r'�q���t�'Gl; �- .,, . . .a :a���7 S . . . � .. . �. �� .•i:•�.�^.5` S il t;b`��s .� ; _ � Yt.i�.
<br /> _���.� r: ,.�.,cLS:: ;�iet� .4 ��+� rr 'iir s1 +S��V'+.art'�ti•• •�a-.�'w�r�t_"'_.
<br />,::c_-4' -J[YOfF c.:
<br />�_•;;� `Ptac�ds")In connecdion vrii�cundamnntlon or oth5c taJang a!the Proparty or part thare�,o�mreya}4����mrtrtemnation.i (�
<br />• . Lender at�6e ent�ai its c�an m c�r�anen�.aD�asr tn an�proseaats t�iis aarn na�ne any s+cHCn or psooeed��sSa.snd sM^r7 ��.�.
<br /> ---- be entffled to mafce eny cam�ran�a or set�em�ist in�nnectI�n witl�suct�t2icttng ar dvrtags.tn the sv�nt e.ny pnr�Fon ot the i�ope Ls ---
<br /> so taken cr dama�e�.tsnder shafi l�v�the a�4an m im so:a end absoiute dtscreUoo.t�SRAh e£1 such proc�ads. afi�r �-=
<br /> ' 1t1cf8�fOfi 8U OOSZ9 8fl�@XQBTIS@3�71CltR@d Dy(!�II 00(lli8Ct�0I1 WI1.�i EIIC�1 F[OC88d9.UaQfl(�7iY�Jt�ED�.'ddiBS9 68�41i8Ss R8I$bj►6J{d S�fC1!
<br /> . , c�der as I.render may detertnine.or to ay�.y&A r,att��Piaaaada.�r�da�fu�cicrt�.4n tPta rt�steratI�n o!tha R�rty u�os�sug ;can- `�
<br />, . tf�,�rts es Ler�et may determtne.My s{s�plicatIan of PraceetJ�to indebtedness sfiafl nat extsnd or Ros4yone the du0 date of arty�Pa}� �;.
<br /> ments under tr.e Nate.or twte any defavtt tReraunderor heaeunder./any unapp�e�fiu►ds slutl de p�id tn Tnrsior. =
<br /> . - 8.�'i�gy L��ar.Upon the oxuaance ot an Ever�t at Uataufi h��untqr.or i1 any act is ta,ten or Eegai praceedtng " .
<br /> comme�sced ve'hI�h materialty aft'ects Lendafe irtisr2s4 in the PPaperty.Le[Wsr may tn iLs own�is�xe�iaif,but�tia♦�thaut -
<br /> o�gauan to ao so. �.
<br />' � and v►iiMrit notica to ar dsmand u8on Ttu�tor and with�ui re'washtg Tn�,stor irore��ny ab;ig�attan.do any act whkh Tnistor htss agreed
<br />_ '� ' but tatted to do and�nay also do any oiher aci it deams nesesstuy to proiect ttte stxurity hereat TrusYor sfiatl,imms�ateiy ttpan ��
<br /> -} � dar��snd�ere;or by I.e��►dar.pay to Len6er aB costs arid expenses ir�rrred arsd surns expended by Len�r in connecfian ww?!hh tAa exer- f_:
<br /> cLso by lend3r at tiw br�8�n9 rlghts�tagethar with interest thereon at tlis defa�t rate pravldad in the[�Le.�vh:t�shati ba adr��to �`
<br /> Ute tndabie�sss secused hereby.Len�far uhall rwt Irux►r a��iliiy bscause ot an}Rhing i?may do or amit to do herewder. —
<br />, •� �.itvardous Yst�dab.Tre�.stor sl�il!tcsep tha Propar¢y in comg,`tance wiffi all applicabts[aws.ordinanoes snd�wza �
<br /> . relattr��Irtdtistria!tryg�-ta or emrironmert�protecUan(catle�tivsty refstred to E�essin as`Erntmnmentaf Laws').TnisDoP sftaN i�ep �-.
