�d��lll� ...---. � _— ,�� --- � �'i , _ -- _�_ � � .�
<br /> : y�,�y .., • � "�` �h��l� �y�{ ',t �!�' ------
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<br /> a'M"a ._ . 5 ( -- ri',:"!/ ��•til�. �t. I � ���?��� •
<br /> ' ' � i<< 't , ,.,,�als :1'�ff' .. ,��`:7)s� - ,:
<br /> -- -� c:.�t.
<br /> � 'a'.�St,y"�ii�!'�r..y".�:', ' �,,� -- - - -- _ --
<br /> �v�ir.iaie�,s.� !(,
<br /> iuti��'�'t'��� w
<br /> o-.,o �2~- 101956 -- --
<br /> .:° 1�_.� �..�.. ,_ ���
<br /> :,:;�.-;� .�..�-,�`�..
<br /> �����• '�'`��" �' ry Ttx1IiTH�'R WITH all the improvements now or hereaher erected on the property, und ull eu�ements, rightr, -- ,__
<br /> '�,;'•"•.
<br /> .�14��...�Wau�..�:x:.� ��.__��
<br /> �;�;��,'�"° � p�urtcnanrc�, rcntx,myultiew,mineral,oil and gas rlghts and profits, wnter rights und tituck and ull fixture�n�w��n c�rcAlter u
<br /> ,._,��.3.rr +f�i'.� Y Y � �. . —
<br /> _ _�,,��....fi.:�t�" �wN uf Uw prupeny. All rcplacen�ents and additions shall alsa be covered b this Securit Instn�ment. All of Ihe fora�oin�i�
<br /> ,- �;. 1�•�.�' rci'crral lo in Ihir Seeurity Instrument as the Praperty."
<br /> . ..,�,,t,�3�,� _
<br /> � ` '� �� • RURRUWER COVENANTS that Borrawer is lawfully r;eised of the estnte hereby canveycd utKl hus thc right ti�grant:���1
<br /> ':'` '`+�'`�`-'''"�� f••�` ronvey �he Pruperty nnd that the Property is unencumberod, except for encumbrannce� �f�ecord. &mower wurrunt� aixl will _,
<br /> .� :. _..;w.::., .. ,,
<br /> �.i: -- �. - �kt'eixl�{cikr�lly Uk title ta thc Property agAinst all claims end demunds,subject to any encumb�unce.�nt'record.
<br /> � ���-_.
<br /> ,!p'��.�t.r.,�h . . `�• '.
<br /> - ;,.a�,i��:in��::-.:.,.•� ;,., � 1. Pwymsnl ot Princlpal. Interest end I.ate CharAe. BaRawer shall pay when due the principal of. +uxl interca�un.�ho
<br />�
<br /> �:";;x���.i�-., -�,P. � debt evidaiu:eJ by thc Note s+nd late charges due under the Nate.
<br />.�"`�"�' � r 2, 111on�hlr Pay�nentx of Taxes, Iruurnnce and Qther Char�es. Harrow�r �hall inrluJe in cuch monthly puyment,
<br /> A „ '� ' ' aigcihcr with thc principal und interest a5 set fonh in the Note und nny lute churges,an insrrllment of uny lu1 wxc�and spccial n'�'-�•:
<br />°�_�� .. usl.ex�mentw IcvkJ �►r U� t+e levied against the Propeny, (b) leasehald payments or ground rents an Ihe PropeAy. und tc) �=� M� �•� •
<br /> i". • °• ' . premiums li�r inaurnncc required by paragrnph 4.
<br />.,;,,; � ' a+.W . . e,-=��
<br />.�, ,. -
<br /> r-� : •� •� � ° Euch nwrnhly imtalln�ent for i�em.g In).(h),And(c) shnU equal oae-twelfth af the annual Umounts, uti reuWmably eslimatal ��__
<br />���x ' .•��3 by L.ciuler,pluti un umount tiufficicnt to maintain un additional balnnce af nat more thun�ne-sixth of'the extimuted umountx. The ���
<br /> �; ., . .6..r_�..
<br />,-t' full unnual um�wnt G+r euch item shull 6e accumulAted by ixnder within u peri�xi ending one manth beti�re un iiem w��uld �,;:.�,,,,._
<br />•: .,:' � � becunu delinyvent. LcndBr shall hold the +unounts cullccted in trust to pay items la), Ib), and (cl before they berome �--- --
<br /> '� � delinyuent� �W'
<br />' �' • . �, '^ n4 •,'!�' _...
