�' � .,, ,, . ���•--.
<br /> •:SY'vi] P.. .v."
<br /> . �.Tj1�• .. 1���� ��i -
<br /> ��.�r�_C _ __
<br /> _- ' Y!� =-�u' 1_. ��`. .__-.
<br /> �- __-- RL.._'..
<br /> o-° n � 92�J.019 9 6 ----
<br /> ,� ,.a.' - ,
<br /> S �,�n -s:.--•-�_ �. . __—
<br /> ��- �, .�..'►',. ��:�
<br /> �1: I. 14y menl of Princlpwl�IMcrc�l�ad I.wtc l'hNrae. NurruKr��hull p:�y whrn dur ilk prinripul�►1.u�iJ iotcrc�i�m,
<br /> '�.� . ' '
<br /> �- �- n thc deM evidcnccd by�hc N�Kc wid Iwc rhurgcti duc undcr U�r Nu�r. �--
<br /> � �� � .. . �- 2. Monlhiy ppymenta ot'flaxea�Inauranee ond OIher Chwr�eyc. Rurcowcr shull include in cuch nux�thly puymen�.
<br /> �j,,�:�'*`',:'•„ ..
<br /> ��!���. • tagclher wilh Ihe pdncipal and intcrest uK hct i'onh in �he Nrne und Lny lule churRc+,un inwtullmcnt nf +my Iu1 taxe�und
<br /> •� � apeciol usresrm:ntx Icvied ar w be Icvicd ugainwt�hc PrapertY.lb1 IcuzeholJ puyment.or gmu�ul renta on Ihe 1'm�Ay.und
<br /> n ' Icl prcmium�fur insurance reyuired by Purugrupl�4.
<br /> ��;;,��;�..�si,.,�t . �,, Fuch monthly instnllment far ilems (ul. Ib) und lc) rhull cyuul unc-twclph uf the unnuul um�wnts, uY rcu,onaNly
<br /> � A.•. . , a .. . estimated by l.ender,��pIuw An amount sufliciem to muimain un uddi�ionul balunce ot' not mure ihan �x�e-six�h of�he
<br /> :.;�, ;:� - •` cstima[ed amouni�:. The full unnuul amount for cach i�cm hhnll he ixrumulated hy Lender within u perf�xf ending onc ��_
<br /> . . month befare un item wauld become delinquem. Lender shall hold the umnun�s collected in in�st to pay nemx lu►,lhl anJ
<br /> " - `:.''�.• �"�° ., (c)beforethey6ecomedelinyuent.
<br /> '�'�'�•� If at any Iime thc totul of�he puymcnts hcld by Lendcr for item�(ul,lbl und lc), tag�the�with thc future man�hly
<br /> ,: `.•...,t,, ;r;�
<br /> '=���� ''�;:��'��'.. payments for such items payable to Lender priar to the due dute� of such items, exceedti by more than �ne-xixth the
<br /> . ,.,;.;
<br />=:a:� ;,,.r..,C
<br /> • .li;';. � estimeted amount of payments required to pay such items when due, und if puyments on the Now ure current.�hen en er
<br /> ' ��" �;. � � �� .: I sball either refund�he excess over one-sixth of the estimateJ payment�or credn the cxcrr,over one-sixth of the estimuted �, ��_
<br /> -��'�,r ,
<br /> ••��:•�••��-� , paymcnts ta subseyuent paymems by Borrower,at the optian of Borrower. If�he totul of�he payments made by Bortuwcr �1�'� 'T._
<br /> . ;i:,:�tc>; .c-'�f'1f�..1{s.;T` '
<br />_ r',�� •'-�� � for item(a).(b),or(c)is msuificient to pay the item when due,then Borrawer shull pay m Lender any amcwnt necessury to
<br /> �..,�,,,,rl,' —,_
<br /> �;y; � ;s,� � maka up the deficiency an or before the dAle tha item becomes due.
