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�` A. �„ � ��. ,rt�.. . , o�l/:��i717' <br /> � yr;r1�;'� =°----_=-�rr=��+rr=-_._.. — ---- - <br /> ��� �,�r^�i•: • � � <br /> ' . ,v.:�«�:.r.�a5� ka�{:iw.t�J. V�a.. <br /> , . <br /> , <br /> . � ,. , °_° <br /> ..,: <br /> � <br /> _ <br /> . <br /> • ;.. <br /> ��4xY�ii.�.)*41 . i .. _. <br /> . �.;: �?r-;�., . . . ��..__�---� <br /> -- � �. .._ _" .--��... � � �--� ��� _ - -- -_--. _`��: <br /> � '� - 92_ ioi9�� <br /> ... s.- �,�..�.�...:._ -___�_.. <br /> "°�,�`���'''-'' --- <br /> l 5�7F. '/l�f' •�� <br /> � TOCiETHHR WITH ull Ihc improvcmcmK now an c�rcuf'tcr crccted un Ihc propeny,+uul ull cu�emc�lx, uppunenanccs. <br /> '•����e�!� and fixlure�now an c�rcu`tcr u parl af thc propeny. All mpluc:ements und uddition�+sh+dl ul+�►lx�covcrcd by thfx Securily ==— <br /> I'�"'��'-,; ^x',`;,� _ Inctrumem. All of the foregaing iz teferred to in�his Securily Instrument ae�he"Propetly." <br /> ' BORROW�R CU�ENANTS tiwt B�rrowcr ix luwfully sciscd oP thc e�tmc hcrcby rnnvcycd und hu+thc right io grant �.-._ <br /> • `� ��',`'`�����- and convey Ihe Ropeny und ihut Ihe Property i�unencumbered,except for encumbruncex of�ecurd. B��nower wuRama�nd -- <br /> �. " � " will defend generolly�he IiUe to Ihc Propeny against uU cluima und demands.subject to uny encumbrancex uf recurJ. _ <br /> ,, ��'^�� , � ,� THI3 SECURITY INSTRUMENT cambines unifarm covenvus for notional une und nun-uniform covenumx wilh <br /> - � - , • ,� iimi�ed vur+alio��b by juri,Jiclion to cunstitute A uniYorm security instNmem cuvering re:d pro�.erty. r _.--�_--�—__. <br /> ' � �°�` -` ° T� UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrowcr und Lender covenant and ugrec us fullaws: - --- <br /> �� " • � � ' 1. Hwyment of Princ{pal And Interect;Prepayment and Lpte C'hargee. BoRawcr zhall prumptly puy when due the <br /> �� � � . principal aP and inlerest on thc debt cvidenced by the Note nnd uny prepuymem unJ la�e chargc,duc unJc�ihe N�xc. <br /> :...;� „ __ . • • 2. Funds for 7Y�xes And Insurance. Subject to applicable luw or to u w�itten wuiver by Lender,Barrowc�xh:dl pry to <br />-�� • • Lcnder on Ihe day monthly payments nrc duc undcr thc N��le.unlil�c Notc ix paid in full, a sum("FunJti'/ for.(a►yeurly �_ <br /> '<':, � • taxes and nssessmentR which may nunin priority over this Secu�ity Instrument as u lien on the Propeny:lbl ycurly leusehnld <br /> , .�.,,:. . .� , : ; paymenta or ground reme+ on tlte Pmperty, if uny; (c) yeurly hazurd or propeny insurunce premiums: (J1 yeurly flood •__�_---__ °~�_ <br /> RI......._ -"-. <br /> . . insurnnce premium+, iF any: le) ycurly mortgoge incurunce premiums, if uny: and 1� any xum� payublr by Bnrrower tu <br /> • . I.ender,in Acco�dance wqh the provisions of pnragmph 8,in lieu of the payment af mortguge insurnnce premiumx. These - <br /> � ��;,.� '`� � �� items ure culled"E+crow Items." Lende�muy.At:u�y time,collecl and hold Funds in an amount not[o exceed the mAximum - <br /> � ., � . umount a lender for a federally relAted morlgoge losut muy require for Borrower's escrow pccount under the federnl Real <br /> " ' Estute Seltlement Procedure�Act of 1y74 us umended from time to timc. 12 U.S.C.#26AI er sry.("RESPA"),unless anothcr =�_--- _ <br />, ' • " law�hut upplies to the Funda sets n lesser amaunt. Ii+o,Lender may,at any time,collect and hold Fund+�in an amount not to ��'� ` <br /> �..,',_'-: <br /> -- exceed lhe les�cr amount. lxnder may e��imatr thc umount of Fvnds due on Ihe basis of current dnta and rea�ortuble _ <br /> �� estimates af expenditures of fulure Escrow 11ems or aiherwise in accordnnce with applicable law. � ^ � <br />` ` "t •• � The Funds shull be held in an insiitution whnse deposits um insured by u federnl a enc , instrumentulit . or entity -•v_ <br /> ,,;;, . , B Y Y <br /> , ..., � ° lincluding l.ender,if Lcndcr is such un inxtiw�ionl or in uny Fedcral Home Loan Bank. Lendcr shull upply�hc Funds ta puy <br /> :•;��.'; the Escrow Items. Lender ms+y not churge Borrower for holding suid applying the Funds, annuully unulyiing�heeticrow __ __ <br />� ' `' �'�"���'!" � account,or verifying the Escrow Uems, unless Lender puys Borrower interetit on the Fundti +uid applicuble luw pemni�s ` .