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201003053 <br />EXHIBIT A <br />A tract of land Comprising a part of the North Half of the Southoo-e8t Quarter (N`hSW'!ti) of Section <br />Thirty-Two (32), Township Tarelve (12) North, Raxxgc NinC (9`, West of the 6w P.M. in }fall County, <br />Nebraska, more particularly described as follows: Bed ny z, at the Northwest corner pf the South <br />Half (S`/a) of ucction Thirty-nne (31), Township 'I~velve (12) Narth, Range Niz~c (9) Wes~C; ChcnGe <br />Southerly dloug the Westerly ]ine of said Section Thirty-qne (31), a distance Of Six 1•lundred <br />Fourteen and' Stvtnty-Eight Hundredths (61x.78) Feet; thence deflecting left 90°24'40" and <br />ivru~ing Easterly, a distance of pue Thousand Four Hundred Thirty-Bever and Sewer<ty-Nlue <br />T-Cundredths (1,437.79) Feet to the actual place of bang; thence deflecting left $9°29'50" and <br />Yutrsiing Northerly a distance of Four Hundred Fifty-Cne and Seventy-7''aur Fluz~.drtdth3 (457..7x) <br />Ftct; thCs-GG deflecting right 90°00' and nuzni7ctF; ~9,ste1'ly, a distance of Four Hundred Eighty- <br />Three and Eighry-Four Hundredths (4$3.84) Feet; thence deflecting right 85°O9'lp" anal running <br />Southeasttrly d distance of Five Hundred Eighteen and Fifty-Nine Hundredths (518.59} Fcct; <br />thence deflecting right 94°59'50" and runxxing Westerly a distance oY Five Hundred Twenty-Seven <br />and Sixty-Six Hundredths (527.66) Feet; thence deflectir>~ ri~ltt 90°00' apd run.nin.~ Northerly a <br />distance of Sixty-l~vc Fitt to tlat actual point of beginning. <br />