<br /> • ; tho��perry ir�e irom aA sub..�oea cisemed to be hazar�ous ar to3dc undar any Enviroamen9al Laws(ooiie�iveSy reterred to herek�
<br /> � , es°Hazallous Matarials°).Ttistor ltoreby warranis arsd tspresertis to Lender that there are no Hazardaus N�tetiais on or wxler the
<br />��.;. Prope ery.Trus9os hereby agrees to fndEmaNy a�d hotd harmlass l.sn�ar.its mrectots.of(i�rs.empioyees er�d sgerrts.and arry suoces- —
<br /> . sors to Lenders irtterest,irom and egainst any end a11 deim�.�Sas.Iosses and Uabttitlss adstng tn corrrtec�on wt�h t�sz�resence.
<br /> use.disposa�w transport o!any Ha�.�us Mafar63ts o4 unde�;`i�n or at�out tlta Properiy.THE FOREGOIN(i WAftRf.�,.�tfF:ES AND -
<br /> REt.'�NVE1fANCE Ofr THtS DE£?Ce��i'RUST.
<br /> �."";. t0.Ass1 -"
<br /> �urnnts ot Rs�tn.Te.sYor hereby as�sigrts to Le..der,anc.�r�l��de•a seci ity irtterest tn,dl pr�,^.,fututa eM
<br /> after art�irp cer�.Lssu�and pmft4s��te Prars�artY:Provided tl�a2 Te�lstor sha7,vr�t!tAB oacurrancs of an Event e�t7�adR;l�araunder. --_
<br /> have the riyht LD cdtect end retain s�.�rertls.(asues ar�d profrts�tt�y D�come due and pays6►e.Upon the os�ax.,.���f�m Event o!
<br /> ' DetsuSi,Ler�der may.eftAer in parson or tiy agern.wi�or w(thacdt 6�ing ar.y ac�on or proceeding,or by a •c_��r�rtted by a � ,`
<br /> , court and uithaut reg&rrf M the adequa�g+"of ILs serrc+�'.enter upon and take p�sassfon of the Prapertyr.or�����areat.in its own �
<br /> name or In the name ch�e Trustee.and do a�c caz�a which it d�ems nec�ss�.�r or destrabie to preserve�re vatue.maifremb0iiy o�
<br /> �i1+Ty►ot the Prop�>va;srty paet the�ao}or isr�sTe�t theratn.er 4o Inaease Usa tncorna ths�t�om or prota��se saauinr heceot and.
<br /> . wilh ar wBttout taWnp po�n cf t�re�mFert�,�:�tor or otherwtse calfar.t tha rents.issues and profib therea�f t�iu6n�j those pas!
<br /> due ar�unD�d,h]►rwt�in3 te�.'r�!�s a,�ke��y�ants to tender.Lender m3Y BPA�S►re�,issues and D►ofi�.less c�ta snd experw
<br /> ; . es of opera�on and co'I�t�ton c,�rg ati�mesp'��aes,to any tndebtednsss seaared hereby.a01n sud�order ss Lender may 6e�r- —
<br /> mine.The eMetirxj upatr ant4 tak���ssesstcr.dt�:e ProPeR3►.the caitectJon ot sw;h rente.issues and prafit�.ettid tlse appiit�tfob �,
<br /> . thereci as afore.qaid sh�t sr.ot cure cr watva sny d�rault or notice of defauft here�mder w ImraQdate any act date in nsponse to such
<br /> detauti or pu�uant to�fi no�ca�dafauit and,not�vithstanding the corttinuance in possesston of the praperry or the oQttesttan, �
<br /> :T�� , �ipt snd appik�an•of�ents.t��r protfts.Trustee and Lender shstf tre en�tted to exercfse eve�Y right Pmv�ded tor in any Ct the
<br /> Loan fns�une�or by law upon oc�u�rerxe af arty Eveni o!Detault,inctu�ng without Umftatton the�ight to exe�tse tne pa�a2r a?sa1s.
