i:� + . . . � `r " " ct i_f j, ,`_c� . . � -a _ - _ . �`.
<br /> � � � ,. .Q�„tS. �� .y �� . � . ��. ,',�G...
<br /> V . � 'l ,"L � . . 7 �_ . . � . .... . .f. , . . � . , • w
<br /> ' _ ' _ _ .-h.� _ _ .��_:.�I _ -.fia.i.-.i vs _ _- 4`
<br /> . V �
<br />_--=�',- ���i�R�� �� �y{� �°,
<br /> �,� �� ����� � � aP1��:Ls/i�°TigFlI9,
<br /> • ` ' '[jDGES'fiER�tYI'i'li afl thv �rovem�►ts rtoN ar e�ee erecicA un the pr�n�eny. anA
<br /> • oQpurtemanrc9.rents.roy;�l�iea.minQral.oil nnd ga.s rights nnd profits,wnter right�artd ata:k nrtd ull fixtures now ar[icreafter n
<br /> '� �= part of tlae progec4y. Al) repl�ments and ncWitions shall also be ooeercd by lhis 3t�CUrity Instrument. Ali of the foregoing is -
<br /> �, rcfere�!t�in thi�Secu�iry ipstrument os the••Propepy."
<br /> BORROWER C�OV@NANTS that Borrower is la�+�fuliy seised of the estate hereby mrtveyed and has the rlght to grant uaA
<br /> convey the Propeny and that the Property is unettcumbered, except for encumbrances of recotd. Borrower wanants and will
<br /> �;.-��_ defend geaeialiy t4ie tIile w tlie Prop�..rty against a!!ctaims�d�n�utds.subjo�x to sny e�aun6ranas ag rtxard.
<br /> � � 1.Payment of PaL�cipal,I�erest and Late Chacge.Borrower shali Pay when due the peincipai of.and interest on,the -
<br /> . de6t eviderirxd by the Note and late charges due under the Note.
<br /> <
<br /> .``;„, . E. Mont Pe y PaYment.
<br /> lily ytner�ts of Taxes, Insurance und Ot6er Ct�arges. Borrower shall include in each monthl
<br /> w. ° : ' togeiher with the principal.and intemst as set forth in the Note and any late cdarges.an instaliment of any(a)taxes and sgecial
<br /> ,',.
<br /> assessraents levied or v� be levie� a.� ehe P�k�pr,rty, (b) teasehold payments or ground rents on the Propeny. and (c)
<br /> preraiures far ins�srarcze raqeiir�by(�ara�b 4.
<br /> E�.cII,i�a�id�►Br�?"��for items(a),N).a,��c)sha�l e�t ar�-twefhh of th�anmral4nmvnts,as r�sonabiy estimaied
<br /> y:� ; bY 6.:�::e�;ps�.s an�stifficiet►t to maintain ar�r,&L-:tion�t wa4�of rtna aio�ehan or�z-siAt6 of thz e�ated amounts.The _
<br /> ' ' � fi� a.,�.�,��!�:ount fcr�item s�aL be accamvlated by t�..tl�.�w:thin a� e�diag a� monti� 6efor�an iiem woutd
<br />,,;��r�� ,� beco�� �,,z�:r�aent. Leuder shall i�� t�e amounts collec� �:i t�t to pay items (a), (b), and (c) h�ore the3� 6�come
<br /> _ ;`�<<f delinqae�it::. -
<br /> ::?a�i��i• :;: ;: : y::.
<br />•.� •.i7�... _ If a�s.,-�y dme the total of th� p�7ueats heicf by Lender for items (a), (6). and (c). together wit�r,�f�ture m�ndily
<br />:����+;.,•� - ,_ .gaymcnts for sacb items payabie to Leader prior es ti�n due dates of such items.exceeds by mure thate oa�siz�ahe estimaLed
<br />,;;�,�;��.�:
<br /> u�s:��_� >'�;:�,:•�r�nm es��payments required to pay such items cvr�due. aad if paymenu on the Noie a�e.cunent,then Lender shall either
<br /> ;7�+�'.1 i c
<br /> e
<br /> j� �_:.�.��t�f�uess over one-sixth of t�e estimated pay-�nents ar cz�edit the excess over onz-�of the estimated pay�aats w
<br /> �: � �s,fn;c��t�::j�:�ments by Borrower,��`:e aption off Liorrower.�[tr�total of the payments made by Borrower for item(a);�).
