 1s� by OMItMIQ 1h� eC110f1 Of(MOCM[�IIQ 10� —��'��� Y
<br /> � ' dwNrs�d wNh a lulnp tlNt,N L�ndr'� �-..— ----_"�-
<br /> O��IM i1�Rw M11�1111�11�0� ulf NII CIrWb ul�/�MIII�IIAu011�pf�OkldM�Of�IN�0�uN 80110W���fN�rl�N PfO�f��/Of �+c_ __.-
<br /> �1 �OtM�(fl `- Of�Ni�� NqN�I�IIrML BOROW�I t�1d i�/0(1/ --.----- -
<br /> . � .. In OMri li 8arowr. duiinp qN lo�n�PP�P���W��nNt�M1y Nh� a In�aauat�Intanrtla� a tWwnw►ts to Undr . -
<br /> ;�---,�.�._..
<br /> ' (or h1�d to pakM (.��dw wNh�n�l nNtMW InlomMtioe)h aonMOUon wMh tM lo�n MW�nad by tM Not�, M�oMrdnp, but ., ::" _"-
<br /> ,. . na1 Mud w, ropr�nYYons ow�o�n�InY Bo�raw�r'� oowP�naY ot th� Prop«ty u a prinolpd nsld�na. n uW� S�owiry " --�°' � .
<br /> InttrWr�M M an �NatNaW� 8arowu�h�M aomply wNh�1 th�p�ovMlons ol tM Ira�. N Barow�r�M fM ilW to th� ,s,:.;��,
<br /> PIO�f�r�(Mf«IOb Yld Vli�M�{�110�IIIMQ�Ii11�Mi lrl�AQwN�O�N IIMf�I kl WIwfIQ. d,t�•
<br /> �. , 7. Prot�clion of L�nd�r's iilOhh (n tll� Prop�rty.q Borrow�r UYs to p�rlam th�aovwwnu�nd.prwrtMntt �� •� .�u�;:-'�'..�.�
<br /> . Oo�IhYwd b Ws S�o�rAY Niq11M11M1f� a tMn N�Npd proo�q that m�y sl�Aanty�t L�ndrs IiphU YI IfN PlopMl�l . , �:�:,•'-,•'._-
<br /> `';'•�":.:,.a.L �
<br /> � . (sueh u� proo�sdn�M binlauptoy�Prob�te.lor crndenr�atlan a torfefhue ot to enfarce I�ws a reputtt{ons)� than landar rtuiy ._.. - - -`"-�
<br /> do�rM p�y lor whMwr�r M n�oat�r to prot�ct tM v�Na W th�Propwly�nd Utbw'�dphb in ih�Prop«ty. L�nd�r's �otlan� �`'`���-�=^�
<br /> ' ., oM1►Inawd�P�rinq�nr wn� s�ow�d by a Ywi wh�h hrs prlorNy ovw thb 8�auily In�t�wrNnt �Pi�� in aowt. WYhY "'��-
<br />' ro�sawbl�aflam�n' 1��nd�p on tlt�P�opwly W m�k�r�Irs.Althouph L�tbw m�y t�k�acllon undw tl�fs puaqraph .. . .. -
<br /> . O 7�Lw�du doM not hw�to do w. . -
<br /> �..� My�nwunis dlsburf�d by L�� und�r p�npraph 7 �hal Mcams addiUond d�61 0l 9artow�r s�eund by ihb �� � �
<br /> � S�o�uity InsWm�nt UNns Bortow� �nd L�ndK �y�M to othar tNms o1 paymMft,th�u rnounu shY brr bt�nsl kom ti.
<br /> , � iM d�h ol d�bura�nt�t lhri Not�nt�and�haM b�p�yaba,wqh k�tw�at, upon notfa kom L.�nda�r W Bortowo �quaUnp �._�_-----. -
<br /> " C a YOrtpa� Insu�11C�.if Undu nqWred morty�ye(nwmc� as�condi�on of m�Wnp iM loan s�au�d by thb f���?��
<br /> r"� S�auiy Instruirw�t,8ortow��hY pry th�pramiums requked to m�InWn tM marty��insu►ana in�Ibat B.fa�ny r�ton�th� ,g.;, ••".—
<br /> matq�InwrY�or oov�na�nquk�d bY Lmd�r Mpus or eMUS to b�In Ml�ct, Borroww shY p�y th�pn�Nun►s r�qufnd to ��%=;_:?