<br /> Further.l.endefs rigt►ta artd rsmedtes under ihis paragrapb shail be cumulative with.and in no way a Itmitation on.Lenders�Ls and
<br /> ramemes uMer ariy a�sf,�mant a!I�ases end r�r�;�aordad agalnot 4he Property.Lender.Tnistee and Use r,e�etver st�aq be Uabte to
<br /> aocaunt oNy►ior tt�ose^�r+�ts echiaity recelved.
<br /> : , 11.Ewnb W D�'hWt The fo�fawirtg shat!cvristitute an E�ant of Oafauit�,uider th}s Oead of Teust
<br /> . (a�Fa�ure to pay c�y instaitrner�t of pr�ncipal or InLar+ast of eny olt�et sum s�red Iienbp when due� �"�
<br /> � (b)A bread�of w defauft under anY Provtslo�oontained In the Note.th�Oeed of Trust.any ot�e Lroen tnst�ume�s.a eny �
<br /> � . ofheN(en oretx;umbratiCe trpo��tg praperty,
<br /> .. (c)A wrlt of exeCWa�or atlachrnent ox nny nimilar p�ocess st�atl�o eMered against Trusior whicb shaU bewme a Uen on
<br /> . the Rroperty w any portton tl�ereot or tnterest t�eretm. �� .
<br /> ___" (�There st�a0 be fited by or agatnst Tnistor or Borrower an actlon un�ir any pre�nt or hrture(°�er�l.s1z.t�or oti�r sfatub. �-_-
<br /> . . law ot tsQuta�Jon retati��g to bankluptcy.i�sotvericy or other reliet tor debtors:or there s�a1l be appointed arry trustee.recelY�er or
<br /> .. Iiqutdaio►at Tntstor or Barrower or of e9 or tury part at the Properiy,or the rents,Issues or prafitg��ereot.or Tiu�ta o�Bortoww
<br /> si�ai!rt�tce anf►��e�l assi�nrrient tor tTie benet#af cre�6to� .
<br /> ' (s).The sale.Uansfer,teasa.sesignmen6 aomeYance or turther encurnbranae of eY or any psrt M or arey Interest in the -
<br /> PropeRy.either votuMadiy or invotuntarify.wi#hout the e�ss w6tten consent at Lsnder,pruvldetl fhat Tnesior shall Do pemiit
<br /> : ted to execute a base W tt�e PropeRy that does nat contatn an opti�on to purchase and the term ot whk�does nW s�eod orto �'
<br /> � —
<br /> � � t��donmem ot tria Property;or
<br /> : (g)tt Trustor la not an tadividual.the tssuance,sate.trans#er.assignment�optnr&yance or ert�annbrance ot more it�an(fl a �+^+••
<br /> corpotatlon)a tota!oi pet�cern of its fssued end ouTst�n�stg etock or Qf 8 pBRnet�tt4i�a to?a!W
<br /> • cent ol partr�ershlp interest�,or(i1 a Iimtte8 liabtiiry oompany)a tatal of �
<br /> pan;ent d13he Htnite�d liat�(tity ourt�a-
<br /> .. rty k�rests or voHng dghts dudng the pertod tldss Deed o!Tn�sst remains a�en on the prapettyr. I''�
<br /> 1��:Acc�irratlon ttpon O�Pa�t tn the event of arry Event ot Qet�ult Lender may,witlaut notioe except es reqWred
<br /> . by taw.�tsna aii(ndebtednesg secure0 hereby to be due and PBYatsle arod the same s1�a(t fhereupon beooeno Que and payable with- �
<br /> � out erN�"asenbne+l�d�';�and.proiest a notioe oi erry Idnd.Theroafter Lender may: !
<br /> (a)�e�wctt�ril�sf Trtistee e�ise the POWER OF SALE granted heretn.and Trustee ehall thereaRer cauae Tn�etafe intec- ■s_�
<br /> � 2st pt frie P.:� ,�to be sotd and the procaeda b De�Cs�ibuted.aA in tda manner provtded in the Nebrssk�Tn�st Oeede M.� �_:�
<br /> � I��ul and �end ell right$pra�ided tor tn arty o!the L.oen tnsWmsnta a by law uRcn aocart�nce ol erry EVam af -
<br /> �c)Commencs an actlon to torectose th!s GsaO of Trust ae a mortgage.appoi�t a r��aiver,or spectBcNty enbrca arry of the
<br /> cwrenants Ae►aaf.
