. . .� __ .. . . . . ^ U•fil L ; .��n : < t 4.<�' . �., �• • . :
<br /> � f _ � r'p , _
<br /> , o- _ - .•L: ' - . . .x,�. • i. _�� c "fi.<t . . . 1 c.u',.
<br /> �°r.to...� - -- � � .t�:�.:..y.=i. - -
<br /> F< ,._�____��":'
<br /> $���9L/Q�2 -;�g=-.
<br /> . - Ranowefa�seaw account und�tSia 4adrr� Reel Esist�S..Mit�n�P�raeedures Qci o]18T4 w em�nded fram Una to time. 12 U.S.C. -�,''�'
<br /> ?.SOt e!seQ.('RESPA°},unlasa ar�atP�v t�+tle�!epp"�tn U:e Fund�eals a t:sser emounL N sa la►der may.rat any 6m�co;ect and ,�•�-�
<br /> hot8•Funda!n on�.m1 nat io @cr.ea�9 tAs lasasr tstsaunL l�G�azyr esY�nato the amaunt at flmds due on the haat�o!a�mnt�ata ":-.',
<br />• � in0�Naoili�'B l�Sii�FAY a1�CE Niti�C�t�Wr ttQtfts or otltiMttss U1 acCa�snce w3h mpy�;e Paw. T. �_�;
<br /> � TM Funds aAai Ea h�d tn m �S91iUAian ratiosa HsyosRs cua t�aured tsy s ted�af o�encyr, tr�strum�n�ty. er �tY M��9 , "'�£
<br /> Len�B dand�t�autN�n tas4Ctlionj or Y�arty Fadetat Mame Laan Bsnk. Lee�ata shRJ epDty tlie Funss to pcy tt�Esanow Itema. ��-;�
<br /> - Er;�ny nai�'�r�a E...��!rs�Q En4 cgySy�sp tt�s Fua�n.esv�u�Y enatydn9 the Gs�aw a.ceeunt, nr v�ifying the Esaow = _
<br /> Kam�,unlesa Lcn6�pcy�Lat�rr�L�Test an tho F�mds�nfl ap�Ceble!tw partdb LendtT to meke sach a ch�ge. Hoxevef i.en4er
<br /> -. mty reqtl��OR�AIB ta psy�onm�mte CiutQ�ior ir�6�6�e-t�iria iri iw'i-i►a L'ii t6poiiiny�o�fw.o us�Cy L�sL<s!ts toslr.edlon�13e �=�'_
<br /> � thEs�aan.unfe�sARYc�Dte In'+PcovTdas atA�w[se. tfntess as�a�ee:nent ts maais ar appGra4le{�w requires tnterest 4o be paid.Lender �:�
<br /> � sha7 rtat Ce c�u�ad to pay Ba�wE►arey(nterest ar��a an tho Fund�.Borrower nnd Lender msy a�ee in writlng. however,that �'_--`:
<br /> lnteres! ah�9 4e pai� on tne Funds. I.ender ahaB gHe to Barta�xer, wP,hout charga, an annust a�cc�usrtIrtg o1 t1e �mGs. shav�ig �`'"�`
<br /> ��..,.�
<br /> ..�' e�adts end de4ks to Ne Funda and th�i purpase Por whkh eacfi debit to tha Fcmds was made. 1R��nds are ptedgzd as edd�Honaf
<br /> " seaufty i�aH muns aea.�0 by U+h Ser�rRy tnstrument
<br /> H tA�Funds hatd by LaiBa�cceea f0s ameun�pertsYKed w be hefd by apporahte faw, Lender stw(I sceaunt to Borrower tor ttre _
<br /> exexss F+m�s tn acxarP�nco a�°.h tha reRutremeate ai eygQcabie E�v►. N tha emo�mt of the Fun�hetd by I.�der at ury ttme 1s not ==
<br /> s�ta pay the Eaaaw[htm wtsen du�lender m�►so natify Bortower tn wriUng.and.to sueh ease Bortawer shaB pay to I.e�der
<br /> . tiie ettwun9 esst�.:atq tA nwke uA tRe da5da�ey. 6arrawer ahaD mstce up the de�deECy in no mar@ than twetre rtwnthly payments.at �.r�'
<br /> � LendePa sol��sr.�etio�t. �'�
<br /> U�1(psSmzr�nt!n fl&1 at e.7 swns seorred iry Uib 3eanitY tnsttumerd.Leid�shall�ram�tly re:Und to Boriow�erry Fund�hetd 6y ---
<br /> tendR H undQ pee�raWA 21, l.�►dar sha�aeqt�lre or se�J ths Prap�ty.Lettder,prlor m Ne acquist�on or ea,'e oi the Frcp2Ry.shnit �:.�_°
<br />•°':;� apply�ny►F�ds h�id b'�latdec a4 the tlme af acqut�ftian os sale as a aedd a$s)nst the sums secured by this Seeurfty R�strum�L '' •
<br /> ,,.,, .�
<br /> 9•A�lpqC$t0�of Fty�tYClt�. Unkss appYt�6le law prov:Qes athenh'is&aA payrt�ertrtls received by I.estd�under paragrap.�s
<br />,.�.• � � md 2 at�bra o�:2�tgsL to a�ry pre{saymant eharges due under the Note: second to amounts payabis unde�r paragraph 2;th�d ___