<br /> . ,'cr� � Ati used in this Securiry Instn�ment,"Secretsuy"mean�the Secretury ai Hausing und Urbun Development ar his or her
<br /> designee. In any year in which the Lender must pay u mangnge insurance premium�o the Secretury,euch monthly payment �t_.-'""`.�_:ti=_-
<br /> n<t�:: .�,,.,� , shall alsa include either: (il un installment of the smnual monFage in�urunce premium to be pnid by l.ender ta the =—_
<br /> • • - Secrctary,or(ii) a mon�hly chnrge ingtead oi n mortguge insurnnce premium if�his Securiry Instrument is held t►y the —_—
<br /> �. � ��� Secretary. Esn:h monthly instullment of the manFage inxurnnce premium shall be in an amoun�tiufficient to Accumulare the
<br />'�"��' ' " ' • ' �' - full annuul mortgnge insurance premium witb Lender ane month prior to the Jute the full nnnuul martgage insumoce L- —
<br /> ` ° � � premium is due to the Secretury;or if this Security Instrumenl is helal by the Secretary,cach munthly charRe shall be in un
<br /> � � ' ,, �"„r�:;�: � umamt eyual ro ono-twelfth of one-halP parcent of thc oulxtsmding principal halance duc on►he Notc. �'._.-
<br /> •' If Bonower Ienden �o Lender ihe full payment oi uU sum�secured by this Securiry Inx�n�mont,Barrower ti uccount
<br /> xhall be credited with the balance remaining for ull installmenl�for items lu), (b>und (c) und uny martgoge insurunce ��� _
<br /> P P Y Y i��.�_:_..�=
<br /> � premium installment that l.ender hax nat become obligntcd to puy to the Secretury,und Lender shull ram tl refund un u `
<br />. � '.:�:. . , �►;:=`�_
<br /> ,.,r. •:. ' • excevs funds�a Borrower. Immediu�ely prior to a foreclosurc+ule of ihe Property or its ucquisition by Lcnder.Harrowerk
<br /> �:.;L;:;::�'�;. • aceaunt shall be credited wilh any balance remaining for ull in+tullmentti for items(u),(b)and(c). :,_,��;`.,.=-
<br /> �•� � 3. ApplicaNan of Payments. All payments under Puragruphs 1 and 2 shall bc applied by l.cnJer us followti:
<br />, ,r •:� � t�'?��.
<br /> .. _ , ��,�_•.;;:;.:::�:�.( :• . �tST,lo the man�age insun►nce prem�um to be puid by l.ender to the Secretury ar to the monthly churge by the . ;'{;, -
<br /> '� ''�"�:���;'�', . �ecrel instcad of thc manthly martgugc imururx:r prcmium: �._._�..._'•-
<br /> �•'��:'!'"''°;`�'•: �' �,to nny�Axcs,tipeciul assex.rments.leayehold paymencs ar graund rent�,und�re,tlood ond other hazattii __._.___
<br /> �:'�.s~'—
<br /> � �•� insurance premiums,ag reqwred:
<br /> ' "�� . _ THIRD,to intere�t due under thc Nae: ��T�
<br /> . -�t, - Eou�rrH,to nmorti�ution of the pnnc�pnl ot the tvrn�: �b�W `°-'
<br /> : , 1 �•'���. �,to lute churgeti due under the Nute. """"
<br /> 4. Cire,M'lood and Olher Hazard Insurance. Borcowcr+hall imurc ull improvements on tlx Piroperty.whethcr naw
<br /> � ' in eaistence or subsequenUy erected,aFuin�t uny huturdx,cusualtics,unJ contingencies,including fire,for which Lender .�,.�
<br /> �' reyuires insurunce. This intiurunce�hall ix:muimuineJ in the amuuni.und ti�r the peri�xtc thut Lender reyuircs. Borrower �_-_=
<br /> � tihull ulso insure all impmvemcn�+on�hc Property.whc�hcr now in�xi,tcnce or�uhscyucnUy erccled,ugamtit lo�ti by tlo��ds
<br /> to Ihe extent requircd by thr Sccrctary. All in�uranrr+hull Ix r.�m�J wilh cumpunic.upprovcd by Lendcr. Thc insucu�x:c �- .. —
<br /> ' puliciev und any Rncwuls xhull be hcld My Lendcr unJ tihull in�ludc lo++ pryub�c cluuses in tuvo� of, unJ in u form �T�-
<br /> ucceptublc u�,Lrt�ier. ��
<br /> � In�hc event oi'In�ti,NnROwrr.hull tiivc l.cndcr immrJiu�c n�Nirr hy mail. l.cndcr mu� makr prnni'ol'lo,.it'not i.r^.`., - -
<br /> mude prompUy hy l;�xrawer. Earh inxurunce rumpany r�nxerncJ i.henby uu�hurired su�d directcd to ms+kc paymcnt for �:�-� �
<br /> - • +uch lu�ti Jircc�ty�o Lcndcr.imtcuJ ut'to Born�wcr,md tu I.cndrr j��inUy. AQ or uny pan of the inwruncc pnxecJ.muy 1►� �i.