<br /> No remedy Itieretn caMs�red upon or reserved tp 4�ot LenQer is intended�Ce 8xa:c�t�,r�;o}any othes•c,�medy hereln,in 4he Loen --
<br /> � (nshume�+ts or bfl��:�1ded or Dennitted.but o��hall 6e cumutaUve,sha11 be in aQ�tia��every o6��remedy ghren hereunder.
<br /> . tn fhe F.�n(nswments a now or nerea�er exss�:�,��O��w or In eq�.ury or by statute.and may aa exorc�sed concumentry.��par�de�►ty -
<br /> . ot suc�^�'�,.�:eiy. _ _
<br /> SI�.TrustM.The Trustae may cesfgn a4 crr��'aa w}�'��.�t�use.and Lender may et ar:�r Ume and wiUwut cause appoirn a suo-
<br />. cess�r or suhstitide Trostee.Trustee shsll nat be P�G+Se to flny paRy,lnctuding wffhout�imftaUon Lender.Bcrrawer.l'nistor or eny pur- � �
<br /> chaser of the Praperty.for erry loss or damage uMess due to redcless or w31Hul misconduct.and shalt not be r,�qulred�teke any ection..
<br /> . (n conr�sctbn wifh t�e enforcement of this Deed ot Tnist unteas tr�iemnifled,In writtng,tor a11 costs,comperrsation or expenses whiCh --
<br /> may ts�rssssoclafed therswith,ln addidon,Tntstoe may beoome a pur�fiaser at any sale of the Property Qudkta!or under the pawer of =
<br /> • safe�ranted heretn);Dastpone the saie of all or arry poNon of the P r o p e r t y.as p ro v f d e d t s y la-�►:or seit t h e P r+a p e ri y t t s a w t a t e.o r i n E--,
<br /> s e p a t a f s p a r o e i s or b b a t T r u s i e e'9 d l s cre Uon. �-- -
<br /> • t4.FiN and Fxpsnses.In the event Trustge seps tlie PropeRy by exer�(se of power o1 sate,Trustee sha111re entitied to ap�y =
<br /> arry�te procesde first to payment o!atl costs and expenses of exerdsing power of sate,inctuding ail Trustee�s feas.and I.snders and
<br /> Tru�iee's attomeys taes, actualty incurred to oxtent parmitted by epplicabte iaw.in the evarrt Borrowor or 7'rustor exs�ises any rigt►t �.'�
<br /> D��:d by taw to cure an Event of�eteut�len6er sAafl be entitted ta r000var trom Tntstor alf oosts and expenses ec�atty incumed as �
<br /> � a res�t9:ot Tn�stnra detauit,including w:thaut IlmitaUon all Trustee's and attomays fees,to the extent permRied by eppgcabie taw. '
<br /> __ __ t5.Ftttttrci Adc+a�c�a.Upon request af Borrower,l.endor may,at ita opt�r�n,mlts�+'_T.�ne!��.�lsstsstr r.�t°..�:.�� �' �
<br /> vances to 6orrowar.Such advances and�eadvs�soea,with interest thsreon,shall be sacured by thls Deed of Tnist At rto Ume shail the �..�:
<br /> f�._
<br /> .�-
<br /> , . . . ,
<br /> ... . , . . ...�, ,�: .. , . ... , .
<br /> �• ...;
<br /> t , . .. �, I �� . . . . .,n', Yi l . ` . ' .t.. � . . .. . . �
<br /> ,01� . . .� . � ' «'.S- ' . - � . • .. . . . . �. ' � • - • .
<br /> .J, y. ',
<br /> . . . . . . . . . . . ;.. . . . . . .. _ . .. .. . _. - . . . _ . _ � �
<br />