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2414U294'~ <br />EXHIBIT `A' <br />~ part of Lot Nine (9), in Block Five (5), in Gilbert's Second Addition to #hc Citp of Grand island, <br />Hall County? Nebraska, more particularly descrYbed as follows: Beginning at the Southeast eorner of Lot <br />Nine (9), in Block Five (5), in Gilbert's Second Addition; running thence northerly along the Easterly <br />boundary li7ae of said X.ot, a distance of Ninetp Two (92} feet> running thence Westerly on a lime parallel <br />with the Northerly boundary of saki Lot, a distance of Twelve (~} feet; running thence Northerly on a <br />line parallel with the Easterly boundary line of said Lnt, a distance of Forty (40) feet; ruunuing thextce <br />aloxtg and upon the Northerly boundary line of said Lo# in a'Westerly direction, a distamce of Forty and <br />Eight-Tenths (4p.8) feet to the Northwest corner of said Lot; tanning thence Southerly along and upon <br />said Westerly line of said Lot, a distance of One Hundred Tluriy Two (132) feet to the Southwest corner <br />of sand Lot; .Runn9,ng thence Easterly along and upon the South boundary line of said Lot, Fifty-Two and <br />Eight Tenths (52.8) feet to the Southeast Garner of said Lot, being the point of beginning <br />