<br /> to hte�+est dit�(ouA,4,ta pnc�tpil�ta;an�tast,to crty L�e charges Que under Ue Note. ,
<br /> : 4.Chtr�s: Ibtt'. 4oRaws�ha8 pay di taxes. asse.ssm�is, ct�Ses.fines and U�osffions at�ib�bie to tAe Raperi�r �
<br /> " „y}� �y �n prtodly over t4ds S�cu�Ry (nstrument �nd ietsMotd RaYmenta a�ound rents. N any. Bortawer aiv��tyl these �+�
<br /> ' obi�fions 1�1py�rt�nns pnrrt�d tei Qaraqs,pl�2.ar U not paid(n that mnnner.Bortnwer sAaD pay them on tlma dU+ecUy to the p�san �""a
<br /> � owW pay�ient Borrowsr ohaa ptomptly t�mish to Lender a/notk.ea af arnounts to b�p�ld unda►this pea¢aph. H Bortnwr nriva
<br /> Mese paym�[ta�e�SiSl.Bntmw�r aha�prom�i]y AurYsh to l.ead�recr�ts evts..mCn9 the PaYrt►e�e. �--,
<br /> Boaows sM�D�'�P�Y��5��N�n whkh has prioctry ov�thts Secutity lastrument uNess Botrower. (a)e�es in wrflhcq!a =-
<br /> th�On'�t of Uu obi�tloa sec�[red b1►the Qen N e mann�accepffib(e to Lender. N)contests in Sood faith tfle Ben D1►.a d�a�ds
<br /> ,_ ag�hst wfio�e�mwtt o!the Yen(rt.[esei proees�ings wi�tcA in tAe Lendc�'s opWon eperate to prevertt ttae entorcernant ot the wn:ar(c)
<br /> ' �ues from the hoTd�W tho�s�n �geem�r►t aatisfadmyl to Le�der su6oRYrta6ng tho G�s to thls Seeurtty instcumeai If Lender ���,
<br /> ' ' ��:€nes Mat any pa�!of Sh�f�ertY!s subJect to a Qen whtch may attain prtody over t�i�Security InsUumenL Lendet may qNe ___-
<br /> Botsowet a notke i3anidyirtg t�2�S. 8flrrowa sheN satlsty the 6en or tzke one or mare of��acttons aet foM above wRh(n 10 dtys �:..�-��,
<br /> , � 01 the Shrinp of n�i1'r�a: --
<br /> - 5.H�srd w Prbp�rEv�.�nsurance. Bortewer sha9 ke� the tmprove+nents now mJsttn9 or haradter ere�ted on the . ��
<br /> � ptopertyt Insuced aq�tnst Ioss by 1`�harards Indude0 w�hin tha t�m'axtend¢d coveraqa•and�y o2he►h�ards.Indu�ing Qoods or �L�.
<br /> �too�nQ,tor wldcb Uad�r raquirea hsurmca Thts tnsurance sha8 ba m�k►tatned In the amourtW�and for the perbds tlwt L�der �
<br /> . nqilra, Th�inwnncs rs�tier pmvkfin�the Inswanca atiaf be chosen by Bareower subJect to londer'm appravai whkh shaA not be
<br /> : unnasonably w�tth�td. H Borrower fiDs to m�6iUfn eava�qa desa�ed aY�ove,L�ender may.at Lsrcodar's opftan, obUk►coverage to __
<br /> ptoi�ct Land«'e rt�ts 6►the Roperty irt accordtnce with paragraph 7. g�..._
<br /> . N ha�noe DoYet�s md rmvawua ahaA be acc��hte to Lende►md shaY Indude s standArd moRgoge ciauae. Lender�shatl have �;�;!.
<br /> �.'m�t to hotd the poides cs�renewais. H Lender requims.Botrawar shaA pramptiy ghrn to Lartder aa teceipts ot paW prert�ums —==
<br /> �nd c�netinrai noftas, tn ths uvc�!M tose. S�trowR�h!iA give prom¢t noNee to the insu�earrier end Lend� Lend�nyy make �`
<br />� ` aoo�a ross�rwr rn�d.�sni by som�wer. ' . _ .
<br /> � UM�ss��nd Bortowa otnetv�ise ayree tn wtNk�Q�(nsurance proc�t,t3 sha�Be ap�f�eQ to rostorx'�n a r�fr of tfie Propetty
<br /> �d,p tM r�tocation w cag�alr la ecortomlat�►tasfb{e a�d leider's ser�riry is not fr�ariened it the resto�atior�or�ep�ir ts nat ��
<br /> ea�o��iyr t�tsibie or t�nde�3 s�x�ig►woui0 6e tess�ed.ttfa tnsurance Aroceeds sRa�be appQed to the sums sticured by thTs
<br /> 8�xxRy1�stnxner+t� wh�her ar n�1h� "us.�h eriy�.c�ss p�td to E_:*�ver. M 8ortower abandons the ProP�b or does not �. .
