. . . . . . . . . . .
<br /> '_ .. . '... .' '� � .- . � � 0.4
<br /> `r , 4 t< ` • ` ___ _._t__i�_.�._..�._._. .�_ . ___ _�_. .f�.(. Y. �J'. . _-.�.�.. _ . . ��.
<br /> ...u.�� --< �.�__ �.�__.._.. -t.i... ....�...�� . �
<br />�. . •� C���V/V� �� • " • _�
<br />:. ,''� 18. BoPrawc�'s Ri�h4 to Ra��aststl. li Bctraw�Rteb e�n con�ens. Botrvwzr ahaD have tho dflM to have¢tficrecmant ot " ._. . -
<br /> �S g�ctugy tns4urn�t 6scontirtu9d et ury i:see�pdcr to Ute a1t6a oA (� 5 d�yc(or cuch oUtcr perlod a� e.ppn�abis E3w m�y sosr�'i�►far `
<br /> ; � mtiuTtt�nanl) Odor�aata ot tite PceA�7/Pusaumt t�ury pawer o9 stte cantairted � thla Security Instr�mank ar (b) enCy o4 a jud�nent ; . . '_< '�'`�� .�_-
<br /> .j �tor�ny thl� 8esw�fty ina8um�►t T4�ear eatditlana an that Bo►rowEr. (� paya LEnd2r a7 aum9 whteh th� wouid ba d�e under thls . . _'
<br /> ` - �J �rity f��umant cnd t0o�ta2o e�d no acr�.ea9.ten P�d o�: tb) arra��nY d�uR ot nny other covenu�t or eyrc:,mcab: (o)P�Ya . ' ,., .:
<br /> 1 d o�a�sa Incstrtcd 1�mtordnp Ws 8ecurtty tnatrumeM.Indu6nQ,�ut not�nited to.reaaonab�a nttomey�'teea:end(d)dtcoa sueh acKon -��°`'-'
<br /> --`. } ae Lend�mry�nam7y ro�r:a to r�sisra t3tat t h a�a n o t t h l s&�fiyt t a s h u m c�t,L.e n d�a�1q A t a G a t h e P r a a e rt y a r►d 8 o r m w r�'s o b A g a t i o n ^ -- q - °r- -
<br /> � to pay ttis eum� securad by this S�curtty Inatrum6nt shoil eont'nuo unctU:n�cd Upon r�rstettcmcrtt by Bamotivcr,thfa Ssanftyr Instrum�t ([
<br /> �ttd ttte oLYQti�ons a�auCd henby stui nmain fu�y atiecSvm as n no awmeaa"aon�i oeEU�ed. i;frw�rr�, LyH��si�ratns^L'tta ah.,�nd `.'.. _— ,
<br /> v .. ,.
<br /> appy tn ihe w�of aec�taraUon and�r p�r��rph 17. � .
<br />--- - 19. Su� ot Na�: Chan�� at t�aro Sarvtc�r. trne r�ate or a partlal Intcro�t in tha nov� (tc�av��r wnn m�s se«uKy � .
<br />- tr►aLurn�nt) mtY�aotd an�¢r ma»t�rna wifhout pr(ar nattce to Borrower A esie may ra�uft tn a change In tha entky(iaiawn aa the ---,-, ; . _
<br /> � •La�n S�vie�that eoi�cla montMl RaUmarta due under Use Rots and this gecur@y Instrument Th�e�so may be ona or more ehanges � �,, .
<br /> o}tha Loan 88rHe�unmt�tad to a aaie at ths Note. if thera b�ehanpe ot tho Loan SeMcer, Borrower wLl be ghren v+rt�ten noUce af the � � ';.,;r
<br /> eMnye in aceordance wkh Rara�A 14�ove md appIIcal�Ie{�w. 7fte notkro vnti ataie the name and nd� ot the new Loan Servicar `' . .:� �
<br /> �nd ths ad�ress to wAlah ptrn�nts shautd Es m�de. Ths notice wAi atao co�airy other tr►tomiation reQuired HY aDAQcabt�faw. � . . -��Y�.�
<br /> . 20. Plszardaua Subslancos. Borrovr� sha9 nat cwse ar pertNt the pros�ce. uae. disposnl, etorage, or retease of any � � ' ;'.:�•;4��� -
<br /> Hatardous SUbatancis an ar�n ths Propaly. Bortowa stwD not do. nor aYaw arryone else to do�anything aftar.�ng 4he Rr�'r that Is f:► '•.,� �,� •' ;?'����•'�.`'E
<br /> � vlaitllon af eny 6ivironmsrtml l�w. The prsce�ng Y�t�aent�ces sha0 not to the presence,use,or storn e on the Ras;�c-�t�efi s.r,� .. . ` j�`' ` _�
<br /> BRPtY S �.�`�-. .:.
