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«�:: �.. .. <br /> a�i4'---- — --r.•- . <br /> q� �-��n�>5i 1 `�, . ..--- ._- <br /> " `� p .w �. . . � '' ,.` .-�_ <br /> - <br /> . - <br /> .. <br /> � ' .� .i�' - -- - —�._- � .�o. . „ <br /> ~__. °=1°e:_��.SwrL'rc��ir';.�:'.,� , <br /> �w��� 92— 1o�0u� <br /> =---_--------�---� . <br /> ��...-.._.,,= — _i - <br /> :---=��-��:�.; <br /> -�----��=--��_�=��;�' 331307 PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT RID pUDR <br /> ,� :�� , <br /> - . +�1`s.•a►?r`�':"'.'` THIS PLANNED UNIT DBVEI.OPMENT RIDER 1�1luulc lhis 1�TH JLy ul' MAR <br /> �J/�t�'±��nl.�: <br /> .�r_ �.-�- . 1992 .und ix inrur��rutcd ina�wnJ sfwll lx docmal tu umcnd�u�!.upplcnx:nt�hc Mangugc, QccJ ��f <br /> '� -..", • ' � Trust ur Sccurit�� [h�d I�hr "Sc�uriry Instn�mcnt"1 ut' thc hun�: �l:ttc. �iven My �hr undcrxi�nctl Ithe `� ,��. <br /> r . a----•.-_. <br /> �:;"' •'Borrowcr")to�ure eurrower'�Note to NORI�i�$T MORTGAGB• INC. <br /> ,�- . <br /> ���.. �., <br /> ��',�at.�;:.��:�.,. <br /> — `.•:,� Ilhc"L..enJcr"I = ---- <br /> ° .�8;�s.�a,rn6::�+�?° <br /> ,- .�;�x:,�,;J�:>.r ',m•-' o( tix; same date und cuv�rin�the Property de�ceribod in 1hc Security In.rtrument unJ lucutul ut <br />_ _ .-.�.i..,.e..�.v -------- <br /> ,� . _ � 533 LINDEI� AVBNUB, GRAND ISLANp� NE 68801� <br /> __�� .^, .,,d;.,.,L�d . ��►„any�aa«.�� <br /> �� ��°•�-•��'`• " The Pmperty includes.but fs nat limited to,u parcel of lund improvcd with u Jwclling,t��gcther with uther r�uch <br /> '::�tsti.�r.:.�...�... _.. <br /> - • • � - . par��els and certain cormwn areas+md iticilities. us described in Declaration of Covenants Recorded �„__. <br /> -�� _,°.:;.- ..•'.^ in Book Page Hall CounGy� Nabraeka 11he "Decltuution"). <br /> ;�.�i` � . � • Thc Propeny is n part uP a pl;mn��f unit dcvclaprnent known us P—T- <br /> �`�� �'�."'�`•�``�` EAGLE LAKE A330CIATION <br /> ,_�. " IN•rme nf PlrnneJ Uni�Devclnpmcnt� �i� <br /> ,;' • , ' <br />,;, °. ' �, (thc "PUD"1. 'thc Propcny alui includes Borrower's intcrest in thc h��nkuwncr. asr�x�ution ur cyuwulem J-,�__i��.�- <br /> '" entity owning or managing thc cammon arcas and fucilitics of thc PUD(the"Uwncr�As+ociu[ion' 1 und thc uses. <br />-_ , benciit�and pmccals of Horrowcr's intcreat. �_ <br />.`.;. � „ PUD COVENAN7'S. In :xlditian tn tho covenants and agreements made in �hc Securiry lo��rumcnt. <br /> • ° Borrowcr w�d L.crnlcr further��ovcnant and ugrec us folluws: _____ <br /> - _ ��LL�*�r ^. p, pUD OWigatlo�. Burn�w•cr +hall perforni nU of&irruwcr'ti abligution, undcr thc PUn'�Cunsti�ucnt —,�� ^-- <br /> ��..:_.;`� <br /> -. ,,,, Documents.The"Coa,tituent D�xume:ma"are the: li) Declarution:(iil urticles uf incorporntiun.�n�st in�wnient �. <br /> �'..'+,.:`iF";���w'••� ar any equivalcnt documcnt which cre•rt�s tha Qwncn Asukiution: and liiil uny hy-law, ur o[hc� rulcs or �„r.Z:.