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<br /> '.� YQr 7� 1�"
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<br /> applicaMe luw mwy specify for reinstntcment)befar+c bnle of the Propeny pur�uant to w�y pnwcr af sale can�ained fn�his
<br /> ''�'°'��'�--`��� Sccurlly Iruswmcnt;a(b)entry oi�judgment enforcing thia Security Inxuument. Those conditiuns ure Ihat Borrowcr: (a) ___.____ -
<br /> =�c !;,'�y° rn�";�" pAya Lender all aums which �hen would be due under �his Securlry Instrument und the Notc u.r if ao occelerWinn had
<br /> ' ' '�� �' ':;�: occumed;ib)cures uny defAUll of any othcr covenants ar ugrcements:lc)pays all expenses incurred in enfiircing this Security
<br /> '� . • instiumenl, including,but not limited to,reasonable ultorneys'fees;and ld)tukes Fuch actian u.�L.ender muy musonably °•
<br /> ;.,.yo ...-... : . �=�"
<br /> � ,�;- , rcquire to assure IhAt Ihe lien of this Secu�ily Instrumem,Lcndcrk dght�in thc Property und Bormwcr:s abliga�fan to pAy the �,�..�
<br /> ��'?�It'�ti;' � ��� Rums secu�+ed by this Secu�ily Instrument shnll conlinue unchanged. Upan rcinstntemcnl by Burrowcr, this Sccurity —_
<br /> �`+ ` Inalrumenl and thc ob8pts�tian�secured hcreby sh�ll remuin fully effective os if na ucceler��inn hpd�xcurred. Hawever.lhis �q�,v�_
<br /> i� ry.-���;. �';,}'A�;j��..` r i g h t t o rc i n s t a t e s h p l l n a t a p p l y i n�h e c a�e o f a c c e l e m t ia n under parn gra ph 17. =-_�T=.
<br /> � �"i�`�.{�`�•?•s�"` ' 19. Ss�k o�Nolei Cdon ot L.oan Servlcer. Tha Notc or a artial intereyt in thc Nolo ltogelher wilh this Security =�"
<br /> ..;;.t.,.,.: . . ¢c P �,;,:��...�,�
<br /> • . , Instrumenq may be.rold anc ar mare limeti without prior notice to BoROwer. A sale muy �esult in u rhango in the entity r.ka-.�:��---
<br /> � �known us the"Luan Service�")that collects manthly puymems due under the Note and�hia Securit Instrumenl. There ulho ��_��=-
<br /> Y �._i.:�.-----_-._
<br /> • may be one ar marc chungeti of the Loan Servicer unrelated to a sule af the Note. If there is a chun e af the l.oun Servicer. t-�--=°_°
<br /> B ���ai=_-
<br /> ',��,,•' • Barrower wlll t►e gfven written notice of Ihe chunge in+ucardance with parAgrt�ph 14 ubave und upplicable law. 71ie notice ��-:,�,��,w.a-.�-
<br /> .�• � �� "� � � ' will g�ute the name and address of the new Loan 5ervicer nr�d the add�ess to which payments should be made. The notice will ��
<br /> .'_:J..��_��t"yJS��.��`••.• • . l�• �
<br />_ ,,f„,,,.��+_.._ also camnin uny alher infortnn�ion required by applicable law. ���"�'-',.=
<br /> .as.z��:�. •,���`.�;' 20. Ht+urdous SubsWnces. Borrower xhall not cnuse or�ertnit the pmsence,use.dfsposal,sloruge,or releace oi any ���_
<br /> t;, ;� ;_.. ..
<br /> �, ��•� . Hawrdous Substances on ur in ihe Propeny. Bcxrower sholl�ot do, nor allow unyane else to do, �nything afiectiag the �—,�„�.,. _-
<br />.;,•, � Property thal is in viwl�tion of any Environmental I.Aw. The preceding two sentences shall nc�t apply to the pmsence.use,�x ;>,.;:
<br /> �� �
<br /> '''. .." ',;�°� -••, • . storage on thr Propeny of�mall yuantitiea of Hs+zsudous SuDotanr.cs that urc gancrally recaF�iee:ll to be appropriate ta�nai =-�-- �
<br />";, • u;, Trsidential uses and to maintenan�e uf the Property. �.�"a�,`.�_:,,._
<br />� � . A t,�.k.,.�-
<br />,..: , Bomowe��hall prumptly give Lender w�iaQn aatice of any im•es[igution,cluim,dem:x�d,luusuit or cnher actian by uny `��.:t�t• �
<br /> � govemmental or regulatory agcncy or privatc pae�y involving th�Roperty rand any H�ardous Sut�+tanrc nr F.nvimnmental ��f;::>!;"<<!�_-._
<br /> . � ' '"...