<br /> upplieJ by Lendcr,ut ii.��ptiun.ritlxr lul to thr rcducti�m ul lh�inJchtcJnr.�undcr thc N�►te und�his Suunry Instniment, �i���-
<br /> . fiRt tu uny delinyu�nt umount�upplicd in the urdcr in Puru�:ruph �. und tlxrn u� prepayment id principul.ur Ibl��� thc Q._-�-.
<br /> � resiuru�ion��r rrpa�r o(lhc dumu�cd proExrty, Any applirutiun�►1�hr pnxced.�u�hc pnikipal.h�ll not cx�end ur�wstpnnc _ -
<br /> the Juc dc►tc of tlx ntnnthly paym�nt+whirh urc mfemJ tu in I':uagr.iph 2.ur chan�r thc amoum ai.uch payment�. Any
<br /> t exce��inrunmc�pr�xerd.ovcr un umuunt reyuircJ to pay •rll �x�ttitunJin� ind�Ntednrsr under thc Nutc anJ thi, Securiry `' .
<br /> „ Ins�niment xhull he paid t�►�hr cn�it�Icgully cntidcd thcr�tu. � `�
<br /> In the evcm��t (orccl�isure ot thi.r Sccuriry Intitnimen�ur ulh�r ir:�nst'cr uf tiUr lu Ihc Nro{xny �ha� rxtingui�lk.thr "tli.::
<br /> p e.,
<br /> indehtednctis.all righi,tiUc 3uid inlen�t uf FioROwcr in anJ�o in�urarnr�diric,in ti�rrc.h:dl pu,�to�ihc pun:huxcrlication: -_ -
<br /> p „ 5. Occupanry, Preservation. Muintenancr and Proteclion uP the Property; Norrower x Luan App •
<br /> ' I.e�.4eholds. Burrower .huU �xcupy. r+lubli,h.and u�c Ihr 1'ro�rty :�•Humuwcr,r���,��r:d residenu within sixly day.� .'^
<br /> .. ' ufler the�xecution o(thi.Securiry In��n�mrnt unJ+hull continue i�,orcupy du F'ru�xny a,Ram�wer;principal residence , .
<br /> � • tixat leutit onc yc•rr uftcr thc dutc ul�xcupanry,unlcti��hc S�rrclary Jrt�mnncs thi+rrywrcim nt will�ausr unduc h;►rdship ,��
<br /> • • for Borrower. or unlcs� cx�cnuuling circuni�luncc. cxi�t ��•hirh arc Fx)��nd Barto�vcr: ronuol. Borr��wcr shull no�ify � � .���•��°
<br /> ' � LenJers ui'any crtrnuuting circum+tuncr.. RoROwcr shull no�cc�mmit wa.ic ur dc��ruy,Jama�r ur ,ub�wnliully chanFr E .. •r'
<br /> � the Property ur allow thr Prii�nny to dctcriurutr.rcutiimublc�vrar anJ lear rxrrpleJ. LrnJ�r may inti�x:ct thc Propeny if Ihr � .. '.
<br /> � prop�;Ay is vucunl cir nb•rndnned or thr luun i.in det�aull. l.rnder rna} whc r�+�+�maM�artiun to prutect anJ prc.erve such I .
<br /> vucunt or•rbandoncd Nroprrty. Horcow�r �h:�ll ul�u ix� in drfaidt il'Bomower. Jurin�thc la:m .ipplicatiun pr�xess. guv�
<br /> materiully falx� or inuccurale infurn�utiun or �latcmem� t„ Lrndcr u�r liiiled w pro�•ide Lcnder with uny mutcnul �
<br /> in(ormutiunl in conncctiun with thc lo�m rvidrnrrd hy Ihc Nolr, inrludin�.hui nut IimilrJ ti,.reprcsrmutiun,rimcerning
<br /> Burrowcr's ixcuparny��f 1hc Pro{xny.�.u rr�����r►;d r«id�ncc. If thi.tirrurity In.mimcnt i�un a Ica.rhuld.Bormw�r shull
<br /> c�xnply with thc provi�ium u(thc IC:�x. It Horrow•�r arywrr, li� Iflli lu Iltr Pn��xrt}'.Ihc Iru+�hulJ :UtJ f�c tiNe yhull not
<br /> Ix mcrgrd unk�.Lrndcr a�rcc.tu th�mergcr+n�snUug.