<br /> � �niwn rYtl�in 30 d�ya s rto1[� trom Lendar th�tha kiwiancs curter tr�� �7terod to setNs � cLim.then Lendar may ca'Net the �_.;.
<br /> • . hw�u pcacMd�, L�nQer tnty uas ths y,srr,.eeda to re�aU a mst�a 2'�� Fropefiy or to pay sum� ser�r�d by thl� 9srur►�y ----
<br /> (rtstrunwnL wh�Ah�r u nat ths�c�is. Ths SO�tt�y padad�i 6e�.i wh�the no8ce ts�vm.
<br /> �. � Jnless Lend��nd Borrow�r�therwfse ar,�ee(n writing,eny appQcaticr�01 praceeds tm p�:lrtdpa!sha0 nat extead ar postPane the
<br /> dw data of M�awnd�j►{�Ymerrts rdmed to(n Pan�aDhs 1 aad 2 or�t�,v�ye the amai.mt ot the p�ymeats. H undeP parsgaph 2f �-
<br /> tM Ptop�ty b�cqt�r}d Dy►��nd�r.Bortaw�r's dpht to arty(naunnce poAdea snd proceeds reaultfag from damag�to th�P4�oputy prlar • __�.
<br /> . to tht acqutsYt�rn �t►�f pasa to I.ender to tfra extent o? tha sums secured by tnta Securfry Instrument tmmCdatety DAor to the ���"
<br /> � ' tatp�tuTtiAn. --
<br /> � �. Occupa�cy, Rns�r�►atlon. MMatntonanc� and Rrotectlon af C�� ProAarty; Bonoc•a�r's Loan �
<br /> ��
<br /> AppQCWOD: I.�as�4101d�.��artowa ah�ll ocwpy,rsU�6Nsh, end use the Property as Barawe►'s prtncfpal residar�s�%hk� aGRy �,�,
<br /> � d�dt�r ths exee.Ricn o1 tAis Security Inatrument and adafl continuo to oe�:P7/tAe PropeMyr as 6orrower'e principa►�ce ta�t
<br /> ��,k latst an� yw aRw tM dats ot occupanm�. �,S�ss Lender otherwlse agor� h wrft(ng. whkh consee,t ah�9 aat bv wucasoaatity !"-�--.
<br /> wifhhetd.a unfe�s fxtanw�inp�,itcumatances m�st vfilcA ara be�/ond Bormu��s"s centrel. E�rotiver aha0 rrot desKmy,d�.:�utge or impatr ---
<br /> � thp Pr�pperty,Uow U�e P9roAer�►j tn detatiaate,or commit was�en the Prcye^f. Bcrmwcq tt�s1 be h defauk N eny tor6�ihue aatbn a -- _
<br /> , proc��'inp,�ficthtt clvl or c:-i,.�z1,is begun that In Lendc�'s��cd t2itA r13�el7t tould r.K,vri in torf�iture o1 the Ptppt�t:y or otAenNlse �-�,__�
<br /> nutatioty ImaU the Yen cre�2ed by this SecurUyy fnatrument or LendePc �n€r�}► interest Borrowa may cuce such a defautt artd -
<br />� i.� relnatats.aa pravTderl tn puaqraPB 18.by causHg the actton ar proceQ�iag tv ba dismtssed wfth e ruUng that.In Lertder's good tattA �
<br /> G�tertNnaUpn, ptedudes foRdture of the Ber►ower's interost i»tha FToyer.y or other matertal impalrment o1 the Nm erealeG by this �=�" -
<br /> S2�tAty (nsWmeM or Lender's sec�fity interost Borraw�s?�,aJ atso be in defauft fl Boaower, during tho toan app9c�n precess. ��
<br /> . gtvs matertl�Yy tAfse or Inacatrate infom�attan or smtements Aa Lender (or fafted to provide Lc�der wfth arry matertal infortnaUon) in �'.��`:
<br /> , cortneanpn vdtb th�Iwn erldenced by the Note.hrdudng,bul no1 lirtitted tm. representaUons conceming Baaowc�r's occupanay o1 the _
<br /> � Ptoperty as e pdttdpat resMence. I}this Security tnstrummt is on a leasehofd. 8orrawer shae eompH with aB the pravistor►s of the -
<br /> � (eas9. tf Borrowr�v.c4uaes tee litlo to ihe Propesty, the teasehot6 and the tee title sha!1 not merga unles�the LenQer agrees to the
<br />� ' rtiEfgST I71 Nf:itLig. Fortn 3028 9f50 e:,.Y
<br /> _--_ -- �'IO?9.VA9 i�196?
<br /> Paqe 2 015 •�`.'.
<br /> `
<br /> 3807 t �
<br /> _. ' . . .. . r . . • ,.,�,, . � ,.
<br /> +�r_ • . � . . . - , •'' .� .�, � • .,. � ' .
<br /> _— .. _ _. . _ ,. .� .. . . . .. . _ . . . . _ . .
<br />