�,s' '(Ia 4�Aj,t: .�'•1-�:Y,;yL����'•:�J:�'{ ::.i.:{!�7{t'�L�!}�±qj`d4cvf ���;tFhljt::j!�c�•i;;`�f.,ts'� `�k.��� ti.,i � r � �R. ,�—� --- .
<br /> � ��:. ^^,iav�el,�J�}V�sMjM"f•41��RY�.'�5 .�r� 1 �J�)ANIR�+ti Sri o� y�.�}f���'c• �.�a ;.. .i. I � iv.. .a "+.Ar�n""�"o'��-=�r�s�^�.:..
<br /> i l. !`li� ��1�-hM•l.�.nM1M
<br /> ... .. , ..,.,..a,Nritlii�+' r, �"�{y,,..,,..�:r`,_ '- ;Y'v+++«�-�^ I
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<br /> t . �` Fl,:-_
<br /> ._ j, _.__' ____- � �:_---_-.--'_'_-,•—.._�-���._.
<br /> �. i.
<br /> - Ij -_ /�/� ^�v �� .:ai 2'�J{1�i1��'.=.
<br /> r.r .� �iYi• � ML�� �O�VV� I._ ' . ......,�1. ..—
<br /> _ 1 ..^ . - . �Nwa�rr �Www�
<br /> ;•. j�Fa.i .� r�_
<br /> � lollarl� • add�nda to th� Nort�B�.
<br /> Pi�a�� oh c{� th� a�1 inNbU add�ndns. 'fi� �� ,..�:.�.�"::;x���--.=;y
<br /> . , • '. �dd�w cfi�akad a�ll b� incorporae�d into utd s�cor��d with '�h� IbrtQa4�. 7fi� t�rw {�^ - .-__
<br /> , " .' . "lbst���" shall b� d��d eo inaludr "DNd oP �cwt". i! spplic�b�a. �. . __ - -
<br /> . . FkIA ADDII�IDIM y��--
<br /> , � �• : , �;`,._.,L�.=�,��__.._
<br />-� � , • '—X TlIIS TAX-Sxi+l�T YItiAN0II1ci �IDER i� �ead� thi� �Zth d+�y o! �e . 19 g�� and . .,--�:...:
<br /> .. ...' is incospo�cated ir�to md �h�il be desmed to aoisnd ana •vpplema� �trHortg�g� ed ot �{ �sA����1_- _.
<br /> � Tcw� or S�curity aea �"Securit� In�ts+�nt") o! e ��1'3at� giva� by th� un��rsignad ��.;:'. ,�-,,.�n�:
<br /> ("8orra►.r") to s�cun� Horrarer�s t�Tote ("Not�") �o �ve P io nts Bank °�f+��' , _- ,+
<br /> , � ("L�nd�r") o! th� taw dat� u�d cawrlr� tM prop�rty d�RCCib�d , 7.����.,�:-
<br /> � .•..,.. : , •�... -
<br /> . , !n eta Secmrity ins�nt iocat�d �t: 808 N. Custer, Grand Island NE 68801 • �•�• ���)��;:�
<br /> • ��i'i''�7{��+�"*Q$�''f�;�.:
<br /> ..� 5','i..li.�:: r�� ._.
<br /> � IPraPsttY Addr���� »��: . .:F.• li'°
<br /> � . � . _?����a<r.
<br /> . ,•��Pk�+&as�ts.r_
<br /> • 4+t�'�
<br /> in addi�lot� to th� aav�tund and agr�am�nt� mad� in th� B�aurf.ty Instn�nen�, Eorranr md M , , .;:�,�-`;°-'- ..
<br /> + � Iwnder furth�r awmant �nd �gte� to �msod Yir�Qr�ph 9 oF the Nod�l !lurtg�g� Focm. � ��
<br /> ' � �ntitia� "Oraunda for Acc�i�ratia� a� D�bt" �� by �dd1nQ additiaul arao�da for ,,,;,.,.
<br /> aac�l�satian a� follans � � �`"�"`""
<br /> �,t,.;:.., ",�
<br /> � �. ���-
<br /> Lnder or wch o! it� aucaeuoti or a�si�u a� aiay bp s�prrat� inses'wacm ��su� .. -; : � :
<br /> � � sespr�n�ibi�ity for ss�uriag campli��ee by ths Borrwer vith tha proviaians o! this ,� .�.��r �.
<br /> ` ' : • Ta�c•Exempt Financing R�.der. oay rpuis� imm�diae� paym�ne in full of sll awor ��aur�d by ���.., , �.