<br /> ! a�Y� oov�aq�s�b�t�n1�Y�qWv�Mnt to th�moRy�p� Inwrana�pnvlousy In �ff�at, at�cost wbaunti�ly �qulvdmt b ih� + �wf��rr
<br /> N oou w eor►ow.. a un mort�In.wana pr«�a,.y In.n«�. xom�n vt.m.t• morty�y.bwr.r .pp►oe.d ey I.�na.r. n �?_�=°�"-.—
<br /> Q, s�b�t�1�Y��t�P9�M�wranw oovr�y�b�ot Rv�N�bN, Bortowar shal pry to Landr Mch month�wm pwl W
<br /> ono-lweNlh of th�ywrly matp�ps Insunno�pr«Num belnp p�ld by Borrowar whan ih�Intur�na canway�I�pud or eMSed to ';'.T---
<br /> •.�,� b�in eMrct. Und�r wfl�eo�pt, u�e�nd rchYi th�ae parnaqa�s a b�reaerva h Aau of matp�p�tnsunncs. Los�rosem y �__ ..�.- �
<br /> p�ynMnU n�y no lonpr b��quksd,tl ths optbn ol Lender� H morty�y�fnwana eoveape (In the�nount�nd fa th�perbd `'.:_,� ' ��
<br /> th�t Landw rwNka)Ptovld�d bY�n inwnr �pprowd by Landr �y�tn bseomes av+�Y�bl��nd la abWn�d. Borrown dW p�y �
<br /> th�PnnYum�nquind b m�krt�n martpp�Inwnna In eped. or to provids •las ns�rv�.wiW iMe nqutr�nt br maty�p� � �', �--
<br /> • Imw�na�nd�fn �d�nc�wNh�ny w�itun ayrawnent batween Bartowa and landar or�ppYe�bte Inv. �
<br /> 8. le�p�Ction. l�nd�r a kt apaN rmy m�k�n�aon�Ws enUks upon and bsp�ctions o}the Roparty. l.�nd�►sh�N yhn � -"�---�-
<br /> Bartowar notla at the tim�of a prior to an bspectla�sp�citylnp roaaon�bl�cwse for ihe Nspectlon. �;�t,,,
<br /> 10.Cald�mnatlon.Th•procMds of any �w�rd ar ddm ta d�y�s. dk�o►consequantW. in oonn�etian wilh�rry ;.
<br /> ., � candwnn�tbn a othK 4khp ot�ny p�A ol ih�Praperty, w 1or can�y�no�h N�u of oa�d�Uon, �h�nby�sslpwd�nd � t,..,� ,
<br /> shY b�aW a L�Ww. G n �
<br /> - ; In th� �v�nt of a tofd vWnp of th� Prop�rty� th� procMds shri ba �ppNed to th� wms �ocured by this Sacurlly � ,'.`.-'��`'�•`I'•,
<br /> ImUum�nt� whMh�r or not 1Mn dw� wNh�ny acas p�ld W Bwroww. In th�w�nt o1� p�tW LkNS W th�Propaty b '.�•�r+�:
<br /> � whkh th�iNr m�rkd vMu�of th�Prop�ty knrmdi�tdy bMor�th�LWnp Is pual w or qnet�r than tho�mount o} th�apns . ,.-- ,
<br /> �^ s�wnd by this S�ourily Inatmmmt immedlatey bMore th�taWnp,uNe�i porroww�nd L�ndar othawbo apns tn wdtNp, tM � : " 3
<br /> sums sewrod by tF� 3�puity Mfhument eh�N bs reducsd by Ihs amaunt ol!he procieds mulllplisd by tha followlny incdon: .. .,�'•••. ''�
<br /> ° (a)th� toW �unount of ih� sums a�cund immedl�tay betua tha takiny. divided bY (b)th� t�k m�rkN wlu� of ths PropeAy ` �'�P�'rk `
<br /> p�AW pWnp Of th� Pr •:�".,:•
<br /> knn�blY b�lon Iho UMin�.My bwnce eh�Y b� p�d to Bo�rower. In Ih�event of� ope�ty In wh�h
<br /> ths tdr m�rlcet ralu�of th� Property immed(�taly bdoro th�t�Wnp la leea thu� the �rtiount of th� auma aeeurad knmecYatey �
<br /> befon ih� t�tAnp, untaa Bortow�r �nd Lender otherwise ayne In w�thp a unle�t appNcabls law othaw�� provWw, th� I
<br /> proceed�shal b�appN�d to th�sums eeeurod by this Security Instrument whelher or not th�eum�ue then due. ' . �'
<br /> � U th�Frup�rty b �bmdon�d by 8o�rowa, or H, �Rer notke by lender to 8ortow�r thd ih� eonde�ma o11ero to m�ke an
<br /> � award or spfN • dWm(a d�rtwpu, Bortowar pYa to n�pond to Lend� wNhN► 30 day� �N� th� d�t� th�notks b yhran, �
<br /> Land�r b�ulhaiz�d to coNsct md�pply the proceeda, �t He opUan, �itha to natoraUon a npak of th� Property or to �
<br /> � th�wm�s�au�d by thl�8�aurity Matrument,whalha a not th�n due. Y�
<br /> Unlas L�ndK �nd Bortowv othwwia apree h wrltlnp, anY�pppcption o(proeeads to prk�dpal sh�N not �dend a
<br /> postpon�th�due d�t�of the monihly p�ymante rolerted to h puapraPha 1 and 2 a ch�nye the�mount ol iueh payma�ta. •- �..-
<br /> 11.BQrrow�r Not Rolouod; Faboaranco By L.4ndor Not a Watvar.Extena�on ot tha ikne ia payment a ��-_=:'
<br /> modiAcatlon of unortltwilon of ths wms searad by ihis Seewity Insbument yranted by Lande►to �ny auccessp {n Interwt • -
<br /> of Bortoww sluN not oper�ta to rNe�s�ih�A�bWry of the oripind Bortowa a Bortowu a eucceseon In kdereat. L�ndsr ahW
<br /> not b� nquked to eortuiNna proc�adYipa pakiq any sueeeaea In Intarest a ratu�e to exlend Uma la payment a othawl�� . -•-
<br /> rrwdify amorlizaGon of tM aums sacured by thia Seeurity Inalrument by re�son of any dem�nd mads by the original
<br /> Borrowa a Borrowa's euxeaaors In intereat My fa►berrwroo by Lender in axerdstnp�ny �ipht a rerrNdy�h�Y not be � ..
