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<br /> �_�_ �._=_�e��_.� . , 92--i �� a 5� �ar n --
<br /> '�r 4�l'!�'w�h '7�Ii Z�I� -- .
<br /> ,`•�rr�N;�;�•�� 12. �cccxwm� pnd A�seila� Boundt Jalnt an�Several I.Iqblllty: C'u-SiRner,�. T!ir r��venunt, u�xl uRrc�:mcntti nf�hix --
<br /> �is�..A a:5:._.ir'�" —
<br /> , Seeurity Inslroment ahull bind und benePit the �ucressors anJ u��ign� uf I.cnJc� und W►rruw•er, .ruhject ���Ihe prnvir+inns uf_--
<br /> - �7��,: .,_,: .
<br /> �' -:
<br /> ` �:. �.ca'�,v�-'•;-, : .� parngruph 9.b. Borrc►wer'x cnvcnunh und ugrcettkmx shull be joint anJ u�verul. Any &�rruwcr wh�+ co-rignx �hiti Se�:urfty
<br /> � r}�i>�}",c.;... –
<br /> a � ��'•� . Instrunknt but J�x�x not execu�e the Note: lul i,r�►-xigning this Securily Im�rwnrm �mly w m��rtgagc, grunt und runvcy�hat =_
<br /> ��y a. &�rrowcr's intercxt in�he Property undcr�hc tcrniti of�hie Sccuriry Inslrument: Ihl i+ nut�xr+onully ubligatcJ�a puy thc wm+ — __
<br /> �" ;•• -�•�' ' • ,ecu�ed by this Secu�ity la.trument:und(c1 ugree�thut Lender unJ uny uthcr&�rn�wer muy ugree io cxien J. m��l i l y, ti�d►eur ur __
<br /> dti. . .f T,' —._
<br /> ^' makc uny arcnmmoclatiuns with regurd to th�terms uf ihis;Security Inhtrument or thc Notc withnut Ihut Fi��rn►wcr',c�mncnt. _�
<br /> . � - __ _
<br /> � �� ` -�...1,..: :..�•- !�
<br /> . : ` �.'' # 13. Noticex. Any nrnice to BoRawer pmvided far in thi�:Security In�trument ,hull ix:given by delivcriog it nr hy tnuiling __.___
<br />��:,� � ��� 1.�,r. it by fir.;t clur�.r•mail unless opplicuble luw reyuirex use of nnother methcxi.The natice shull Ix JirecteJ tu the P�operty Addresn �•��4•.�,�
<br /> . '��.'-. . or nny rnher uclJrexs Borrawer designatec by nntice io L.ender. Any nntice to L.ender shull Me given by firxt cluti� muil t� �_:--�_,°�°�z=����
<br /> � �rc::�Pr.�
<br /> ;�„ � l.ender's uddress statcYl herein nr any address La:nJcr detiignutes hy noticc to&�rrc►wer. Any notice prnvidcJ for in this Se��urity _ �
<br /> . .. . Instrument shull be deemed to ha�•e Ncen given�o Bcirrower nr I.enJer when given us provided in this parug�uph. ��,�.u�;�:-�.�—.
<br /> , �. . . - :�f, F"w,,:.3:_.:r�..�._
<br /> ` u i � �rt---�i�r�.� •� -
<br /> .(< < �:-_�-.
<br /> � �,{� ��;� :,-`� l4. 4overnin� I.uw: tievernMply. Thi� Srcurity Instrument �hull Ix� gavcrned by 1'eJeral luw unJ thc law• ��f thr � "
<br /> •�"�' ''�'" "'` juriulicti�m in which the Propeny i. I�xated, In thr r�•ent thut uny pro��i.ian ar ctuu�c of this Sccuri�y Ins�rumenl���the Nntr �;�,w��,�„�t.�
<br /> ;•i� �. °4•" � t�r::�r.. _ ..
<br /> ` :f �..;' cnnflicts with upplicable luw. sunc�ontlict shull not nil'1'c�t athrr pro�isian.i�t'Ihis Scrurily Intitrunknt ar�hc Nut�u•hich cun hc ,.�.::,.
<br /> �,• �� , '"' " given effect without the conilicting p�ovision.To ihis end th�provisiun�i�l'ihis Security Instrument u�xl the Nute urr declared �_._--� °�� -`"'
<br /> �.` �,�� , � •1• to be�ev�ruble. �r��-
<br /> • '
<br /> . !-: •� � •,.t::��.��._
<br /> .c b-.'s�..... - . _- �--
<br /> . ,� .�: ��,•.._� �:T.. �, •a , ��R�'
<br /> �.� �1� ���, IS,Borrower's Copy. &�rcower shull l+e given one conformed ropy of Ihia Security Im�nimcnt. �:..
<br /> i: ',PI ,�. `�" . —""....Y�o. rj.
<br /> ; :'�� . � 16. As.slRnment nf Rent�. &►rrawcr uikunditionally ussi�nx and tran+ferti to Lender all �hc rcnts und revcr�ue+ uf�hc -
<br /> ., �..;a�,::=
<br /> , ., •;±?��•-: • Pro rt Borcnwer nuthorizes L�nJer or I.emler'.u ents to r��llect the rents und�cvenuc.and hereby directs each tenunt o(the w"'^� -
<br /> P� Y, g :..�,.;_.-'-_—
<br /> �� , u?�'�;`�;tr`•�" � Propcny to pay the rents to LcnJer or LenJcr's LEcnt+.Howcver, priur to l.cnJer',n��tir�t��Borrowcr af B�ircuwcr'ti brcach cif �.;,�;. <-,-
<br /> tr,�,... ;»w�_:= =
<br /> ' . • any covenant or ugreement in the Security Insirument.Borrnwcr,hull collctit und rereive all rcntti und revenues��f ihe Propeny �,,;�
<br /> `=.,.,::..