<br /> � thi� 8�cucity Inttru�nt its �,:x
<br /> ' a, All or part of the propsrty i� sold ar othecxia� tran�ferred by Borra+ar to a j •���,.�' ` �
<br /> � , � «
<br /> ��''::�•:i;;; ��. � putcheaar or othar trarof�rs�: �'` � '�':"�"
<br /> '�;•.:.;. . ,, .y_
<br /> � ';:''.�t'`• (i) iiho ca�u�ot ressonably be expacted to oacupy ehe �oPerty a� a ptiacipni � �µ- -
<br /> ��'�`.+%�� ._ : re�idence within a ressanable tims aft�r the sale or trsn� �r� sll a� prwidad !n .
<br /> �.;��:,..��, S e c t i a n 1 4 3(a) a n d (i)(2) o� t h� Internal Mvanw Cod�; or ;;:•;,.4 :
<br /> tii� ifio hu had a preamt am�r�hip intes��t in a rincipal re�idsnc� dur� any E '�;:`��'.•' R
<br /> _ -- -'-- _ __;. pere of th� threaY�nr period endin w� the data a� ttus aala us trenaferi ali as _ - . ,:_:..���.
<br /> .. �'. Pravided f.n S�ation 143(a) and (i)�2) o! th� Int�rnal Revenue Cod� (axcspt that . •'..�,.�..',.,�
<br /> •100 p�rcant" �t�sll be substitut�d Fos "9S p�ra�rn or mos�" viur� th� latt�r ., ,�,,.�.z;s�.
<br /> , .,.,: appear� in SactLott 143(d)(1): cr . ..n•,�r
<br /> ,�; :
<br /> � ::��: (!ii At en ac iiieian eo�t vhich i� greae�r than 90 percent o! tfis average area :::�:;�'.��
<br /> ,�,� p c�did �Siationr143(i) �dn(i)(2) ofrthi Intornai R��awnwrCodee�o�snc��)� all ss �'�:;��.� +
<br /> ;;,;i
<br /> (iv) Who luis a gro�s famf.ly incane in axae�s of the applic�blepe scanea • o! � . , .
<br /> applicable m�dLn £amiLy iraaa� u pravid�d in 8�ction 1�i3(�) and (s)(2) o� tl�� '•. •, ;.�
<br /> � Internsl Revenw Cod�: or ' ;;;.s�.'•:-
<br /> ,,,,
<br /> � b. Bocrover fails Eo occupy the praper�y deacribed in ths Security Instr�aaent vithout �'�;. ;_
<br /> • prior vrittea consent of Lender or it� suca�stors or assigns dasorib�d at th� , ��.,.�.�.,,;::�:
<br /> . '. b��im�ing of tt�i� Tax-PScempt Financin� Rider. or .
<br /> c
<br />, ; r . �
<br />� ' " c. Borrower amits or misrepresent� a f�ct that ia material vith rsapect to th� .
<br />; � prwLions of Saction ik3 oY the Intornal Itpwnua Cod� in an �pplicatia► for tl» loan �:-��,
<br />, . . . �ecurad by this B�curity Luer�nt. •
<br /> i�efer�nces �se to the Internai Revamse Cod� �� amsndad and iri efYant on th� dae� o! �i:�;��� ,
<br /> ;.`,� .'��' isiurance of bo�d�� the pr�oaeeds of vhich vill be used to Pinanc� the S�curity Inst�snt f'• ' , '�' � �,:
<br /> `+•� •'' and ars deemad to includ� �h� lmplementing regulatiions. • � .
<br /> � r�.;;
<br /> .?. . . .
<br /> . BY 8L(;NINIi HEtaET Borraw�r accepts �nd �gre�� to th� t�rms �nd pravision� ia thi� • :.
<br /> • + Tat-Fxempe Pirwicina R�der. ''�•'.� :'
<br /> ' l���tz��-��l,la(�.61���
<br /> '. ;�, rr Stacy J. Hilderbrand
<br /> ' �: •. t
<br /> ��� lls�rch 1 9' 7 00�
<br /> ,,.,. � � �ee p•wer r.stine K Grosor
<br /> , i.�'�_ I
<br /> !
<br /> � � '
<br /> VA !(OR1'OAGE ADDENDU!!
<br /> If so lang aa the Hortgage is outaCand!n� all or any part of the proparty ia �old
<br /> or tren��erred by Borrower without Lender's par3or written consent, other than a tran�fez
<br /> '. th� diumiaiicuradebt ihe Mer��a�sito bo limmediatel ndue end�P Yabiider's opCion. d�alara all
<br /> Y 88 Y
<br /> � � tfor�wer
<br /> ! te rrover
<br /> NIFA-0891-tl
<br /> �
<br /> I
<br />