<br /> �.� Qa: isk�`tc�:e;;,iti�t��cient t�a�ay ths itern v�en d::e. rT7r�•Borno�es shall pay to L.ender any amoum nzcessary to nmlce up the
<br /> :;:,�.,rt7�
<br />_Y�;i•�r 5�. :•: �.itL'i`u�ra�tt�,.`+iiz�or Esefas�tfire ctat�the ieean 6ecor,ws c�u::. , .. .
<br /> ,, �:., � .
<br /> '•� . .
<br /> :`a � � As v�itr�in this Security Insuu�c�"Secretary"means t�a Secmtary of Housipg and Hla�aa Development or tus`ar her
<br />�'_�'�: designee.i�any year in whtcb tha L.emder must pay a mortgage insnrance premium to thb 5e�r�tary each monthly payment
<br />'�'f'' � shali also include either.r)an instaUment of the annual mort insurunce �emium ta be azd Lender to the Secr
<br /> . �Se P P � bY etary,or
<br /> . (ii) a montlily charge instead of a mortgage inswnnce premiom if this Security Insvuruent is deld by 4He Scxret�y. Fac�
<br /> saontbly iastallment of the marsgage insurac�ce p�mium shall be in an amnuat su�cient to siccumulate the fuil annuai mo�tgnge � '`
<br /> insurance pnemium cvit8 I�ender one month prior ro the d��tte the full annual mortgage inswance psemium is due to the Siecretary.
<br /> � or i�th3s Secatiry dnsuumeat is held by the Secretary, each monthly charge shall be in an emount equai to aao-twelftA of
<br /> '� oaPi�alf percent of the outstanding principal balance dae on the Note. �
<br />� If Boaower tenders to Lender die full paya►ent of atl sums secured by this Security Instrament.$orrpwer's account shall
<br /> . a
<br />°'-'��'''°� be cmdited with the balance remain9n�for all installments for itoms(a). (b).aa�i(c)and any mortgage insurance premium
<br /> ; instaltme�t that I.e�er t�s not becoms gbligated to pay to the Sec�tary,and Lendet sbaU pmmptly refund a�yeaoess funds to
<br /> ,_;;,,�._
<br /> ";?tit��j:. ' Borrowez.'�Cntnediately prior to a foreclostu+e sate of the Prapecs3r or its acquisit'son by C.eMer. Bonower's account shalt De.
<br /> .i1��' : credit�d c►�'� any balance remaining for all instalImsats for itema tr,1�,(b),and(c).
<br /> .,...f�.�; �
<br /> �.jj;{i; � , �.. �.�"�Iw1Ion of Pegmeatts.AU�yments�a.fc'r�ar^�is�-,�and 2 shall be applied by Lendar as follows:
<br /> �:;';, i
<br /> '��(rn��" �t � . ,` . . � i:
<br />•, ""� Frr*��„���the mortgage insnraace pzemlum to F,;�r�pnid by Ira�sr co the Secretary or to the monthly charge by the Secoetary
<br /> .�,��.:, , .
<br /> ...,.;. • snsteafl:�u tYre monthly rrncztgag$insumnce premiu.m;: � �
<br /> Second.to any taxes,spedal assessments.leasrhotd paymects or ground renu,and fire.flood and other hazard insutance
<br /> �.'�. premium;,as required; " �
<br />:'(}�+�•;•� 'f;ti!a3�;�o interest due onder the.?t3bi4;
<br /> :�i,','f.'; Pot:.�ie�,:to amortization of the printipal of the Mote: �' . �
<br />�"�" �' . Fi th.ta late charges dne under the Note. .
<br /> :�;:`. � ,
<br /> : ��45�'t1tE! � v,m.2ot6
<br />;�.4:i:. i. ,.
<br /> ' ... �- �t _ 4y ;11. .,n• - . .cLS};.;i�,"�7:,•,� . .. ' - .� . . � _ .. � . � � , .
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