<br /> , �anUtlea ot tt�z.�rdous�bskutcss thst ara ponar"•Y raco�ited to be e4proyr[ate to normal resid�tlal tts�ar:d to me:.-�s�� of t*.a .:;°�'+' . ` •"�; :
<br /> •��;�t,�f: s�..._..-�.c.;��.-'o....�
<br /> P,,,op�rcy,. '?,y.��-�-�.�
<br /> Bw►ower ahaD pra�r�pUY�ve Lendw wr�tt�notke o1 any InvesitgaUon. dalm� demand 1��:it er ottter e�an trY enY 47Y�mer�l or ��<<'� >';. :'.:..`.�si�,- ''-
<br /> �t�f/afl�`7/a►G�+ate party hvolrinp ths Froperty and arry Flazardnua SubsWnce or Enviranmental L� �w,�'ch Borrow�has acWel . , :•���-:
<br /> �`` y -ry � nr autho thed en remav� aT c�et remedlatlon ot a:ry� �� ., �•-_
<br /> iaiowWdga. B Borrowar[euna, or ta noL'fied E a. aov�nmerttal or repu.�. rfry. Y ; .` ��.n
<br /> ; Fiarardous Subatana aftsettns ths Propetry Ea nacassuy. Bortower sha8 pro�'w'y take aU necessary remedfal ectlons ln necord�nce wf�; ,.;5,,�,�, : �'� •- �+.'
<br /> Environrnani�l Law. .",��u*'�-� - --
<br /> ._.. As u:�d tn Uda pangaph 20. 'itaardous SuDstance3' �e thoae a�:bst�ncea dsfined as toxtc a hazardaos s�bstances by `;��'a�j�-- .�„=:;.�,-�.-
<br /> � , F�vl�onrtwdat Law �nd tha fo@o•�Anp aubatanse� QasoQne. k�os�e. othsr�c:nnabta or toatc patroleum pmducta. 4a�do p�tlddes end r�,`; , ^'; `p",,,��__
<br /> � hRbldd:�, va:�lz'a aoSUa�ta, m�st:rL�a cor►tafntn0 es4estoa or fartnaldehyde, �md radloacUve materlals. As uasd (n thls para�apb 2n. �-' '"
<br /> 'Ernfronmenta! Law' ma�nf ted�ra9 4ws artd {�wa of tfie Ju�fsdlcdon whens the Property !s loated that retate to heatth, satety � .� � �J-
<br /> ��,� '��
<br /> envlronnsmtal prat�citor►. --_,��:"
<br /> ., ,' NOAWIV�OAM COl►ENMJ75. Eartawer and Lend�further covenent and apree aa foQaws: '- ``
<br /> _ -• '- ___ � .�s�..e. s..tr .a.. . �' ;�g� -
<br /> �. i�• �IYtaOCf�i RC'SCC�.�7. asndor illi�l �iVY 1��Ci� i�/ O�I�AiU1T �it�i'r' W a�wis��asvi� �w�v°e�ry : - . ._..
<br /> Borrawar'a brr�:a(lu x�aany ��nartt cr sqroement tn ttsta Se�r3ty Instnament (but nd prior to �ccotoratto�
<br /> . und�� 9� uni� I1caF� 8aw �ovtdos othan�rL��� Tha notico shall ocl . (a� ti�o dsfi�ctiQ '' ,,:,��
<br /> P� �P P �P fY' . •�`� :3�.;..::_
<br />, . Ib) t1w acHon ra�uTrod to ��ti� d�aul� (c� a date. not i�as than 30 6ayo fieam �o da2o C➢�v aottco i� �=:� �.�:" . •• � _
<br /> r,:�,y : _,:"_rr..�: _�-
<br /> p by wh�eh tiN dofautt mus� bo aurod; gnd (d) thai tallura to eura tho d�''�ut4 on o� ".?",:,'
<br /> tv�n to Borrawfr, ,. ,.�;�.-�=
<br /> bofo�a th� dN� sp�cfftod tn th� nottc� may ro�ult In accol�ratton of tho cum� �ocu�od by this Socurifiy _ ;�.��
<br /> InsWm�nt an��at�a?thv Prop�rty. tho no4ie�shali further�nforee�Borrower of t@��t�ht to�aln�tsta aftnr � �:�`.a:-
<br /> . aaa�loratton snz! tho rlsht to 6dng a court actlon to as�rt tho nom�xlstenco of s dat�uit or arfy athvr �'.
<br /> • drton� at Bonrowar to aca�d�r�tloa and aa�o. If th0 defaufi ia not cu�ed on or bsfore the date apQCifled
<br /> � � tn th� n�tco, Londar at ib aptlon may caqutro lmmadiat� paymont In tull ot a9! sums soanrad by thts
<br /> Socurity tnstrumc�t wlthout turth�r damurd and may Invoko tho powar of sato and �ny athof romodies �;';�e,
<br /> :( ,i pormit4ad bY s��itcabl� Iaw. I.ondor shall b� �ntittad to asqact all oxpon�os lnau►rad in puraulny tfw _ ., :
<br /> �� r�madl�s pravi�c9 tn thas puasraph 21. Includln�, but no!Iimitod to. ros�ot�ablo attomays'ts�s and coats ' �". —
<br /> � '. of titl��vidon¢a. —
<br /> _ '�.,� H th� pAwsr oi �to 0s tnvoSc�d, Trusteo ehall saeord a aotlee ot dotault in oach county In whlcb any - -==- - _ _
<br /> ' part o/tt�P�op�rly Is loc�d and sh�ll mdl c�ti�ot wat�notic�In th�mann�r pnscrib�d iap apPfiaaW� --° °—__--
<br /> � `� taw to Borrow�e and to tho dhsr porsons pn:cribod by sppficabla taw. Aft�r ti� ttm� v�qutnd by = --
<br />