-: <br /> .' -��_.�i:�i431�f ���i� _ � � ., :.. <br /> �: ° regulstiuns of ilu�Qwnen A.Wxi:uion. &►rrower shull promptly puy.when duc,ull due�unJ ux.c�+n��nts inip�a��l �'. _ <br /> "".�t•.r,�;�;. ..��.',�; <br /> � i•;: � �,,� . . pursuant w thc Cunstitucnt Dncuments. --.�• - <br /> s�`•'. � <br /> •�; • B. Hpzard Insurence. S�� long a�the Owix:rti Asuxiation maintuins. with a generaUy urceptai insurancc <br /> , . . ...,;F;� currier,a"master"i,r"blanket" policy intiuring ihe Propeny which i.wti�1'uca�ry ai ta:ndcr•rnd which pruvides --v�-- <br /> � �:`�`•�t� • insurnnrc cavcru c in thc umounts. tur thc peri�xls. and ugainst thc h:uurJs l.cndcr rcyuires, including flrc und __.___ <br /> ' . � �,���'•Y�''n U _ � ��w.iu.._._ <br /> . • har�rdx includcd N•ithin thc tcrm "cxtendcd a���crage." then: ° <br /> " �o"4' . li) l.cndcr waivcs thc provi�ion �n Unil'orni Cu�•enam � ti�r the munthly paynknt tu L.cixicr of �.--.�, �`�� <br /> �' o " onr-twcltth of thc�•carly premium instullmcros li�r huu�rd in,uranc�un thc Pru�rly: anJ "''"'""""' <br /> � .. '"- <br /> � � liil Burrow•cr'� ��bligution undcr Uniliirni C�rvcnunt S t�� nuinti�in h:u.arJ in.uamrc cuvcr.igc un � . '� •-_p- <br /> t=—�-' ' _ <br /> � . •, • � Ihc Propcny is d��m�tii wtic+ticd to thc cxtcnt thut thc requircd c�werugr i.prnvidal Ny thc Uwncr�Axxxiation ��i <br /> � � policy. '�""�n°.-.. <br /> �;. <br /> �� '� � &�rrow�cr shall irc l.cncicr rom t nnticc ut'un In �c in rc uind h:vurJ imur.�nrc ciwcru � n�viJcd by s�,[�p��' <br />• 8 P p Y p 4 g� � �... <br />� i' ' thc m�stcr ur hl�nkM p��licy. `= a <br /> . , ". In thc rvent af u dixtrihutiim uf hwurd in.uranrc prcxc�J.r in licu��f rr�toru�iun�,r rcpuir ti►Uuwing a lu,+tu ��:-:�r, _ <br /> ;i,:.': �' thc Pro�xny. or to c��mm��n arw, und furiliti�s ul thc PUb, un�• rmctrd. �����ni� ti� &�rruwcr •rrc hcr�by ~r��^�:t�,: <br /> `'�'� "' utitiig��eJ anJ ,hall b� puid a� l.rndcr. Lendrr shall u�ly 11k pnk�titil� �u thc .um, ,crurcd hy �he Stturily - '�,•.:�.'i� _ <br /> . ,�.: � . ..,- <br /> Instrunknt.���ith an�•cxces, paid �o li��rrn�•rr. �. <br /> •. ^. ° C. PuhUc I.iybiUls Imurancc. Burrrnv�r +haU tal.c .urh urliun, u,may hc r�a,��nuhlr t�� imurc �hat thr . <br /> ' . U���ncr. A,uuiatiun mainuiin. a puhlic liahility iu�ur•rncc puliry� accrptuMc in li�rm. umaunt, unJ cxlent al' '. � - <br /> '" ., r�,vcrugc tu l.cndcr. �� -- - <br /> ;��:' <br /> � MULTI6TATE PUD RIDE/t•Singla Famuy• fannk Maa�F�addk Moc UNIFORM INSTRUMFNT Form 3160 8180 �.. . <br /> �. Na���•����7 �' <br /> •`�% � �,-NIMFL3180C91 i9�OL ':MP�dURTGAGEiUp��y .d���t93r�r�� mnu..,�� ,1,,, ,,.���. --- <br /> . •�i� ' <br /> ,..\' .. �l„J <br />. ` 1 <br />� .. :!•., � i�`�' I•- � . <br /> ` <br />, ,` � <br /> . � <br /> �. .. <br /> r <br /> � . <br /> 1 <br /> { <br /> , f <br /> t <br /> '. r <br /> ' � — <br />