<br /> ' t' ' as �ruster for thc bencfit uf I.cnder und Born�wer. This wsignment of rents constiwtes un absolute assi�nmrm unJ nnt un �r�;�y -
<br /> � A '!
<br /> ' �j ' . • u.gsignmen�for�lditionul u�uriry unly. �_=-�_--
<br /> �.�,:r�_.
<br /> ''��� �� � � !f'L,encler gives notice af hrcuch to Botrnwer: (u)ull remti rercivcJ hy &�rrowcr tihull Ix hcW hy B��rrower as tru�tec fi�r ��C`� '-
<br /> .��1c+.p-i�
<br /> �_,�;-�; •• Ix�nrfir��t'I.ender only. t�i be upplicJ t��the+um�tiecured hy thc Sccuriry Intitrumrnt: Ihl l.ender�hall hc entiUcJ io cnlleci und •
<br /> �,;;' reccive uU ��f�hr rems ut'the Prupeny: unJ Irl eurh tcnam af the Pr�ipeny shull puy ull rents Jue unJ unpuiJ ti� l.encier��r �'="-___"`
<br /> � �-'a:
<br /> , l..ender's ugent on Lrnder'�written demanJ to�hc tenunt. ��_'"'—
<br /> � �rur�
<br /> , �rr._-:—
<br /> . .�ti� � l31rr:-
<br /> '` .� Bnrc�+wer hus n��I�xcruted any� priur utisi�nnxnt of thc rent�unJ hus n�N and will not perli►rni uny uct Ihat would prcvent �';'�,...�-
<br /> �� I.ender i'mm exercising i�+rights unJer Ihis poragraph 16. '�`�"`"
<br /> .,,}",,: _' -
<br /> ,.;.: ,'�-
<br /> , I.cnder vhall nat h�requireJ io rmer upm,tuk�rumral��f�,r main�ain�he PruFxny hrti�rc ar ut'�er givinE noticc ul'brcach ' •�.,•
<br /> � to Borrower. HaHrver. Lender i�r u.juJicially appi�inted reccivrr muy Ju +u ul uny �ime dscrc i,a breuch. Any upplicutiun uf
<br /> ' � rcnt+ ,hull nin rurc or Wui�•c.my default ur im•idi.iu�c uny other righl ur renxd�• �►1 IxnJer. '1'his u..i�nmem uf renta of the
<br /> . ;'�;..,� —
<br /> ., ProEx:rty whull tcrminatc whcn ihr Jch�.rrurcJ hy thr 5cruritti In�irumrnt i,paid in lull. �,,�,,
<br /> . ��^.�+�•.r- r�.c-
<br /> . ��' NON-UNIFORM COVF.NANTS.B�►rrowcr anil 1•rndcr lunhcr rov�nuul and uErrr a�li�ll��w•ti: ��°
<br /> , ,•.:',
<br /> 17.Fnrcrlosurc PrvKedurc. If'Lendcr rcyuires immcdiutc pu�m�nt in I'ull undcr puruuraph 9,Lender mati invoke thc
<br /> ' ""''� �►�r•cr ��P s�lc and um• othcr rrnuvli�w �xrmittcd b� upplicuMc lu�s. Lendcr shall bc cntided to c�dl�rt ull capca+es I ,
<br /> •• incurred In punufnu thc remedlcs under this parvuruph 17, inrludin�.I►ut not Umii�Kl to, rcu�npble attorncys'feesand �,,,�..,.��_. �
<br /> • ,. rusts of dtle evfdence. '�t'-k =- _.
<br /> . r.
<br />- , , �, � 1F the ��N�er uf.ule is in�•oked. 1'ruster �hull nrord i� notice uC def'uult in each countc !n ��hirh unp pvrt nf the ', '"' ____
<br /> " Propertv is I�►cat��d und shull mufl ropi�h uP�uch noticc{n thc munncr pr��uribcd I�r applir�hlc la��to Borrnwer and to ' :��,.�.-`�*;-�__
<br /> ' � ' the othrr�xrM�ns pr��urilxd b� applicuMc lu�+.Aitcr the Ilmc requircd b�•upplicublc lu��.'1'rust�r shall{;h�c pubUc notfcc ---.
<br /> � .. ��i'sule to the pcnon+und in thc munncr pr�wrril��d b} upplicvi►Ic lo�►. 'I'ru�lcc. «ithoul dcmund on Borroarr.shall sell
<br /> ' � � the Propert�'ul pulilic uucli�N�to thc Id�;hiyl hiddcr ut tha linu und pluce imd undcr thc tcrms dc+i};natcd in the�wtice of �•
<br /> sulc M unc or mon purccl� und h� un� orrMr'1'ru�tcc dctrrmin�y. 'I'ruxlcc mu� po.t��oc.ulc of'ull��r�m� puncl uf thc
<br /> „ Pro{iert� bc public unnnunccment a�t thc �imc und pls�cc oi' :m� prr.•i��u.l� ul►edul�rl .ule. Lende�•�►r its de�,iun��may G
<br /> - , purchi��r thc Pro�xrty�at uny sule.
<br /> k� :
<br /> . ��•4qINE1 • ' ��
<br /> ; . '
<br /> ;
<br /> . �
<br /> �
<br /> . �
<br /> i ` �
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<br />