<br /> w�ivK ol or pnotud�th�axarolee of�ny dpht a remedy. �
<br /> 12.8ucoa�tsors and Asslpns Bound; Jolnt and Sovoral UaWltty; Co-slpnwa. 7he covenants md
<br /> �prNmen4 of Ihis 3�owfly Instrum�nt sh�N bad�nd benefit the euceeanas and osaipn�01 Lender and Borrowa, subJect to the
<br /> � , provlalom oi pu�praph 17. Bortowar's covananta and apreemenls ehaA be�oMt and esverol. My 8arowar who co-signa this
<br /> ' Saaully In�bum�nt but do�s not execuU the Note: (�) la w-elqMny lhia Security Inehumont onry to mortyaye,yrant�nd corney
<br /> ! � that 8ortowar't tntarst In tha Proparty under the tertna M thls Security InsWmenl; (b) la not personWy obllpated to pay tha
<br /> aums eeared by ihis 3ecurNy Inatrument; md(c) syreea th�t Lender and�ny other Borrower may�yree to exlend,modlfy,
<br /> forbeor or m�lu any�ccprtwnpd�ypn�wflh repard to Ihe tarms of thla SacurNy Insirumenl a th� NotQ without that 8orrowa's
<br /> consent.
<br /> 13. Loan Ch��goo. If ihe loan seeured by thls Security Instrument ia aub�ect to a aw wh�h sets maxknum loon
<br /> cherqee,�nd thot law la finalty Inlerpreted so that the Intereat or other loan cherges collected or to be cdlected in connecdon
<br /> wHh ihe ban aceed the perrnitted Wnita,ihan: (a)any such laan charge shell be reduced by the amount necessary to reduce
<br /> the ehuQo to �he pertNtted NmH; and (b) ony auma already callectecl hom Bor►ower which exceeded permitled ifmits wUl
<br /> be rdund�d to Bortower. Lendx rn�y ehooss to rtwke thls retund by redudny ihe prMdpal owed under the Noto tx by
<br /> �- m�Wnp�dirad p�ya�nt to 8ortoww. If• refund �aluces prindpel, tha nducUon wll b�trwtad af • p�Alal prepaymwit
<br /> wphout anY prepaymant ch�ry�under the Note.
<br /> ' 14. Noticoa.My notics to 8onowar provided lor in thia Security Insdument ahal ba given by d�livwiny fl or by maWny k
<br /> � by Iket d�es mW unleea�pplle�We 4w requkaa use of another melhod. The noUce ahaA be directed to the PropeAy Addnss
<br /> c►�ny other addreat Barower daalpnatea bY notice lo Lender. Mv notica to Landar ahau �,.�,h,� ►,� e.., ��.. ,.,.0 �..
<br /> Lender'a Wdreas atated herein or any other addreas Lender designates by notice to Borrower. Any noUca provlded lor In
<br /> thit Sacu�ly lnatrument �hall bo dewned to have 6ean given to 6ortower or Landa►when gNen aa provlded in thls pangnph.
<br /> 1b. OOYYRIIIIQ LAW; Sovorab{lity. This Security InsWment eholl be yovemed by lederal aw and the law of the
<br /> �urisdlction In which Iho Property Is loalod. In the event thet any provlslon or clause ol thK Security In�Wment a Ihe
<br /> � Not�conNcta wilh �pp4c�ble I�w,auch conlNct ahaA nol atfect olher provisfons ol thla Sewrfty InsUument or the Note whlch
<br /> cen be yM�n dlect whhout the conNcUnp provislon. To ihls end Ihe provlslons ol this 3ecu�iry In�IrumQnt �nd the Note u�
<br /> dad�rad to be eeveabl�.
<br /> 16. 8orrowor's COpy.8arower shW be yfven one conlormed copy al the Note and of this Sacuriry Matrument.
<br /> F1�1R.tM6(t0191) P�pe]of S
<br /> ti
<br /> � �
<br />