— <br />: ' '.' �� `��� Lender to make such a churge. However. Lender may requirc BoROwer�o pay u one-time churge for un independem reAI =- <br /> " � estate tax rcporting service used by Lender in connection with this loan.unletis upplicuble luw provides olhenvise. Unlesx an =--- <br /> � agreemrnt is made ur applicuble law requires imcrect ta be paid,Lender sFu►11 not bc rcyuired to puy Borrower uny inkretit or °-�__,= <br /> - ' � eurnmgs an the Funds. Borrower mx1 Lender muy agrre in wri�ing,howcver,that intcrest thall bc paid on thc Fundti. Lendcr - <br /> shall�ive to Borrower,without charge,un nnnual accounting oF the Funds, showing credils :uid debits to�he Funds und the �—���� <br /> •. purpose for which each debit to the Funds wus mude. The Funds nre pledged as additionnl security for all sums secured by ._— <br /> this Security Instrument. -°°—� <br />=` '� --_- i!ti�c Fw�f, heid by Lender excccd the amounis permitt.d to bc held bp appli�u61� law, Lendcr sha!! n���M��r tc, '�"�=-s'�°!"!� <br /> " Bortower for the excess Funds in nccordunce with the requ�remcnts of upplicable luw. If ihe umount of the Funds held by - <br /> ° «,` � Lender at any time is not sufflcienl to puy the Eticrow Items when due,l.cndcr muy so naify Borrower in writing,and,in �y�'�_�__ <br /> .� such case Borrow�r shnll puy �o LenJer the amount nececsury to muke up the deticiency. Bortnwer shail make up Ihe ��:- <br /> � ' • ' •• deficiency in no more than twelvc monthly paymcm�,at Lendcr's sole discretion. .�%t^��•= <br /> • ° Upon pnyment in full of all wms secured by this Securiry In+wment.Lender shall promptly refund to Burrower :uty �:".:.�'•�.-- <br /> r+R4'•' <br /> • Funda held by Lcnder. If,under parugraph 21.Lender shull ucyuire ar xell the Property,l.endr�,prior ta�he ucquisition or �.;.. <br /> sule oP Ihe PmpeKy,shull npply uny FunJx hcld by Lendcr ut Ihe time of acyuisition or cule as u credit uguinst the sums , <br /> , secured by this Security Ins;trument. � �.+';�{'"����;,�,•... <br /> � . " J. App1ieAtion aP Paymeols. Unles� upplicable luw provides �Hherwise, all payments received by Lender under � �'•'°�'�' - <br /> ..;' . <br /> � �ura_raphs I nnd 2 xhull be•rpplied:tirsi, �o uny prepuyment churges due under the Note:second,to amounts payabla under �• �«�"��?��:,-- <br /> � , paragraph 2;third,to interesl due;founh,to principul due;and last,to�ny lute churges due under the Note. "' "'"`� �'-- <br /> A. Chprges: Liens. Borrower shull pay •rll tuxes. :�s�essments, churgcx, lineti atKl impasitions attributable tn the '. .'''`'"�`���- <br />• ' Proprny which mny uttuin priority ovcr thix Secu�ity Instrumcnt,ond Ieuschold puymentx or ground rcnts,if any. 8orrower '�"__ <br />' shull v these obli atians in the manncr roviJed in aru�ru h�,or if nut aid in that manner,Borrower shall a them on „ • ��__� <br /> � . P Y 8 P P' 6 P P' p Y , ' '.';_.�_� <br /> time directly w thc prrson owcd puymenl. Borrower shnll prompUy fumish Io Lcnder•rll nntice,of umounls to be paid under • <br />„ this paragrnph. If Borrower mukex these payments directly,Borrowcr shull pmmplly fumish to Lender r�ereipts evfdencing � , '_�_ <br /> ' � ' . thc puymems. � . ^ <br /> Horrower tihall prumpdy disrhargc any lirn whirh has priarity ovcr thiti Security In,trument unless Borrower:(al agrees � ' ' `'' <br /> " ���''�"" in writing to thc payment of�he��NligAtiw�scrurcJ hy thc licn in a msu�ncr ucccpwblr to Lcndcr,lb1 contesu in ga�d taith the t ' •-:"r��' <br /> lien by,or defends uguinst enforcemem of the lien in.Iegal procerdings which in the Lrnder'+opinion operate to prevent the � <br /> " enforcement of 1hc licn;or(cl sccuret fmm the huldrr uf�hr licn an ugrccmcnt�utisfactory to Lendcr subardinating the ticn ., _ <br /> • , • to Ihis Securiry Inslrumenl. If Lender dcterminrs thut uny pun ol'the Propcny i�.ubjert to a lien which may uttnin priomy -�����_�. <br /> over this Security Instrument,l.cndcr may give Borrowcr u iwticc iJcntifying thc lien. Bon�wcr shull sutisfy the licn or take i � - ==;: <br /> � one or more of the actions,et fonh ubove within IO duys of the giving of notice. � ���. <br /> , '�:�.,.;� 5. Haxard or Property Insurance. Borrowcr tihull kcep thc impn�vcmcnt��ww exi�ting ur hercufter crected on the . <br /> ; . , ,`•' Property intiured again+l lo�s by fire,huzard�incluJrd within Ihr term "extendrd rovrragr"anJ•rny olher hazards. includin� � <br /> •.. floods or flooding, 1'or which Lendcr reyuircx inwrancr. 'fhi, in,urunc� ,hall be maintaineJ in �he amuunts and for Ihe ` <br /> F'urm Wttt Y/!ID ��+uAe�o/n�w¢r.,� <br /> ' ' � , • <br /> � <br /> � <br /> . . � <br /> _ : � <br /> ' ` �_ - _' <br />