<br /> t , �::,�,.._„• • If ut uny tfmc thc �uwl ��f the puymcros hcld by Lender for items (u1. Il+), und Irl, together with the fuiurc m�in�hly _
<br /> . � puynxnt. li�r wuch iicm�payublc lo I.ender prior to thc due dntcs of xuch items,cxceeds by mare�han nne-sixth the cs�imated �.""'"'`'
<br /> ,,w-,.�". ... umuunt af puyiiknt�rcquireJ to pay such items when duc, und if puyments on the Noie are cuRen�, then l.ender rhull cither —
<br /> � � ;, „ rcl�unJ Ihr ex�:c�r uvcr onc-siath ol'thc estimuted payments or credit the excess over ane-sixth of thc estima�ed puyn+crn� to �,p,.t.,�,.r
<br /> �- tiuhuyucnt p�yimnt�by &�rmwer.►U thc��ptinn��f Rnrrowcr.If the total of ihe puymentti mude by Borrawer fi►r itcm Iu1, Ibl. r _
<br />, , ' �� ' ° or Irl i� imuf�ticicm tu puy ihr itcm when due. �hen Barrower shall pay �o l.ender any amount neccxwry to make up the � ,�. ` --
<br /> • . Jcliricixy un��r heti►rc Ihe dutc thc iten�becnmes due. _
<br /> --- A�uu�i in fi�i+Scwwity H►�irunte�ti. "Secrctary" means thc Serre�ary of !-lour:ing and Lsban De�elopment or his rn c�r -.-��-_-
<br /> derignre. In any yc•rr in which the Lundrr must puy u nbrtgage insurunce premium ta the Secret�ry. euch mun�hly payment �'•'�'�'""L='-
<br /> �hull ul�o inrluJc cithrr: �il un im�ullmcnt �►t'the unnual monguge insuruncr premium to be paid by LcnJer to thc Sccretury. or �'"`
<br /> . .....,.•.. ,�
<br /> . Iii1 a munthly �hurge in.tr:Kl ut'u munguge intiurancr prernium if thix Security lnstrument iy held hy the Secmtury. Each �
<br /> . , mumhly in.lullnunt�N'Ihc mungi►�te in.urLnrc premium shall he in un umoum suffi�ient to accumulute the full unnual munguge ,. �►��
<br /> ' ^ • intiurunce premium with lA�xlrr��uc uuiuth priur tu the Jate the fLll unnuul mungagr insurunce premiuni is Juc���the S�,tiretnry. • .,�•.
<br /> or if thi+ Scrurity In+trumrm i, hcld hy thr Sccrctury. cach monthly churge shall he in un amount equal �o �►ne-twelt'th nf �
<br /> une-half p�:rcem ut'thc uutti�andinµprincipal huluncc Juc an thc Notc. ---
<br /> � If&�rruwer trixlrrs�o l.rs�drr thc lull puymcnt nl'all tiums secured by Ihix Security Instrument. Burc�wer',uccount +hull ��� '�u�
<br /> �� �'='
<br /> hc crediteJ with Ihe hulunr� remuinin�t ti►r idl in.tallmcnts li�r items (u►. (h), and (c)und any nxmguge insuruncr premium r •
<br /> , � instullment Ihut l.�ixler hus iwt ixr��mr nbli}!o�eJ w pay to thc Sccretary,anJ Lender.hull pramp0y rcfund uny excetis fundr t�r •
<br /> � , �••�. : •• �.. Bunnwrr. ImmcJiul�ly prior t�► :� li►rrrlu.ure .ak of th�Pri�pcny i�r its ucquisitian hy l.endcr, Borrower'.uccount xhall bc -
<br /> �`•'=�t�:�_-.
<br /> ` .. � . c�edited with uny hulunrr rrmoining liir ull inslaUmrnt�li�r itcm�(ul.Ih),uoci lc). �:�-':�r---
<br /> . ?�;��
<br />; ,; � 3.Applicwtian oP Nuyment.r.All puynum+unJcr par•ruruphw I uixl 2 shall he upplieJ hy LenJer as follow.: t �"=
<br /> .. �US�����Y._ ...
<br /> Fint. �a tlx nwrtga�r ui�ur,mrr prc�niuiu i��h�puiJ hy LcnJcr lo Ihe Scrretury��r In the m�mthly chs�r�te hy thr Secrctary t
<br />�_ � �� insteaJ i�f th�na►nthly o�nngu�!�in�unmc�premiw�i: �
<br />• . Second. to any taxc,. ,pe.�al si��r..mrnu, Iru.rh�.ld puymcnt���r ground rent.r. and firc, tl�xx!unJ othrr hawal insurnnce �.�.,,�.�:
<br /> , � •' premiums,a.�rcyuircJ: ' • �•-'�'"°
<br /> ,�`;�.', � . Third.to intcre+t Jur undrr ihr Nulr: -
<br /> `• .:, ' • ' Fi►urth. to am�rctiiati�►u ul thr pi mrip;d ul lhr Natc:
<br /> ,'. . :�:, . Fitih.tii lut�ehurgc�Jur unJ�r ihr Nutr. �
<br /> � �•4RINE1 ' ' . .".
<br />� � ' , • i
<br /> I
<br />�� ' ' �� . .
<br /> � .
<br /> :�
<br /> i �
<br /> �
<br /> , j
<br /> ' � _ _
<br /> - - - -- ------- --- - �- __ -- .�.1. __ _ - --- - -
<br />