<br /> " ' , Law of which BarroN•er ha, uctuul knowledgr. If Barrower leams, or is nwified by any govemmenttil�►r regulatory x<<<��j;';5,;,�,,:-
<br /> ,.:�y: uuthori�y,that uny rcm�vul or athc�remediation of any H:iza�dnuc Substance uffecting the Praperty is nerex�ury. Borrow�cr ,,'•�Ci
<br /> ' .• '" `.}-� " shall pmmptly take all ncressaq�remediul uctions in uccnrduncr�vith Environmentnl Luw. i'�"`�°-
<br /> �'.c��+•,;�. :;'.�'�'�' As used in this paragmph 20,"H�zarduuti Subxtunces"u�e th�ne substunces defined a�t�xic or h�ardau�subslance�h} � '
<br />• r,,`��' �`"' � . Environmemal l.u�v und the following subtitunces: ga,oline, kem.ene,oiher tlummuble or toxic petroleum prcxiucts,toxlc ' f' -
<br /> • � ' '•`„ � peslicides und herbiride�.volulile+olvcMti. muteriuls contuining a.l+e,to+�,r Pormuldehyde, and r,�diouctive muterialti. As �'��'��- ..
<br /> used in this parng�Aph 20."Environmentul L.uw"mcuns fcderu)luws und laws of the jurisdiction where the Property is located ��=''"�
<br /> . � . � . ' U�at nelate to hcuhh,safety or environmemal pmtecii�m. �'��� -�
<br /> ,t;�,:, .; ,_ NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrowrr und I.cndcr furth�rcovenunt und Agree as foUow.r•: �'�'�_-
<br /> • , 21. Acceleration; Remedies. Lender�shall�ive nutice to Bnrrower prior to acceleration Pollowing Borrower's --—_
<br /> � breach of any covenont or agreement in this Security Instrument lbut not prior to accelerallon under parugraph l7 �_ti__
<br /> .-,. : ��i,. unless AppNcable IAw provides otherwisel. The notica shpll speclFy: lal the default;(b)the actiun required to cure the •- �
<br /> ' ..., .. .
<br /> -- • � ;ti.;.�. defpult;(c)a date,not less Ihpn i8 days i'rom ihe deie ibe nutice i�r�iven iu iiurruwer.by �hkh ihe deiauli musi be = -�"°�
<br /> ° .�t;;i, . cured;and(d)fhwt fallure tu cure the default on or before the date speciiied in the noUce may result in accelerution of �=�T
<br /> • the sums secured by tbis Security Instrument vnd Sale uP the Propert,v. The notice shail iLrther inl'orm Borrower oP �r-_
<br /> •��• •� the right to reinstate after acceleration and the rfRhl to bring a court ucfion to assert Ihe non-existence uP o deFuult ur `�1Q��r�
<br /> s. .• ' ' :;.�-=
<br /> f �'�-, ; � any other dePense uPBorrower tu accelerution and yule. If Ihe dePault is nut cured un or before the date cpeciFied in � ;��.•,
<br /> � Ihe noUce,l.ender ut Its uptiun may require immediute pa�•ment in full nf all�ums secured by thls Security Inslrument - .
<br /> • ��� a • without furlher demond and may inv�rkr Ihe power of+ale and an� alhe� remedie.c permitted by applicuble law. '.
<br /> „. ��,, .. Lender sAall be enlGled to cnllect ull expenti�h incurred in punuin� the �emedies provided In this paraRraph 2l, �.__---_---% ��
<br /> ,. lnctudin�.but not limlted to.reasonubk alrornevs'Pe�and coslc��'title evidence. ��--
<br /> " • . If the pnw•er uf wle is inv��ked.'IYuslee shull rccord u noUce af dePuult in each county in w•hich any part oP Ihe �;�,�.�z_:..
<br /> "' . Property is luruted und shall muil ropies oi'ruch noNce in the mannrr preuribed by applicrble law to Borrower und to •-��--.?;
<br /> the other persons prescribed bc appliruble law. After Ihr lime reyuired by upplicable lu�v.71�ustee shall�Givr public x � • ;=--_
<br /> , ' notice of sole to the persons und in the munner prezcribed by applicable lu��•. 'I�u+tee,�vilhuut demand on Borrower, � x.:,-
<br /> ishAll sell the Properly ul public�urliun lo Ihr hi�;hesl bidder sn the timr und pince and under!he terms designuted in �...,�.�...,'
<br /> `• `'�� �� the notice oP sale in��ne or mnrr purcrlc and in an� urdrr 7Yu�tec drterminr�, 7Yuxtee ma�� poslpone tialc oP ull or uny � ��. "`�"•j��
<br /> ..,:� :'.." .
<br /> r'" " parce!uf the Properly b�•publir annuuncemenl s�t tbr timr�nd pluce of�ny previuuslv scheduled wle. Lrnder or its �:j�
<br /> , . �• • d�wiRnec may pu�cha�e Ihr Prnperl�•ul un�•�ale. , .
<br /> •` Upun receipt of pavmenl oi INe pricc bid,7Yuslee shull delh•er to the purrhuyer 'll�uslee's derd cum•e}•in�the • ,
<br /> r Property. The recitals in the 7lruslee's decd shull I�e primu fuc ie c�•idrnce oP the truth nF Ihr xtvtrments mude therein. �
<br /> 'IbuAtee shAq Apply fhe proceeds of thr tiule in the folluwinu order: lul to uU coslx and expensrs uf exerci�inR the puw•er
<br /> / • �,;T��� `
<br /> " y , ,:f . :�"4J�i�'^`'
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