<br /> 6. CMar�ex tu Borrower und Prutrrtiun of Lender's Niuhtti in 1h�1'ropert}•. H��rro��rr tihall pa�• :����:���'rrnm�ncil
<br /> ur municip•rl ch•rr�c+.finc.:wd im��,itiun.thal arc nnt inrludrd in I:ir:i�:r:iph�. Burruwrr.hall pay ihr,c uhlipatiun.un
<br /> Iim� Jircr�ly to Ihe cntity whirh i.uwrd �hr p:�)•mcnl. !I'failur�• ��, p:�>• ����uld ad�rnrl� ;dfrr� I.rndrr',intcrc,i in�hc
<br /> . „ pn�FxAy.upim Lrndcr'x rcyu��l liurco��•rr�hull prumplly 1'umi,h w L�nder nrripl,caidcnr�n�:Uu..puyment�.
<br /> ; II Burn>wcr fail� tu mal�r ttKU paymrnt.or thr pu}•mrnt. myuucd hy I �r.iEr.�ph _.ur I'uih tu prrlimn uny uthrr
<br /> ' covcnant.and uErccmcn��cunluimd in thi�5rcunn•In�trumrnL.�r ihrn i.a IcEal prucecdmg that ma}�ignitir:unly alfcri
<br /> .--. - - Lcnderti riehts in thc 1'n,�xny�,urh :a a pnxcrdinE in h:mkrup�c�•.ti�r rand�mrril»�m�.�i i��,1�•rl`riPub�IO lI1C Pm[xnv.
<br /> then LcnJcr muy�lu:►nJ pay what�vcr n ncre..ur�•in pnncci�iK ..����„� .��. :...�.,.., ............... , . .
<br /> including payment�d tuxeti.haiard in,urancr;�nd ulhrr ilrnt�menti�m�d in I'ara�:r:iph_'.
<br /> Any umown.di�hur�cd hy Lcndcr undrr ihi, P:ira�r+iph .hall Ixromr;m:►dJmonal dcht af B��rrrn�rr:md lx.rcurcd
<br /> � by this Security In,in�mcnt. '1'hr+c umuunt��hatl txur in�cn+t tY��m thc dair��I di�hunrmrnt.:u th� Nutr ra�r.and ;+I thc
<br /> ' uptiun of Lendcr.,hall Fx immcdiu�cly duc und payahlr.
<br /> 7. Condemnation. Thc pr�x:eeJ�ut':�ny ow•ard ur rlaim for dam:i�c,.dircrl„r con.eyucn�i:�l.in.�,nmcuun���ith an)•
<br /> condemnulii�n i�r othcr takinF��f uny pan ul thc I'ru�xny.ur li,r r.mery:�ncr in plarr��I r�mdcmnaUi,n.arn c�rrhy as.igncJ
<br /> � . und tihall lk paid to Lrixlcr ta thc exlrnt��I�thc full umuunl of 1hr indrMrdnc�,thal mmain,unp:ud undcr th�Notc anJ thi+
<br /> . Sccurity Inswment. Lrndcr+hall,�pply such pnxrrd.�o thr rcJuc�ion��I'thr indrhtrdnr„undrr�hc Nntr rnd thu ticrurit�
<br /> Imtrumenl, lir�� to any dclinyucnt ami,unh applicJ in tlx �adrr pruviJrJ in I'ar:►�!raph �. unJ thcn tu prrpa)mrnt uf
<br /> ;.r principal. Any:�pplication ol' thc pr�krcJ, io Ih� prinripal �h:�ll n�,t rxirnd or �x►.t�x�nc thr Jur J:ur ul thr munthly
<br /> � � ������•:„�r�...���,�
<br /> � ;��� ,
<br /> . �' • �#_
<br /> -3 _ _ _ -
<br />